I would need suggections to secure the below code in a better way, instead using the User name and password in the code what is the better way of doing it ?
provider "kubernetes" {
version = "~> 1.11"
load_config_file = "false"
host = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.kube_admin_config.0.host
username = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.kube_admin_config.0.username
password = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.kube_admin_config.0.password
I have a Terraform config that (among other resources) creates a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster on Google Cloud. I'm using the kubectl provider to add YAML manifests for a ManagedCertificate and a FrontendConfig, since these are not part of the kubernetes or google providers.
This works as expected when applying the Terraform config from my local machine, but when I try to execute it in our CI pipeline, I get the following error for both of the kubectl_manifest resources:
Error: failed to create kubernetes rest client for read of resource: Get "http://localhost/api?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused
Since I'm only facing this issue during CI, my first guess is that the service account is missing the right scopes, but as far as I can tell, all scopes are present. Any suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated!
The provider trying to connect with localhost, which means either to you need to provide a proper kube-config file or set it dynamically in the terraform.
Although you didn't mention how are setting the auth, but here is two way
Poor way
resource "null_resource" "deploy-app" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
interpreter = ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
command = <<EOT
kubectl apply -f myapp.yaml ./temp/kube-config.yaml;
# will run always, its bad
triggers = {
always_run = "${timestamp()}"
depends_on = [
resource "local_file" "kube_config" {
content = var.my_kube_config # pass the config file from ci variable
filename = "${path.module}/temp/kube-config.yaml"
Proper way
data "google_container_cluster" "cluster" {
name = "your_cluster_name"
data "google_client_config" "current" {
provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.google_container_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.google_client_config.current.access_token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(
data "kubectl_file_documents" "app_yaml" {
content = file("myapp.yaml")
resource "kubectl_manifest" "app_installer" {
for_each = data.kubectl_file_documents.app_yaml.manifests
yaml_body = each.value
If the cluster in the same module , then provider should be
provider "kubernetes" {
load_config_file = "false"
host = google_container_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint
client_certificate = google_container_cluster.my_cluster.master_auth.0.client_certificate
client_key = google_container_cluster.my_cluster.master_auth.0.client_key
cluster_ca_certificate = google_container_cluster.my_cluster.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate
Fixed the issue by adding load_config_file = false to the kubectl provider config. My provider config now looks like this:
data "google_client_config" "default" {}
provider "kubernetes" {
host = "https://${endpoint from GKE}"
token = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(CA certificate from GKE)
provider "kubectl" {
host = "https://${endpoint from GKE}"
token = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(CA certificate from GKE)
load_config_file = false
I'm new to Terraform, and I want to create a schema for the postgres database created on a PostgreSQL 9.6 instance on Google cloud SQL.
To create the PostgreSQL instance I have this on main.tf:
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "my-database" {
name = "my-${var.deployment_name}"
database_version = "POSTGRES_9_6"
region = "${var.deployment_region}"
settings {
tier = "db-f1-micro"
ip_configuration {
ipv4_enabled = true
The I was trying to create a PostgreSQL object like this:
provider "postgresql" {
host = "${google_sql_database_instance.my-database.ip_address}"
username = "postgres"
Finally creating the schema:
resource "postgresql_schema" "my_schema" {
name = "my_schema"
owner = "postgres"
However, this configurations do not work, we I run terraform plan:
Inappropriate value for attribute "host": string required.
If I remove the Postgres object:
Error: Error initializing PostgreSQL client: error detecting capabilities: error PostgreSQL version: dial tcp :5432: connect: connection refused
Additionally, I would like to add a password for the user postgres which is created by default when the PostgreSQL instance is created.
versions used
Terraform v0.12.10
+ provider.google v2.17.0
+ provider.postgresql v1.2.0
Any suggestions?
There are a few issues with the terraform set up that you have above.
Your instance does not have any authorized networks defined. You should change your instance resource to look like this: (Note: I used just for testing purposes)
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "my-database" {
name = "my-${var.deployment_name}"
database_version = "POSTGRES_9_6"
region = "${var.deployment_region}"
settings {
tier = "db-f1-micro"
ip_configuration {
ipv4_enabled = true
authorized_networks {
name = "all"
value = ""
depends_on = [
As mentioned here, you need to create a user with a strong password
resource "google_sql_user" "user" {
name = "test_user"
instance = "${google_sql_database_instance.my-database.name}"
password = "VeryStrongPassword"
depends_on = [
You should use the "public_ip_address" or "ip_address.0.ip_address" attribute of your instance to access the ip address. Also, you should update your provider and schema resource to reflect the user created above.
provider "postgresql" {
host = "${google_sql_database_instance.my-database.public_ip_address}"
username = "${google_sql_user.user.name}"
password = "${google_sql_user.user.password}"
resource "postgresql_schema" "my_schema" {
name = "my_schema"
owner = "test_user"
Your postgres provider is dependent on the google_sql_database_instance resource to be done before it is able to set up the provider:
All the providers are initialized at the beginning of plan/apply so if one has an invalid config (in this case an empty host) then Terraform will fail.
