Strange problem with PIO state machine of RapsberryPi-Pico - raspberry-pi

I try to implement TFT control using PIO. I have written 4 PIO state machines for every sync signal of my TFT (CLOCK, DE, HSYNC, VSYNC). 3 of them work seamless, but if I add the VSYNC module, the whole Pico freezes. It doesn't change pins and doesn't blink with a LED using repeating timer.
Here is how my initialization looks like:
PIO pio = pio0;
uint h_offset = pio_add_program(pio, &hsync_program);
uint v_offset = pio_add_program(pio, &vsync_program);
uint c_offset = pio_add_program(pio, &clock_program);
uint d_offset = pio_add_program(pio, &de_program);
hsync_program_init(pio, 0, h_offset, HSYNC_PIN);
vsync_program_init(pio, 1, v_offset, VSYNC_PIN);
clock_program_init(pio, 2, c_offset, CLOCK_PIN);
de_program_init(pio, 3, d_offset, DE_PIN);
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, 0, true);
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, 1, true);
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, 2, true);
pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, 3, true);
pio_sm_put_blocking(pio, 0, TFT_WIDTH);
pio_sm_put_blocking(pio, 1, TFT_HEIGHT);
Here is the content of the vsync.pio:
.define v_back_porch 12
.define v_front_porch 8
.define v_sync_len 4
.program vsync
pull block
mov y, osr
set pins, 0
set x, v_sync_len
wait 1 irq 2
jmp x-- vactive
; back porch
set pins, 1
set x, (v_back_porch - v_sync_len)
wait 1 irq 2
jmp x-- vbporch
; main cycle
mov x, y
wait 1 irq 2
jmp x-- vmain
set x, v_front_porch
wait 1 irq 2
jmp x-- vfporch
; set sync interrupt for RGB
; irq 3
.wrap ; sync forever!
% c-sdk {
// this is a raw helper function for use by the user which sets up the GPIO output, and configures the SM to output on a particular pin
void vsync_program_init(PIO pio, uint sm, uint offset, uint pin) {
pio_gpio_init(pio, pin);
pio_sm_set_consecutive_pindirs(pio, sm, pin, 1, true);
pio_sm_config c = vsync_program_get_default_config(offset);
sm_config_set_set_pins(&c, pin, 1);
pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
If I remove every line of code for the vsync state machine, everything works and generates exactly that, what I want.
After adding uint v_offset = pio_add_program(pio, &vsync_program); it doesn't work anymore. There are no errors or comments during the compilation. I have already tried almost everything. It seems, that registers x and y are faulty, but I can't make a counter without using them.
I have pretty the same code in the hsync.pio, but I don't have any problems with it.
Here is a compiled result for the vsync.pio:
static const uint16_t vsync_program_instructions[] = {
0x80a0, // 0: pull block
0xa047, // 1: mov y, osr
// .wrap_target
0xe000, // 2: set pins, 0
0xe024, // 3: set x, 4
0x20c2, // 4: wait 1 irq, 2
0x0044, // 5: jmp x--, 4
0xe001, // 6: set pins, 1
0xe028, // 7: set x, 8
0x20c2, // 8: wait 1 irq, 2
0x0048, // 9: jmp x--, 8
0xa022, // 10: mov x, y
0x20c2, // 11: wait 1 irq, 2
0x004b, // 12: jmp x--, 11
0xe028, // 13: set x, 8
0x20c2, // 14: wait 1 irq, 2
0x004e, // 15: jmp x--, 14
// .wrap
and for the hsync.pio to compare:
static const uint16_t hsync_program_instructions[] = {
0x80a0, // 0: pull block
0xa047, // 1: mov y, osr
// .wrap_target
0xe000, // 2: set pins, 0
0xe022, // 3: set x, 2
0x20c0, // 4: wait 1 irq, 0
0x0044, // 5: jmp x--, 4
0xe001, // 6: set pins, 1
0xe022, // 7: set x, 2
0x20c0, // 8: wait 1 irq, 0
0x0048, // 9: jmp x--, 8
0xc001, // 10: irq nowait 1
0xa022, // 11: mov x, y
0x20c0, // 12: wait 1 irq, 0
0x004c, // 13: jmp x--, 12
0xc001, // 14: irq nowait 1
0xe024, // 15: set x, 4
0x20c0, // 16: wait 1 irq, 0
0x0050, // 17: jmp x--, 16
0xc002, // 18: irq nowait 2
// .wrap
I don't see any significant differences there.
What could be the reasong for such a behavior?

