When will select query aquire ExclusiveLock and RowExclusiveLock in PostgreSQL? - postgresql

According to official documentation, select query only need sharelock, but I found my select query acquired Exclusive lock. How did it happen? Here is my select query:
select gc.id
from group_access_strategy ga
left outer join person_group pg on gp.person_group_id=pg.id
where gp.id=3
what is different from official documentation is that I added left join.

Most likely you ran another command like ALTER TABLE person_group ... (Access Exclusive) or an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE (Row exclusive) in the same transaction. Locks will persist until a transaction is completed or aborted.
So if you ran:
BEGIN; --BEGIN starts the transaction
UPDATE group_access_strategy SET column = 'some data' where id = 1;
group_access_strategy ga
LEFT OUTER JOIN person_group pg ON (gp.person_group_id = pg.id)
pg.id = 3
The UPDATE statement would have created a Row Exclusive Lock that will not be released until you end the transaction by:
Saving all of the changes made since BEGIN:
nullifying any of the effects of statements since BEGIN with
If you're new to Postgres and typically run your queries in an IDE like PG Admin or DataGrip, the BEGIN / COMMIT ROLLBACK commands are issued behind the scenes for you when you click the corresponding UI buttons.


How to avoid deadlock when delete/update the same record in the Postgres

I have a scenario when I play with Postgres.
We have one table with primary key, and there are two concurrent process, the one can update record, another process can delete record.
Now we are facing deadlock, when two processes play with update/delete the same record in the table.
I google how to avoid deadlock, someone says to use "SELECT FOR UPDATE".
Suppose there are two statements as following
update table_A set name='aaaa' where cid=1;
delete table_A where cid=1;
My question is,
(1) Do I need to add "SELECT FOR UPDATE" to both statements or just one statement in order to avoid deadlock?
(2) Could you give a complete example how to add "SELECT FOR UPDATE" ? I mean, what does it look like after you add "SELECT FOR UPDATE"? I never do it before, I want to learn how to add it.
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE locks the selected rows so that any other transaction can neither perform an update nor a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE on these rows. These transactions must wait until the transaction with the first SELECT ... FOR UPDATE releases the lock on the rows again.
If SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is the first statement in all transactions, no deadlock can occur. Because no transaction can lock other lines, which could be used in the further course of other transactions.
So your two transactions should look like this:
-- some other statements
UPDATE table_A SET name = 'aaaa' WHERE cid = 1;
-- some other statements
DELETE FROM table_A WHERE cid = 1;

Postgresql - Unable to see exact Query or Transaction that blocked my actual Transaction

Note: I'm using DBeaver 21.1.3 as my PostgreSQL development tool.
For my testing, I have created a table:
CREATE TABLE test_sk1(n numeric(2));
then I have disabled Auto-Commit on my DBEaver to verify whether I can see the blocking query for my other transaction.
I have then executed an insert on my table:
INSERT INTO test_sk1(n) values(10);
Now this insert transaction is un-committed, which will block the table.
Then I have taken another new SQL window and tried alter command on the table.
Now I see the alter transaction got blocked.
But when I verified in the locks, I see that this Alter transaction got blocked by "Show search_path;' transaction, where I'm expecting "INSERT..." transaction as blocking query.
I used below query to fetch the lock:
SELECT p1.pid,
p1.query as blocked_query,
p2.pid as blocked_by_pid,
p2.query AS blocking_query
FROM pg_stat_activity p1, pg_stat_activity p2
WHERE p2.pid IN (SELECT UNNEST(pg_blocking_pids(p1.pid)))
AND cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(p1.pid)) > 0;
Why is this happening on our databases?
Try using psql for such experiments. DBeaver and many other tools will execute many SQL statements that you didn't intend to run.
The query that you see in pg_stat_activity is just the latest query done by that process, not necessarily the one locking any resource.

create temp table that deletes itself when I end my transaction

I am using Postgres 9.6
I wish to CREATE temp table that will drop itself at the end of the transaction. I have been looking through the documentation and am having a hard time locating the answer to this.
Quote from the manual
The behavior of temporary tables at the end of a transaction block can be controlled using ON COMMIT. The three options are:
The temporary table will be dropped at the end of the current transaction block.
(emphasis mine)
The "end of transaction block" is defined by a commit or a rollback.
Like this:
-- put your query that uses the temp-table here
JOIN my_temp ON nodes.id = my_temp.id;

