Is it possible to authenticate PySpark to Livy without storing password on machine? - pyspark

I'm trying to submit Spark jobs to an Azure HDInsight cluster using a Jupyter Notebook with the PySpark kernel. I know that in order to do this I must authenticate to Livy, and the examples I've seen involved storing a config on the machine that runs Jupyter, and pointing PySpark to that config.
But is there a way to do this that doesn't involved storing the password in plaintext on the machine? Say if every request just needs the auth credentials, can I pull them from Azure KeyVault as they're needed and include with the PySpark requests?


Connect PySpark session to DataProc

I'm trying to connect a PySpark session running locally to a DataProc cluster. I want to be able to work with files on gcs without downloading them. My goal is to perform ad-hoc analyses using local Spark, then switch to a larger cluster when I'm ready to scale. I realize that DataProc runs Spark on Yarn, and I've copied over the yarn-site.xml locally. I've also opened up an ssh tunnel from my local machine to the DataProc master node and set up port forwarding for the ports identified in the yarn xml. It doesn't seem to be working though, when I try to create a session in a Jupyter notebook it hangs indefinitely. Nothing in stdout or DataProc logs that I can see. Has anyone had success with this?
For anyone interested, I eventually abandoned this approach. I'm instead running Jupyter Enterprise Gateway on the master node, setting up port forwarding, and then launching my notebooks locally to connect to kernel(s) running on the server. It works very nicely so far.

Mounting Azure Blob Storage to Azure Databricks without using cluster

We have a requirement that while provisioning the Databricks service thru CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps we should able to mount a blob storage to DBFS without connecting to a cluster. Is it possible to mount object storage to DBFS cluster by using a bash script from Azure DevOps ?
I looked thru various forums but they all mention about doing this using dbutils.fs.mount but the problem is we cannot run this command in Azure DevOps CI/CD pipeline.
Will appreciate any help on this.
What you're asking is possible but it requires a bit of extra work. In our organisation we've tried various approaches and I've been working with Databricks for a while. The solution that works best for us is to write a bash script that makes use of the databricks-cli in your Azure Devops pipeline. The approach we have is as follows:
Retrieve a Databricks token using the token API
Configure the Databricks CLI in the CI/CD pipeline
Use Databricks CLI to upload a mount script
Create a Databricks job using the Jobs API and set the mount script as file to execute
The steps above are all contained in a bash script that is part of our Azure Devops pipeline.
Setting up the CLI
Setting up the Databricks CLI without any manual steps is now possible since you can generate a temporary access token using the Token API. We use a Service Principal for authentication.
Create a mount script
We have a scala script that follows the mount instructions. This can be Python as well. See the following link for more information:
Upload the mount script
In the Azure Devops pipeline the databricks-cli is configured by creating a temporary token using the token API. Once this step is done, we're free to use the CLI to upload our mount script to DBFS or import it as a notebook using the Workspace API.
Configure the job that actually mounts your storage
We have a JSON file that defines the job that executes the "mount storage" script. You can define a job to use the script/notebook that you've uploaded in the previous step. You can easily define a job using JSON, check out how it's done in the Jobs API documentation:
At this point, triggering the job should create a temporary cluster that mounts the storage for you. You should not need to use the web interface, or perform any manual steps.
You can apply this approach to different environments and resource groups, as do we. For this we make use of Jinja templating to fill out variables that are environment or project specific.
I hope this helps you out. Let me know if you have any questions!

How can I use dataproc to pull data from bigquery that is not in the same project as my dataproc cluster?

I work for an organisation that needs to pull data from one of our client's bigquery datasets using Spark and given that both the client and ourselves use GCP it makes sense to use Dataproc to achieve this.
I have read Use the BigQuery connector with Spark which looks very useful however it seems to make the assumption that the dataproc cluster, the bigquery dataset and the storage bucket for temporary BigQuery export are all in the same GCP project - that is not the case for me.
I have a service account key file that allows me to connect to and interact with our client's data stored in bigquery, how can I use that service account key file in conjunction with the BigQuery connector and dataproc in order to pull data from bigquery and interact with it in dataproc? To put it another way, how can I modify the code provided at Use the BigQuery connector with Spark to use my service account key file?
To use service account key file authorization you need to set property to true and point BigQuery connector to a service account json keyfile using property (cluster or job). Note that this property value is a local path, that's why you need to distribute a keyfile to all the cluster nodes beforehand, using initialization action, for example.
Alternatively, you can use any authorization method described here, but you need to replace properties prefix with for BigQuery connector.

How to submit a Spark job on HDInsight via Powershell?

Is there a way to submit a Spark job on HDInsight via Powershell?
I know it can be done via activity in Azure Data Factory, but is there a way to submit python script to pyspark HDInsight from Powershell cmdlet?
Based on my knowledge, there is no Azure PowerShell command could do this.
You could use Apache Spark REST API, which is used to submit remote jobs to an Azure HDInsight Spark cluster. Please refer to this feedback.
HDInsight allows remote job submission through the REST API using
Livy. It is part of the recent Spark release on Linux.

Google Cloud Dataproc - Submit Spark Jobs Via Spark

Is there a way to submit Spark jobs to Google Cloud Dataproc from within the Scala code?
val Config = new SparkConf()
What should the master URI look like?
What key-value pairs should be set to authenticate with an API key or keypair?
In this case, I'd strongly recommend an alternative approach. This type of connectivity has not been tested or recommended for a few reasons:
It requires opening firewall ports to connect to the cluster
Unless you use a tunnel, your data may be exposed
Authentication is not enabled by default
Is SSHing into the master node (the node which is named cluster-name-m) a non-starter? It is pretty easy to SSH into the master node to directly use Spark.