It's very pitty, but every PIO instance (not every state machine in the instance!) allows 32 instructions only. So I have to use PIO1, but there is another problem - IRQs from one PIO don't interact with another PIO.
The structure of the Pico PIO makes me really sad :(


STM32F405 bare metal spi slave - MISO data messed up sometimes

I've set up two STM32 Boards, one as SPI-master, the other one as slave.
I write directly to registers without any framework.
Master to slave communication is working perfectly. But the slave sends garbage sometimes.
I first tried interrupts, but the slave would always send garbage and often receive garbage.
Now I implemented DMA. This is working way better, the slave now always receives correct data. But sending is still an issue.
If the transmission is 3 to 5 Bytes long the data from the slave is correct in 95% of all cases.
If the transmission is longer then 5 bytes, then after the 4th or 5th byte there is just random byte foo. But the first 4 bytes are nearly (95%) always correct.
The signals are clean, I checked them with an oscilloscope. The data which the master receives shows up properly on MISO. So I guess the slave somehow writes garbage into the SPI DR, or the data register gets messed up.
I know SPI slaves on non-FPGAs are tricky, but this really is unexpected...
Anyone can point me a direction? I'm desperate and thankful for any bit of advice.
This is the code
void DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler( void )
if (spi2_slave)
while( (spi_spc->SR & (1<<1)) == 0 ); // must wait for TXE to be set!
while( spi_spc->SR & (1<<7) ); // must wait for busy to clear!
DMA1_Stream3->CR &= ~(1<<0); // Disable stream 3
while((DMA1_Stream3->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait till disabled
DMA1_Stream3->NDTR = 3; // Datenmenge zum Empfangen
DMA1_Stream3->CR |= (1<<0); // Enable DMA1_Stream3 (TX)
DMA1->LIFCR = (1<<27); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 3
// fire SPI2 finished CBF
if (spi2_xfer_done != 0)
if (spi2_xfer_len > 0)
spi2_xfer_done(spi2_rx_buffer, spi2_xfer_len);
while( spi_spc->SR & (1<<7) ); // must wait for busy to clear!
GPIOB->ODR |= (1<<12); // Pull up SS Pin
spi_spc->CR2 &= ~((1<<0) | (1<<1)); // Disable TX and RX DMA request lines
spi_spc->CR1 &= ~(1<<6); // 6:disableSPI
DMA1->LIFCR = (1<<27); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 3
// fire SPI2 finished CBF
if (spi2_xfer_done != 0)
spi2_xfer_done(spi2_rx_buffer, spi2_xfer_len);
while( (spi_spc->SR & (1<<1)) == 0 ); // must wait for TXE to be set!
// For Slave TX DMA
void DMA1_Stream4_IRQHandler( void )
DMA1_Stream4->CR &= ~(1<<0); // Disable stream 4
while((DMA1_Stream4->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait till disabled
spi_spc->CR2 &= ~(1<<1); // Disable TX DMA request lines
DMA1->HIFCR = (1<<5); // clear Transfer complete in Stream 4
void mcu_spi_spc_init_slave(void (*xfer_done)(uint8_t* data, uint32_t dlen))
spi2_slave = 1;
spi2_xfer_done = xfer_done;
for (int c=0;c<SPI2_BUFFER_SIZE;c++)
spi2_tx_buffer[c] = 'X';
spi2_rx_buffer[c] = 0;
// Enable the SPI2 peripheral clock
// Enable port B Clock
RCC->AHB1ENR |= (1<<1);
// Enable DMA1 Clock
// Reset the SPI2 peripheral to initial state
* SPC SPI2 SS: Pin33 PB12
* SPC SPI2 SCK: Pin34 PB13
* SPC SPI2 MISO: Pin35 PB14
* SPC SPI2 MOSI: Pin36 PB15
// Configure the SPI2 GPIO pins
GPIOB->MODER |= (2<<24) | (2<<26) | (2<<28) | (2<<30);
GPIOB->PUPDR |= (02<<26) | (2<<28) | (2<<30);
GPIOB->OSPEEDR |= (3<<24) | (3<<26) | (3<<28) | (3<<30); // "very High speed"
GPIOB->AFR[1] |= (5<<16) | (5<<20) | (5<<24) | (5<<28); // Alternate function 5 (SPI2)
// Clock Phase and Polarity = 0
// CR1 = LSByte to MSByte, MSBit first
// DFF = 8bit
