How to Mock the Objectbox in Flutter? - flutter

I am writing a bloc test in which I want to test GroupBloc and I need to mock the Objectbox database.
How can i do this?
class ObjectBox {
/// The Store of this app.
late final Store store;
/// A Box of groups.
late final Box<GroupEntity> groupsBox;
late final Box<LessonEntity> lessonBox;
late final Box<StudentEntity> studentBox;
ObjectBox._create( {
groupsBox = Box<GroupEntity>(store);
lessonBox = Box<LessonEntity>(store);
studentBox = Box<StudentEntity>(store);
/// Create an instance of ObjectBox to use throughout the app.
static Future<ObjectBox> create() async {
final store = await openStore();
return ObjectBox._create(store);
My Repository:
class GroupRepository {
GroupDao dao = GroupDao();
static BaseConverter<GroupEntity, Group> converter = GroupDbConverter();
Future<List<Group>> getGroupList() async {
final getGroupsList = await dao.getAll();
final groupsList = converter.listInToOut(getGroupsList);
return groupsList;


Riverpod as global variable

I'm using riverpod in my project and I want to use is it provide instance of User class between widgets.
My UserState class:
import 'package:caralgo_mobile_app/models/user.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
class UserState extends ChangeNotifier{
User? _user;
User? getUser(){
return _user;
void setUser(User user){
_user = user;
Function where I'm writing to _user:
void logIn(){
final _user = UserDraft(email: emailTEC.text, password: passwordTEC.text);'/signin', _user.toJson()).then((value) {
scaffoldMessengerKey.currentState!.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(value!.message)));
ProviderContainer _container = ProviderContainer();['user']));
Class where I want to read User data:
class ConfigurationPageViewModel {
final ApiService _apiService = GetIt.I.get<ApiService>();
static final ProviderContainer _container = ProviderContainer();
final registrationFormKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
final validator = Validator();
final emailTEC = TextEditingController(text:!.email);
final nameTEC = TextEditingController(text:!.firstName);
final familyNameTEC = TextEditingController(text:!.lastName);
final passwordTEC = TextEditingController(text:!.password);
var isEnterpriseUser = false;
final enterpriseNameTEC = TextEditingController(text:!.enterprise);
I assumed this solution can work, instead it throws an error when I'm opening the ConfigurationPage:
Null check operator used on a null value
The problem occurs because of usage of ProviderContainer. In riverpod every provider has two objects: provider and state of provider. Providers itself are global, but states are container depending. In this case I couldn't access the User data, because each container that I used had separate state.
To solve this issue I got rid of ProviderContainers completely.
I'm passing userProvider directly from consumer widget to:
void logIn(dynamic userProvider){
final _user = UserRegistrationInfo(email: emailTEC.text, password: passwordTEC.text);'/signin', _user.toJson()).then((value) {
scaffoldMessengerKey.currentState!.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text(value!.message)));
And all the TextEditControllers are initialized inside the widget:
void initState() {
_configurationPageViewModel.emailTEC.text =!.email;
_configurationPageViewModel.nameTEC.text =!.firstName;
_configurationPageViewModel.familyNameTEC.text =!.lastName;
_configurationPageViewModel.enterpriseCodeTEC.text =!.enterprise ?? '';
_configurationPageViewModel.phoneNumberTEC.text =!.phone ?? '';

