Create Dynamically Sized Squares - flutter

I'm attempting to create a GitHub style heat map inside a Card and am struggling with the UI. The challenge is making the heat map dynamically expand to fit the Card it sits in based on the device's screen size.
Here is an example screenshot.
The code to create the screenshot is below.
Essentially the code,
creates a column that starts with two lines of text
then inserts a Row of Columns that consist of squares
I'm not sure if I should focus on making the individual boxes expand, the columns that the individual boxes sit in, or both. All my experiments end in unbound errors. I'm not sure where/how to add the constraints.
I also assume I'll need the boxes to be wrapped in AspectRatio() to keep the 1:1 ratio and be a square.
(I've removed some of the the more verbose business logic in my actual code for simplicity.)
class ProfileView extends StatelessWidget {
const ProfileView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
List<Widget> _heatMapColumnList() {
final _columns = <Widget>[];
final _startDate = Duration(days: 365));
final _endDate =;
final _dateDifference = _endDate.difference(_startDate).inDays;
for (var index = 0 - (_startDate.weekday % 7);
index <= _endDate.difference(_startDate).inDays;
index += 7) {
//helper to change date by index
final _firstDay = DateUtility.changeDay(_startDate, index);
startDate: _firstDay,
endDate: index <= _dateDifference - 7
? DateUtility.changeDay(_startDate, index + 6)
: _endDate,
numDays: min(_endDate.difference(_firstDay).inDays + 1, 7),
return _columns;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: [
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12),
child: Card(
elevation: 1,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
const Text('Some Title Text'),
const Text('More SubTitle Text'),
const SizedBox(height: 10),
children: <Widget>[
class HeatMapColumn extends StatelessWidget {
required this.startDate,
required this.endDate,
required this.numDays,
}) : dayContainers = List.generate(
(i) => HeatMapBox(
date: DateUtility.changeDay(startDate, 1),
emptySpace = (numDays != 7)
? List.generate(
7 - numDays,
(i) => const HeatMapBox(
date: null,
: [];
final List<Widget> dayContainers;
final List<Widget> emptySpace;
final DateTime startDate;
final DateTime endDate;
final int numDays;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
class HeatMapBox extends StatelessWidget {
const HeatMapBox({
final DateTime? date;
final Color? color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(1),
child: SizedBox(
child: Container(
height: 3,
width: 3,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.black12,

I would add a comment but I do not have enough reputation so sorry if this is not the answer you are looking for
You could use something like this
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width; // gives width of device screen
double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height; // gives height of device screen
// if the card has padding
double cardLeftPadding = a double;
double cardRightPadding = a double;
width -= (cardLeftPadding + cardRightPadding);
height: 3,
width: width,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.black12,
I believe something like this will allow you to fit your heat map to the full length of your card


Scrollable Card Stack

I want to create a scrollable card stack. I want the back one to disappear and the front one to disappear when I slide what is seen in the photo, how can I do that?
The below code should work.
On tapping/clicking anywhere the cards should change position with the topmost card going to the back.
Changing _spacing's value changes the relative horizontal and vertical gaps among the cards in the stack.
Note that the members of the _colors list are in reverse order. This is because, with Stack, widgets are displayed on top of each other based on the last widgets that were added to the children list. This also explains why the call back to setState makes the last member of the _colors list to become the first member instead.
class StackSwipe extends StatefulWidget {
const StackSwipe({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<StackSwipe> createState() => _StackSwipeState();
class _StackSwipeState extends State<StackSwipe> {
final double _spacing = 16.0;
late double _baseWidth;
final _colors = [
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
var deviceWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
_baseWidth = deviceWidth > 544 ? 512.0 : deviceWidth - 32;
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16),
child: GestureDetector(
child: Stack(children: [
(entry) => Positioned(
top: _spacing * entry.key,
left: _spacing * (_colors.length - (entry.key + 1)),
child: Container(
height: 200,
width: _baseWidth -
(_spacing * (_colors.length - (entry.key + 1)) * 2),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(16),
color: entry.value,
onTap: () => setState(() => _colors.insert(0, _colors.removeLast())),

