Uber user account linking to Uber business account - uber-api

We're developing a particular CRM web application and we need Uber integration. Our company has created a business account with Uber and on the kick-off meeting we had with the Uber representative, we were told that Uber users can have their accounts linked to our business account.
And here is my problem: I can't find any documentation on how do I initiate the account linking process from our web app.
Thanks in advance.


Finding Facebook Business manager account by ID?

Facebook Business Manager Account ID is known but the login credentials are unknown. Is there any way or online tool to find the email account behind the FB Business account by ID?
Purpose is to recover the account.
ID: 490403301730920

App Acceptance Process for Facebook Marketing API

I am looking at using the Business Manager API to manage our clients Facebook advertising, including a central billing implementation, and have a few queries.
From what I can gather, to use the Business Manager API, I have to have my App accepted, then request access to the Business Manager API, then open a line of credit.
Can I develop my application in sandbox mode and get access to the Business Manager API?
How long does the process, usually, take to accept a Facebook APP, give access to the BM API and open a line of credit?
Not being able to access the BM API endpoints to manage clients and create ads hampers the development process and the ability to request the Facebook App for review.
Any help on this would be gratefully appreciated.

Delete Facebook Business manager account

I have a question...Last mont I've created a Business Manager Account linked to one page of mine in facebook, but I've never done an ads or campaign, so I've any cost charged. If I disable my business account, facebook will charge me a cost or anything?

Uber integration on website

I am trying to integrate uber on my website. The first initial steps say i need to open an account and then register the app inorder to get client id and server token which then are used for authentication. Is it possible to skip this step at all since all i want to do is redirect the user to the login screen where they can login to their account and request a cab, but I do want to pass latitude, longitude as well so its prepopulated once they login [so they dont have to fill in address again]. Any ideas how i can achieve this?
You will need to sign up for a developer account at developer.uber.com if you wish to access the API so you add an Uber integration your website.
Once you have an account, you can request rides with a specified product and location for various users that visit your website. It's free to sign up, and you can even earn money through the affiliate program.

How do you connect twitter account to facebook account in your application?

Say someone signs up with facebook. Then he wants to tweet a place. Well, I need to connect his facebook account with the account he created using twitter.
Is it commonly done?
Usually a custom application has its own database of its native user accounts and then each native user account can be associated with external services accounts.
Say, your user can associate their Facebook account and their Twitter account with their native account in your application, and then interact with those external services alike.