Sign in with Apple /consent return 400 - apple-developer

I'm trying to setup "sign in with Apple" on my webapp, I did the following in developer portal:
create primary app id
create service id
create key
Once I construct the redirect URL to apple authorization page, and login with my apple account, the /consent endpoint returns the following HTTP error:
code: "-310003"
message: "Sign in with Apple isn't allowed for the app."
suppressDismissal: false
I couldn't find anything related to this error code. I did not have a published app in the AppStore, could that be the reason my app is not allowed for sign in with apple?
URL to reproduce the error:

This seems to be related to my organization Apple account. If I switch to login with my personal Apple account the flow does work.
Didn't find any documentation about organization account cannot use "sign in with Apple" feature tho.


GCP oauth consent screen - Domain Verification for

We are using SignIn with Google on our Flutter App that uses AWS cognito. Recently it started giving error:
"Error 403: access_denied The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently being tested and it hasn’t been verified by Google. If you think you should have access, contact the developer"
The app was in "Testing" and seems to have reached the limit of 100 users. In order to have more than 100 users use the SignIn with Google option, we need to put the Google Authentication App to "Production". In order to do that Google is asking for domain verification of the used in "Authorized redirect URIs". Since we don't own this domain we can't verify it.
Can someone please help with how can we get the verification of the GCP "oauth consent screen" done with other domains like
Thanks in advance.
I don't think this is currently possible.
Your best bet would be to file a feature request with Google for a supported verification progress for third-party user identity services.
I would suggest using the Google Workspace add-ons component for this type of request.

app to app alexa account linking starting from website

i am implementing alexa account linking starting from my website to receive notification on my alexa device, using the LWA flow as shown on the documentation
But i get invalid scope error for the scope "alexa::skills:account_linking".
You should be using the client ID in the skill itself, you can find it in the permissions tab below Account Linking in your smart home skill.
It is a Login with Amazon(LWA) profile in itself.
refer to: Alexa Account Linking - "Invalid account linking credentials"
Mistakes -
1.Creating a new LWA (Login with Amazon) Profile.
You don't need a new LWA profile, you should instead use the Alexa credentials under the permissions tab on the skill page. They have the right scope (alexa::skills:account_linking) required for App-App Linking and LWA profiles cannot have this scope.
2.Using a development version of a live skill.
I had modified the account linking section in a development version to point to a test deployment. Although these changes are permitted in the developer console, account linking failed every time, so I created a new skill.
3.Reusing the Alexa Auth Code.
I had not realized that even a single bad request will invalidate the Alexa Auth Code.
4.Logging into the wrong Alexa Account.
When you get to the LWA screen during testing the account linking, only login with the developer credentials in which the skill is created. This is because at this point the skill is only available to the Alexa developer account and not anyone else. (Not even the beta testers)

Using Facebook Authentication

In my Angular2 app I have used the following code:
loginfb() {
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider());
But the problem is I am getting an error App Not Set Up: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions.
So I went to Facebook developers, created an app, added the Facebook Login product, went to the product's settings and set the Valid OAuth redirect URIs with the URI given in the firebase console.
But even then when I am trying to login, I am facing the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This error comes when your app is not live.There are a bunch of possible things which could trigger this error.I am not sure and as you are getting error "you don't have access to it",may be you are trying to login through your test version of the Facebook app and you may have not added the user Roles as Testers in Roles section and the you have to add the email address of the Facebook account you are trying to login in setting section.
Then ,make sure that the user you added accepts the request sent before you try to test otherwise it will fail.
And for error "Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
When you create new app on Facebook, its by default only visible to you and not to public and others won't be able to use it for social login and they will get this error. You may have to go to Go to your Facebook app's dashboard, Select the "Status and Review" tab and set YES or ON.
You can find similar question and answer is there in this link App Not Set Up.and
This app is still in development mode

lost my Facebook appid for my website

We registered our website with Facebook.
We then wanted to start using the Facebook Javascript API
to make use of the Facebook Feed Dialog (see
How can we find out what the appid was that we got?
Set up fb developer account(in-short)
Go to the Faceboook search bar and type in "developer." When the Facebook Developer application comes up, add it to your profile.
According to new rules, your account must be verified. Please verify your account by adding your Mobile phone or Credit/debit card here
3 simple steps to get facebook app ID
Go to apps in your facebook developer account
On the left side you will find the list of apps you have created out of them finding the required one should not be difficult, so click on that.
Then you will see the summary of that app, out of which the first one should be App ID/API Key
I hope this helps

How can I use cocoafish/cocoafish-ios-sdk/samples/DemoApp on, facebook check-in sample?

Nowadays, I develop facebook checkin of iPhone app.
So, I searched sample on and found cocoafish/cocoafish-ios-sdk/samples/DemoApp.
I built this and executed this app and I clicked "Login with Facebook" on user tab.
After typing email and password and clicking "Login", this app doesn't login with Facebook.
It prompts "Failed to login with Facebook, Authentication needed".
My email and password are correct.
Also my cocoafishAppKey, oauthConsumerKey, oauthConsumerSecret and facebookAppId are correct.
My cocoafishAppKey, oauthConsumerKey and facebookApp are same and these are the AppId/AppKey that i made when i add app into facebook.
And oauthConsumerSecret is Secret Key.
then, how can i execute this app?
I am going to reference this app.
I will wait answer.
This is Wei from Cocoafish. We provide a server backend so that developers can build checkins and other networked features into their mobile apps. Currently, our Facebook support allows users in your app to also login with their Facebook account.
If you have already signed up for the Cocoafish Private Beta, please refer to for instructions on how to connect your app to allow Facebook logins. If you don't yet have access to Cocoafish, please sign up at and note that you are coming from StackOverflow so that we can give you a beta access code. If you have any more detailed questions, please email