Floor plan in flutter

i'm trying to come up with best way to draw a floor plan in flutter, something like these images, but it would be for regals in one concrete shop, instead of plan of shopping centre with multiple shops.
floor plan 1
floor plan 2
i decided rectangles would be sufficient enough for now and i have multiple ideas on how to execute, but no idea which one is the best. or maybe there is even better one i have not thought of
1. using custom painter
regals have attributes: ax, ay, bx, by, so they go from point a (left bottom) to b (right upper)
code like this
final rect = Rect.fromPoints(
Offset(, size.height - regal.ay.toDouble()),
Offset(regal.bx.toDouble(), size.height -,
this is good because it is flexible, there is pretty much unlimited range of options, but using CustomPainter is a bit buggy in my case, alongside with Transform and GestureDetector it bugs out sometimes and instead of clicking on "buttons" you need to track where user clicked, ehm, tapped.
2. using gridView?
i dont have thought this thru as much as first option, but big plus would be using styled buttons as regals, instead of rectangles.
possible problems would be button sizing, if one regal would be times bigger than others.
regal attributes would be order on x axis, order on y axis, x flex (for example 3 as 3 times of base size), y flex
i think i have not thought of the best solution yet.
what would it be?
Here is a quick playground using a Stack of Regals who are just Containers in this quick implementation under 250 lines of code.
Click the FloatActionButton to create random Regal. Then, you can define the position of each Regal and its Size, within the limit of the Floor Plan and Max/min Regal Size.
In this quick implementation, the position of a Regal can be defined both with Gestures or Sliders; while its size can only be defined using the sliders.
Package Dependencies
Riverpod (Flutter Hooks flavor) for State Management
Freezed for Domain classes immutability
Full Source Code (222 lines)
import 'dart:math' show Random;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
part '66478145.floor_plan.freezed.dart';
void main() {
child: MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Flutter Demo',
home: HomePage(),
class HomePage extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final regals = useProvider(regalsProvider.state);
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
children: [
width: kFloorSize.width,
height: kFloorSize.height,
color: Colors.amber.shade100),
(regal) => Positioned(
top: regal.offset.dy,
left: regal.offset.dx,
child: GestureDetector(
child: RegalWidget(regal: regal),
const SizedBox(width: 16.0),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () =>,
child: Icon(Icons.add),
class RegalWidget extends HookWidget {
final Regal regal;
const RegalWidget({Key key, this.regal}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final _previousOffset = useState<Offset>(null);
final _refOffset = useState<Offset>(null);
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => =,
onPanStart: (details) {
_previousOffset.value = regal.offset;
_refOffset.value = details.localPosition;
onPanUpdate: (details) =>
offset: _previousOffset.value +
details.localPosition -
child: Container(
width: regal.size.width,
height: regal.size.height,
color: regal.color,
class RegalProperties extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final regal = useProvider(selectedRegalProvider);
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: regal == null
? Text('Click a Regal to start')
: Form(
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
min: kRegalMinSize.width,
max: kRegalMaxSize.width,
value: regal.size.width,
onChanged: (value) => context
regal.copyWith(size: Size(value, regal.size.height)),
const SizedBox(height: 16.0),
min: kRegalMinSize.height,
max: kRegalMaxSize.height,
value: regal.size.height,
onChanged: (value) => context
regal.copyWith(size: Size(regal.size.width, value)),
const SizedBox(height: 16.0),
min: 0,
max: kFloorSize.width - regal.size.width,
value: regal.offset.dx,
onChanged: (value) =>
offset: Offset(value, regal.offset.dy)),
const SizedBox(height: 16.0),
min: 0,
max: kFloorSize.height - regal.size.height,
value: regal.offset.dy,
onChanged: (value) =>
offset: Offset(regal.offset.dx, value)),
final selectedRegalIdProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) => null);
final selectedRegalProvider = Provider<Regal>((ref) {
final selectedId =;
final regals =;
return regals.firstWhereOrNull((regal) => == selectedId);
final regalsProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<RegalsNotifier>((ref) => RegalsNotifier());
class RegalsNotifier extends StateNotifier<List<Regal>> {
final Size floorSize;
final Size maxSize;
this.floorSize = const Size(600, 400),
this.maxSize = const Size(100, 100),
List<Regal> state,
}) : super(state ?? []);
void createRegal() {
state = [...state, Regal.random];
void updateRegal(Regal updated) {
state = => == ? updated : r).toList();
abstract class Regal implements _$Regal {
const factory Regal({
String id,
Color color,
Offset offset,
Size size,
}) = _Regal;
static Regal get random {
final rnd = Random();
return Regal(
color: Color(0xff555555 + rnd.nextInt(0x777777)),
offset: Offset(
rnd.nextDouble() * (kFloorSize.width - kRegalMaxSize.width),
rnd.nextDouble() * (kFloorSize.height - kRegalMaxSize.height),
size: Size(
kRegalMinSize.width +
rnd.nextDouble() * (kRegalMaxSize.width - kRegalMinSize.width),
kRegalMinSize.height +
rnd.nextDouble() * (kRegalMaxSize.height - kRegalMinSize.height),
const kFloorSize = Size(600, 400);
const kRegalMinSize = Size(10, 10);
const kRegalMaxSize = Size(200, 200);