Flutter Null Safe Config Class with shared_preferences

In flutter 1.x, I implemented a Config class using the Flutter shared_preferences package; the code looks like this:
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
class Config {
static final Config _config = Config._internal();
factory Config() => _config;
final accessTokenKey = 'accessToken';
String _accessToken;
SharedPreferences prefs;
Config._internal() {
void loadData() async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
_accessToken = prefs.getString(accessTokenKey) ?? '';
String get accessToken {
return _accessToken;
set accessToken(String accessToken) {
_accessToken = accessToken;
_saveString(accessTokenKey, accessToken);
_saveString(String key, String value, {String printValue = ''}) {
String printVal = printValue.length > 0 ? printValue : value;
prefs.setString(key, value);
I’m creating a new project in Flutter 2.x and trying to use the same code, but due to changes associated with null safety I’m having some difficulty getting the updated code just right.
The updated documentation for the package says to initialize the _prefs object like this:
Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Then create a local prefs object using:
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
This is fine, but I don’t want to have to make every class method that uses shared_preferences async then recreate the variable. At the same time I can’t create it as a class variable without initializing it first. Can someone please show me a cleaner way to do this, or do I just have to redeclare it every time I use it?
Also, how do I initialize the config object in my other classes? In my 1.x code, I would just do this:
final Config config = new Config();
then start accessing the properties of the config object. How do I initialize it with all of the async code in the class now?
Here’s where the updated code is today:
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import '../models/device.dart';
class Config {
static final Config _config = Config._internal();
factory Config() => _config;
final accessTokenKey = 'accessToken';
String _accessToken = '';
Future<SharedPreferences> _prefs = SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Config._internal() {
print('Config constructor');
Future<void> loadData() async {
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
_accessToken = prefs.getString(accessTokenKey) ?? '';
String get accessToken {
return _accessToken;
set accessToken(String accessToken) {
_accessToken = accessToken;
_saveString(accessTokenKey, accessToken);
_saveString(String key, String value, {String printValue = ''}) {
String printVal = printValue.length > 0 ? printValue : value;
print('Config: _saveString("$key", "$printVal")');
final SharedPreferences prefs = await _prefs;
prefs.setString(key, value);
You can get instance of SharedPreferences as static field in init method:
static SharedPreferences? _prefs; //or: static late SharedPreferences _prefs;
static init() async {
_prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
And call init() somewhere like in build() method of first widget run, for once.Now you can use _prefs everywhere as you want.
If I want to show you a complete class to use SharedPreferences, it looks like this:
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
class SharedPreferencesRepository {
static SharedPreferences? _prefs;
static init() async {
_prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
static putInteger(String key, int value) {
if (_prefs != null) _prefs!.setInt(key, value);
static int getInteger(String key) {
return _prefs == null ? 0 : _prefs!.getInt(key) ?? 0;
static putString(String key, String value) {
if (_prefs != null) _prefs!.setString(key, value);
static String getString(String key) {
return _prefs == null ? 'DEFAULT_VALUE' : _prefs!.getString(key) ?? "";
static putBool(String key, bool value) {
if (_prefs != null) _prefs!.setBool(key, value);
static bool getBool(String key) {
return _prefs == null ? false : _prefs!.getBool(key) ?? false;
I hope this useful for you.
If you need to wait for some async work to finish before getting an instance of a class, consider using a static method (not a factory constructor, since constructors must always return the base type).
You can use late fields to allow them to be non-null before you initialize them:
class Config {
late String _accessToken;
String get accessToken => _accessToken;
Config._(); // private constructor to prevent accidental creation
static Future<Config> create() async {
final config = Config();
final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
config._accessToken = await preferences.getString('<your key>');
return config;
If you want to make sure this is initialized before running your app, you can initialize it in your main() method before you call runApp() to give control to the Flutter framework:
Future<void> main() async {
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // make sure all plugins loaded etc.
final config = await Config.create();

