Flutter Animation slide transition - flutter

Im currently building my strength in animation for flutter there is this task I'm trying to complete so far i have been able to replicate the texts but the image at the bottom I'm unable to do that.
What i have tried
I have tried using Transform.translate() and slide transition calculating some offsets but that it's not as what's in the video below. I will be glad if someone can put me through. Thanks
Here's the video Click to view video


Can't find how to create this slideshow animation that has diagonal aspect at both side

I'm trying to make this slideshow animation that has diagonal aspect at both side.
I tried to find every tutorial and flutter package that has this kind of animation but I couldn't find any of them.
The only thing that I found was some Carousel Slider tutorials and pub packages but they had only straight aspect at the both side.
I would be very pleased if anybody tells me how to create this animation :)

Animation In Carousel Slider, Flutter

I have an app that I have created using Flutter. It is simple and just loads a list of slides from Firebase and displays that list in a slideshow format using the carousel_slider package. It works great but I would like an animation to be done when the user slides to the next slide. I know that sounds vague, but for a better description, I wanted an animation like what happens in Google Primer.
In this picture the animation is pretty well visible
In Primer, the slide flies down in a stylish manner and does the same but upwards if you slide up, instead of going straight back

flutter how to make electrical-like animation

I have a gif demonstrating electrical-like animation
The full gif is here: https://pin.it/3RGDs7W
Anyone knows how can implement this kind of animation on Flutter or I have to have a sequence of images to animate it
The most feasible method is to use this gif in Stack below the button. Creating an animation like this is very difficult and also it will decrease the screen FPS and consume more resource. The other way I can think of is creating this animation on rive.app but this will also take a very long time and you will have to learn how to create animations on rive.

How to draw an animated logo using dart flutter as a splash screen

I am trying to create a dynamic logo using as a splash screen using dart flutter as the below image
So as the previous image this shield logo there's a way to create it dynamically using dart-flutter as to able to animate it easily as dragable those small squares in the shield logo...
There's a tutorial or docs related to this case could help me...
I hope this would be clear enough..
If there is no user interaction then you could use
Lottie animation or else if you want to have a user interaction with the animation to it then you could do like
ColorFiltered with the position
Update the state of the position from drag/click position

How to implement stories progress view in flutter

I want to know to the best way in order to develop a widget/view which can work as instagram, snapchat stories which illustrated in image below. There are many depndencies for android, but can't find any for flutter.
I'm thinking to use carousal/viewpager to move between stories of different users, but I'm unable to get how to move backward and forward in between stories of single user(either image or video) with progress bar on top of it which will move automatically to next when progress bar completes.
Try to create a custom ViewPager perhaps using Stack + Transform and use GestureDetector to switch between pages/stories.
I know this question has been asked for a long time, but for those who still ask the same question, you can use this library: https://pub.dev/packages/story_view or look at it's source to implement the same thing.
Not sure if you also want to give the user a chance to manually switch to the next image.
Here are some basic ingredients you want to use for an animated "story":
AnimationController with duration depending on the number of images in the story. Start the animation to go through the images and to animate the progress bar. The animation controller usually has a range from 0.0 to 1.0. Let's say you have 5 images. You would display the first image from 0.0 to 0.2, the second image from 0.2 to 0.4...
AnimatedBuilder that listens to the animation controller. The content inside the animation builder will be rebuilt every frame while the animation runs. Inside of the builder, calculate which image must be shown.
CustomPaint to manually draw a progress bar with sections for the single image. Pass the current animation value and the number of images to your CustomPainter.
Image widget to draw the image.