Mimic iOS contact form AppBar

I'm trying to mimic iOS contact form app bar.
Here is where I get so far
Main Screen
class CompanyScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_CompanyScreenState createState() => _CompanyScreenState();
class _CompanyScreenState extends State<CompanyScreen> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
pinned: true,
floating: true,
delegate: SafeAreaPersistentHeaderDelegate(
expandedHeight: 200,
SafeArea(child: Image.asset('assets/images/user.png'))),
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate([
class SafeAreaPersistentHeaderDelegate extends SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate {
final Widget title;
final Widget flexibleSpace;
final double expandedHeight;
{this.title, this.flexibleSpace, this.expandedHeight});
Widget build(
BuildContext context, double shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) {
final Widget appBar = FlexibleSpaceBar.createSettings(
minExtent: minExtent,
maxExtent: maxExtent,
currentExtent: max(minExtent, maxExtent - shrinkOffset),
toolbarOpacity: 1,
child: AppBar(
actions: <Widget>[
height: 60,
child: FlatButton(
child: Text('Done'),
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
title: title,
flexibleSpace: (title == null && flexibleSpace != null)
? Semantics(child: flexibleSpace, header: true)
: flexibleSpace,
centerTitle: true,
toolbarOpacity: 1,
bottomOpacity: 1.0),
return appBar;
double get maxExtent => expandedHeight;
double get minExtent => 80;
bool shouldRebuild(SafeAreaPersistentHeaderDelegate old) {
if (old.flexibleSpace != flexibleSpace) {
return true;
return false;
UPDATE: It all works but I have a problem add the text under the image (Add Photo) and make that text disappear when collapsed. With this solution, if I wrap the image into a column then image expands overflow and doesn't scale.
AppBar and the flex area must be in safe area
Widget with image must have text at the bottom which can be changed dynamically (Add image or Change image) and it must be clickable
The text under the image area must disappear when flex area is collapsed with some transition
Ability to add title in app bar lined up with action buttons
When title in app bar is provided then flex area should scale bellow the title, if not flex area should scale into the title area as on the above image
Any help with this greatly appreciated
I gave it a try.. I'm not an expert on slivers so this solution might not be perfect. I have taken your code as starting point. The column seems to deactivate all scaling so I scaled all manually.
here is your app bar
UPDATE I have tweaked it a little so it feels more like iOS app bar plus I've added extra feature
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
double _defaultTextHeight = 14;
double _defaultTextPadding = 5;
double _defaultAppBarHeight = 60;
double _defaultMinAppBarHeight = 40;
double _unknownTextValue = 1;
class AppBarSliverHeader extends SliverPersistentHeaderDelegate {
final String title;
final double expandedHeight;
final double safeAreaPadding;
final Widget flexibleImage;
final double flexibleSize;
final String flexibleTitle;
final double flexiblePadding;
final bool flexToTop;
final Function onTap;
final Widget rightButton;
final Widget leftButton;
#required this.expandedHeight,
#required this.safeAreaPadding,
this.flexibleTitle = '',
this.flexToTop = false,
this.flexibleSize = 30,
this.flexiblePadding = 4});
double _textPadding(double shrinkOffset) {
return _defaultTextPadding * _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset);
double _widgetPadding(double shrinkOffset) {
double offset;
if (title == null) {
offset = _defaultMinAppBarHeight * _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset);
} else {
if (flexToTop) {
offset = _defaultAppBarHeight * _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset);
} else {
offset = (_defaultAppBarHeight - _defaultMinAppBarHeight) *
_scaleFactor(shrinkOffset) +
return offset;
double _topOffset(double shrinkOffset) {
double offset;
if (title == null) {
offset = safeAreaPadding +
(_defaultMinAppBarHeight * _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset));
} else {
if (flexToTop) {
offset = safeAreaPadding +
(_defaultAppBarHeight * _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset));
} else {
offset = safeAreaPadding +
((_defaultAppBarHeight - _defaultMinAppBarHeight) *
_scaleFactor(shrinkOffset)) +
return offset;
double _calculateWidgetHeight(double shrinkOffset) {
double actualTextHeight = _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset) * _defaultTextHeight +
