How to get arguments of NSRunningApplication? - swift

How do I get the list of arguments using during launch for a NSRunningApplication, similar to the ones I see when I run ps aux:
let workspace = NSWorkspace.shared
let applications = workspace.runningApplications
for application in applications {
// how do I get arguments that were used during application launch?

The "ps" tool uses sysctl() with KERN_PROCARGS2 to get the arguments of a running process. The following is an attempt to translate the code from adv_cmds-153/ps/print.c to Swift. That file also contains a documentation of the memory layout of the raw argument space and explains how to locate the string arguments in that memory.
func processArguments(pid: pid_t) -> [String]? {
// Determine space for arguments:
var name : [CInt] = [ CTL_KERN, KERN_PROCARGS2, pid ]
var length: size_t = 0
if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), nil, &length, nil, 0) == -1 {
return nil
// Get raw arguments:
var buffer = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: length)
if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), &buffer, &length, nil, 0) == -1 {
return nil
// There should be at least the space for the argument count:
var argc : CInt = 0
if length < MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc) {
return nil
var argv: [String] = []
buffer.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bp in
// Get argc:
memcpy(&argc, bp.baseAddress, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc))
var pos = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: argc)
// Skip the saved exec_path.
while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] != 0 {
pos += 1
if pos == bp.count {
// Skip trailing '\0' characters.
while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] == 0 {
pos += 1
if pos == bp.count {
// Iterate through the '\0'-terminated strings.
for _ in 0..<argc {
let start = bp.baseAddress! + pos
while pos < bp.count && bp[pos] != 0 {
pos += 1
if pos == bp.count {
argv.append(String(cString: start))
pos += 1
return argv.count == argc ? argv : nil
There is only a simple error handling: if anything goes wrong, the function returns nil.
For an instance of NSRunningApplication you can then call
processArguments(pid: application.processIdentifier)


List all processes with arguments in Swift

I'm trying to convert some piece of code to Swift that will list all running processes. But since it requires calling some C specific APIs I'm a bit struggling.
Can someone tell me here what am I doing here incorrectly? print statement at the end is outputting incorrect values. I assume it should be process name. Also line info = malloc(length) gives me the creeps. How should I properly allocate it?
var maxArgumentsSize: Int = 0
if maxArgumentsSize == 0 {
var size: size_t = MemoryLayout<Int>.size
var mib: [Int32] = [CTL_KERN, KERN_ARGMAX]
let a = sysctl(&mib, 2, &maxArgumentsSize, &size, nil, 0)
if a == -1 {
maxArgumentsSize = 4096;
var mib: [Int32] = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL]
var info: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? = nil
var length: size_t = 0
var count: Int = 0
if sysctl(&mib, 3, nil, &length, nil, 0) < 0 {
info = malloc(length)
if sysctl(&mib, 3, info, &length, nil, 0) < 0 {
count = length / MemoryLayout<kinfo_proc>.size
for index in 0...count {
let info = info?.assumingMemoryBound(to: kinfo_proc.self)
let pid: pid_t = info![index].kp_proc.p_pid
let buffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: maxArgumentsSize)
var mib: [Int32] = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROCARGS2, pid]
if sysctl(&mib, 3, buffer, &maxArgumentsSize, nil, 0) == 0 {
let str = String(cString: buffer, encoding: .utf8)
Basically I've changed my initial code to this and calling #MartinR solution ( at the end. Of course it's not complete and pasted from my code directly but it's working.
// Get all processess information:
var length: size_t = 0
if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), nil, &length, nil, 0) < 0 {
var infoPtr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(
byteCount: length,
alignment: MemoryLayout<kinfo_proc>.alignment
if sysctl(&name, CUnsignedInt(name.count), infoPtr, &length, nil, 0) < 0 {
let count = length / MemoryLayout<kinfo_proc>.size
for index in 0...count {
let info = infoPtr.assumingMemoryBound(to: kinfo_proc.self)
let pid: pid_t = info[index].kp_proc.p_pid
let arguments = self.processArguments(pid: pid)

Explanation of this prefix Sum Coding Challenge from Codility GenomicRangeQuery in Swift 4.2

