Reset a Stage Variable from another Stage Variable - datastage

I have a requirement to concatenate multiple lines of data into a single line. The only indentation that multiple lines belong together on a single line is "^" at the end of the last line. I have tried your recommendation and the stage variable to reset the first(svSetConcatenateLineNull) will not compile. Any help/advise would be greatly appreciated.
right(DsLink.Input_blob, 1) = "^"
svConcatenateLine : DsLink.Input_blob
svSetConcatenateLineNull **Fails at Compile Time**
if (svIsRowComplete) then svConcatenateLine = svSetToNull
else ""

There is no need to reset the variable. Just think about processing the variables in top down order for each incoming row.
You can add a conditional value in the last variable and assign that variable to the first variable for the next row.
Initialize your variables in the Stage Variable declaration so they have an appropriate value for the first row per partition.


How to remove quote marks from variable in Azure Data Factory?

I have variable called Query in Azure Data Factory.
I expect value like: Select CustomerName From Customer Where City = 'London'
However I occasionally get value like: 'Select CustomerName From Customer Where City = 'London''
I would like to remove single quote from beginning and end if value starts with ' Quote should not be removed if value does not start with quote.
How to remove quote marks from variable?
Use the If() function in the expression to evaluate if the variable value starts with a single quote (').
If the expression returns true then using substring exclude the first and last single quotes from the variable value. If false the value returns with no change.
Here, the variable (Query) value contains a single quote at the start and end of the value.
Using the Set variable activity, store the result in a variable (Final_query) after removing quotes if it contains at the start of the value.
Removed single quotes from start and end of the value.

TXR: How to combine all lines where the following line begins with a tab?

I am trying to parse the text output of a shell command using txr.
The text output uses a tab indented line following it to continue the current line (not literal \t characters as I show below). Note that on other variable assignment lines (that don't represent extended length values), there are leading spaces in the input.
Variable Group: 1
variable = the value of the variable
long_variable = the value of the long variable
\tspans across multiple lines
really_long_variable = this variable extends
\tacross more than two lines, but it
\tis unclear how many lines it will end up extending
\tacross ahead of time
Variable Group: 2
variable = the value of the variable in group 2
long_variable = this variable might not be that long
really_long_variable = neither might this one!
How might I capture these using the txr pattern language? I know about the #(freeform) directive and it's optional numeric argument to treat the next n lines as one big line. Thus, it seems to me the right approach would be something like:
Variable Group: #i
variable = #value
#(freeform 2)
long_variable = #long_value
#(set long_value #(regsub #/[\t ]+/ "" long_value))
#(freeform (count-next-lines-starting-with-tab))
really_long_variable = #really_long_value
#(set really_long_value #(regsub #/[\t ]+/ "" really_long_value))
However, it's not clear to me how I might write the count-next-lines-starting-with-tab procedure with TXR lisp. On the other hand, maybe there is another better way I could approach this problem. Could you provide any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Let's apply the KISS principle; we don't need to bring in #(freeform). Instead we can separately capture the main line and the continuation lines for the (potentially) multi-line variables. Then, intelligently combine them with #(merge):
Variable Group: #i
variable = #value
long_variable = #l_head
# (collect :gap 0 :vars (l_cont))
# (end)
really_long_variable = #rl_head
# (collect :gap 0 :vars (rl_cont))
# (end)
# (merge long_variable l_head l_cont)
# (merge really_long_variable rl_head rl_cont)
Note that the big indentations in the above are supposed to be literal tabs. Instead of literal tabs, we can encode tabs using #\t.
Test run on the real data with \t replaced by tabs:
$ txr -Bl new.txr data
(i "1" "2")
(value "the value of the variable" "the value of the variable in group 2")
(l_head "the value of the long variable" "this variable might not be that long")(l_cont ("spans across multiple lines") nil)
(rl_head "this variable extends" "neither might this one!")
(rl_cont ("across more than two lines, but it" "is unclear how many lines it will end up extending"
"across ahead of time") nil)
(long_variable ("the value of the long variable" "spans across multiple lines")
("this variable might not be that long"))
(really_long_variable ("this variable extends" "across more than two lines, but it"
"is unclear how many lines it will end up extending" "across ahead of time")
("neither might this one!"))
We use a strict collect with :vars for the continuation lines, so that the variable is bound (to nil) even if nothing is collected. :gap 0 prevents these inner collects from scanning across lines that don't start with tabs: another strictness measure.
#(merge) has "special" semantics for combining lists of strings that haver different nesting levels; it's perfect for assembling data from different levels of collection and is basically tailor made for this kind of thing. This problem is very similar to extracting HTTP, Usenet or e-mail headers, which can have continuation lines.
On the topic of how to write a Lisp function to look ahead in the data, the most important aspect is how to get a handle on the data at the current position. The TXR pattern matching works by backtracking over a lazy list of strings (lines/records). We can use the #(data) directive to capture the list pointer at the given input position. Then we can just treat that as a list:
#(data here)
#(bind tab-start-lines #(length (take-while (f^ #/\t/) here))
Now tab-start-lines has a count of how many lines in the input start with tabs. However, take-while has a termination condition bug, unfortunately; if the following data consists of nothing but one or more tab lines, it misbehaves.⚠ Until TXR 166 is released, this requires a little workaround: (take-while [iff stringp (f^ #/\t/)] here).

