cant put widgets horizontally like row in flutter_tex - flutter

The flutter_tex has TeXViewColumn for set widgets vertically, but there isn't anything for put data horizontally like a row.
I want to use flutter_tex's widgets because flutter widgets render very slow.
Is there a solution?


Flutter grid with different size

how to create grid. My issue is that I want to display widget in my grid view and each one of these widgets has its own content and can have different width, I am facing trouble with achieving that…
GridView, Wrap, ListView, Rows + Columns, Stack.
You can use Wrap widget. Also check flutter_staggered_grid_view package.

Flutter expand/collapse container without overflow error

Does anybody have a clue how to achieve expand/collapse animation for a given Container widget?
I tried to use ExpandablePanel but it is not what I really want, because I want to render a Column within a Container, and if the Container is collapsed I want to show only 150px from it, otherwise it should have the height of the content.
Clicking on the arrow the Container should toggle it's state.
Below are some images which represents the goal:
The overflow error is thrown because when the column is collapsed there is no room to contain all the children inside the column.
What do we do when we have a column with children's height larger than the screen height? We use scrolling!
So you can wrap your column with SingleChildScrollView widget to make the column scrollable, so when it collapses it doesn't complain about the children's height, instead, the scrolling functionality handles them because you can scroll in a column even if it has very small width.

How to create a Fixed Scrollable portion in CusotmScrollView in flutter?

I am using a CustomScrollView and Slivers inside it and redendering the list using SliverChildBuilderDelegate. This works fine, but my requirement is to have a Fixed Container of height = height of screen/2 and inside that I want to render a list and and it can scroll as well, I am using CupertinoSliverNavigationBar [this cannot be replaced]. I am able to draw a Container and inside that I am able to show a list using Listview.builder, but the problem is I am unable to scroll the list, whenever I scroll it, it goes to top again, I want something Like, my CustomScrollView should be kept as it is, just I want to create a Scrollable Container of fixed height and the list inside that should scroll properly and CustomScrollView can also scroll, I have tried many widgets like Wrap, Rows, Columns, SingleChildScrollView, also tried NeverScrollPhysics() Behaviour for CustomScrollView but nothing is working out. Please Help!

Provide different children if Wrap is multi-line vs single-line

I want to display some widgets in a Wrap, and if the widgets are too many to fit on one row, I want to display different widgets (more compact versions of the normal widgets).
How can I achieve this, without resorting to manual measurements of screen width and children? Is there any built-in way to do this with a Wrap or some other widget?
What if with the compact version, the row is still full. Do you want to display the children in multiline then or wrap them with the next line? If it's the latter, then I think it's best to use Wrap from the beginning.
Another practical way is to make the child adaptable as well, by using FittedBox or make it scrollable horizontally by using SingleChildScrollView or ListView.
There can be other scenarios when it's better to show just 4-5 children that's enough to fit a row. Then have a button allowing user to navigate to a detail screen display all the children in a grid or list.

Use a ListView.builder and wrap widgets dynamically

I try to solve the following problem: I want to have a dynamically generated set of cards widgets which should be layed out horizontal and wrap the line when the card is getting too big:
I was thinking of a ListView.builder but this can either go horizontal or vertical. More, a gridview seems also not the best option as I have no fixed columns or rows. Is there any way in doing so or exists there maybe a widget I am not aware of currently?