VS Code: Reopen windows after restart - visual-studio-code

I usally have multiple instances of VS Code running, working on different projects simultaneously. After a system restart I always have to reopen those windows manually ([File > Open Recent] may be a quick way, but still...).
Is there a way to do this more easily, for example using some kind of window management extension?

I found on Github a issue with the same approach: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/26773
There they talk about "window.reopenFolders": "all"


Can you have isolated VS Code environments so each project has its own extensions?

I work on multiple projects in VS code. Over time and across projects I have accumulated so many extensions so that starting up is slower and some extensions cause things to break so I have to reinstall VS code to open up a project.
Is there a way, similar to python venv, where you have have multiple instances of vs code each with its own set of extensions?
Yes - you can disable/enable extensions per workspace! Not quite the same as install/uninstall but should solve your problem of extensions running on startup
You go to extensions menu, click the gear icon on some installed extension and you can Disable (Workspace). You can do the same in reverse for enabling per workspace - docs here.

Disable (integrated) terminal sharing between VS Code windows

I've liked using VS Code's integrated terminal in my VS Code windows. I usually have several different windows open, each in a different project, and use the terminal to interact with the git repository for the project and the compiler. However, currently (I think this changed in the June 2022 update?) it seems the integrated terminal has started sharing the working dir across VS Code windows, so that if I cd to a particular project/repository in one window, the terminal tab in other windows also change directory.
Assuming this is intentional, is there a way to use the integrated terminal in a way that keeps terminals in separate windows completely independent?

Visual Studio code : Issue loading Extensions

I am using visual studio code to do my LWC change and it takes at lest 5 minutes to load those extensions. Some times it fails outright and would not let me run commends.
Is there an option to force run extensions?
There is no option to force run extensions in VSCode. It is likely that your hardware and system configuration is not capable of running your program quickly. Consider editing your question to include your computer specs.
While IntelliJ IDEA does require better hardware than VSCode, consider trying that IDE for LWC instead in case it is a VSCode issue and not your hardware.

How can I get Visual Studio Code to reset the IntelliSense engine for Rust?

I am working on two projects, one is a library, the other is a program that uses that library. When I make changes to the library the other window (the program) doesn't see these changes, so I do not get updated IntelliSense. Closing the program that uses the library and reopening it does force an update but I really prefer not having to go that far.
Answering the title directly and not the root issue...
You can reset IntelliSense and all Rust code features by running the "Rust: Restart the Rust server" command from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
Progress will be indicated in the status bar.
Still a blunt tool but it will ensure you're in a fresh state without having to restart VS Code entirely.

Can I have multiple configurations of Visual Studio Code, one per coding language, each with its own plugins?

This is not a duplicate of How do I open multiple instances of Visual Studio Code?.
My previous question, How can I make Visual Studio Code's auto-complete suggestions appear more quickly? explains my problem.
I was using VSC with the PlatformIo plugin for embedded development for a few months with no problem. Then I started on Flutter/Dart and soon had a problem with auto-suggest being really slow.
It could be that I just loaded a duff plug-in (I am adding them back, one by one, to see if/when it "breaks"), but ... I am considering doing all development in VCS, so as to have a single IDE.
I am currently using Eclipse for C/C++ and PHP, WebStorm for AngualrJs and PyCharm for Python.
I had previously used Eclipse for everything, and had a different copy of Eclipse for each language, each with its own plugins.
Since I will be developing in 4 or 5 languages, even if I don't hit a problem as bad as I just did, adding plug-ins for that many languages into a single IDE will inevitably slow things down.
So, question: can I have multiple installs of VSC, each with its own plug-ins, and launch them separately?
I solved this problem on windows using vs code portable.
I created a folder at the root of my machine with subfolders for each language, inside each I put the vs code, then I created a data folder inside each of them so that the information was stored locally, I modified the name of the executables and added it to the path.
As an example, to access a vscode configured for python I put code-python . at the terminal.
I Have the idea watching this video, it may help you (it is in portuguese, but you can see more os less what it does).