// 6 MHz Clock (48MHz / 8)
spi_spc->CR1 = (7<<3) | (0<<2) | (0<<1) | (1<<0) // 0:CPHA, 1:CPOL, 2:MASTER, 3:CLOCK_DIVIDER
| (0<<7) | (0<<11); // 7:LSB first, 11:DFF(8Bit)
spi_spc->CR2 = (0<<2) | (1<<1) | (1<<0); // 2:SSOE, 0:Enable RX DMA IRQ, 1:Enable TX DMA IRQ
// DMA config (Stream3:RX p2mem, Stream4:TX mem2p
// DMA for RX Stream 3 Channel 0
DMA1_Stream3->CR &= ~(1<<0); // EN = 0: disable and reset
while((DMA1_Stream3->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait
DMA1_Stream4->CR &= ~(1<<0); // EN = 0: disable and reset
while((DMA1_Stream4->CR & (1<<0)) != 0); // Wait
DMA1->LIFCR = (0x3D<<22); // clear all ISRs related to Stream 3
DMA1->HIFCR = (0x3D<< 0); // clear all ISRs related to Stream 4
DMA1_Stream3->PAR = (uint32_t) (&(spi_spc->DR)); // Peripheral addresse
DMA1_Stream3->M0AR = (uint32_t) spi2_rx_buffer; // Memory addresse
DMA1_Stream3->NDTR = 3; // Datenmenge zum Empfangen
DMA1_Stream3->FCR &= ~(1<<2); // ENABLE Direct mode by CLEARING Bit 2
DMA1_Stream3->CR = (0<<25) | // 25:Channel selection(0)
(1<<10) | // 10:increment mem_ptr,
(0<<9) | // 9: Do not increment periph ptr
(0<<6) | // 6: Dir(P -> Mem)
(1<<4); // 4: finish ISR
// DMA for TX Stream 4 Channel 0
DMA1_Stream4->PAR = (uint32_t) (&(spi_spc->DR)); // Peripheral addresse
DMA1_Stream4->M0AR = (uint32_t) spi2_tx_buffer; // Memory addresse
DMA1_Stream4->NDTR = 1; // Datenmenge zum Senden (dummy)
DMA1_Stream4->FCR &= ~(1<<2); // ENABLE Direct mode by CLEARING Bit 2
DMA1_Stream4->CR = (0<<25) | // 25:Channel selection(0)
(1<<10) | // 10:increment mem_ptr,
(0<<9) | // 9: Do not increment periph ptr
(1<<6) | // 6: Dir(Mem -> P)
// Setup the NVIC to enable interrupts.
// Use 4 bits for 'priority' and 0 bits for 'subpriority'.
NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping( 0 );
uint32_t pri_encoding = NVIC_EncodePriority( 0, 1, 0 );
NVIC_SetPriority( DMA1_Stream4_IRQn, pri_encoding );
NVIC_EnableIRQ( DMA1_Stream4_IRQn );
NVIC_SetPriority( DMA1_Stream3_IRQn, pri_encoding );
NVIC_EnableIRQ( DMA1_Stream3_IRQn );
DMA1_Stream3->CR |= (1<<1); // Enable DMA1_Stream3 (RX)
spi_spc->CR1 |= (1<<6); // 6:EnableSPI
In the future the system has to send and receive roughly 500 bytes.
So, I did it. It was a whole bunch of things. Also, my assumption in the question was wrong. My slave did not receive/send valid data.
The signals were shown as clean by the oscilloscope, but the scope itself was adding noise to the lines, that was not visible on the scope itself. Not measuring the lines helped.
I put 100 OHM resistors close to the MASTER pins. This was not working, out of desperation I put the resistors close to the slave instead. Suddenly I got valid data. (This has been the main culprit all along)
According to the comment of Ashley Miller, I implemented a circular buffer, where I always send a fixed length every time. So the slave knows exactly what to expect. This mitigated eventual errors that could be produced when switching off / resetting the DMA shortly after the transmission.
The UART tricked me also. When getting too much data at once ( as little as 20 or 30 bytes! ) my terminal program gliched and threw the bytes randomly around. So part of the problem was just that... I'm using GtkTerm for those who are interested.
The Clock mode CPOL= 0 and CPH = 0 doesn't work at all. I set both master and slave to the same setting and it just received garbage. If I loop back the master to itself (connect MISO to MOSI a.k.a. exclude the slave) then it works regardless of clock mode.
This seems to stem from a timing issue, where the slave has to react too fast and can't handle even the slowest possible speed (approx. 100 kHz). I did not go into details on this.
I hope I could help someone with this.