_textPadding(shrinkOffset) +
final padding = title == null
? (2 * flexiblePadding)
: flexToTop ? (2 * flexiblePadding) : flexiblePadding;
final trueMinExtent = minExtent - _topOffset(shrinkOffset);
final trueMaxExtent = maxExtent - _topOffset(shrinkOffset);
double minWidgetSize =
trueMinExtent - padding;
double widgetHeight =
((trueMaxExtent - actualTextHeight) - shrinkOffset) - padding;
return widgetHeight >= minWidgetSize ? widgetHeight : minWidgetSize;
double _scaleFactor(double shrinkOffset) {
final ratio = (maxExtent - minExtent) / 100;
double percentageHeight = shrinkOffset / ratio;
double limitedPercentageHeight =
percentageHeight >= 100 ? 100 : percentageHeight;
return 1 - (limitedPercentageHeight / 100);
Widget _builtContent(BuildContext context, double shrinkOffset) {
return SafeArea(
bottom: false,
child: Semantics(
child: Padding(
padding: title == null
? EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: flexiblePadding)
: flexToTop
? EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: flexiblePadding)
: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: flexiblePadding),
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: onTap,
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: <Widget>[
maxWidth: _calculateWidgetHeight(shrinkOffset),
maxHeight: _calculateWidgetHeight(shrinkOffset),
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(
color: Colors.white),
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(
child: flexibleImage,
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: _textPadding(shrinkOffset)),
child: Text(
textScaleFactor: _scaleFactor(shrinkOffset),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: _defaultTextHeight,
color: Colors.white
.withOpacity(_scaleFactor(shrinkOffset)), height: 1),
button: true,
Widget build(
BuildContext context, double shrinkOffset, bool overlapsContent) {
final Widget appBar = FlexibleSpaceBar.createSettings(
minExtent: minExtent,
maxExtent: maxExtent,
currentExtent: max(minExtent, maxExtent - shrinkOffset),
toolbarOpacity: 1,
child: AppBar(
actions: <Widget>[rightButton == null ? Container() : rightButton],
leading: leftButton == null ? Container() : leftButton,
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
title: title != null
? Text(
style: TextStyle(
color: flexToTop
? Colors.white.withOpacity(_scaleFactor(shrinkOffset))
: Colors.white),
: null,
flexibleSpace: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: _widgetPadding(shrinkOffset)),
child: _builtContent(context, shrinkOffset),
centerTitle: true,
toolbarOpacity: 1,
bottomOpacity: 1.0),
return appBar;
double get maxExtent => expandedHeight + safeAreaPadding;
double get minExtent => title == null
? _defaultAppBarHeight + safeAreaPadding
: flexToTop
? _defaultAppBarHeight + safeAreaPadding
: _defaultAppBarHeight + safeAreaPadding + flexibleSize;
bool shouldRebuild(AppBarSliverHeader old) {
if (old.flexibleImage != flexibleImage) {
return true;
return false;
and here is usage
body: CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
pinned: true,
floating: true,
delegate: AppBarSliverHeader(
expandedHeight: 250,
safeAreaPadding: MediaQuery.of(context),
title: 'New Contact',
flexibleImage: Image.asset('assets/images/avatar.png'),
flexibleTitle: 'Add Image',
flexiblePadding: 6,
flexibleSize: 50,
flexToTop: true,
onTap: () {
leftButton: IconButton(
icon: Text('Cancel'),
iconSize: 60,
onPressed: () {},
rightButton: IconButton(
icon: Text('Done'),
iconSize: 60,
onPressed: () {},
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate([
There are some things which took me by surprise as well. First is text size. It seems like text size is not an actual text size so I've added _unknownTextValue there for compensation. Also even if text size is set to 0 then the Text widget has still 1px size so I've compensated that in commented code. Another thing is I wanted to use CircularAvatar for the image but apparently the CircularAvatar widget has built in animation when changing the size which interfere with app bar animation so I've built custom avatar.
UPDATE: To make actual text height same as font size, I have added height property 1 to TextStyle. It seems to work however there is still occasional overflow on the textfield of up to 1px so I've kept _unknownTextValue at 1px
As I said I'm not sliver expert so there might be a better solutions out there so I would suggest you to wait for other answers
NOTE: I only tested it on 2 iOS devices so you should test further to use it
With Title
Without Title
With Title and flexToTop activated