There is no way to define the dependency between a provider and a
resource within another provider.
There is however a workaround by using the target parameter
terraform apply -target=google_sql_user.user
This will create the database user (as well as all its dependencies - in this case the database instance) and once that completes follow it with:
terraform apply
This should then succeed as the instance has already been created and the ip_address is available to be used by the postgres provider.
Final Note: Usage of public ip addresses without SSL to connect to Cloud SQL instances is not recommended for production instances.
This was my solution, and this way I just need to run: terraform apply :
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "my-database" {
database_version = "POSTGRES_9_6"
region = var.deployment_region
settings {
tier = var.db_machine_type
ip_configuration {
ipv4_enabled = true
authorized_networks {
name = "my_ip"
value = var.db_allowed_networks.my_network_ip
resource "google_sql_user" "user" {
name = var.db_credentials.db_user
instance = google_sql_database_instance.my-database.name
password = var.db_credentials.db_password
depends_on = [
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "psql postgresql://${google_sql_user.user.name}:${google_sql_user.user.password}#${google_sql_database_instance.my-database.public_ip_address}/postgres -c \"CREATE SCHEMA myschema;\""
I am trying to create a database in the created postgres RDS in AWS with postgresql provider. The terraform script i have created is as following:
resource "aws_db_instance" "test_rds" {
allocated_storage = "" # gigabytes
backup_retention_period = 7 # in days
engine = ""
engine_version = ""
identifier = ""
instance_class = ""
multi_az = ""
name = ""
username = ""
password = ""
port = ""
publicly_accessible = "false"
storage_encrypted = "false"
storage_type = ""
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.test_sg.id}"]
db_subnet_group_name = "${aws_db_subnet_group.rds_subnet_group.name}"
The postgresql provider is as following:
# Create databases in rds
provider "postgresql" {
alias = "alias"
host = "${aws_db_instance.test_rds.address}"
port = 5432
username =
password =
database =
sslmode = "disable"
# Create user in rds
resource "postgresql_role" "test_role" {
name =
replication = true
login = true
password =
# Create database rds
resource "postgresql_database" "test_db" {
name = testdb
owner = "${postgresql_role.test_role.name}"
lc_collate = "C"
allow_connections = true
provider = "postgresql.alias"
Anyway i keep retrieving
Error: Error initializing PostgreSQL client: error detecting capabilities: error PostgreSQL version: pq: SSL is not enabled on the server
Note: the empty fields are already filled and the RDS is successfully created, the problem rises when trying to create the database in the rds with the postgresql provider.
We ran into this issue as well, and the problem was that the password was not defined. It seems that we will get the SSL is not enabled error when it has problems connecting. We also had the same problem when the db host name was missing. You will need to make sure you define all of the fields needed to connect in Terraform (probably database and username too).
Ensuring there was a password set for the postgres user and disabled sslmode, did it for me
sslmode = "disable"
I can use terraform to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in GKE.
Then I have set up the provider for Kubernetes as follows:
provider "kubernetes" {
host = "${data.google_container_cluster.primary.endpoint}"
client_certificate = "${base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_certificate)}"
client_key = "${base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_key)}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate)}"
By default, terraform interacts with Kubernetes with the user client, which has no power to create (for example) deployments. So I get this error when I try to apply my changes with terraform:
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* kubernetes_deployment.foo: 1 error(s) occurred:
* kubernetes_deployment.foo: Failed to create deployment: deployments.apps is forbidden: User "client" cannot create deployments.apps in the namespace "default"
I don't know how should I proceed now, how should I give this permissions to the client user?
If the following fields are added to the provider, I am able to perform deployments, although after reading the documentation it seems these credentials are used for HTTP communication with the cluster, which is insecure if it is done through the internet.
username = "${data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.username}"
password = "${data.google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.password}"
Is there any other better way of doing so?
you can use the service account that are running the terraform
data "google_client_config" "default" {}
provider "kubernetes" {
host = "${google_container_cluster.default.endpoint}"
token = "${data.google_client_config.default.access_token}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${base64decode(google_container_cluster.default.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate)}"
load_config_file = false
give permissions to the default "client"
But you need a valid authentication on GKE cluster provider to run this :/ ups circular dependency here
resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "default" {
metadata {
name = "client-certificate-cluster-admin"
role_ref {
api_group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
kind = "ClusterRole"
name = "cluster-admin"
subject {
kind = "User"
name = "client"
api_group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
subject {
kind = "ServiceAccount"
name = "default"
namespace = "kube-system"
subject {
kind = "Group"
name = "system:masters"
api_group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
It looks like the user that you are using is missing the required RBAC role for creating deployments. Make sure that user has the correct verbs for the deployments resource. You can take a look at this Role examples to have an idea about it.