PostgreSQL table locking conflicts

I'm reading this document on Explicit Locks and when they are automatically used by PostgreSQL.
What happens when one lock conflicts with another? Does the second transaction just wait until the first finishes? Does it abort?
So say some transaction opens up an ACCESS SHARE lock on table called apples. Then say another transaction tries to add a column issuing an ALTER TABLE query which is an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock. What happens to the second query? Does it hang? Abort?
The second query ALTER TABLE waits for the first transaction to complete. You can see that in pg_locks.
Select * from pg_locks;
To simulate this scenario:-
1) Open three separate SQL Editors in pgAdmin
2) SQL Editor 1: Execute the below statements
Select * FROM table_name;
3) SQL Editor 2: Check the locks using pg_locks. There should be AccessShareLock
4) SQL Editor 3:
alter table table_name ADD COLUMN new_column varchar(30);
The window should show Query is running.
5) SQL Editor 2: Check the locks using pg_locks. There should be AccessExclusiveLock
6) SQL Editor 1: Execute END; (i.e. Ending the select transaction)
7) SQL Editor 3: Query (i.e. alter table) should be executed successfully
8) SQL Editor 2: Check the locks using pg_locks. There shouldn't be any 'AccessShare' lock
9) SQL Editor 3: Execute END; (i.e. Ending the alter table transaction)
10) SQL Editor 2: Check the locks using pg_locks. There shouldn't be any 'AccessExclusive' lock.

SQL Isolation levels or locks in large procedures

I have big stored procedures that handle user actions.
They consist of multiple select statements. These are filtered, most of the times only getting one row. The Selects are copied into temptables or otherwise evaluated.
Finally, a merge-Statement does the needed changes in the DB.
All is encapsulated in a transaction.
I have concurrent input from users, and the selected rows of the select statements should be locked to keep data integrity.
How can I lock the selected Rows of all select statements, so that they aren't updated through other transactions while the current transaction is in process?
Does a table hint combination of ROWLOCK and HOLDLOCK work in a way that only the selected rows are locked, or are the whole tables locked because of the HOLDLOCK?
FROM dbo.Test
WHERE id = #testId
Can I instead use
right after the start of the transaction? Or does this lock the whole tables?
I am using SQL2008 R2, but would also be interested if things work differently in SQL2012.
PS: I just read about the table hints UPDLOCK and SERIALIZE. UPDLOCK seems to be a solution to lock only one row, and it seems as if UPDLOCK always locks instead of ROWLOCK, which does only specify that locks are row based IF locks are applied. I am still confused about the best way to solve this...
Changing the isolation level fixed the problem (and locked on row level):
Here is how I tested it.
I created a statement in a blank page of the SQL Management Studio:
begin tran
into #message
from dbo.MessageBody
where MessageBody.headerId = 28
update dbo.MessageBody set [message] = 'message1'
where headerId = (select headerId from #message)
select * from dbo.MessageBody where headerId = (select headerId from #message)
drop table #message
commit tran
While executing this statement (which takes at last 5 seconds due to the delay), I called the second query in another window:
begin tran
into #message
from dbo.MessageBody
where MessageBody.headerId = 28
update dbo.MessageBody set [message] = 'message2'
where headerId = (select headerId from #message)
select * from dbo.MessageBody where headerId = (select headerId from #message)
drop table #message
commit tran
and I was rather surprised that it executed instantaneously. This was due to the default SQL Server transaction level "Read Commited" http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173763.aspx . Since the update of the first script is done after the delay, during the second script there are no umcommited changes yet, so the row 28 is read and updated.
Changing the Isolation level to Serialization prevented this, but it also prevented concurrency - both scipts were executed consecutively.
That was OK, since both scripts read and changed the same row (via headerId=28). Changing headerId to another value in the second script, the statements were executed parallel. So the lock from SERIALIZATION seems to be on row level.
Adding the table hint
in the first select of the first statement does also prevent further reads oth the selected row.