Riverpod, reading state in outside BuildContext and Provider

I am struggling to figure out why this is not working (as opposed to the documentation which states it should be working).
I have a provider something like this
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:putin_flutter_client/api/client.dart';
import 'package:putin_flutter_client/api/storage.dart';
final userProvider = StateNotifierProvider((_) => UserNotifier());
class UserNotifier extends StateNotifier<UserState> {
UserNotifier() : super(UserState());
set username(String username) {
state = UserState(username: username, password: state.password, jwt: state.jwt);
secureStorageWrite('username', username);
set password(String password) {
state = UserState(username: state.username, password: password, jwt: state.jwt);
secureStorageWrite('password', password);
set jwt(String jwt) {
state = UserState(username: state.username, password: state.password, jwt: jwt);
Client.jwt = jwt;
secureStorageWrite('jwt', jwt);
String get jwt {
return state.jwt;
Future<void> initState() async {
final user = await UserState.load();
state.username = user.username;
state.password = user.password;
state.jwt = user.jwt;
class UserState {
String username;
String password;
String jwt;
static Future<UserState> load() async {
return UserState(
username: await secureStorageRead('username'),
password: await secureStorageRead('password'),
jwt: await secureStorageRead('jwt'),
eventually deep in some widget something like this will update the state
// usilizing the setter on the provider to update the state...
user.jwt = data['token'];
now in some other part of the code I manage the http client. This obviously has no access to BuildContext etc. so I do the following to retrieve the jwt value from the stored state.
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:putin_flutter_client/state/user.dart';
class Client extends http.BaseClient {
final http.Client _client = http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
// Get the container as per riverpod documentation
final container = ProviderContainer();
// Access the value through the getter on the provider
final jwt =;
request.headers['user-agent'] = 'myclient::v1.0.0';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (jwt != null) {
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = jwt;
return _client.send(request);
This is always null and the UserState is pretty much empty (all members are null).
In the riverpod documentation it says that this should be working
test('counter starts at 0', () {
final container = ProviderContainer();
StateController<int> counter =;
expect(counter.state, 0);
Can someone please help me out figure out what is wrong in my example above?
ProviderContainer() create a new instance of your providers it won't get the actual state.
You need to make your client dependent of the user state like this :
final clientProvider = Provider<Client>((ref){
return Client(
class Client extends http.BaseClient {
final UserState _userState;
final http.Client _client = http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
final jwt = _userState.jwt;
request.headers['user-agent'] = 'myclient::v1.0.0';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (jwt != null) {
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = jwt;
return _client.send(request);
when your user state will change the client will be re-instancied with new values
If you don't want to re-instancie each time pass the read method instead :
final clientProvider = Provider<Client>((ref){
return Client(
class Client extends http.BaseClient {
final Reader _reader;
final http.Client _client = http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
final jwt = _reader(userProvider.state).jwt;
request.headers['user-agent'] = 'myclient::v1.0.0';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (jwt != null) {
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = jwt;
return _client.send(request);
As #moulte pointed out (really thanks) can access the providers as global variables and independent of context by instantiating outside and injecting it to the widget scope via UncontrolledProviderScope. The important part is to remember to dispose the global provider before the app terminates or it will never really terminate.
Here's an example code
/// file /state/container.dart
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
final container = ProviderContainer();
/// file /main.dart
void main() async {
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyApp createState() => _MyApp();
class _MyApp extends State<MyApp> {
void dispose() {
// disposing the globally self managed container.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return UncontrolledProviderScope(container: container,
child: MaterialApp(
// The usual widget tree
/// Somewhere in a file that is not aware of the BuildContext
/// here's how client.dart accesses the provider
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:putin_flutter_client/state/container.dart';
import 'package:putin_flutter_client/state/user.dart';
class Client extends http.BaseClient {
final http.Client _client = http.Client();
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
// Simply accessing the global container and calling the .read function
var jwt =;
request.headers['user-agent'] = 'putin_flutter::v1.0.0';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (jwt != null) {
request.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = jwt;
return _client.send(request);
ProviderContainer() is meant for using RiverPod in Dart. The equivalent in Flutter is ProviderScope(), but that requires access by the widget context chain, similar to the provider package.

Is there any way we can inject provider dependancy to normal class in flutter?

