Mocking AWS Amplify in Flutter unit tests - flutter

I have a UserRepository class and pass it an Amplify Auth Session object upon being instantiated, which it then stores for later use.
I'm trying to mock this out in my unit tests using Mockito and Mocktail. I've followed their guides on mocking (in this case a future), however I get this error:
_TypeError (type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<AuthSession>')
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, it seems as though my mock and test are correct but the UserRepository isn't using the mock.
Here is my class:
class UserRepository extends ChangeNotifier {
AuthCategory auth;
UserRepository({required this.auth}) {
void fetchAuthSession() async {
try {
final result = await auth.fetchAuthSession( // <--- Error points here
options: CognitoSessionOptions(getAWSCredentials: true),
sub = (result as CognitoAuthSession).userSub!;
token = result.userPoolTokens!.idToken;
await fetchUserData();
} on AuthException catch (e) {
Here are my test an mock:
test("Set isAuthenticated to true", () {
MockAuth auth = MockAuth();
when(auth.fetchAuthSession).thenAnswer((_) async {
return Future(
() => MockAuthSession(),
final user = UserRepository(auth: auth);
expect(user.isAuthenticated, false);
expect(user.isAuthenticated, true);


Expected: <false> Actual: <Closure: () => Future<bool>> in flutter unit testing

I'm writing unit tests to test the authorise function below which is in AuthService class.
Future<bool> authorize() async {
AuthorizationTokenResponse? authResult;
try {
authResult = await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(
if (authResult != null) {
return true;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
return false;
I am using Mocktail to make the mocks. Below is one written test for the authorise function mentioned in the above code.
class MockBEnv extends Mock implements BEnv {}
class MockSharedPrefsService extends Mock implements SharedPrefsService {}
class MockFlutterAppAuth extends Mock implements FlutterAppAuth {}
class MockAuthorizationServiceConfiguration extends Mock
implements AuthorizationServiceConfiguration {}
class MockAuthorizationTokenResponse extends Mock
implements AuthorizationTokenResponse {}
class MockAuthorizationTokenRequest extends Mock
implements AuthorizationTokenRequest {}
class MockTokenResponse extends Mock implements TokenResponse{}
class MockTokenRequest extends Mock implements TokenRequest{
void main() {
late AuthService authService;
late MockFlutterAppAuth mockFlutterAppAuth;
late MockBEnv mockBEnv;
late MockSharedPrefsService mockStorageService;
late MockAuthorizationTokenResponse mockAuthorizationTokenResponse;
late MockAuthorizationTokenRequest mockAuthorizationTokenRequest;
const tUrl = 'https://endpoint/';
const tUserImp = 'user';
const tAppLan = 'sv-SE';
const tClientId = 'client';
const tIosUri = 'ios';
const tTokenEndPoint = 'abcdeff';
setUp(() {
mockFlutterAppAuth = MockFlutterAppAuth();
mockBEnv = MockBEnv();
mockStorageService = MockSharedPrefsService();
mockAuthorizationTokenRequest = MockAuthorizationTokenRequest();
mockAuthorizationTokenResponse = MockAuthorizationTokenResponse();
authService = AuthService(
appAuth: mockFlutterAppAuth,
bsEnv: mockBEnv,
sharedPrefs: mockStorageService);
group('authorize', () {
'should return true when the call to authorized method if result is not null',
() async {
// Arrange
when(() => mockBEnv.AD_CLIENT_ID).thenAnswer((_) => tClientId);
when(() => mockFlutterAppAuth
.thenAnswer((_)=> Future.value(mockAuthorizationTokenResponse));
// Act
final result = authService.authorize;
// Assert
expect(() => result(), equals(false));
My test fails and below is the error message I get,
Expected: < false >
Actual: <Closure: () => Future>
How can I fix this issue?
authService.authorize is an asynchronous method, returning a Future<bool>.
So your testcase should be
final result = await authService.authorize();
expect(result, equals(false));
The await keyword leads to an async execution that resolves the Future into an actual value

Flutter unit test: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'T' in type cast

