Is there a limitation of DetourCrowdAiController in a world? - unreal-engine4

i wonder if there is a limitation for DetourCrowdAiController to possess Ai?
I have a blueprint class named "NPC" and it is controlled by default DetourCrowdAiController.
The npc has a simple task to move to a location by using the "Ai Move To". The target location is calculated in the construction scipt, and all the NPCs have the same target location.
(since i am not allowed to embed images in my post, i have to insert images as links, sorry about that)
enter image description here
Then i put near 40 NPCs in the building, and it worked fine. When i launch the game, every NPC started to run and reached the target location.
enter image description here
But when i tried put more NPCs in the building, some NPCs just won't move at all.
enter image description here
Then I tried to reduce NPC in the building 1 by 1 till 50, finally all the NPCs started to move again.
So, i found that, once the number of NPCs is over 50, the extra NPCs just can't move. Does it mean that there is a limitation of DetourCrowdAiControll in a world?
Or there is some bugs?
Let me Know if you can't get my question through my dumb English!
Any help would be Helpful.


VRExpansionPlugin New Level Can't teleport

I'm using the VRExpansionPlugin in UnrealEngine 4.
Steps I've taken
Created a new "Default" level within the template project provided by the VRExpansionPlugin.
Added a NavMeshBoundsVolume to the level.
Deleted the existing "Player Start" and replaced it with the "VRPlayer Start".
I would expect that when I "Play" the level I should be able to point at the ground and teleport around, but instead I just see the short blue teleport line that almost immediately cuts off.
I know that I am missing a step (probably only one) but I'm not sure what step I am missing. Also, I can't find any documentation to help figure out what I am missing. So, with that said, what am I missing to enable teleport movement in my UE4 VRExpansionPlugin VR project?
Well, it turns out to be both something weird and very simple. I was comparing it to a "Default" level I had created in the past that worked and I noticed that on my previous working example my navmesh was halfway into the floor instead of sitting on top. The navmesh on my current level was position by raising it above the floor and using the "end" key to tell it sit exactly on top of the floor, which for some reason caused the teleportation to not work. I moved the navmesh down into the floor and everything started working perfectly.
tl;dr; The answer is to make sure the navmesh is not sitting exactly on top of the floor but instead below or inside it.

how to make an object move automatically Within a specified path

I am a beginner with Unity 5.6 and game development in general.
I have a train and its rails in my scene. I need the train to start moving automatically on the rails (within a specified path) when the game starts. When it reaches the end of the path it should return to the start and keeps moving. I also want to control its speed. I've tried many things and searching for answers to make this and haven't succeeded yet.
How can I do this please? What kind of code do I have to write? Do I need to attach it to the train object?

-Roblox- How would I make an AI path finding bot that only moves on certain objects?

So currently I am making a game which involves guests like Coaster Tycoon 2...
I already have my AI script finished but I want to implement some more code so it only moves on parts named lets just say "Path". How would I go about doing this???
Hi there I suggest maybe making it so the guests are can collide mode then make it so that the player can't collide with anything other than solid objects. So put invisible walls along the paths and make it so the guest can't walk through them but the player can. Then do it so the guest when he hits a wall turns a different direction. Then script it so the players can walk through them walls.
In the past, I've done this by using the A* pathfinding algorithm. You can modify the algorithm a bit so that the only nodes ever used are ones that fit your need (e.g. "Path" nodes). The ROBLOX Wiki has an A* page with a good implementation of the method.

How do you keep a shot moving in the same direction/velocity after it has hit a target while allowing targets to bounce off of obstacles?

I have a shot that gets fired from a turret which needs to be able to hit multiple targets (once it hits one target the target disappears and the shot should continue in the same direction with the same velocity and can continue on and hit others). My issue is that the targets I currently have are triggers which can run into obstacles, but since they are triggers they simply pass through these obstacles. If I remove the trigger then they correctly run into and bounce off of obstacles but then the shot bounces off of them after hitting them rather than continuing through. So my question is how do I allow shots to hit targets and continue through them after hit while allowing targets to hit and bounce off of obstacles?
Thanks for the answers you guys, that definitely helped me go in the right direction. I ended up using Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll with the origin point being the center of my shot which returns a list of 2D Colliders that the circle encounters. Then I check the tag of each game object in that list to see if it's an actual target as opposed to an obstacle.

Path finding on a 2d plataformer game. Making enemies jump

I am working 2D Platform running game and I am stuck at this issue, i cant figure it out how to make my enemies jump through platforms as they follow the player. I used A* path finding with a Grid graph for my flying enemy and it works just fine. But with the ground troops i don't know what to do. Any recommendations where to start and what to study? Thanks in advance
Place a Trigger (Collider) attached with the Platform at the point where you want your enemy to Act (Jump in your case). and Attach a script to your Enemy to Handle its actions whenever it enters that trigger. you can make it Jump/Fly or whatever you want to. Thumb up if its helpful :)