How to form a list with the elements given by Racklog recursively? - racket

I am starting to read about Racklog, which is somewhat the logic programming extension to Racket, and so far I know that I can great predicates and goals in the following way:
(define %coffee
(%rel ()
and when I use the instruction %which and %more starts to show if the goals are fulfilled or not, like the following:
(%which (c) (%coffee c))
((c . moka))
((c . turkish))
Until it reaches #f when there are no more predicates to evaluate. So I was wondering if I could extract the results from these predicates evaluation and to form a list recursively. I have programmed the following:
(define (test data)
(if (eq? data #f)
(cons (%which (c) (%coffee c))(test (%more)))))
(test %coffee)
However, it enters an infinite loop: how I can form a list with the results of %more?

%more retries the goal in the last %which-query for a different solution, so you have to call (%which (c) (%coffee c)) only once and then call repeatedly (%more) to get other results:
#lang racket
(require racklog)
(define %coffee
(%rel ()
(define (test data)
(if data
(cons data (test (%more)))
(test (%which (c) (%coffee c)))
'(((c . moka)) ((c . turkish)) ((c . expresso)) ((c . cappuccino)) ((c . latte)))


Racket: Make list of pairs from two lists

I'm trying to make a function that takes in two lists of atoms as a parameter and returns them as a list of pairs.
Example Input
(combine '(1 2 3 4 5) '(a b c d e))
Example Output
'((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d) (5 e))
However, I'm new to Racket and can't seem to figure out the specific syntax to do so. Here is the program that I have so far:
(define connect
(lambda (a b)
(cond [(> (length(list a)) (length(list b))) (error 'connect"first list too long")]
[(< (length(list a)) (length(list b))) (error 'connect"first list too short")]
[else (cons (cons (car a) (car b)) (connect(cdr a) (cdr b)))]
When I run it, it gives me the error:
car: contract violation
expected: pair?
given: '()
Along with that, I don't believe the error checking here works either, because the program gives me the same error in the else statement when I use lists of different lengths.
Can someone please help? The syntax of cons doesn't make sense to me, and the documentation for Racket didn't help me solve this issue.
When you're new to Scheme, you have to learn to write code in the way recommended for the language. You'll learn this through books, tutorials, etc. In particular, most of the time you want to use built-in procedures; as mentioned in the comments this is how you'd solve the problem in "real life":
(define (zip a b)
(apply map list (list a b)))
Having said that, if you want to solve the problem by explicitly traversing the lists, there are a couple of things to have in mind when coding in Scheme:
We traverse lists using recursion. A recursive procedure needs at least one base case and one or more recursive cases.
A recursive step involves calling the procedure itself, something that's not happening in your solution.
If we needed them, we create new helper procedures.
We never use length to test if we have processed all the elements in the list.
We build new lists using cons, be sure to understand how it works, because we'll recursively call cons to build the output list in our solution.
The syntax of cons is very simple: (cons 'x 'y) just sticks together two things, for example the symbols 'x and 'y. By convention, a list is just a series of nested cons calls where the last element is the empty list. For example: (cons 'x (cons 'y '())) produces the two-element list '(x y)
Following the above recommendations, this is how to write the solution to the problem at hand:
(define (zip a b)
; do all the error checking here before calling the real procedure
[(> (length a) (length b)) (error 'zip "first list too long")]
[(< (length a) (length b)) (error 'zip "first list too short")]
[else (combine a b)])) ; both lists have the same length
(define (combine a b)
; base case: we've reached the end of the lists
[(null? a) '()]
; recursive case
[else (cons (list (car a) (car b)) ; zip together one element from each list
(combine (cdr a) (cdr b)))])) ; advance the recursion
It works as expected:
(zip '(1 2 3 4 5) '(a b c d e))
=> '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d) (5 e))
The reason your error handling doesn't work is because you are converting your lists to a list with a single element. (list '(1 2 3 4 5)) gives '((1 2 3 4 5)) which length is 1. You need to remove the list.
This post is a good explanation of cons. You can use cons to build a list recursively in your case.
(define connect
(lambda (a b)
(cond [(> (length a) (length b)) (error 'zip "first list too long")]
[(< (length a) (length b)) (error 'zip "first list too short")]
[(empty? a) '()]
[else (cons (list (car a) (car b)) (connect (cdr a) (cdr b)))]
However, I would prefer Sylwester's solution
(define (unzip . lists) (apply map list lists))
which uses Racket's useful apply function.
#lang racket
(define (combine lst1 lst2)
(map list lst1 lst2))
;;; TEST
(combine '() '())
(combine (range 10) (range 10))
(combine (range 9) (range 10))
map have buildin check mechanism. We don't need to write check again.
#lang racket
(define (combine lst1 lst2)
(local [(define L1 (length lst1))
(define L2 (length lst2))]
[(> L1 L2)
(error 'combine "first list too long")]
[(< L1 L2)
(error 'combine "second list too long")]
[else (map list lst1 lst2)])))