I tried to run unit test but i found an issue like below:
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'LoginResponse' in type cast
dart:async new Future.value
test/mock_utils.mocks.dart 259:22
package:swap_recycling/features/auth/data/repository/login/login_repository_impl.dart 33:42 LoginRepositoryImpl.login
test/features/auth/data/repository/login/login_repository_impl_test.dart 30:38
and these my codes:
void main() {
late MockLoginApiService _mockLoginApiService;
late MockSecureStorage _mockSecureStorage;
late MockBaseRepository _mockBaseRepository;
setUp(() {
_mockLoginApiService = MockLoginApiService();
_mockSecureStorage = MockSecureStorage();
_mockBaseRepository = MockBaseRepository();
test('Given LoginRepository When login Then return loginResponseSuccess',
() async {
final _repository = LoginRepositoryImpl(
final result = await _repository.login(loginRequest);
expect(result, loginResponseSuccess);
final loginRepositoryProvider = Provider<LoginRepository>((ref) {
final loginApiService =;
final secureStorage =;
final baseRepository =;
return LoginRepositoryImpl(loginApiService, secureStorage, baseRepository);
class LoginRepositoryImpl extends LoginRepository {
final LoginApiService _loginApiService;
final SecureStorage _secureStorage;
final BaseRepository _baseRepository;
Future<LoginResponse> login(LoginRequest request) async {
final result = await<LoginResponse>(
() => _loginApiService.login(request),
return result;
final baseRepositoryProvider = Provider<BaseRepository>((ref) {
return BaseRepository();
class BaseRepository {
Future<T> call<T>(FutureOr<T> Function() call) async {
try {
return await call();
} on DioError catch (e) {
if (e.error is SocketException) {
throw Failure(message: e.message);
if (e.response?.statusCode == serverErrorCode) {
throw Failure(
message: 'Server has some issue, please try again',
code: e.response?.statusCode,
throw Failure(
message: e.response?.statusMessage ?? 'Something went wrong',
code: e.response?.statusCode,
exception: e,
I tried to create a reuse function to return HTTP calls or handle errors.
I set generic type and send LoginResponse to tell BaseRepository that I want to return LoginResponse.
I can run it on an emulator but it doesn't work in a unit test.
Why It returns Null type?
I used mockito to generate mock class

Flutter: How to unit testing moor/drift?

I already implementation of Drift for local storage, and want make it testable function. But I get stack and idk how to fix it the unit test.
#DriftAccessor(tables: [RepositoriesTable])
class HomeDao extends DatabaseAccessor<AppDatabase> with _$HomeDaoMixin {
HomeDao(AppDatabase db) : super(db);
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories() async =>
await select(repositoriesTable).get();
tables: [RepositoriesTable],
daos: [HomeDao],
class AppDatabase extends _$AppDatabase {
AppDatabase() : super(_openConnection());
int get schemaVersion => 1;
QueryExecutor _openConnection() {
return SqfliteQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(
path: 'db.sqlite',
logStatements: true,
abstract class GTHomeLocalDataSource {
const GTHomeLocalDataSource();
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories();
class GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl implements GTHomeLocalDataSource {
final AppDatabase appDatabase;
const GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl({required this.appDatabase});
Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>> getRepositories() async =>
await appDatabase.homeDao.getRepositories();
void main() => testGTHomeLocalDataSource();
class MockDatabaseHandler extends Mock implements AppDatabase {}
void testGTHomeLocalDataSource() {
late GTHomeLocalDataSource localDataSource;
late AppDatabase databaseHandler;
setUp(() {
databaseHandler = MockDatabaseHandler();
localDataSource = GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl(
appDatabase: databaseHandler,
group("GTHomeLocalDataSource -", () {
test(''' \t
GIVEN Nothing
WHEN call getRepositories
THEN databaseHandler select function has been called and return list of RepositoriesTableData
''', () async {
when(() => databaseHandler.homeDao.getRepositories())
.thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(repositoriesDummyTable));
final result = await localDataSource.getRepositories();
verify(() => databaseHandler.homeDao.getRepositories());
expect(result, isA<List<RepositoriesTableData>>());
expect(result.length, repositoriesDummyTable.length);
expect(result.first.language, repositoriesDummyTable.first.language);
tearDown(() async {
await databaseHandler.close();
My function is work well for get data from the local db and show it in the app, but when running as unit test, I stacked with this error.
package:gt_core/local/database/database_module.g.dart 424:22 MockDatabaseHandler.homeDao
package:gt_home/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource.dart 20:25 GTHomeLocalDataSourceImpl.getRepositories
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 35:44 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 29:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>.<fn>
type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<void>'
package:drift/src/runtime/api/db_base.dart 125:16 MockDatabaseHandler.close
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 47:27 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 46:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async _completeOnAsyncError
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
test/data/data_sources/gt_home_local_datasource_test.dart 46:12 testGTHomeLocalDataSource.<fn>
type 'Future<List<RepositoriesTableData>>' is not a subtype of type 'HomeDao'
Anyone know how to fix it?
If you use Mocking to test Drift database, then you'll need to mock the method call as well, otherwiser the method will return null which is the default behavior for Mockito. For example.
// return rowid
when(db.insertItem(any)).thenAnswer((_) => 1);
However it is recommended as per Drift documentation to use in-memory sqlite database which doesn't require real device or simulator for testing.
This issue was also has been discussed here
Using in memory database
import 'package:drift/native.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:my_app/src/database.dart';
void main() {
MyDatabase database;
MyRepo repo;
setUp(() {
database = MyDatabase(NativeDatabase.memory());
repo = MyRepo(appDatabase: database);
tearDown(() async {
await database.close();
group('mytest', () {
test('test create', () async {
await repo.create(MyDateCompanion(title: 'some name'));
final list = await repo.getItemList();
expect(list, isA<MyDataObject>())