I have one normal dart class in which I want to provide two provider dependency.
So I can access that class though out of my application. I can pass that dependency from the build method of the widget and then I can use this class but I don't want to do that, like 100 times I have to pass that dependency if I used that class 100 times.
I also want to use this class from every lifecycle of flutter as it's generating different types of events for application.
I also want to initialize genrateUserProerties() method only once when the dependency is ready and when the user opens the application.
This is initialized before any provider initializes and it's not always used from the method where we have context available.
I need a way to provide that dependency in a way we can initialize genrateUserProerties() only once.
User _user; and BrandCofiguration _activeBrand; I need these two be pass here when it's ready.
User _user; and BrandCofiguration _activeBrand; both are coming from two different Providers when I received a valid response from the server.
class FireBaseAnalyticsBase {
static FirebaseAnalytics _analytics;
static FirebaseAnalyticsObserver _observer;
**User _user;**
BuildContext _context;
**BrandCofiguration _activeBrand;**
int _seconds;
Stopwatch _stopwatch;
String _eventName;
Map<String, dynamic> _userProperties = {};
bool _isTimeTrackEvent;
FireBaseAnalyticsBase(BuildContext context, UserProvider userProvider,
BrandSelectionProvider brandSelectionProvider) {
this._context = context;
_analytics = FirebaseAnalytics();
_observer = FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: _analytics);
_activeBrand = brandSelectionProvider.activeBrand;
_user = userProvider.authenticatedUser;
if (_user != null) {
void startFirebaseEventWithoutTime(String eventName) {
this._eventName = eventName;
_isTimeTrackEvent = false;
void startFireBaseEventWithTime(String eventName) {
_stopwatch = Stopwatch();
_isTimeTrackEvent = true;
_eventName = eventName;
void stopFireBaseTimeEvent() {
_seconds = (_stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000) as int;
Future<void> logFirebaseEvent() async {
if (_isTimeTrackEvent) {
.addAll({FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.time_spent.value: _seconds});
print("firebase test");
await _analytics.logEvent(
name: _eventName,
parameters: _userProperties,
Future<void> genrateUserProerties() async {
print("firebase properties initilize");
var _packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
_userProperties = {
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.platform.value: Platform.operatingSystem,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.application.value: _packageInfo.appName,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.current_api.value: Config.CURRENT_API,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.app_version.value: Config.CURRENT_VERSION,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.is_admin.value: _user.isAdmin,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.is_educator.value: _user.educator,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.is_brand_ambassador.value: _user.brandAmbassador,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.salon_role.value: _user.salongroup,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.brand.value: _activeBrand.brandName,
FirebaseAnalyticsEnum.school_role.value: _user.schoolgroup,
I think you should use Singleton pattern for these classes consume a lot of resources.
static FireBaseAnalyticsBase _instance;
static FireBaseAnalyticsBase getInstance(BuildContext context, UserProvider userProvider,
BrandSelectionProvider brandSelectionProvider){
if(_instance == null){
_instance = FireBaseAnalyticsBase(context,userProvider,brandSelectionProvider);
return _instance;
Or if you passing BuildContext you can get Provider
Provider.of<>(context) in FireBaseAnalyticsBase's Constructor

how to implement Shared_preferences in my own class elegantly on Flutter?

I created such class to store and update the api address locally. But it doesn't work well. How to add the Shared_preferences in the normal class instead of the flutter state widget? So it would make things clearly.
// The Server class
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
class Server{
String _listUrl;
String _itemUrl;
static String _cache1;
static String _cache2;
static final Server _server = new Server._internal();
factory Server({String listUrl, String itemUrl}) {
_cache1 = listUrl;
_cache2 = itemUrl;
return _server;
Server._internal() {
String listUrl()=>_listUrl;
String itemUrl()=>_listUrl;
void update({String listUrl, String itemUrl}){
_listUrl = listUrl??_listUrl;
_itemUrl = itemUrl??_itemUrl;
void read() async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
// print(_cache1);
// print(_cache1);
void save() async{
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setString('_listUrl', _listUrl);
prefs.setString('_itemUrl', _itemUrl);
I found the problem.
I should not import 'package:flutter_test_app/server.dart';
Still difference between it with import 'server.dart';