How does Mui Tabs decide to show scroll buttons - material-ui

Is there any way to find out when scroll buttons are visible on the UI.
I want to show a dropdown whenever scroll buttons are visible on MUI Tabs


Scroll down event to show appbar based on category - Flutter

I have an AppBar and other things in my layout. When user scrolls down, I want AppBar(actually, the Toolbar to show based on category).
How to achieve this appbar appear when scrolling the listview ?
Here the example i want to make like this.
Before scrolling
After Scrolling Appbar Appear and fixed at top

Flutter Dismissible make buttons undismissible on vertical drag

I have a dismissible modal in flutter with a header, body and footer all wrapped in a Dissmissible widget, the header and body are draggable to dismiss by design but I don't want the footer to also be draggable to dismiss. Is there a way to make a certain widget not respond drag events?

Ensure buttons visible

I want to scroll buttons into view in two different scenarios.
One scenario is upon clicking a list item, and the second scenario is when a text field is focused.Gif showing both scenarios
From the example, I would like the "edit" and "delete" buttons to scroll into view when the list item is clicked. And I would like the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons to scroll into view when the text field is focused.
Any guidance is appreciated!
Wrap your buttons with Visibility widgets, and use bool variables to set when they should be visible.

appcelerator tableview autosliding

Using Appcelerator:
I have a form, a tableView with textFeilds
I want it so when I focus on them, it slides the window or the view to the top, under the navigation bar.
Right now, the keyboard is blocking the last few rows.
Do I need a listener on each form to slide? If so how do you do that?
You could add a focus listener to each of your textFields.
Then you should be able to move the tableview using scrollToTop or scrollToIndex.
If there are a fixed number of textfields you might want to try using a scrollview instead of a tableview. This will handle the move-up action for you when the individual taps in a textfield.

Display keyboard above toolbar?

I have a view with a bottom toolbar and a UIWebview that is loading an HTML page with some textboxes. Is there anyway when the user clicks on a textbox, the keyboard appears above the toolbar, that way it doesn't hide its buttons?
You shouldn't try to change the keyboard's location, even if you could. That would be a usability disaster.
Instead, try to move the toolbar above the keyboard if you want to keep it visible.