type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<Response>' when testing mocked http client with Mocktail

I have written a test for a simple HTTP get using Mocktail to mock the HTTP client. When I call the get method in the test I receive "type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future'".
Anyone any idea why this might be?
Here is the test:
class MockHttpClient extends Mock implements http.Client {}
void main() {
late IdRemoteDataSourceImpl dataSource;
late MockHttpClient mockHttpClient;
() {
mockHttpClient = MockHttpClient();
dataSource = IdRemoteDataSourceImpl(client: mockHttpClient);
group('Get id', () {
'when response code is 200',
() async {
final url = Uri.parse('');
const tUsername = 'username';
final accountJson = json.decode(
// ignore: avoid_as
) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final tIdModel = IdModel.fromJson(accountJson);
// arrange
when(() => mockHttpClient.get(url))
.thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response(
// act
final testResult = await dataSource.getId(tUsername);
// assert
// expect(testResult, tIdModel);
The error occurs when the following line runs:
final testResult = await dataSource.getId(tUsername);
Code being tested:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class IdModel {
final String id;
factory IdModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return IdModel(id: json['id'].toString());
abstract class IdRemoteDataSource {
Future<IdModel> getId(String username);
class IdRemoteDataSourceImpl implements IdRemoteDataSource {
IdRemoteDataSourceImpl({required this.client});
final http.Client client;
Future<IdModel> getId(String username) async {
final url = Uri.parse('$username');
final response = await client.get(url);
// ignore: avoid_as
final responseJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
return IdModel.fromJson(responseJson);
Error type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future'... occurs when you call method that has not been implemented for mock object or there are different parameters passed to it.
In your code you passed different url parameter to get(...) method. Http client mock waiting for '' but actually '$username' has been passed.
You have two options to solve it.
Pass the same url to mocked method from when(...) that will be passed during test:
const tUsername = 'username';
final url = Uri.parse('$tUsername');
// arrange
when(() => mockHttpClient.get(url))
.thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response(
Use any matcher (if you don't care which parameter passed):
when(() => mockHttpClient.get(any()))
.thenAnswer((_) async => http.Response(

Bad state: No method stub was called from within `when()`

I am trying to test my catch in my signInAnonyymous() function. Yet, I am constantly getting the error stated in the title.
Here is my Mocked Auth class (edited for brevity):
class MockFirebaseAuth extends Mock implements FirebaseAuth {
final bool signedIn;
final bool isEmployee;
MockFirebaseAuth({this.isEmployee = false, this.signedIn = false});
Future<UserCredential> signInAnonymously() async {
return MockUserCredential(isAnonymous: true);
And, this is my test:
group('Sign-In-Anonymously', () {
setUp(() {
mockFunctions = MockFirebaseFunctions();
mockAuth = MockFirebaseAuth();
mockCrashltyics = MockCrashlytics();
mockFirestore = MockFirebaseFirestore();
authRemoteService = AuthServiceFirebase(
crashlytics: mockCrashltyics,
firestoreService: mockFirestore,
functions: mockFunctions,
service: mockAuth,
authProvider = AuthProvider(authRemoteService);
'Should return a null AuthUser and non-null errorMessage on exception thrown',
() async {
.thenThrow(MockFirebaseAuthException('message', 'code'));
await authProvider.signInAnonymously();
expect(authProvider.authUser, isNull);
expect(authProvider.errorMessage, isNotNull);
I have researched and tried so many different ways and still can't test my catch. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
If you're going to use 'when', you can't override the method in the mock. You need to provide an answer from the "thenAnswer".