In a ViewModel, how Get (GetService aka Resolve) a service added to builder.Services in MauiProgram? - maui

Summary: I am hoping to use Maui's builder.Services to resolve services in view models. But I don't understand how to do so.
I could create my own IServiceProvider, but I am hoping to avoid the needed boilerplate code, so seek a "standard Maui" solution.
I added the following line to MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAlertService, AlertService>();
And the corresponding declarations (in other files):
public interface IAlertService
// ----- async calls (use with "await") -----
Task ShowAlertAsync(string title, string message, string cancel = "OK");
Task<bool> ShowConfirmationAsync(string title, string message, string accept = "Yes", string cancel = "No");
internal class AlertService : IAlertService
// ----- async calls (use with "await") -----
public Task ShowAlertAsync(string title, string message, string cancel = "OK")
return Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(title, message, cancel);
public Task<bool> ShowConfirmationAsync(string title, string message, string accept = "Yes", string cancel = "No")
return Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert(title, message, accept, cancel);
Then in my BaseViewModel class:
internal class BaseViewModel
protected static IAlertService AlertSvc = ??? GetService (aka Resolve) ???
public static void Test1()
Task.Run(async () =>
await AlertSvc.ShowAlertAsync("Some Title", "Some Message"));
Question: How fill AlertSvc with the service registered in MauiProgram?
CREDIT: Based on a suggested "DialogService" in some SO discussion or Maui issue. Sorry, I've lost track of the original.

All the dependencies will be provided through the IServiceProvider implementation that is part of .NET MAUI. Luckily, the IServiceProvider itself is added to the dependency injection container as well, so you can do the following.
Add what you need to your dependency injection container in the MauiProgram.cs:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IStringService, StringService>();
For completeness, my StringService looks like this:
public interface IStringService
string GetString();
public class StringService : IStringService
public string GetString()
return "string";
Then in your FooPage, which can also be your view model or anything of course, add a constructor like this:
public FooPage(IServiceProvider provider)
var str = provider.GetService<IStringService>().GetString();
Here you can see that you resolve the service manually through the IServiceProvider and you can call upon that. Note that you'll want to add some error handling here to see if the service actually can be resolved.


Passing parameter from ViewModel to ViewModel in .NET MAUI using CommunityToolkit.MVVM

My receiving Viewmodel (QuestionsPageViewModel) is not receiving the TopidId after passing it through Shell navigation as shown in the code below. I have placed the breakpoint at the LoadQuestions method in the QuestionsPageViewModel. When it is called, TopicId is null.
What am I missing?
//This is in a command executed after clicking a button. And this is working fine
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"{nameof(QuestionsPage)}?TopicId={pack.TopicId}");
[QueryProperty(nameof(TopicId), nameof(TopicId))]
public partial class QuestionsPageViewModel
public ObservableRangeCollection<Question> QuestionsList { get; set; } = new();
string? title;
public string topicId;
public QuestionsPageViewModel()
async void LoadQuestions()
Title = Utilities.ConvertTopicIdToString(short.Parse(TopicId));
using (var context = new DataContext())
QuestionPack questionPack = context.QuestionPacks
.First(x => x.TopicId == short.Parse(TopicId));
var questions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Question>>(questionPack.Questions);
catch (Exception ex)
await Shell.Current.DisplayAlert("Error", $"Something went wrong: {ex}", "Cancel");
First of all, your field topicId should be private. CommumityToolkit.Mvvm will generate for you the public property.
Secondly, topicId is null because you're checking its value in a function called in the constructor. While you're executing the constructor, the shell navigation parameters are not initialized yet.
If you want to be sure that LoadQuestions() will be called after topicId is initialized, CommumityToolkit.Mvvm since version 8.0.0 should generate a partial method that can be used to execute some code after an ObservableProperty changes its value. In your case the name of this method should be OnTopicIdChanged(string value).
Try adding in your viewmodel this method and remove the function call from the constructor:
partial void OnTopicIdChanged(string value)