How to create (d . nil) in lisp

I am beginner in Lisp. There is a question that I cannot solve.
Show the simplest expression that Lisp will print out when you type the following
’(a b (c . e) (d . nil))
I tried (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons (cons 'c 'e) (cons (cons 'd nil)))))
However, it wouldn't create (d . nil).
So, is there any way to create such a dot pair?
Show the simplest expression that Lisp will print out when you type the following expression
The question does not ask you to create a dotted pair, but how the dotted pair is printed. I suppose this question aims at showing you that lists are just dotted pairs printed in a special way.
If you write this in a REPL:
'(a b (c . e) (d . nil))
The REPL replies:
(A B (C . E) (D))
You have the exact same output if you write:
'(a . (b . ((c . e) . ((d . nil) . nil))))
Basically, (a b) is the list made of a symbol a in front of a sublist (b), written (a . (b)). Here I am only talking about how forms are read. If you write them directly in the REPL, they will first be read, then evaluated, and in that case you will get an error. That's why in the examples are quoted: an expression being quoted is not evaluated, but returned as-is.
If you want to write code that, when evaluated, produces the cons-cell (0 . 1), you have to write this list:
(cons 0 1)
The above is a list of three elements, which could be written equally:
(cons . (0 . (1 . nil)))
Your interpreter will read this list (a symbol, two numbers) and evaluate the resulting form. That forms produces, at runtime, the following cons cell:
(0 . 1)

Racket - implementing the let* function using macro

I need to implement my_let* using defmacro which works similarly to let*, but while let* is expanded to a series of nested let calls (behind the scenes), my_let* needs to be expanded to a single let call, and use the define statement to define the arguments i get.
an example of using my_let*:
(my_let* ((a 2)
(b 3)
(c (+ a b)))
(+ a b c))
and the return value of this code should be 10. just as if it was use let*.
the code above will be expanded in my_let* to the following:
(let ()
(define a 2)
(define b 3)
(define c (+ a b))
(+ a b c))
I'm new to using macro, though i successfully written some macros, this one got me lost.
Thank you in advance.
Use syntax-parse. At the least don't even consider using defmacro in Racket.
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
(define-syntax (my-let* stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_my-let* ([name:id e:expr] ...) body ...)
#'(let ()
(define name e) ...
body ...)]))
The name:id means that name must be an identifier and e:expr means
that e must an expression. These simple annotations help syntax-parse
to give you better error messages.
(my-let* ((4 2)
(b 3)
(c (+ a b)))
(+ a b c))
Here the DrRacket will color the 4 read and give the message:
my-let*: expected identifier in: 4
The Scheme way is using syntax-rules
(define-syntax my-let*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ((binding expression) ...) body ...)
(let ()
(define binding expression) ...
body ...))))
Using defmacro is more like making a procedure.
(define (my-let-fun* bindings . body)
How it should work is like this:
(my-let-fun* '((a 1) (b 2) (c (+ a b))) "test" '(list a b c))
; ==> (let () (define a 1) (define b 2) (define c (+ a b)) "test" (list a b c))
If you have not called my-let-fun* in your implementation it's just changing it to a defmacro and you're done.
(defmacro my-let* (bindings . body)
It's quite simple to do either with a helper to do recursion or foldr to do the bindings. Good luck!
Your my-let* will only work in #lang racket and perhaps #!r6rs and later. In R5RS you will get an error in this case:
(my-let* ((a 1) (b 2) (c (+ a b)))
(list a b c))
; signals an error that a is undefined.
The reason is that it expands to something like this:
(let ((a 'undefined) (b 'undefined) (c 'undefined))
(let ((tmp1 1) (tmp2 2) (tmp3 (+ a b)))
(set! a tmp1)
(set! b tmp2)
(set! c tmp3))
(list a b c))
Between the error messages and some judicious use of the macro stepper I think it's hard to go too wrong here. The trouble is just making sure you've put things together right using either conses or unquote-splicing. I believe the standard practice in such macros is heavy use of quasiquote and unquote-splicing in order for the output to as closely match the intended statement as possible, otherwise the macro can become quite inscrutable. But I am not a defmacro expert.
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(defmacro my-let* (binding-pairs . body)
(define defines (map (lambda (bp) (cons 'define bp)) binding-pairs))
`(let ()
(my-let* ((a 2)
(b (expt a 3)))
(printf "a:~a\nb:~a\n" a b)
(+ a b))

