How to point candy machine to domain name? - metaplex

Havent been able to find much on this at all, on here or on google. But I currently have my own domain, and i want to host my candy machine on it. how would I go about doing that? I've been trying to look around for config files to change it from spinning up on localhost but i havent been able to find anything.

It's pretty easy, you just need to host your website somewhere, best place would be (they are free). Put your files in github and host files on Netlify, then in settings change domain to custom domain! That's it! More details on how to host it - Youtube guide on how to host website on netlify
It's super cool, because you can push to github and it will automatically update the website.


Can't connect to at all

I'm running windows 10. I used to use github just fine and I'm not sure what changed, but I can't access the site in any way. I can't browse it. I can't use github tools. I've tried http and https. It all times out.
All other https sites work fine. All other sites that I can find in general work fine. It's just me and Github not getting along.
I beseech thee, code gurus, help me get back to work.
I've tried setting myself in the DMZ of my router and turning off the firewall, to no effect.
are you about to connect to this ip?
You should get this page
Comment on whether you get this or not you get this so I can help you
It went away as mysteriously as it came. We may never know.

Hosting a website on GitHub and connecting to a database

I apologize for the amateur nature of my question, but I am all rather new to this. So I have created a project within the cloud9 IDE, which is a website that connects to a mySQL database located on the same server. However, I wish to showcase the code that I have used to create the site. I have done a little research into doing this and so far I have found that GitHub Pages can allow you to host webcontent. Thus in theory I can just copy across the files from cloud9 to a GitHub repository. However, my site relies on being able to connect to and query a mySQL database. My question is, can and how would I connect my GitHub repo to such a database?
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! In addition, please let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree with this...
GitHub Pages are only for static HTML websites. It does not run any server side technology.
You must find web hosting based on the technology you used to create the website.
If you've been working on a server-side technology, then you could be running on localhost.
If thats the case, try tunnelling your localhost, which allows you to share your localhost with others on other networks.
localtunnel, ngrok and forward provide such technologies.

Create server panel like cPanel

I have a VPS, Cent OS 6.4 64bit
I want to create a panel (like cPanel) and I want to make it accessible by opening a port (serverip:2082 for example). I have created php files of my own panel but i don't know anything about linux services.
What type of code must I make and where can I put it?
Thank you in advance!
no offense, but if you really don't know about linux service you are 99% away from creating your own panel. You first need to understnad that Cpanel not only modify system files to allow hosting and managing database, but it also do all these without playing with system security.
But to start you need a web server that will host your Cpanel. I prefer it to be different from your webserver that host your website, reason? What if your default apache is inaccessible or crash, your panel will crash with it. Then you need to learn Mysql, or database you want to manage through panel, DNS binding, Name servers, regular expression to manage text files of configuration etc.
I know all these because I already built a Cpanel like application, and know it is not easy job especially with this level of question you asked.

Facebook API Integration: testing on different URL?

I'm trying to develop a website which uses Facebook Connect for authentication and other things. However, it seems that FBConnect in general requires the URL of the website to be the same one as you registered the app with. This is a problem, because although I'm running the site at
i am testing the site at
So all the facebook stuff breaks on my local machine. Currently I'm simply working around this by doing testing on the actual server. So each time I want to test my code after doing stuff, I perform a
// local machine
git commit -a
git push origin master
// remote server
git pull origin master
Which apart from being annoying to do for every small change, is obviously going to be a problem when real people are actually reaching the website, and I want to continue development & testing without breaking it over and over while people are using it.
Is there a better way of doing this sort of thing? I'm sure others (i.e. everyone else who has ever used FBConnect) have run into this problem before. Is it possible to trick my DNS to point at localhost during testing, so the Facebook Javascript is tricked to continue working?
One way around this is to edit your system's hosts file to point your domain to localhost. Add a line like this to your /etc/hosts file (or %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on windows):
Another approach is to create a second app on facebook for you in-development version, and use localhost as the URL for that version. Just don't forget to update the app id and secret to the production version when you deploy :)
The real answer here is to set up a staging server not located on your own localhost and create a staging application in FB pointing to that staging URL.
I like to use an entirely separate server for this purpose so I can develop and experiment at will without worrying about crashing my production application due to an errant loop or something.
Create a subdomain ( and stick a clone of your code in a separate root folder with the same directory structure as your application.
Yes, you will need some small conditional code to determine if you're looking at the staging or the production version of your site and then call the appropriate FB keys accordingly.
I ran into this problem when trying to move my code from development (localhost) to production. I was able to use localhost as the canvas url and my production domain for the secure canvas url. That way I was able to

How to version control code on my godaddy shared plan

Godaddy hosts my website on a shared plan. I'm starting to work with another developer now and version control would be helpful.
Does anyone know if I can:
(1) Install some sort of version control directly on GoDaddy?
(2) Use a 3rd party version control that both developers can access remotely, which has ftp, which could be used to upload files to GoDaddy?
I know 2 seems kind of silly. If files are already getting uploaded somewhere with version control I might as well host the files there. I suggested option 2 because I'm nervous to change hosts (I've not used another host before).
If anyone has been in my situation I would appreciate hearing what they did.
You can use Assembla, if its ok for your code to be public, otherwise you can find more solutions in this SO thread.