Create observables using straight methods

I need to recollect some data calling to a method is connecting to a webservice.
problem: Imagine I need to update the content text of a label control according to this remote gathered information. Until all this data is recollected I'm not going to be able to show the label.
desired: I'd like to first show the label with a default text, and as I'm receiving this information I want to update the label content (please, don't take this description as a sucked code, I'm trying to brief my real situation).
I'd like to create an observable sequence of these methods. Nevertheless, these method have not the same signature. For example:
int GetInt() {
return service.GetInt();
string GetString() {
return service.GetString();
string GetString2 {
return service.GetString2();
These methods are not async.
Is it possible to create an observable sequence of these methods?
How could I create it?
Nevertheless, which's the best alternative to achieve my goal?
Creating custom observable sequences can be achieved with the Observable.Create. An example using your requirements is shown below:
private int GetInt()
return 1;
private string GetString()
return "Hello";
private string GetString2()
return "World!";
private IObservable<string> RetrieveContent()
return Observable.Create<string>(
observer =>
observer.OnNext("Default Text");
int value = GetInt();
observer.OnNext($"Got value {value}. Getting string...");
string string1 = GetString();
observer.OnNext($"Got string {string1}. Getting second string...");
string string2 = GetString2();
return Disposable.Empty;
Note how I have emulated network delay by introducing a Thread.Sleep call into each of the GetXXX methods. In order to ensure your UI doesn't hang when subscribing to this observable, you should subscribe as follows:
IDisposable subscription = RetrieveContent()
.Subscribe(text => Label = text);
This code uses the .SubscribeOn(TaskPoolScheduler.Default) extension method to use a TaskPool thread to start the observable sequence and will be blocked by the calls the Thread.Sleep but, as this is not the UI thread, your UI will remain responsive. Then, to ensure we update the UI on the UI thread, we use the ".ObserveOn(DispatcherScheduler.Current)" to invoke the updates onto the UI thread before setting the (data bound) Label property.
Hope this is what you were looking for, but leave a comment if not and I'll try to help further.
I would look at creating a wrapper class for your service to expose the values as separate observables.
So, start with a service interface:
public interface IService
int GetInt();
string GetString();
string GetString2();
...and then you write ServiceWrapper:
public class ServiceWrapper : IService
private IService service;
private Subject<int> subjectGetInt = new Subject<int>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString = new Subject<string>();
private Subject<string> subjectGetString2 = new Subject<string>();
public ServiceWrapper(IService service)
this.service = service;
public int GetInt()
var value = service.GetInt();
return value;
public IObservable<int> GetInts()
return this.subjectGetInt.AsObservable();
public string GetString()
var value = service.GetString();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetStrings()
return this.subjectGetString.AsObservable();
public string GetString2()
var value = service.GetString2();
return value;
public IObservable<string> GetString2s()
return this.subjectGetString2.AsObservable();
Now, assuming that you current service is called Service, you would write this code to set things up:
IService service = new Service();
ServiceWrapper wrapped = new ServiceWrapper(service); // Still an `IService`
var subscription =
wrapped.GetInts().Select(x => x.ToString()),
.Subscribe(x => label.Text = x);
IService wrappedService = wrapped;
Now pass wrappedService instead of service to your code. It's still calling the underlying service code so no need for a re-write, yet you still are getting the observables that you want.
This is effectively a gang of four decorator pattern.

