Adobe Animate generic animations to Unity with local skeleton - unity3d

I came across the problem of exporting Animate animations to unity. In animate these animations are bound to a certain skeleton, this skeleton can be customized (clothing, hairstyle, weapon, etc.) but the animation will still play ideally. I want to bring these animations to unity, but I want to keep the customization option in tact.
The solutions so far were to convert to PNG sequence or to use some export tools, however every solution exports static animations, without any further customization support.
Is there any options to retain and transfer the skeleton data to unity or maybe exporting skeletons directly, idk. Anything will help


I've recently been working on importing Call Of Duty animations. But when I export the animations into Unity, they get totally broken

The animation looks great inside of Maya, but not in Unity.
I've fixed all of the exporting errors already.
There isn't enough information within your question to provide an absolute answer. It could be down to one of many problems...
Are you using expressions?
Are you using IK chains?
Are you animating rotate or scale pivots?
Have you tried baking the animation data first?
Are you sure the exporter works?
Is the character rig known to work within the game? (or is this your own?)
Typically exporters for games will bake the Maya joint model down to simple TRS animations. Sadly there are some combinations of scale/rotate pivots that are simply impossible to convert into TRS, and still maintain correct animation interpolation. Assuming the exporter works correctly, I'm going to guess that may be the cause?

What is the best way to make slight feature changes to imported unity assets?

I found a pack of unity assets (these 3D characters with built-in animations) that serves my purposes very well, but I want make slight feature changes to some of them. For example, I would want to change the color of some, maybe add a horn or other utensil, make the tail longer etc. I would like these changes to impact the animations minimally. I am wondering about what is the best workflow for this.
I looked into importing the .fbx files into Blender to make such featural changes, but the animations are not retained in Blender (this seems to inevitable according to some?). In general, most information is about workflows going from Blender to Unity, rather than the other way. I am thinking of importing the .fbx files into Blender regardless, without the animations, changing some features, and then importing back into Unity, hoping that the Unity animations can snap back onto the modified creature.
Since I am a beginner with both Unity and Blender, I wanted to check whether this is has a chance to work or whether there are better alternatives. Many thanks.
Unity animation if done using the main tool is probably just animating properties of the model/objects that are exposed to Unity's serialized interface, e.g. color, position, etc. So, either they animated the model hierarchy inside Unity (sounds unlikely), in which case the animation is part of an animation clip, or they did it in Blender, in which case the animation should be part of the fbx.
You can try an application like Fbx Review to view the fbx file and see if it includes the animation.
Unity Animation
Unity binds its animation streams with Transform/GameObject names. As long as you don't modify the hierarchy of the model, you should be able to modify it in blender like you want and later import into Unity.
Fbx Animation
Simply import into Blender, and make any changes that don't break the animations.
If you really must, you can modify the imported mesh inside the Unity Editor. There's a few tools available for this in the assetstore.
Last Bet
Simply email the asset seller and ask them what the best way to proceed would be. For a 150$, they will probably be willing to provide this amount of support.

Implementing payed 3D models into Unity Games

I've started learning gaming development using Unity and there's a thing I wasn't able to fully understand. I stumbled across the Sketch Fab website and noticed this cool market with 3D models and I was wondering what are the requirements to import such a model into an actual game.
For example this one already has animations:
But on the other hand others don't have:
I have basically 2 questions:
If I buy the first model is this going to save me a lot of time and I can jump straight into implementing the character into an actual game and add custom scripts to it etc?
If I buy the second one, what would I need to too to actually animate this character? Is this something that somehow I can learn from Unity tutorials or would I need to import it to a tool like Blender to further improve this model with animations?
This question provokes a lot of answers. The first model you show does have a .fbx format and the animations will hopefully work fine. This format is typically what you want to use with Unity.
The second model is not Rigged (look at the product description). What this means is you will have to rig every bone yourself (in Blender) and make it compatible with Unity. I never buy a model that isn't rigged.
To add animations to the second character, you can download some from or use many of the animations you will find in the Unity Asset Store.
Personally, I prefer getting my models from You can search against multiple formats including .unitypackage
As Jiveturkey said, the first model is directly compatible with unity and doesn't require any additional steps - so if you're looking to focus solely on building the game without worrying about animation then you might want to go with the first model.
The second model isn't rigged, so you would have to manage all rigging and animating yourself - Unity does have a built-in rigging package, so you would be able to do that within unity rather than using Blender (Link to tutorial for rigging in Unity, Rigging tutorial directly from unity)
Unity can read .fbx, .dae (Collada), .3ds, .dxf, .obj, and .skp files for 3D models, and that's pretty much the only requirement. There are tons of sites with free 3D assets if you don't want to spend the money as well, Unity Asset Store, and tons more - these are just the ones that come to mind

Unity3d animated cursor

For change cursor i using this:
new Vector2(CursorTexture.width, CursorTexture.height) * 0.5f,
I want to animate cursor when something happens.
Is it possible to anumate cursor using Cursor.SetCursor?
You can do it like LearnCocos2D says. The problem will be it will flicker a lot and the other problem you will most likely have is that the mouse pointer will be really sluggish. This is because software mouse pointers are not rendered by hardware so its always a couple of frames behind actual user's input on the pointer device.
Then for the animated texture to work on web browser you need to make sure you export the needed shaders you are using if anything on a resources folder of your web player project since lots of shaders are not exported to the web build by default. It should work if you are using a standard diffuse, but I think that for a mouse pointer since most likely it uses transparency then it may not work by default. You'll need to find the actual shader being used and export that by manually for your build.
Unity should have support for hardware animated cursors at least on PC, but sadly it doesn't...

Dynamic animation using mic volume as trigger

I am new to iPhone development, and I am looking for someone with experience
to simply tell me whether I am on the right path or to perhaps point me to it
regarding what I am trying to acheive.
I am trying to develop a character animation that reacts to the volume of
the microphone input. Something like Talking Tomcat, except that instead of
having just a face react to the volume, an entire character´s body is involved.
The character has been created in illustrator and it is image based. So
this will be a 2D animation. I have created numerous frames for the different
kinds of reactions the character will have depending on the volume.
For my animation I am using UIViews using its Animation resources and adding
UIImageViews as subviews. I am also using CGAffineTransforms for rotating
I am also relying on Timers to control the different stages of the
To allow for a more flexible animation, I have created UIViews for the head,
arms, torso and legs of the character. These have been severed into their own
images and I am manipulating these images individually through UIViews.
I can go over my code in more detail if necessary, although any help will be greatly appreciated even if it is something off the bat.
Seeing that you're not an advanced ios developer I would suggest starting with cocos2d.
It has everything you need to start with animation.
Web page and forums has plenty of information on how to do it and... what's most important [to me at least], you've got gurus like Ray Wenderlich writing excellent tutorials like: