PowerShell 5.1 in Visual Studio code behaves strangly - powershell

When using PowerShell in VS code and working interactivly, often when I highlight some code and run it then it does not print anything in the terminal. Then I simply restart The "PowerShell Integrated Console" (by pushing the trash can) and it then works again.
It is quite annoying. My ADS also acts like this. Is this a general problem with PowerShell with VS Code or is it my computer?
My VS Code version is 1.68.0. My PowerShell version is 5.1.19041.1682. And the version of the PowerShell extension is v2022.5.1


Is it possible to run code in Visual Studio Code without a shell?

My school has blocked cmd and Powershell due to security concerns. Unfortunately for me, this prevents VSC from running code! I love using VSC, so I'm wondering if there's any way I can continue to use it without the powershell or cmd terminals.

Did Windows 11 break Visual Studio Code

I 'upgraded' my Win10 system to Win11. Since then Visual Studio Code simply will not run my PowerShell scripts. What happens is the little 'Pause/Step-x/Restart/Stop' ribbon appears at the top. All I can do then is hit the Stop. I uninstalled & re-installed VS-Code to no avail. I deleted the .vscode folder in my user-profile, again to no avail.
I have both PowerShell 5.1.22000.65 Desktop and 7.1.3 Core installed on this system. VS Code is 1.58.2 (system setup). PowerShell extension is v2021.6.2.
The same scripts run happily in Windows Terminal, PowerShell command window and the ISE.
Any ideas please?
Thanks very much.
Update 13th August 2021: PowerShell scripts are now running as expected in Visual Studio Code.
VS Code is 1.59.0.
PowerShell Extension is 2021.8.0.
The most likely change to have enabled scripts to work again is the update to PowerShell 7.1.4 Core (was 7.1.3).

Can I detect in Powershell that I am running in VS Code's integrated terminal?

I would like to modify the standard PowerShell profile in Windows if the Powershell opens inside VS Code integrated terminal (when you are editing e.g. python scripts in VS Code, rather than PS scripts, which opens the ISE profile in any case).
Is there some environmental variable that gets set by the integrated PowerShell? Or is there some way of opening Powershell with a particular profile, instead of the default?
VS Code creates an environment variable named TERM_PROGRAM. You can check it for a value of vscode, something like this:
if($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode') {
# do some stuff...
If you want to check if you're running within PowerShell Integrated Console (ships with PowerShell extension) under vscode and not just any powershell console running under vscode, you can:
if ($Host.Name -eq 'Visual Studio Code Host') {
Write-Output 'PowerShell Integrated Console'
This is meaningful to detect because it is the only powershell console host that provided full debugger support (eg. break on exception experience) and debugger integration with vscode.
You said you're into modifying profile when running within vscode, then you should check (again with PowerShell integrated console which ships with PoweShell extension):
PS> $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
PS> $PROFILE.AllUsersCurrentHost
C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1
If people are working on PowerShell code within Visual Studio Code, then why they would NOT install PowerShell extension which ships with a specific console that fully integrates with Visual Studio code and on the top of that, provides you a profile file specifically geared towards Visual Studio code?

Visual Studio Code - Powershell - High CPU and Slow performance switching between Powershell files

I have a fresh installation of Visual Studio Code 1.16.1
I have the following extensions:
Chef Extension for Visual Studio Code 0.6.3
Code Outline 0.0.10
Powershell 1.4.3
Ruby 0.15.0
I try to edit Powershell within VSCode.
Powershell is loaded (Version 5.1)
But every time I switch between one of my open files (In the current test case, an psm1 and psd1) I see a little loading bar at the top of the Explorer sidebar, just below the Explorer text.
While that's going, I can't "Run Selection", Code Outline does not update nor do I have any form of syntax-assistance while writing code UNTIL it is done. Then all of the items you tried to do, happen all at once.
Until I switch windows, everything works as expected. The moment I switch files, it starts "loading/working" again and I have to wait about 30 seconds for it to do it's thing.
I have also tried disabling all extensions (except Powershell) and I see nearly the same behavior. When switching tabs, the loading happens but I don't see the loading bar in the explorer sidebar described above.
I currently do not have a different machine to test this on, working on getting a second machine to rule out the computer.
I am looking into logging a bug but before I do, I wanted to check here.

Using Powershell ISE's intellisense in other terminal

I'm a big fan of powershell ISE as a terminal. It has intellisense and syntax highlighting built in the shell and I just use it instead of the regular shell for everyday commands.
I would like to use Visual Studio Code instead, because the editor is much more powerfull and has support for a whole lot of languages and format. However the integrated shell is you basic Powershell terminal : no intellisense, no coloring (even with Powershell 5 installed on my computer).
Is there any way to add intellisense and coloring to my terminal, or use ISE's terminal in VSCode? or is there a plugin somewhere adressing these issues?
The integrated PowerShell terminal on Visual Studio Code does have intellisense, so I'm unclear what you require here, are you sure it's not set to cmd.exe instead ?
On another note, follow this setup guide. In case you haven't already installed the PowerShell Extension.