jbpm server 7.72 deployed on CentOS - Jboss doesnt run even on default H2 db - jboss

Deployed Jbpm-server-7.72.0 on CentOS, followed the first few steps of unzipping the file, deploying it, along with environment variables. but JBOSS stops right after. Apologies, not a developer here, so need some guidance or steps to follow.
Once, it runs, got to run jbpm on mysql, but currently, it aint running on H2 Database either.


Glassfish undeployment does not work on Windows but works fine on Linux

I am currently working on a web based application using Glassfish. Therefore I have to implement functionality, compile/package it (using maven), deploy the .war file on a glassfish server, test it and undeploy it again to start a new cycle.
My problem is, that Glassfish won't undeploy my .war file under Windows 7. Undeployment takes about 3 minutes and does not remove all deployed files in /glassfish/domains/myDomain/applications. It generates a .glassfishStaleFiles.
To deploy again, I first have to delete the content of /glassfish/domains/myDomain/applications entirely.
Obviously this takes too long and I need to do this many times a day while implementing.
BUT: It all works fine when using Ubuntu. Clean and fast undeployment and deployment.
Thanks in advance
This is a known issue with GlassFish, due to the way file handles are dealt with in Windows compared to Linux. If some process has a file open in Windows, then that will prevent deployment. There are lots of these edge cases in GlassFish many of which (perhaps all) have been fixed in Payara Server, which is derived from GlassFish. Payara Server is free, so I would recommend trying the latest version to see if the issue is resolved there.
Here is an example of some of the fixes for these kinds of issues in Payara Server:

Jboss AS7 to Wildfly 10 Migration

im trying to migrate JBoss AS7.1 to Wildfly 10, i just followed some threads and i came upon this AS7 to Wildfly 10 guide. Basically it just tells how to migrate server configuration as well as application configuration.
But the problem is, it says to execute ":migrate" function "/subsystem=jacorb:migrate" on jboss cli (Jboss AS7.1 because it says execute on legacy subsystem) but it always throws an error, see below
No handler for migrate at address
Anyone familiar in executing migrate on jboss cli please point me to the right direction
I opted to migrate to wildfly10 from jboss-as7.1 manually (labor intensive, hassle), maybe if i have time to investigate about this i could feedback it there but as of know i time is of the essence and i need to migrate immediately.

Unable to reconnect to Derby from Tomcat server started via Eclipse

I'm running on Win 7 using Eclipse 4.2 starting a web app on a Tomcat 7 server and using Derby database. I have tried many approaches but run consistently into a common problem:
Everything works just fine the first time I start up and run.
When I redeploy my application after a change, all database connections hang (any kind of restart).
If I stop Eclipse and restart Eclipse, that clears up the problem and the next run works fine again.
Having done some investigation, it appears that the problem is that the Derby port (1527) is not released from one execution of the server to the next. That seems very strange to me since Derby is started by the Tomcat instance which is a separate javaw process.
I've tried:
Configuring the Derby connection as a Tomcat resource
Establishing the connection within my code (rather than via Tomcat resource)
Both the embedded and the network driver
Starting / stopping the network driver from a servlet on startup and shutdown of the Tomcat server
Shutting down the embedded driver via servlet on shutdown of Tomcat
Again, every approach works fine to connect the first time.
One other symptom that doesn't appear to be related (except for as a possible indicator of whether or not shutdown completes correctly) is that the db.lck file for my database never gets deleted. However, whether or not it exists has no bearing on whether or not I can reconnect (only stopping/starting eclipse has an impact).
Any insight would be appreciated.
After some further investigation I'm going to call this a duplicate of: Cannot create JDBC driver of class ' ' for connect URL 'null' : I do not understand this exception. It's not quite the same thing, but that solution (creating META-INF/context.xml) allows it to proceed to failing calls rather than hangs, which is a significant improvement and suggests it's largely related.
I did finally figure this out. It turns out I had the derby jars in the Tomcat lib folder (for Tomcat) and in the deployment assembly for my application in Eclipse (rather than just in the build path). So Tomcat was using the built-in libs, while my app was using the embedded libs, and this resulted in conflicts. Leaving the libs as part of Tomcat and removing them from my war file solved the problem completely.

Glassfish: how to correctly deploy applications?

My setup is as following:
Production web server with Glassfish 3.1.1 wrapped into a windows service.
Developing environment with Netbeans 7.1 with the included Glassfish server.
I thought a valid way to deploy updates to production server was to copy the content of the Netbeans /build directory and it worked well many times.
Unfortunately I experienced a major problem, described in the link below, where new roles were not recognized because glassfish had cached data somewhere else.
Glassfish: how to investigate roles/groups problems
I checked the Glassfish configuration a lot but couldn't find any parameters like 'rebuild cached data at the server start'. So my question is how can I deploy updates in my production server being sure that my changes will not be invalidated by pre-compiled cached data ?

Eclipse - Why does Azure deployment take so long

I'm trying to deploy my HelloWorld application in Windows Azure which was developed in Java using eclipse. The application working fine when I tested under tomcat and Azure sdk. I created hosted service in Window Azure Management Portal and deploy my application. It almost 3 hours and it still deploying.
I went to What Happens When You Deploy on Windows Azure? and checked but still unclear.Can anyone advice why it took so long to deploy and any suggestion how to make the deployment process more faster.
Please refer the image below.
I changed the startup.cmd, instead of copy my tomcat to azure i changed the startup.cmd to download the tomcat online. now its working fine.
Does you start-up script finish after tomcat start?
The instances will be marked as ready only after the start-up script finished, so if you start tomcat blocking the start-up script it won't reach this state unless tomcat crashes...
You should use "start" (http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/start.mspx?mfr=true) command to start tomcat in a separated process allowing the start-up script to finish.
(In my memories the provided example in the eclipse plugin had the issue)