New Show instance for existing type - purescript

I have wrapper type for NonEmptyList of my custom type Cell:
instance Show Cell where
show = ...
type CellsRow = NonEmptyList Cell
I trying to create Show instance for Cells as well with:
instance Show CellsRow where
show = foldMap show
But it raises Orphan instance found for .... I can resolve it by making CellsRow newtype, but can I use both Show instance and simple type CellsRow = NonEmptyList Cell?

No, you cannot declare multiple instances for the same type. This is on purpose, otherwise there would be ambiguity in instance resolution.
The error refers to a subset of this - what is called "orphan" instances. These are such instances that neither the class definition nor the type definition are in the same module. In PureScript you can only declare instances either in the same module as the type or in the same module as the class.


Haskell declaring an instance of Show class

I am trying to wrap my mind around classes and data structures in Haskell, specifically declaring a type instance of it. I can get it to work with some classes and data types but not all of them so I must be missing something. Specifically I have the following data declaration:
data LinkedList a = End | Link a (LinkedList a)
I want to declare an instance of Show for that type so that the output looks something close to "el1, el2, el3, el4, ..."
instance Show LinkedList where
show (End) = "."
show (Link a b) = show a ++ "," ++ show b
As expected this doesn't work... Any idea why? I think I understand what "data" and "type" mean but I am not sure whether I am comfortable with classes and instances. Thank you
instance Show LinkedList where
LinkedList is not a type, LinkedList a is a type. Correcting that, we get
instance Show (LinkedList a) where
Then , we get another error because we call show on values of type a. We need to require that a belongs to class Show, too.
instance Show a => Show (LinkedList a) where
This should now work.

Apply method for Lists in Scala

I know that Scala List can be created as :
val l = List(1,2,3)
What goes on under the hood when the above statement is executed ?
Is the apply method called here ?
Per the scala documentation : For sequences, apply is positional indexing
So , are there 2 apply methods , one for positional indexing & another as the factory method for object creation ?
This invocation actually calls the apply method on the companion object to the List class.
Many scala classes have a companion object, which is a singleton object with the same name as the class. Defining methods on this companion object, is the scala equivalent of java's static methods. It is very common for these companion objects to have one or more apply methods that are used as constructor/factory functions to create an instance of the class. In this case the List object has a method that takes a variable number of arguments of the same type, and creates a List of those objects.
In fact, if you define a case class, scala will automatically define a companion object that, among other things, includes and apply method that takes the same arguments as the case class's constructor, which is why you don't need to use new when constructing case classes.
The list instance also has an apply method, which is used to index into the list, but since it is defined on the List class it only applies to instances of the class, not the object List itself.

Learning about type methods/type properties

I'm reading through the Swift documentation about type methods and type properties, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it says this particular thing (in bold):
Within the body of a type method, the implicit self property refers to
the type itself, rather than an instance of that type. For
structures and enumerations, this means that you can use self to
disambiguate between type properties and type method parameters, just
as you do for instance properties and instance method parameters.
More generally, any unqualified method and property names that you use
within the body of a type method will refer to other type-level
methods and properties. A type method can call another type method
with the other method’s name, without needing to prefix it with the
type name. Similarly, type methods on structures and enumerations
can access type properties by using the type property’s name without a
type name prefix.
So, why is this pointing out structures and enumerations being able to do these things when, as far as I know, you can do these things with any kind of type methods/parameters (i.e. classes as well)? It makes me think I'm missing something.
The page in the documentation I'm looking at is here:
Apparently I wasn't the only one with this question. I'm not sure how I didn't see this post before:

How to define superclass?

How does one define a super class in Haskell? My situation is that I have defined a class StringHashed that maps members to their names as a String. I wish to implement, en mass, all t from Show t by making the string name simply return show t. Am I right in saying that StringHashed is now a superclass of Show? Here is what I would like to be able to write:
class StringHashed t where
stringHash :: t -> String
instance Show t => StringHashed t where
stringHash = show
But Haskell complains about an invalid instance declaration. I have also tried instance StringHashed (Show t) and other syntactical dribble; none have worked for me. I have also read a proposal on the GHC wiki that provides no solution. This is the one. I have concern about using -XFlexibleInstances simply because it is not default. Is there a proper way to achieve a general instance declaration? Or am I being too demanding of Haskell's type system?
Haskell superclasses cannot be added after the fact - they need to be mentioned in the subclass's declaration. And defining an instance like you do in the question, while possible with extensions, can create subtle overlap problems.
FlexibleInstances itself is not the problem - it's one of GHC's most innocuous extensions. The problem is that GHC's instance lookup method means that
instance Show t => StringHashed t where ...
defines this instance to hold for all types t - the Show t restriction is only an afterthought checked after lookup. So it will overlap with all other instances you can make, and while there is an extension OverlappingInstances to allow this, it is considered somewhat dubious to use.
However GHC has a feature DefaultSignatures, which is designed for use cases similar to yours:
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
class StringHashed t where
stringHash :: t -> String
default stringHash :: Show t => t -> String
stringHash = show
instance StringHashed Int
This allows you to write a default for the method which only works for some instance types. Note however, that you still need to write an actual instance declaration for each type - but its body can be empty.

Should it be possible to call an instance method of a class without creating a new object of that class?

I can do this and I don't have any issues:
class MyClass:
def introduce(self):
print("Hello, I am %s, and my name is " %(self))
I'm using Visual Studio and Python 3.4.1. I don't understand why this doesn't throw an error since I'm basically setting the value of this. Is this a feature and I just shouldn't be doing this? Should I be checking if self is actually an instance of MyClass?
In Python 3 when you do MyClass.introduce() introduce is not linked to any object. It's considered as a (standalone) function like any other function you would declare by itself. The fact that it is declared within a class is not relevant here. introduce is therefore called like any function: a function with one parameter.
When you do MyClass().introduce() (notice the first set of parentheses) introduce is considered as a method belonging to an object which is an instance of class MyClass hence the regular OO behavior of adding automatically the self parameter.
Note that this is different for python 2. In python 2 there is a check to verify that when called, the effective argument passed for the self parameter is indeed an object of the correct type, i.e. an instance of MyClass. If you try MyClass.introduce(0) in Python 2 you'll get: unbound method introduce() must be called with MyClass instance as first argument (got int instance instead). This check doesn't exist in Python 3 anymore because the notion of unbound method no longer exist.