Lisp function: union

I have a lisp homework I am having a hard time with it.
I have to write a function that perform a union operation. The function takes 2 inputs, either in the form of either atom or list and unions every element, preserving the order and stripping off all levels of parenthesis.
The output for the function:
(my-union 'a 'b) ;; (a b)
(my-union 'a '(b)) ;; (a b)
(my-union '(a b) '(b c)) ;; (a b c)
(my-union '(((a))) '(b(c((d e))a))) ;; (a b c d e)
I am fairly new to lisp.
Here is what I have written so far and it works only for the third example:
(defun new-union (a b)
(if (not b)
(if (member (car b) a)
(new-union a (cdr b))
(new-union (append a (list (car b))) (cdr b)))))
Any help would be appreciated!
Since this is your first homework, and you are new to Lisp, here is a very simple top-down approach, not worrying about performance, and making good use of the tools CL offers:
In Common Lisp, there is already a function which removes duplicates: remove-duplicates. Using it with the :from-end keyword-argument will "preserve order". Now, imagine you had a function flatten, which flattens arbitrarily nested lists. Then the solution to your question would be:
(defun new-union (list1 list2)
(remove-duplicates (flatten (list list1 list2)) :from-end t))
This is how I would approach the problem when no further restrictions are given, and there is no real reason to worry much about performance. Use as much of the present toolbox as possible and do not reinvent wheels unless necessary.
If you approach the problem like this, it boils down to writing the flatten function, which I will leave as an exercise for you. It is not too hard, one easy option is to write a recursive function, approaching the problem like this:
If the first element of the list to be flattened is itself a list, append the flattened first element to the flattened rest. If the first element is not a list, just prepend it to the flattened rest of the list. If the input is not a list at all, just return it.
That should be a nice exercise for you, and can be done in just a few lines of code.
(If you want to be very correct, use a helper function to do the work and check in the wrapping function whether the argument really is a list. Otherwise, flatten will work on atoms, too, which may or may not be a problem for you.)
Now, assuming you have written flatten:
> (defun new-union (list1 list2)
(remove-duplicates (flatten (list list1 list2)) :from-end t))
> (new-union 'a 'b)
(A B)
> (new-union 'a '(b))
(A B)
> (new-union '(a b) '(b c))
(A B C)
> (new-union '(((a))) '(b (c ((d e)) a)))
(A B C D E)
One way to approach this is to separate your concerns. One is flattening; another is duplicates-removing; yet another is result-building.
Starting with empty list as your result, proceed to add into it the elements of the first list, skipping such elements that are already in the result.
Then do the same with the second list's elements, adding them to the same result list.
(defun my-union (a b &aux (res (list 1)) (p res))
(nadd-elts p a)
(nadd-elts p b)
(cdr res))
nadd-elts would add to the end of list, destructively updating its last cell (pointed to by p) using e.g. rplacd. An example is here.
To add elements, nadd-elts would emulate the flattening procedure, and add each leaf element into p after checking res for duplicates.
Working in functional style, without destructive update, the general approach stays the same: start with empty result list, add first list into it - without duplicates - then second.
(defun my-union (a b &aux res)
(setq res (add-into res a))
(setq res (add-into res b))
Now we're left with implementing the add-into function.
(defun add-into (res a &aux r1 r2)
((atom a) .... )
(T (setq r1 (add-into res (car a)))
(setq r2 (............ (cdr a)))
The above can be re-written without the auxiliary variables and without set primitives. Try to find out how... OK here's what I meant by that:
(defun my-union (a b) (add-into NIL (cons a b)))
(defun add-into (res a)
((atom a) .... )
(T (add-into (add-into res (car a))
(cdr a)))))
Unless you are not allowed to use hash table (for some reason I've encountered this as a requirement before), you could come up with an ordering function that will help you build the resulting set in the way, that you don't have to repeat the search over and over again.
Also, since nested lists are allowed your problem scales down to only removing duplicates in a tree (as you can simply append as many lists as you want before you start processing them.
Now, I'll try to show few examples of how you could do it:
;; Large difference between best and worst case.
;; Lists containing all the same items will be processed
;; in square time
(defun union-naive (list &rest lists)
(when lists (setf list (append list lists)))
(let (result)
(labels ((%union-naive (tree)
(if (consp tree)
(%union-naive (car tree))
(when (cdr tree) (%union-naive (cdr tree))))
(unless (member tree result)
(setq result (cons tree result))))))
(%union-naive list) result)))
;; Perhaps the best solution, it is practically linear time
(defun union-hash (list &rest lists)
(when lists (setf list (append list lists)))
(let ((hash (make-hash-table)) result)
(labels ((%union-hash (tree)
(if (consp tree)
(%union-hash (car tree))
(when (cdr tree) (%union-hash (cdr tree))))
(setf (gethash tree hash) t))))
(%union-hash list))
#'(lambda (a b)
(declare (ignore b))
(push a result)) hash)
;; This will do the job in more time, then the
;; solution with the hash-map, but it requires
;; significantly less memory. Memory is, in fact
;; a more precious resource some times, but you
;; have to decide what algo to use based on the
;; data size
(defun union-flatten (list &rest lists)
(when lists (setf list (append list lists)))
(labels ((%flatten (tree)
(if (consp tree)
(if (cdr tree)
(nconc (%flatten (car tree))
(%flatten (cdr tree)))
(%flatten (car tree)))
(list tree))))
;; the code below is trying to do something
;; that you could've done using
;; (remove-duplicates (%flatten list))
;; however sorting and then removing duplicates
;; may prove to be more efficient
#'(lambda (a b)
((atom a) (list a))
((eql (car a) b) b)
(t (cons b a))))
(sort (%flatten list)
#'(lambda (a b)
(string< (symbol-name a)
(symbol-name b)))))))
(union-naive '(((a))) '(b(c((d e))a)))
(union-hash '(((a))) '(b(c((d e))a)))
(union-flatten '(((a))) '(b(c((d e))a)))
Notice that the function I've used to order elements is not universal, but you would probably be able to come up with an alternative function for any sort of data. Any fast hashing function in general would do, I've used this one for simplicity.