Could someone explain how this prefix sum calculation work as I am confused I mean I understand that it creates an array of Ints with the prefix-sums of the letters but I do not understand how? Could someone perhaps post a more naive logic or some explanation? Or perhaps a shorter version of that MAP function as it is all confusingly complicated.
Link to the challenge just in case someone would like to have a look at it
public func solution(_ S : inout String, _ P : inout [Int], _ Q : inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
//The mapping below needs the explanation
var prefixSumA ={ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "A" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
}())//until here
prefixSumA.insert(0, at: 0)
var prefixSumC ={ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "C" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumC.insert(0, at: 0)
var prefixSumG ={ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "G" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumG.insert(0, at: 0)
let iterations = min(P.count, Q.count)
var result = [Int]()
for i in 0...iterations - 1 {
let p = P[i]
let q = Q[i] + 1
if prefixSumA[q] - prefixSumA[p] > 0 {
} else if prefixSumC[q] - prefixSumC[p] > 0 {
} else if prefixSumG[q] - prefixSumG[p] > 0 {
} else {
return result
prefixSumA calculates the number of As from the start to every given index. The same can be said about prefixSumC, and prefixSumG.
For example, if the string S is "CAGCCTA", we'll have:
prefixSumA = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]
prefixSumC = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3]
prefixSumG = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
(Notice the zero inserted at the beginning.)
This block of code:
var prefixSumA ={ () -> (Character) -> Int in
var s = 0; return {
if $0 == "A" {
return (s += 1, s).1
return s
prefixSumA.insert(0, at: 0)
returns a closure that, if the character is A, would capture the current value of s (which is the last value in the array), increment it, end return it (s).
return (s += 1, s).1 is a fancy way, that could be written as:
s += 1
return s
The whole block can be written more simply:
var prefixSumA = [0]
var countOfA = 0
prefixSumA += { char in
if char == "A" { countOfA += 1 }
return countOfA
The same can be done for prefixSumC and prefixSumG.
I tried this one and got 62%. Performance Tests Fails.
public func solution(_ S : inout String, _ P : inout [Int], _ Q : inout [Int]) -> [Int] {
// write your code in Swift 4.2.1 (Linux)
var retArr = [Int]()
var chrArr = [Character]()
for chr in S {
for i in 0..<P.count {
var minFactor = 4
if P[i] - Q[i] == 0 {
if chrArr[P[i]] == "A"{
minFactor = 1
}else if chrArr[P[i]] == "C"{
minFactor = 2
}else if chrArr[P[i]] == "G"{
minFactor = 3
}else {
for j in P[i]...Q[i] {
if chrArr[j] == "A"{
minFactor = 1
}else if chrArr[j] == "C"{
minFactor = 2
}else if chrArr[j] == "G"{
if minFactor > 2 {
minFactor = 3
return retArr

Return Repeating character in swift

I am trying to find the first repeating character in swift, and returning the character found. I am getting a bunch of errors with this code, I am not sure why this is not working.
var myArry = "Hello, World"
var counts = [Character]()
func findRepeating(myArry: String) -> Character
counts = []
for char in myArry.characters
if char in counts
print("Character found")
return char
return "A"
Most simple answer:
let str = "abcdefghijkhlmnop"
var count = 0
for char in str.characters {
for charNext in str.characters {
if (char == charNext) {
count += 1
if (count > 1) {
return char // h
count = 0

