Integrating webview inside Flutter for native SDK - flutter

I came across this issue while I was trying to integrate this native SDK with flutter.
SDK link: Piano Composer SDK for android
This native SDK populates an inline webView with a given activity ID. But the issue is, the ShowTemplateController class of this SDK (example link below) expects a webView with a specific ID.
Example link: Piano Composer Show Template for Android.
How to implement this as flutter plugin using pigeon or methodChannel?


How to present video in flutter from a package in swift?

I am using UMEye SDK in ios for live streaming. I am creating a flutter app and using method channel to communicate with the native SDK from flutter. I was planning to call the start() function from the SDK to show the video in flutter. So, anybody know how to achieve this.

How to integrate my flutter package into a website that is not written in flutter

I am currently developing a flutter Chat application that I would like to add to an existing website developed in React. But I'm not sure how to do that or even if it's possible.
I found articles about adding flutter to android or iOS apps. But I found nothing that could help me with integrating a flutter package into a website.

Flutter voice sdk support for both ios and Android

Is there any voice SDK available for a flutter.
I want to add voice calling feature in my app, So far I have integrated agora video SDK bt I want specific voice SDK which supports both platform i.e ios and android
Agora audio sdk for flutter is still under testing phase right now, if you want to use it for your flutter app you can find the SDK over here :

How to implement sms retrieve api in flutter

I want my app to take OTP automatically, In android, we have the SMS retrieval API for that, so how to implement the same thing for IOS and android using flutter
Currently, there is no official Flutter plugin developed by the Flutter team for this. You have two options for this:
Use plugins created by the developer community. Try sms_retriever.
Write your own platform-specific code (e.g. your Android code in Java), and invoke it from Flutter. Read more about this here.

FIREBASE + UNITY [duplicate]

I am struggling a little bit while trying to implement firebase in unity, firebase do not yet provide a unity sdk and I was considering these options:
1) create native plugins for iOS and Android that wraps the firebase sdk and methods that I need
2) use IKVM to create a dll from the firebase .jar, I know someone has done it but I have not read yet about a 100% working method
3) build everything from scratch on top of the firebase REST api
what do you advice? have you got some experience with the topic, someone out there has made firebase work with unity?? :D
Firebase has officially Unity supported now.
Import FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage(Download From Firebase Website Or direct link
You can look this beta tool, with this u can build for Android and IOS from Unity.
Each Plugin have firebase fun.
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin provides a way to integrate firebase admob ads in Unity3D Game and u3d app. You can use it for Unity iOS and Android App with the same c# or js code.It support all native firebase admob features such as Native Express Ad
Google Firebase Unity Admob Plugin Features
Platforms supported in one plugin :
Android, Based Admob SDK v9.0 (part of Google Firebase service)
iOS, via SDK v7.8.0
Support all native events
AdRequest targeting methods,such as children target,test mode
Not need change Android package name
Very simple API
Based on FireBase SDK Version
Ad Types:
Banner(All Banner Type and Custom banner sizes)
Interstitial (text, picture, video)
Rewarded Video
Native Express Ad
Google Service Unity Plugin
Google Service Unity Plugin is a Unity Plugin For Google Service.Include Google Admob Unity,Firebase Analytic Unity,Google Game API Unity. Login,Achievement,Leaderboard,Event,Quest,Snapshot,RealTimePlayGame,TurnbasedPlayGame API are supported and easy to use with c# or js.
Currently it's very easy to add Firebase to your Unity project as long as you follow specific prerequisites. If you're building for Android or iOS then you're good to go, but the same doesn't happen if you're building for WebGL.
According to the documentation, it can be done following the next steps
Create a Firebase project
Register your app with Firebase
Add Firebase configuration files
Add Firebase Unity SDKs