writing the input arguments for a function in matlab

I am using this function on matlab
[ProbData,HazData] = cdsbootstrap(ZeroData,MarketData,Settle,[],[],[],[],[],[],0.25)
and it is giving me an error because it dose not understand the [ ].
I want to keep the default inputs from 4-->9 and change the ninth input to 0.25. What should I put instead of the [ ]?
The function cdsbootstrap uses matlab's very common Name/Value pair syntax. Read the first few lines here:
Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name
is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must
appear inside single quotes (' '). You can specify several name and
value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN.
So if you wanted ALL default values, you would use the call:
[ProbData,HazData] = cdsbootstrap(ZeroData,MarketData,Settle);
If you wanted to change one of these possiblities you would simply include the name and value, all names omitted are set to defaults. Based on your value of 0.25 I'm going to assume you are trying to set the RecoveryRate since 0.25 is close to the default.
[ProbData,HazData] = cdsbootstrap(ZeroData,MarketData,Settle,'RecoveryRate',0.25);

Looping in filemaker using a local variable

Been programming in C# for a little bit - trying to use file maker and I cant believe it but I cant even get a simple for loop to work.
What I want to do is simple: loop through for the amount of entries in my "amountOfRooms" field and create an entry in a table for each room.
Sounds so simple, but I cant get it to work. Right now I have this:
Set Variable[$cnt[Customers::AmountOfRooms]; value:1]
Go to Layout["rooms"(Rooms)]
Exit Loop If[$cnt = Customers::AmountOfRooms]
New Record / Request
Set Variable[$cnt; Value: $cnt + 1]
End Loop
Exit Script
No new records are created. I know the script is running because it does go to my layout, but doesnt create any new records. There is a "Repetition" field for my local variable - not sure how to use that or what it means? Any thoughts on how to do this simple loop? Thanks.
Depending on your relationship, the line Exit Loop If[$cnt = Customers::AmountOfRooms] might be equal at the first iteration because you set the variable to the value three lines above it: Set Variable[$cnt[Customers::AmountOfRooms]; value:1]
There are other ways to do it, but one common technique is to have a $i variable compare against $cnt like this:
Set Variable [$cnt; Value:Customers::AmountOfRooms]
Go to Layout ["Rooms" (Rooms)]
Set Variable [$i; Value:1]
Exit Loop If [$i >= $cnt]
New Record/Request
Set Variable [$i; Value:$i + 1]
End Loop
Exit Script []
Repetition Number
At a high level, you can think of a FileMaker variable as a 1-indexed array. So the statements:
# Set Repetition 1 of $i to 1
Set Variable [$i; Value:1]
# Set Repetition 2 of $j to "Second Array Position"
Set Variable [$j[2]; Value:"Second Array Position"]
Would be equivalent to:
# Set the first value of array $i to 1
$i[0] = 1;
# Set the second value of array $j to "Second Array Position"
$j[1] = "Second Array Position";
in some other languages.
It's worth nothing that the array comparison is not strictly apt, but it's a good way to begin thinking of them. Regardless, you don't need to worry about the repetition number in this instance. If you want to learn more, you can start here:

SPSS Macro: compute by variable name

I don't think SPSS macros can return values, so instead of assigning a value like VIXL3 = !getLastAvail target=VIX level=3 I figured I need to do something like this:
/* computes last available entry of target at given level */
define !compLastAvail(name !Tokens(1) /target !Tokens(1) /level !Tokens(1))
compute tmpid= $casenum.
dataset copy tmpset1.
select if not miss(!target).
compute !name= lag(!target, !level).
match files /file= * /file= tmpset1 /by tmpid.
delete variables tmpid.
dataset close tmpset1.
/* compute last values */
!compLastAvail name="VIXCL3" target=VIXC level=3.
The compute !name = where the problem is.
How should this be done properly? The above returns:
>Error # 4285 in column 9. Text: VIXCL3
>Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is
>not defined by a previous command.
>Execution of this command stops.
When you pass tokens to the macro, they get interpreted literally. So when you specify
!compLastAvail name="VIXCL3"
It gets passed to the corresponding compute statement as "VIXCL3", instead of just a variable name without quotation marks (e.g. VIXCL3).
Two other general pieces of advice;
If you do the command set mprint on before you execute your macro, you will see how your tokens are passed to the macro. In this instance, if you had taken that step, you would have seen that the offending compute statement and error message.
Sometimes you do what to use quotation marks in tokens, and when that is the case the string commands !QUOTE and !UNQUOTE come in handy.