Practical number algorithm too slow

I am trying to write a program to find the practical numbers, from an input from 1 to n.
Practical numbers :
My code is running correctly but it is extremely slow - takes over 20 minutes when it should take 10 seconds. This happens when calculating numbers around 50 - it gets stuck at 44.
It is written in Swift
import Foundation
func getInteger() -> Int {
var firstNum:Int = 0
while true {
// get value from user. Using optional input since readLine returns an optional string.
let input = readLine()
// ensure string is not nil
if let unwrappedInput = input {
if let unwrappedInt = Int(unwrappedInput) {
firstNum = unwrappedInt
else { // the input doesn't convert into an int
print("`\(unwrappedInput)` is not an integer. Please enter an integer")
else { // did not enter anything
print("Please enter an integer")
return firstNum
func addOne(signArray: [Int]) -> [Int] { // finds the combinations
var signArray2 = [Int]()
for i in 0...signArray.count-1 {
signArray2.append (signArray[i])
for i in 0...signArray2.count-1 {
if signArray2[i] == 1 {
signArray2[i] = 0
else {
signArray2[i] = 1
return signArray2
func signEval (signArray: [Int], divArray: [Int], inNum: Int) -> Bool {// changes 2nd
var counts = 0
for i in 0...divArray.count-1 {
if signArray[i] == 0 {
counts = divArray[i] + counts }
if counts == inNum {
return true
return false
print("Please enter a number to find the summable numbers up to that number:")
var input2 = getInteger()// if num = 1 print 1 if num = 2 print 1 and 2 else print >2 1, 2
var inNum = 0
var numHalf = 0.0
var numRound = 0.0
var numCheck = false
var numCheck2 = false
var numQuarter = 0.0
var numSixth = 0.0
var divArray:[Int] = []
var theirArray = [Int]()
var signArray = [Int]()// array of 0s and 1s
var summableArray:[Int] = [1,2] // need to check if num is bigger than 2!
for input in 1...input2 {
numHalf = Double (input) / 2.0
numRound = round(numHalf)
if numRound == numHalf {
numCheck = true }
if input > 2 && numCheck == false { // odd numbers greater than one are not summable
else { // these are possible summable nums
numQuarter = Double (input) / 4.0
numRound = round(numQuarter)
if numRound == numQuarter {
numCheck = true
else {
numCheck = false
numSixth = Double(input) / 6.0
numRound = round(numSixth)
if numRound == numSixth {
numCheck2 = true }
else { numCheck2 = false}
if numCheck == true || numCheck2 == true {
theirArray = []
divArray = []
signArray = []
summableArray = []
for i in 1...input {
theirArray.append (i)
for i in 1...input { // creates an array of all the diviors of inputted number
if input%i == 0 {
divArray.append (i)
for j in 1...divArray.count {//
for i in 1...input{
let x: Int = Int(pow(Double(2),Double(input-1)))// int 2 to the power of input -1
var Boolcheck = false
for q in 1...x-1 { // i to 2^n -1 (sequence to check)
Boolcheck = (signEval(signArray: signArray, divArray: divArray, inNum: i))// checks
signArray = addOne(signArray: signArray)// adding the ones to the array
if Boolcheck == true {
summableArray.append(i)// creates array of mini summable numbers
if summableArray.count == input {
print ("\(input)")

NilLiteralConvertible in Property setter

In swift I have this:
/// Range is ± 32,576 FPM, FPM of 32640 means max. Also can be invalid (nil)
var vVelcotiy: Int? {
get {
let ret : Int16 = decode12Bit2sCompliment(bytes[15], bytes[16], useEntireFirstByte: false)
return Int(ret * 64);
set {
if (bytes[15] == 8 && bytes[16] == 0) {
return nil
if let n = newValue {
let nv = n / 64
bytes[15] = (bytes[15] & 0xF0) | (UInt8(nv) >> 8)
bytes[16] = UInt8(nv)
} else {
bytes[15] = (bytes[15] & 0xF0) | 0xF8
bytes[16] = 0x00
I'm getting an error of type '()' does not conform to protocol 'NilLiteralConvertible' but I've declared my property as optional so I'm confused.
I'm hoping to be able to do:
var a : vVelocity = nil
Reading rintaro's answer and taking my comment into consideration, I think you've misplaced the first check in the setter, it looks like it belongs in the getter instead:
var vVelcotiy: Int? {
get {
if (bytes[15] == 8 && bytes[16] == 0) {
return nil
let ret : Int16 = decode12Bit2sCompliment(bytes[15], bytes[16], useEntireFirstByte: false)
return Int(ret * 64);
set {
if let n = newValue {
let nv = n / 64
bytes[15] = (bytes[15] & 0xF0) | (UInt8(nv) >> 8)
bytes[16] = UInt8(nv)
} else {
bytes[15] = (bytes[15] & 0xF0) | 0xF8
bytes[16] = 0x00
Now your getter has a possibility of returning nil, and your setter doesn't depend on the existing value.
The error is here:
set {
if (bytes[15] == 8 && bytes[16] == 0) {
return nil // <--- HERE
You cannot return anything from set { }. If you want to break, just return instead.
set {
if (bytes[15] == 8 && bytes[16] == 0) {