RangeError (index): Invalid value: Valid value range is empty: 1

after whole day of trying to solve this myself I had to come and ask for help.
I'm trying to build this ListView.builder, it has fixed amount of itemCount. And its building Widgets using data retrieved from locally stored JSON file.
I'm using Provider to pass that data around. The problem is, on app start or hot restart that ListView.builder turns red and shows error, and then after like quarter of a second it shows my data.
I understand why this happens, my list of data that I get from json is initially empty. So I put ternary operator like: == null ? CircularProgressIndicator() : ListView.builder... but this doesnt stop it from crashing.
I dont know why and its driving me crazy. Here is full code:
We are talking here about widget called RecommendedCardList, its showing widgets from above mentioned list by having random number (in range of list length) as index.
I have similar ListView on HomeScreen called CategoryCardList and its working similarly to RecommendedCardList but I'm not having this issue with it. Also the rest of the home screen shows good, only the portion where RecommendedCardList is turns red for a short period of time.
Home Screen class:
class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Get user's screen properties
// We are using this properties to adjust size accordingly
// In order to achieve maximum responsivnes for different screen sizes
var height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
var width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
var repoProvider = Provider.of<Repository>(context);
var recipeDataList = repoProvider.recipeDataList;
return Container(
color: backgroundColor,
child: repoProvider.recipeDataList == null
? Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())
: Padding(
padding: contentPadding,
child: ListView(
children: <Widget>[
height: height * 0.03,
children: <Widget>[
CategoryCardsList(height: height, provider: repoProvider),
height: height * 0.05,
width: double.infinity,
height: height * 0.1,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border.all(color: accentColor),
child: Text(
'Reserved for AD',
height: height * 0.05,
RecommendedCardsList(height: height, width: width, recipeDataList: recipeDataList),
RecommendedCardsList class:
class RecommendedCardsList extends StatelessWidget {
const RecommendedCardsList({
Key key,
#required this.height,
#required this.width,
#required this.recipeDataList,
}) : super(key: key);
final double height;
final double width;
final recipeDataList;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: height * 0.30,
child: ListView.builder(
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
itemCount: numberOfRecommendedRecipes,
itemBuilder: (context, counter) {
int randomNumber = Random().nextInt(recipeDataList.length);
return Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: <Widget>[
width: width,
height: height,
imagePath: recipeDataList.elementAt(randomNumber).image,
text: recipeDataList.elementAt(randomNumber).title,
Repository class:
class Repository extends ChangeNotifier {
Repository() {
var _recipeData;
List<RecipeModel> _recipeDataList = [];
List<RecipeModel> get recipeDataList => _recipeDataList;
void loadJson() async {
var json = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/recipes.json');
var parsedJson = jsonDecode(json);
for (var item in parsedJson) {
_recipeData = RecipeModel.fromJson(item);
//print('Title:${_recipeDataList[0].title}\nImage:${_recipeDataList[0].image}'); // For debugging
This error is related to the fact that the code searched for an index in your list and this index is more than you list length.
I think the error is in that part:
int randomNumber = Random().nextInt(recipeDataList.length);
Supposing the length is 10 the random function will retrieve a num between 0 and 10, but the last index is 9.
With that in mind, I have two suggestions:
// changing ternary logic
(repoProvider.recipeDataList == null && repoProvider.recipeDataList.length > 0)
// inside ListView.Builder change to get the list length
itemCount: recipeDataList.length
Put the following condition in build() of RecommendedCardsList widget as the first line.
if(recipeDataList == null || recipeDataList.length == 0){
return Container();