Dialog interaction requests using IObservable

I'm using reactive programming to build an MVVM app and am trying to figure out how my view model can raise a question and wait for a dialog to prompt the user for an answer.
For example, when the user clicks a Rename button I want a dialog to pop up that allows the user to change the text. My approach is for the view model to expose an IObservable<string> property. Code-behind in the View listens for emitted values and might display a UWP ContentDialog. If the user changes the text and clicks OK, code in that dialog would call ReportResult(string newText) on view model. I've got some code below to show how it works. Two questions:
Is this a reasonable approach for collecting information from the user?
Also, I've got two subtly different approaches for building this and don't know which is better.
interface IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult> : ISubject<TResult, TSource> { }
// Requests for information are just 'passed through' to listeners, if any.
class ServiceRequestA<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
IObservable<TSource> _requests;
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public ServiceRequestA(IObservable<TSource> requests)
_requests = requests;
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
// Requests for information are 'parked' inside the class even if there are no listeners
// This happens when InitiateRequest is called. Alternately, this class could implement
// IObserver<TSource>.
class ServiceRequestB<TSource, TResult> : IServiceRequest<TSource, TResult>
Subject<TSource> _requests = new Subject<TSource>();
Subject<TResult> _results = new Subject<TResult>();
public void InitiateRequest(TSource request) => _requests.OnNext(request);
public IObservable<TResult> Results => _results;
public void OnCompleted() => _results.OnCompleted();
public void OnError(Exception error) => _results.OnError(error);
public void OnNext(TResult value) => _results.OnNext(value);
public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<TSource> observer) => _requests.Subscribe(observer);
class MyViewModel
ServiceRequestA<string, int> _serviceA;
ServiceRequestB<string, int> _serviceB;
public MyViewModel()
IObservable<string> _words = new string[] { "apple", "banana" }.ToObservable();
_serviceA = new ServiceRequestA<string, int>(_words);
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceA;
// Alternate approach using the other service implementation
_serviceB = new ServiceRequestB<string, int>();
IDisposable sub = _words.Subscribe(i => _serviceB.InitiateRequest(i)); // should dispose later
.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine($"The word is {i} characters long."));
WordSizeServiceRequest = _serviceB;
public IServiceRequest<string, int> WordSizeServiceRequest { get; set; }
// Code outside the view model, probably in the View code-behind, would do this:
// WordSizeServiceRequest.Select(w => w.Length).Subscribe(WordSizeServiceRequest);
Based on comments from Lee Campbell, here is a different approach. Maybe he'll like it better? I'm actually not sure how to build the IRenameDialog. Before it was just a bit of code-behind in the View.
public interface IRenameDialog
void StartRenameProcess(string original);
IObservable<string> CommitResult { get; }
public class SomeViewModel
ObservableCommand _rename = new ObservableCommand();
BehaviorSubject<string> _name = new BehaviorSubject<string>("");
public SomeViewModel(IRenameDialog renameDialog,string originalName)
_rename = new ObservableCommand();
var whenClickRenameDisplayDialog =
.WithLatestFrom(_name, (_, n) => n)
.Subscribe(n => renameDialog.StartRenameProcess(n));
var whenRenameCompletesPrintIt =
.Subscribe(n =>
Console.WriteLine($"The new name is {n}");
var behaviors = new CompositeDisposable(whenClickRenameDisplayDialog, whenRenameCompletesPrintIt);
public ICommand RenameCommand => _rename;
The first block of code looks like a re-implementation of IObservable<T>, actually I think event worse ISubject<T>, so that raises alarm bells.
Then the MyViewModel class does other things like pass IObservable<string> as a parameter (Why?), create subscriptions (side effects) in the constructor, and expose a Service as a public property. You also metion having code in your view code behind, which is often a code-smell in MVVM too.
I would suggest reading up on MVVM (solved problem for 10yrs) and havnig a look at how other Client applications use Rx/Reactive programming with MVVM (solved problem for ~6yrs)
Lee shamed me into coming up with a better solution. The first and best turned out to be very simple. I pass into the constructor one of these:
public interface IConfirmationDialog
Task<bool> Show(string message);
Inside my view model, I can do something like this...
IConfirmationDialog dialog = null; // provided by constructor
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
var result = await dialog.Show("Want to delete?");
if (result==true)
// delete the file
Building a ConfirmationDialog wasn't hard. I just create one of these in the part of my code that creates view models and assigns them to views.
public class ConfirmationDialogHandler : IConfirmationDialog
public async Task<bool> Show(string message)
var dialog = new ConfirmationDialog(); // Is subclass of ContentDialog
dialog.Message = message;
var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();
return (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary);
So the solution above is pretty clean; dependencies my view model needs are provided in the constructor. Another approach similar to what Prism and ReactiveUI do is one where the ViewModel is constructed without the dependency it needs. Instead there is a bit of code-behind in the view to fill in that dependency. I don't need to have multiple handlers, so I just have this:
public interface IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler);
void RemoveHandler();
public class InteractionBroker<TInput, TOutput> : IInteractionHandler<TInput, TOutput>
Func<TInput, TOutput> _handler;
public TOutput GetResponse(TInput input)
if (_handler == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No handler has been defined.");
return _handler(input);
public void RemoveHandler() => _handler = null;
public void SetHandler(Func<TInput, TOutput> handler) => _handler = handler ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
And then my ViewModel exposes a property like this:
public IInteractionHandler<string,Task<bool>> Delete { get; }
And handles the delete command like this:
_deleteCommand.Subscribe(async _ =>
bool shouldDelete = await _deleteInteractionBroker.GetResponse("some file name");
if (shouldDelete)
// delete the file

