Sonification using E Charts library - echarts

I am working on Sonification using Highcharts library. But I need implementation of Sonification using Apache ECharts library. Can anyone let me know how can I achieve this?


Graph network visualisation in flutter?

I'm a newbie in flutter. Would anybody have an idea of how to plot a graph network in flutter?
An example using d3js is below. I'm interested in a solution that doesn't use d3js so it could work on mobiles.
Thank you
This package seems to be an answer (very basic compared to d3 though):
Also I noticed this answer today:
The package seems more advanced.

shieldUI build chart images in java backend

I'm using shieldUi library for building charts in a web page.
I was wondering about creating charts in a Java backend and save them as images (or use them when creating a pdf using FOP).
Is shieldUi (and its integration with apache wicket) suitable for this purpose?
There are integration Apache Wicket with ShieldUI.
Maybe it will help you!

How to use JavaScript in ZK Charts using Java

I want to know how we can write the highcharts javaScript methods in ZK charts using java. Is there any example in which i can find to write whole bunch of javaScript inside the java method??
Clients.evalJavaScript seems like what you need.

How to use JasperReports with Play Framework

Im searching the web but still couldn't find any way to integrate JasperReports with the Play Framework. Have any of you did it before? If so please show me what is the best way to do it.
Here is a nice example for using Jasper with Play:
Well, it's too generic of a question. Probably the easiest way is to use the web services of Jasper via the WS library or Java libraries. In the link you have some Java code samples.

Grid Chart using GWT

Is there any library in gwt that will create grid chart, something similar to this :
Thank you.
Look at the following url.I think google visualization api will be useful for your case(try Scatter chart).
If you are considering restricting yourself to browers that support Canvas, GWT has experimental support for that.
Here's a nifty demo: