Integrating Flow Blockchain in Flutter - flutter

I am trying to develop a dAPP using the Flow Blockchain in Flutter. I cannot find any library or package that I can use to do so. Is this even possible in Flutter?

You could use flutters HTTP library to make requests to Flows REST API

I started to work on a Flow Dart SDK quite a long time ago.
The REST API was not available at that time, but you could still do calls via GRPC requests. Check it out - maybe it's something you would be interested in collaborating and we can bring it to finished state.


Can you make complete apps using Flutter & Dart or just the UI part of an app?

I'm confused about what Flutter framework actually does, I know that it uses Dart and have heard that both of them can be used to create cross-platform apps.
But Wikipedia defines Flutter as a "UI Framework", so my question is, can you make a complete app (for mobile) which also has backend part (communicates with a database) built entirely using Flutter & Dart and not only the UI part?
Yes, we can obviously build complete apps using Flutter, from UI part to backend as well. Using Firebase as a backend service, we can use it for authentication, database, hosting and all.

Integrate getstream activity feed in flutter

So I am trying to integrate activity feed feature from get stream into flutter. But I am not able to get the docs for that. My question is, is it possible to integrate feed feature to flutter app ?
There are various tutorials for integrating chat feature but not the feed feature. Please help.
Note: I am not an experienced flutter developer...
Unfortunately, no Flutter SDK or customized docs for Flutter at the moment but we're considering to allocate some resources for it in Q3 this year.
I highly suggest you to use Flutter platform channels. I had to do that for a project I am working on currently. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
There is a dedicated Dart package to interact with the API:
And a core package that simplifies the low-level client by managing state and providing builders:

How create an application using api rest and sqflite to the app offline and online with minimum code

Hello I am quite new to flutter and dart. I am creating a flutter application. How create an application using api rest and sqflite to reu the app offline and online with minimum code. Is it possible? I couldn't find the right documents using these 2 in same time.
This is a very broad question!
Here is what I recommend you go through:
Interacting with a rest API -
Interacting with SQLite -
And as much as I don't like recommending Medium due to paywalls:

How to flutter web with phone auth using firebase plugin please define complete step for flutter web

I am using firebase plugin to authentication with email and password in flutter web. I am done with this one.
Now I want to authenticate flutter web with phone_auth. I am using the same plugin and in this plugin, a future method which is called signInWithPhoneNumber(String phoneNumer, ApplicationVarifier verifier). I follow the rule on the firebase for application verifier. There, I learn about ReCaptchaVarifier which verifies the user with reCaptcha technique. But there is no way to integrate reCaptcha in flutter web.
If you solved my problem then it will be great opportunity for me to getting my job. Thanks I am waiting for your response
Flutter for Web is currently in development, therefore firebase support isn't yet ready... It may come in the near future. Good luck with your project!
As at now Flutter Web is not yet ready for Production and it does not support these yet.
You should consider using other dart frameworks.
And No, you can not write HTML code for flutter web.

Consume secure REST API in cross-platform native app using Xamarin

Q1: Can a native cross-platform mobile app (Android/iOS/Windows) developed in Xamarin call a web service via a secure REST API (https) ?
Q2: If yes, are such calls (when compiled by Xamarin) made 'natively' or made through a webview? In other words, would there be any difference in the app's capability - can the app work as a background service etc as well as a native app?
Note #1: I've searched & found Xamarin documentation for web services:
but there is no specific mention of https. May be the answer is there in the docs, but I'm unable to find/understand.
Note #2: One example of a secure REST-ful service would be Firebase.
You can use Firebase which saves your app data in the cloud
you can find more here and then use Firesharp to access your data in c# code.
Q1: Yes, you can.
Q2: No, no need to use webview. You can use HttpClient class for example or RestSharp library (you can found it in Xamarin components - RestSharp)