MvvmCross Dialog

I am currently investigating all possible solutions to be able to inform the user, ie pop a dialog, when there is a decision he needs to make. This is a common problem with MVVM pattern and I am trying to solve it for MvvmCross framework.
Possible solutions could be:
Customize the MvxPresenter to be able to show dialogs, but that looks a bit ugly to me
Put a Dialog interface in the Core project and use Inversion of Control to inject the implementation from the UI project to the Core project
Use the MvxMessenger plugin and share messages between the Core and UI project. Sounds like a good idea but maybe more complicated to develop...
What would you suggest?
Dialog input is an interesting topic that doesn't always fit well with the flow of Mvvm Data-Binding.
Generally, some use cases of Dialogs are for things like:
adding a yes/no confirm option to a submit button
requesting additional single input - e.g. a selection from a list
offering a choice of actions (e.g. delete, edit or duplicate?)
offering a confirmation message
requesting additional complex input - e.g. collecting a set of firstname/lastname/age/accept_terms field
For some of these items, I'd suggest that mainly these could be modelled as purely View concerns. For example, requesting single item selection is commonly done from compound controls labels which display 'pickers' when tapped - e.g. like an MvxSpinner in
For general cases, where you want the shared ViewModels to drive the user flow, then options which are available within MvvmCross include the 3 you list, all of which seem viable to me, but I agree that none of them is perfect.
As an additional suggestion, one nice architectural suggestion is from Microsoft's Pattern and Practices team. In, they suggest a IInteractionRequest interface which can be used within data-binding especially for this type of situation.
Their reference implementation of this is:
public interface IInteractionRequest
event EventHandler<InteractionRequestedEventArgs> Raised;
public class InteractionRequestedEventArgs : EventArgs
public Action Callback { get; private set; }
public object Context { get; private set; }
public InteractionRequestedEventArgs(object context, Action callback)
Context = context;
Callback = callback;
public class InteractionRequest<T> : IInteractionRequest
public event EventHandler<InteractionRequestedEventArgs> Raised;
public void Raise(T context, Action<T> callback)
var handler = this.Raised;
if (handler != null)
new InteractionRequestedEventArgs(
() => callback(context)));
An example ViewModel use of this is:
private InteractionRequest<Confirmation> _confirmCancelInteractionRequest = new InteractionRequest<Confirmation>();
public IInteractionRequest ConfirmCancelInteractionRequest
return _confirmCancelInteractionRequest;
and the ViewModel can raise this using:
new Confirmation("Are you sure you wish to cancel?"),
confirmation =>
if (confirmation.Confirmed)
where Confirmation is a simple class like:
public class Confirmation
public string Message { get; private set; }
public bool Confirmed { get; set; }
public Confirmation(string message)
Message = message;
For using this in the Views:
The MSDN link shows how a Xaml client might bind to this using behaviours - so I won't cover this further here.
In iOS for MvvmCross, a View object might implement a property like:
private MvxGeneralEventSubscription _confirmationSubscription;
private IInteractionRequest _confirmationInteraction;
public IInteractionRequest ConfirmationInteraction
get { return _confirmationInteraction; }
if (_confirmationInteraction == value)
if (_confirmationSubscription != null)
_confirmationInteraction = value;
if (_confirmationInteraction != null)
_confirmationSubscription = _confirmationInteraction
This View property uses a WeakReference-based event subscription in order to channel ViewModel Raise events through to a View MessageBox-type method. It's important to use a WeakReference so that the ViewModel never has a reference to the View - these can cause memory leak issues in Xamarin.iOS. The actual MessageBox-type method itself would be fairly simple - something like:
private void DoConfirmation(InteractionRequestedEventArgs args)
var confirmation = (Confirmation)args.Context;
var alert = new UIAlertView();
alert.Title = "Bazinga";
alert.Message = confirmation.Message;
alert.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
var alertView = sender as UIAlertView;
if (e.ButtonIndex == 0)
// YES button
confirmation.Confirmed = true;
else if (e.ButtonIndex == 1)
// NO button
confirmation.Confirmed = false;
And the property could be bound in a Fluent Binding set like:
.For(v => v.ConfirmationInteraction)
.To(vm => vm.ConfirmCancelInteractionRequest);
For Android, a similar implementation could be used - this could perhaps use a DialogFragment and could perhaps also be bound using a View within XML.
I believe that the basic interaction could be improved (in my opinion) if we added further IInteractionRequest<T> and InteractionRequestedEventArgs<T> definitions - but, for the scope of this answer, I kept to the 'basic' implementation keeping as close as I could to the one presented in
some additional helper classes could also help significantly simplify the view subscription code too
You just can use MvvmCross UserInteraction plugin from Brian Chance
As Eugene says, use the UserInteraction plugin. Unfortunately, there's not currently a Windows Phone implementation, so here's the code I've used in the interim:
public class WindowsPhoneUserInteraction : IUserInteraction
public void Confirm(string message, Action okClicked, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel")
Confirm(message, confirmed =>
if (confirmed)
title, okButton, cancelButton);
public void Confirm(string message, Action<bool> answer, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel")
var mbResult = MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (answer != null)
answer(mbResult == MessageBoxResult.OK);
public Task<bool> ConfirmAsync(string message, string title = "", string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel")
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
Confirm(message, tcs.SetResult, title, okButton, cancelButton);
return tcs.Task;
public void Alert(string message, Action done = null, string title = "", string okButton = "OK")
MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OK);
if (done != null)
public Task AlertAsync(string message, string title = "", string okButton = "OK")
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
Alert(message, () => tcs.SetResult(null), title, okButton);
return tcs.Task;
public void Input(string message, Action<string> okClicked, string placeholder = null, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel", string initialText = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Input(string message, Action<bool, string> answer, string placeholder = null, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel", string initialText = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<InputResponse> InputAsync(string message, string placeholder = null, string title = null, string okButton = "OK", string cancelButton = "Cancel", string initialText = null)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void ConfirmThreeButtons(string message, Action<ConfirmThreeButtonsResponse> answer, string title = null, string positive = "Yes", string negative = "No", string neutral = "Maybe")
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<ConfirmThreeButtonsResponse> ConfirmThreeButtonsAsync(string message, string title = null, string positive = "Yes", string negative = "No", string neutral = "Maybe")
throw new NotImplementedException();
You'll notice that not everything's implemented, and even those bits that are are limited (you can't set the OK ad Cancel button text, for example)
Of course, I needed to register this in setup.cs as well:
Mvx.RegisterSingleton<IUserInteraction>(new WindowsPhoneUserInteraction());