eBPF tools - skb_network_header crashes in a BPF Kernel trace function

I am looking to trace ip_forward_finish. The intent is to trace latency of all TCP connections going through a linux based gateway router. Hence thought of tracing ip_forward_finish kernel function. And capture the time-stamp of SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK messages at the router.
The issue is accessing iphdr inside the trace function makes the verifier complain with the following error:
bpf: Failed to load program: Permission denied
0: (79) r6 = *(u64 *)(r1 +96)
1: (b7) r1 = 0
2: (6b) *(u16 *)(r10 -24) = r1
3: (bf) r3 = r6
4: (07) r3 += 192
5: (bf) r1 = r10
6: (07) r1 += -24
7: (b7) r2 = 2
8: (85) call bpf_probe_read#4
9: (69) r1 = *(u16 *)(r10 -24)
10: (55) if r1 != 0x8 goto pc+7
R0=inv(id=0) R1=inv8 R6=inv(id=0) R10=fp0
11: (69) r1 = *(u16 *)(r6 +196)
R6 invalid mem access 'inv'
HINT: The invalid mem access 'inv' error can happen if you try to dereference
memory without first using bpf_probe_read() to copy it to the BPF stack.
Sometimes the bpf_probe_read is automatic by the bcc rewriter, other times
you'll need to be explicit.
The code fragment I originally had was as below and the crash occurs when an access to ip_Hdr->protocol is made. And I also checked that ip_Hdr is not null.
int trace_forward_finish(struct pt_regs *ctx,struct net *net,
struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
if (skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_IP))
return 0;
struct iphdr* ip_Hdr = (struct iphdr *) skb_network_header(skb);
if (ip_Hdr->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
return 0;
/// More code
Per the HINT in the message, I did try to change to bpf_probe_read but still the same outcome
int trace_forward_finish(struct pt_regs *ctx,struct net *net,
struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
if (skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_IP))
return 0;
struct iphdr ip_Hdr;
bpf_probe_read(&ip_Hdr, sizeof(ip_Hdr), (void*)ip_hdr(skb));
if (ip_Hdr.protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
return 0;
return 0;
Any help would be appreciated.
bcc will try to transform your dereferences of kernel pointers into calls to bpf_probe_read. You can see that happening by passing debug=4 to the BPF() call.
In your case, I suspect that you would need to include function skb_network_header in your code so that bcc is able to rewrite it.
If that's not sufficient, then you might need a manual call to bpf_probe_read to retrieve structure struct iphdr from skb_network_header's pointer.