You need to provide both. Check this example on how to integrate the Kubernetes provider with the Google Provider.
Example of how to configure the Kubernetes provider:
provider "kubernetes" {
host = "${var.host}"
username = "${var.username}"
password = "${var.password}"
client_certificate = "${base64decode(var.client_certificate)}"
client_key = "${base64decode(var.client_key)}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${base64decode(var.cluster_ca_certificate)}"
I have a module which contains resources for:
azure postgres server
azure postgres database
postgres role (user)
postgres provider (for the server and used to create the role)
In one of my env directories I can have 0-N .tf files which is an instance of that module and each specify database name etc. So if I add another .tf file with a new name then a new database server with a database will be provisioned. All this works fine.
However, if I now delete an existing database module (one of the .tf files in my env directory) I run into issues. Terraform will now try to get the state of all the previously existing resources and since that specific provider (for that postgres server) now is gone terraform cannot get the state of the created postgres role, with the output a provider configuration block is required for all operations.
I understand why this happens but I cannot figure out how to solve this. I want to "dynamically" create (and remove) postgres servers with a database on them but this requires "dynamic" providers which then makes me get stuck on this.
Example of how it looks
resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "postgresserver" {
name = "${var.db_name}-server"
location = "${var.location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"
sku = ["${var.vmSize}"]
storage_profile = ["${var.storage}"]
administrator_login = "psqladminun"
administrator_login_password = "${random_string.db-password.result}"
version = "${var.postgres_version}"
ssl_enforcement = "Disabled"
provider "postgresql" {
version = "0.1.0"
host = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.fqdn}"
port = 5432
database = "postgres"
username = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login}#${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.name}".
password = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login_password}"
resource "azurerm_postgresql_database" "db" {
name = "${var.db_name}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"
server_name = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.name}"
charset = "UTF8"
collation = "English_United States.1252"
resource "postgresql_role" "role" {
name = "${random_string.user.result}"
login = true
connection_limit = 100
password = "${random_string.pass.result}"
create_role = true
create_database = true
depends_on = ["azurerm_postgresql_database.db"]
Above you see how we, in the module create a postgres server, postgres db and also a postgres role (where only the role utilizes the postgres provider). So if I now define an instance datadb.tf such as:
module "datadb" {
source = "../../modules/postgres"
db_name = "datadb"
resource_group = "${azurerm_resource_group.resource-group.name}"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.resource-group.location}"
then it will be provisioned successfully. The issue is if I later on delete that same file (datadb.tf) then the planning fails because it will try to get the state of the postgres role without having the postgres provider present.
The postgres provider is only needed for the postgres role which will be destroyed as soon as the azure provider destroys the postgres db and postgres server, so the actual removal of that role is not necessary. Is there a way to tell terraform that "if this resource should be removed, you don't have to do anything because it will be removed dependent on being removed"? Or does anyone see any other solutions?
I hope my goal and issue is clear, thanks!
I think the only solution is a two-step solution, but I think it's still clean enough.
What I would do is have two files per database (name them how you want).
Put everything except your postgres resources in db-1-infra.tf
resource "azurerm_postgresql_server" "postgresserver" {
name = "${var.db_name}-server"
location = "${var.location}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"
sku = ["${var.vmSize}"]
storage_profile = ["${var.storage}"]
administrator_login = "psqladminun"
administrator_login_password = "${random_string.db-password.result}"
version = "${var.postgres_version}"
ssl_enforcement = "Disabled"
provider "postgresql" {
version = "0.1.0"
host = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.fqdn}"
port = 5432
database = "postgres"
username = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login}#${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.name}".
password = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.administrator_login_password}"
resource "azurerm_postgresql_database" "db" {
name = "${var.db_name}"
resource_group_name = "${var.resource_group}"
server_name = "${azurerm_postgresql_server.postgresserver.name}"
charset = "UTF8"
collation = "English_United States.1252"
Put your PostgreSQL resources in db-1-pgsql.tf
resource "postgresql_role" "role" {
name = "${random_string.user.result}"
login = true
connection_limit = 100
password = "${random_string.pass.result}"
create_role = true
create_database = true
depends_on = ["azurerm_postgresql_database.db"]
When you want to get rid of your database, first delete the file db-1-pgsql.tf and apply. Next, delete db-1-infra.tf and apply again.
The first step will destroy all postgres resources and free you up to run the second step, which will remove the postgres provider for that database.