Add indicator to BottomNavigationBar in flutter

any way to add indicator to BottomNavigatorBarItem like this image?
This package should be able to help you achieve it.
You can use a TabBar instead of a BottomNavigationBar using a custom decoration:
class TopIndicator extends Decoration {
BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback? onChanged]) {
return _TopIndicatorBox();
class _TopIndicatorBox extends BoxPainter {
void paint(Canvas canvas, Offset offset, ImageConfiguration cfg) {
Paint _paint = Paint()
..color = Colors.lightblue
..strokeWidth = 5
..isAntiAlias = true;
canvas.drawLine(offset, Offset(cfg.size!.width + offset.dx, 0), _paint);
Then pass the decoration to the TapBar using TapBar(indicator: TopIndicator ...).
To use the TabBar as the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar, you will most likely want to wrap it in a Material to apply a background color:
bottomNavigationBar: Material(
color: Colors.white,
child: TabBar(
indicator: TopIndicator(),
tabs: const <Widget>[
Tab(icon: Icon(Icons.home_outlined), text: 'Reward'),
Thanks Ara Kurghinyan for the original idea.
I've had the same problem and all the packages I found seem to require raw IconData, which makes it impossible to use widget functionality like number badges (e.g. the number of unread chat messages).
I came up with my own little solution; first, I made a widget to display the actual indicators:
class TabIndicators extends StatelessWidget {
final int _numTabs;
final int _activeIdx;
final Color _activeColor;
final Color _inactiveColor;
final double _padding;
final double _height;
const TabIndicators({
required int numTabs,
required int activeIdx,
required Color activeColor,
required double padding,
required double height,
Color inactiveColor = const Color(0x00FFFFFF),
Key? key }) :
_numTabs = numTabs,
_activeIdx = activeIdx,
_activeColor = activeColor,
_inactiveColor = inactiveColor,
_padding = padding,
_height = height,
super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final elements = <Widget>[];
for(var i = 0; i < _numTabs; ++i) {
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: _padding),
child: Container(color: i == _activeIdx ? _activeColor : _inactiveColor),
height: _height,
child: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: elements,
This can be prepended to the actual BottomNavigationBar like this:
bottomNavigationBuilder: (context, tabsRouter) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 4.0),
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
activeIdx: tabsRouter.activeIndex,
activeColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
numTabs: 4,
padding: 25,
height: 4,
This works perfectly well for me, but to make it look decent, you'd have to set the BottomNavigationBar's elevation to zero, otherwise there's still a faint horizontal line between the indicators and the icons.