2 bit branch predictor with two for loops

I got a 2 bit branch predictor, my starting state is weakly taken and I need to calculate the prediction accuracy:
for (int i=0; i < 100; i++)
for (int j=0; j < 50; j++)
So with i = 0 we take the branch, so we are at i = 0 and j = 0 and set our predictor to strongly taken, right ? So if we iterate j now, does that mean we are not taking a new branch ? As we are still in the i = 0 branch, or does every iteration count as a new branch ?
Let's manually compile it into x86 assembly first for better understanding (any other would do to):
mov ebx, 0 // this is our var i
# /------------ inner loop start -----------\
mov eax, 0 // this is our var j
// ...
add eax, 1
cmp eax, 50
jl .L1 // jump one
# \------------ inner loop end -------------/
add ebx, 1
cmp ebx, 100
jl .L0 // jump two
I think this code is pretty straight forward even if your not familiar with assembly:
Set ebx to 0
jump two gets back here
Set eax to 0
jump one gets back here
Execute our loop code // ...
add 1 to eax
compare eax to 50 (this sets some bits in a flag register)
jump to label .L1: if eax wasn't 50
add 1 to ebx
compare ebx to 50 (this sets some bits in a flag register)
jump to label .L0: if ebx wasn't 100
End of the loops
So on the first iteration we arrive at jump one and predict it will be taken. Since eax < 50 we take it and update it to strongly taken. Now we do this another 48 times. On the 50 iteration we don't jump because eax == 50. This is a single misprediction and we update to weakly taken.
Now we arrive at jump two for the first time. since ebx < 100 we take it and update it to strongly taken. Now we start all over with that inner loop by jumping to L0. We do this another 98 times. On the 100 iteration of the inner loop we don't jump because ebx == 100. This is a single misprediction and we update to weakly taken.
So we execute the innerloop 100 times with a single misprediction each for a total of 100 mispredictions for jump one and 100 * 49 = 4900 correct predictions. The outer loop is executed only once and has only 1 misprediction and 99 correct predictions.

DM6446 GPIO Bank 0 request_irq returns -22

I'm trying to set up an interrupt-handler in my driver for DM6446 GPIO BANK 0 interrupt.But request_irq returns -22.I know the Interrupt number for GPIO BANK-0 from the data sheet which states it to be 56.Following are the settings for GPIO in my code.I want to get interrupt on GPIO-10.
while((REG_VAL(PTSTAT) & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transtion to finish
REG_VAL(MDCTL26) = 0x00000203; //To enable GPIO module and EMURSITE BIT as stated in sprue14 for state transition
REG_VAL(PTCMD) = 0x1; // Start power state transition for ALWAYSON
while((REG_VAL(PTSTAT) & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transtion to finish
REG_VAL(PINMUX0) = REG_VAL(PINMUX0) & 0x80000000; //Disbale other Functionlaity on BANK 0 pins
printk(KERN_DEBUG "I2C: PINMUX0 = %x\n",REG_VAL(PINMUX0));
REG_VAL(DIR01) = REG_VAL(DIR01) | 0xFFFFFFFF; //Set direction as input for GPIO 0 and 10
REG_VAL(BINTEN) = REG_VAL(BINTEN) | 0x00000001; //Enable Interrupt for GPIO Bank 0
REG_VAL(SET_RIS_TRIG01) = REG_VAL(SET_RIS_TRIG01) | 0x00000401; // Enable rising edge interrupt of GPIO BANK 0 PIN 0 PIN 10
REG_VAL(CLR_FAL_TRIG01) = REG_VAL(CLR_FAL_TRIG01) | 0x00000401; // Disable falling edge interrupt of Bank 0
Result = request_irq(56,Gpio_Interrupt_Handler,0,"gpio",I2C_MAJOR);
if(Result < 0)
A little help shall be appreciated.
Thank you.
I have tried the gpio_to_irq as well for PIN-10 of BANK-0 but it returns irq no to be 72 but DM6446 has interrupt number upto 63 only in Data sheet.
I got it. If i use gpio_to_irq, It will return a valid IRQ number but different than the interrupt number(which i guess is also called IRQ number) specified in data sheet of Processor.If I see the /proc/interrupts, it will have an entry of that IRQ returned form gpio_to_irq but under GPIO type not the processor's Interrupt controller, which in my case for ARM shall be AINTC.All other interrupts are of AINTC type.
Moreover, Even if request_irq succeeds with interrupt number stated in data sheet,/proc/stat will report interrupts at both IRQ numbers i.e. AINTC and GPIO type.