LISP functions that perform both symbolic and numeric operations on expressions using +, -, *, and /

I'm currently working on a LISP exercise for a small project and need severe help. This may be more or less of a beginner's question but I'm absolutely lost on writing a certain function that takes in two unevaluated functions and spits out the result dependent on if the variables were given an assignment or not.
An example would be
(setq p1 '(+ x (* x (- y (/ z 2)))))
(evalexp p1 '( (x 2) (z 8) ))
returns (+ 2 (* 2 (- y 4)))
My goal is to write the evalexp function but I can't even think of where to start.
So far I have
(defun evalexp (e b) )
.. not very much. If anyone could please help or lead me in a good direction I'd be more than appreciative.
Here's a full solution. It's pretty straightforward, so I'll leave out a full explanation. Ask me in the comments if there's anything you can't figure out yourself.
(Using eval to do the actual evaluation might not be what you want in your exercise/project. Look up "meta-circular interpreter" for another way.)
(defun apply-env (exp env)
(reduce (lambda (exp bdg) (subst (cadr bdg) (car bdg) exp))
env :initial-value exp))
(defun try-eval (exp)
(if (atom exp)
(let ((exp (mapcar #'try-eval exp)))
(if (every #'numberp (cdr exp))
(eval exp)
(defun evalexp (exp env)
(try-eval (apply-env exp env)))
Here's a hint, this is how you might do it (in pseudocode):
function replace(vars, list):
for each element of list:
if it's an atom:
if there's an association in vars:
replace atom with value in vars
leave atom alone
recursively apply replace to the sublist
There will certainly be some details to work out as you convert this to Lisp code.