Is it possible to have default member initialization with a class in Swift (like with a struct) - swift

In the following example code, I create a struct and a class with similar members. With the struct I can initialize an instance by any number of the members into its constructor, and the rest will default. With a class, I have to specify every version of init I want to use. Seems like I must be missing some way to do it with a class though -- is there any way to do this? It looks like in 2016 there was not, but I know Swift has changed a ton since then. I'm hoping there is a way now.
import Foundation
struct FooStruct {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var title = ""
// these statements both work fine
let a = FooStruct(id: UUID())
let a2 = FooStruct(title: "bar")
class FooClass {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var title = ""
// these statements both give the same error:
// Argument passed to call that takes no arguments
let b = FooClass(id: UUID())
let b2 = FooClass(title: "bar")

What you are seeing with Structure types is what is called a memberwise initializer. Swift does not provide one of these to Class types because of the more complex way Classes are initialized, due to their inheritance model.
Swift provides a default initializer—different than a memberwise initializer—for any structure or class that provides default values for all of its properties and doesn’t provide at least one initializer itself. The default initializer simply creates a new instance with all of its properties set to their default values.

you could just use this:
class FooClass {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var title = ""
init(id: UUID = UUID(), title: String = ""){ = id
self.title = title
and this will work:
let b = FooClass(id: UUID())
let b2 = FooClass(title: "bar")


SwiftUI : #State var - Cannot use instance member 'cercax' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available [duplicate]

Seems like I'm having a problem with something that shouldn't be the case... But I would like to ask for some help.
There are some explanations here on the Stack I don't get.
Having two simple classes where one refers to another, as per below:
class User {
lazy var name: String = ""
lazy var age: Int = 0
init (name: String, age: Int) { = name
self.age = age
class MyOwn {
let myUser: User = User(name: "John", age: 100)
var life = myUser.age
//Cannot use instance member 'myUser' within property initializer
//property initializers run before 'self' is available
I get the commented compile error. May someone please tell me what should I do to solve the case?
As correctly pointed out by vadian you should create an init in such scenarios:
class MyOwn {
let myUser: User
var life: Int
init() {
self.myUser = User(name: "John", age: 100) = myUser.age
You can't provide a default value for a stored property that depends on another instance property.
You should declare life like this:
lazy var life:Int = {
return self.myUser.age
Because you are trying to initialise one property(variable) with another during initialisation process. At this time variables are not available yet.

Swift structs defined in separate files do they need initialisers?

I have defined a simple struct in a separate swift file as follows:
import AppKit
//Declaring a new struct for Company
public struct CompanyStruct {
var idCompany: Int
var company: String
var compType: String
However, when I try to use this struct it finds the struct if do:
var c = CompanyStruct
and I can select it but I get no parameters prompted when I open the bracket. If I initialise the struct as:
import AppKit
//Declaring a new struct for Company
public struct CompanyStruct {
var idCompany: Int
var company: String
var compType: String
init(idCompany: Int, company: String, compType: String) {
self.idCompany = idCompany = company
self.compType = compType
Then it works fine if I use the struct in say View Controller
I thought you did not have to initialise structs? Is it because I define the struct in an separate file?
No you don't need to add initialiser for struct. It has member wise initialiser by default. This is an xCode bug. When it happens just use YourStruct.init and it will show autocompletion. After that you can remove init part and it will work for the rest of the structs.
Structs have a default initializer hence you can create an object without passing parameters.
You can create custom initialiers which you have done.
One thing about structs is you can't create a convenience initializer.
When you use ( ) after structure name when define instance for it you are making initialization automatically.
Let companyStruct = CompanyStruct ( )
But you should give some default values in struct like;
struct CompanyStruct {
var idCompany: Int = 1

"Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred" error in Swift

I am trying to practice "class with generic". I encountered 2 errors:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Reference to generic type 'GenericObject' requires arguments in <...>
The 2 errors in GenericManager class. Please reference the following code. How do I solve this issue?
class User {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class Employee {
var name: String
var position: String
init(name: String, position: String) { = name
self.position = position
class GenericObject<T> {
var items = [T]()
init(forType: T.Type) {}
func addObject(_ obj: T) {
class GenericManager {
//issue: Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
var objects = [GenericObject]()
//issue: Reference to generic type 'GenericObject' requires arguments in <...>
func addObject(_ obj: GenericObject) {
let u = User(name: "User")
let uo = GenericObject(forType: User.self)
let e = Employee(name: "Employee", position: "session manager")
let eo = GenericObject(forType: Employee.self)
let manager = GenericManager()
The compiler needs to know the type of T, and in this case you haven't supplied it.
You can do it like this:
var objects = [GenericObject<YourTypeHere>]()
For example, if GenericObject will hold an array of Int, it would look like this:
var objects = [GenericObject<Int>]()
I noticed you updated your question. It would be helpful to know what you're trying to achieve, but I'll try to help you anyway.
When you have a generic object, you need to tell the compiler the type of the generic at compile time, that's why it's complaining that the type can't be inferred, it needs to know.
Since you want to be able to add objects to the GenericManager array, you need the generic in those two cases to be the same, so you can modify your class like this:
class GenericManager<T> {
var objects = [GenericObject<T>]()
func addObject(_ obj: GenericObject<T>) {
However, since the objects have to be of the same generic, you can't add a GenericObject<User> and GenericObject<Employee> to the same manager, what you can do is to implement those as GenericObject<Any>, and do the same with the GenericManager, then it will look like this:
let u = User(name: "User")
let uo = GenericObject(forType: Any.self)
let e = Employee(name: "Employee", position: "session manager")
let eo = GenericObject(forType: Any.self)
let manager = GenericManager<Any>()
Keep in mind that this will lose you any advantage that generics would do, what you could do is to create a protocol or common superclass and use that instead of Any, but that depends on what you're trying to achieve.
If you have any further questions, please add a comment instead of silently updating your question.
The problem you are having is that you are trying to use generics, but want to ignore that in GenericManager and store references to objects of different types.
Consider this - when you call manager.objects[0] what would you expect to be returned?
You can solve this by type-erasure using Any as EmilioPelaez suggested. However this is often a codesmell which leads to casting hacks throughout your code.
One alternative would be to use an enum to specify the different types of data you want to represent:
enum GenericObject {
case users([User])
case employees([Employee])
let uo = GenericObject.users([ u ])
let eo = GenericObject.employees([ e ])
Now when you access the properties inside GenericManager you would be required to switch over the different supported types, and when you add a new type you would be required to implement code whenever you use a GenericObject

how to create a singleton in swift with init variables

I am trying to create a singleton class in swift but I am getting an error
"cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label"
i am not getting it.
class GroupObject {
// we want the group object to be a singleton
var name: String
var id: Int
var groupJsonObject: JSON
init(groupJsonObject: JSON){
self.groupJsonObject = groupJsonObject = groupJsonObject["id"].int! = groupJsonObject["name"].string!
class var sharedInstance : GroupObject {
struct Static {
static let instance : GroupObject = GroupObject(groupJsonObject: JSON) // this is the problem line.
return Static.instance
The problem is that you cannot pass a parameter to the singleton. Your singleton implementation doesn't know to what JSON refers.
If you want this to be a singleton, you'd have to initialize the groupJsonObject separately from the initialization of the shared instance. For example:
class GroupObject {
var name: String!
var id: Int!
var groupJsonObject: JSON! {
didSet {
id = groupJsonObject["id"].int!
name = groupJsonObject["name"].string!
static let sharedInstance = GroupObject() // btw, this is a more concise syntax for declaring a singleton
And then, when you want to initialize those properties, you could do:
GroupObject.sharedInstance.groupJsonObject = json
If your "singleton" is supposed to hold some data passed to it on instantiation, how will it get that data? Where/when is it available?
I think you don't actually want a singleton at all; you want an instance created with your JSON data to be accessible from different points in your application. In that case, pick some "master controller", create it there, then pass it along to other controllers as needed.

Preferred way to initialize a class in Swift

In learning Swift, there seems to be two approaches to initializing a class instance:
// Approach A
class Person {
let first: String = "bob"
let last: String = "barker"
let worker = Person()
// Approach B
class Person2 {
let first2: String
let last2: String
init() {
self.first2 = "bill"
self.last2 = "williams"
let dealer = Person2()
Is there any reason why I would use one approach instead of the other?
“If a property always takes the same initial value, provide a default value rather than setting a value within an initializer. The end result is the same, but the default value ties the property’s initialization more closely to its declaration. It makes for shorter, clearer initializers and enables you to infer the type of the property from its default value. The default value also makes it easier for you to take advantage of default initializers and initializer inheritance, as described later in this chapter.”
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.
I use the first version when I have a known default value that I am putting into the variable. I use the second for anything that could change based on what I pass into the init.
So my preferred version of the above would be:
// Approach A
class Person {
let first: String = "bob"
let last: String = "barker"
let worker = Person()
// Approach B
class Person2 {
let first2: String
let last2: String
init(first2: String, last2: String) {
self.first2 = first2
self.last2 = last2
let dealer = Person2(first2: "bill", last2: "williams")