Analog read from all 7 inputs using PRU and a host C program for beaglebone black

I'm kinda new to the beaglebone black world running on a AM335X Cortex A8 processor and I would like to use the PRU for fast analog read with the maximum sampling rate possible.
I would like to read all 7 inputs in a loop form like:
while( n*7 < sampling_rate){ //initial value for n = 0
read(AIN0); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 0)
read(AIN1); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 1)
read(AIN2); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 2)
read(AIN3); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 3)
read(AIN4); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 4)
read(AIN5); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 5)
read(AIN6); //and store it in shared memory(7*n + 6)
so that I can read them from a host program running on the main processor. Any idea how to do so? I tried using a ready code called ADCCollector.c from a package named AM335x_pru_package but I can't figure out how to get all the addresses and values of the registers used.
This is the code I was trying to modify (ADCCollector.p):
.origin 0 // offset of the start of the code in PRU memory
.entrypoint START // program entry point, used by debugger only
#include "ADCCollector.hp"
#define BUFF_SIZE 0x00000fa0 //Total buff size: 4kbyte(Each buffer has 2kbyte: 500 piece of data
#define SAMPLING_RATE 1 //Sampling rate(16khz) //***//16000
#define DELAY_MICRO_SECONDS (1000000 / SAMPLING_RATE) //Delay by sampling rate
#define CLOCK 200000000 // PRU is always clocked at 200MHz
#define CLOCKS_PER_LOOP 2 // loop contains two instructions, one clock each
#define DELAYCOUNT DELAY_MICRO_SECONDS * CLOCK / CLOCKS_PER_LOOP / 1000 / 1000 * 3 //if sampling rate = 98000 --> = 3061.224
.macro DELAY
SUB r10, r10, 1
QBNE DELAY, r10, 0
.macro READADC
//Initialize buffer status (0: empty, 1: first buffer is ready, 2: second buffer is ready)
MOV r2, 0
MOV r5, 0 //Shared RAM address of ADC Saving position
MOV r6, BUFF_SIZE //Counting variable
//Read ADC from FIFO0DATA
MOV r2, 0x44E0D100
LBBO r3, r2, 0, 4
//Add address counting
ADD r5, r5, 4
//Write ADC to PRU Shared RAM
SUB r6, r6, 4
QBEQ CHBUFFSTATUS1, r6, r2 //If first buffer is ready
QBEQ CHBUFFSTATUS2, r6, 0 //If second buffer is ready
//Change buffer status to 1
MOV r2, 1
//Change buffer status to 2
MOV r2, 2
//Send event to host program
// Starting point
// Enable OCP master port
LBCO r0, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4 //#define CONST_PRUCFG C4 taken from ADCCollector.hp
CLR r0, r0, 4
//C28 will point to 0x00012000 (PRU shared RAM)
MOV r0, 0x00000120
ST32 r0, r1
//Init ADC CTRL register
MOV r2, 0x44E0D040
MOV r3, 0x00000005
SBBO r3, r2, 0, 4
MOV r2, 0x44E0D054
MOV r3, 0x00000002
SBBO r3, r2, 0, 4
MOV r2, 0x44E0D064
MOV r3, 0x00000001 //continuous mode
SBBO r3, r2, 0, 4
Another question is: if I simply changed the #define Sampling_rate from 16000 to any other number below or equal to 200000 in the (.p) file, I will get that sampling rate? or should I change other things?
Thanks in advance.
I used the c wrappers from libpruio:
and then use this code to get all my ADC values:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "c_wrapper/pruio.h" // include header
#include "sys/time.h"
//! The main function.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct timeval start, now;
long mtime, seconds, useconds;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
int i,x;
pruIo *io = pruio_new(PRUIO_DEF_ACTIVE, 0x98, 0, 1); //! create new driver structure
if (pruio_config(io, 1, 0x1FE, 0, 4)){ // upload (default) settings, start IO mode
printf("config failed (%s)\n", io->Errr);}
else {
do {
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
seconds = now.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
useconds = now.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
mtime = ((seconds) * 1000 + useconds/1000.0) + 0.5;
for(i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
printf(",%d", io->Adc->Value[i]); //0-66504 for 0-1.8v
}while (mtime < 100);
printf("count: %d \n", x);
pruio_destroy(io); /* destroy driver structure */
return 0;
In your example you use libpruio in IO mode (synchronous) and therefore you have no control over the sampling rate, since the host CPU doesn't work in real-time.
To get the maximum sampling rate (as mentioned in the OP) you have to use either RB or MM mode. In those modes libpruio buffers the samples in memory and the host can access them asynchronously. See example rb_file.c (or triggers.bas) in the libpruio package.