I need to make custom TextFieldForm that have only underline and upperline border
this is what i need to make
is that possible to make this custom style only with TextFormField class
How can i make this dropdown style in flutter,
also the CupertinoSwitch color change like this one ---background color white & Button color Amber.
You could probably use an AnimatedContainer in combination with the expandable package to achieve most of the UI for this widget.
As for the Cupertino switch, you have a property in the widget itself to set a color when the button is active:
I want to add a buttombar to my application Contains only just one text with background color .
I need it to write the copyright in my application, but I find just that I have to add At least a two-item
In the list,
I don't need this
Just i want to add a single one text with a background color
In your case you do not need a bottombar widget.
you can create a container with specific height and background color and center a text widget in the container.
If you are looking to add bottomNavigationBar with one item only you can just write your own widget in the bottom navigation bar like a Container and set a background of your choice and give it a child widget wrapped in an INKWELL or GESTUREDETECTOR and if it overlaps with the Phone's GUI you can wrap the inkwell with SAFEAREA widget
I'm working on a flutter application. In my application, I like to animate the text field just like the CVV text filed in this link https://dribbble.com/shots/4542183-e-commerce-shopping-app-UI-Kit-interaction. I could see few references on how to change the color or width of the text box border in flutter. But this is something different - a running border. I have attached a needed animation video link below for reference. Is there any way to achieve that text form field border animation in flutter?
Refer link : https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/692322/screenshots/4542183/attachments/1027997/payment_interaction.mp4
is it possible to influence the textStyle of a Button through the theme? In this particular case, I want every button label to have a specific fontWeight.
The ButtonTextTheme is only responsible for colors.
I know I can style the child of the button itself but I wanted to have the styling on theme level.
Now I'd need to create a custom Button Widget that does that for me
My issue is very simple to explain. As the title goes, is it possible to change the margin/padding between the text and the border in a TextField?
More precisely, the margin between the text baseline and the underline border of the text field.
I could brute force this and just draw a line where I want it and just stop drawing the border. but it doesn't look good with the auto error validators.
Yes, you can pass decoration parameter to TextField. It accepts InputDecoration, which has contentPadding parameter.
For any Custom decoration you can you use InputDecoration provided by the TextField widget . And from there edit the default padding or do any styling