Stripes : RedirectResolution; How can I redirect to specific action event?

I have an action bean in my stripes application. The default handler/method will display a list of data, a list of all my MarketResearch objects
On my JSP, I can click on one to view its details, this takes me to a different JSP with a pre-populated form based on the particular MarketResearch object that you selected.
I have another method on my action bean which is mapped to the save submit button, this takes in what is on the amended form, and persists it. After this has taken place, I want it to redirect back to the form, rather than to the listing (default handler) action, is this possible?
My action is as follows :
public class MarketResearchAction extends BaseAction
ClientService clientService;
private static final String VIEW = "/jsp/marketResearch.jsp";
private Client client;
private Client clientBeforeChanges;
public Client getClient()
return client;
public void setClient(Client client)
this.client = client;
public Resolution viewAll()
return new ForwardResolution(VIEW);
public Resolution viewClientMarketResearch()
if (client.getSector().equals("Education"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchEducation.jsp");
} else if (client.getSector().equals("Local Government"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchLocalGovernment.jsp");
} else if (client.getSector().equals("Housing Association"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchHousing.jsp");
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/viewClientMarketResearch.jsp");
public Resolution save()
clientBeforeChanges = clientService.getClientById(client.getId());
getContext().getMessages().add(new SimpleMessage("{0} updated", client.getName()));
return new RedirectResolution("/MarketResearch.action").flash(this);
public Client getClientBeforeChanges()
return clientBeforeChanges;
public void setClientBeforeChanges(Client clientBeforeChanges)
this.clientBeforeChanges = clientBeforeChanges;
public ClientService getClientService()
return clientService;
public void setClientService(ClientService clientService)
this.clientService = clientService;
Is it possible? Or am I approaching the situation from a bad angle and should re-factor?
Yes. You could return a RedirectResolution to the form jsp. If you're having difficulty with the parameters, if you have them in the save() method, you could do like so:
return new RedirectResolution("/theJsp.jsp")
.addParameter("one", one)
.addParameter("two", two)
.addParameter("three", three)
If you don't have the params that were passed to the form, you'll have to keep them going somehow. You could pass the MarketResearch object through the form so you'd have it there.
<stripes:hidden name="marketResearch" value="${ActionBean.marketResearch}"/>
And add the requisite instance variable/getter/setter on your MarketResearchActionBean.