Powershell simple script - powershell

I have a simple script that is made to search the members of a group introduced as a parameter, and it works properly:
Get-ADGroupMember "$param1" | ft name,objectclass,samaccountname
But when I try to run this other script (very similar funtionality), it doesn't show anything,, just blank:
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "*$param1*"' -Properties LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet | ft Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet
Someone could help me, what am I doing wrong?
PD: When I run the second command manually, replacing $param1 with a letter, it works as intended.
I have tried this variation of the second script and idk why but it works:
Get-ADUser -Identity "$args" -Properties LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet | ft Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet
May it be, that the option "-Filter 'Name -like "$args"'" it's what is causing all the trouble?
It's very strange because, the second script doesn't show an error, it just doesn't show nothing and goes to the next prompt line. (I have already tried to replace the $param1 with $args like in the last example and it's the same output, nothing)
Thanks in advice :))

Alex, Try this instead. Get-ADUser -Filter "Name -like '*$($param1)*'" -Properties LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet | ft Name,SamAccountName,LastLogonDate,PasswordLastSet


loops in Powershell

I'm not so sure how to do loops in Powershell.
get-aduser -Filter {name -like "USER"} >C:\temp.txt
I have a list of 200 users (I have first and last name) specific that I would like the logon name to same file how can I do that with the command a I wrote before? Or is there any other way to did it ?
Use a foreach loop like #msanford said and loop through your user list with something like this:
get-aduser -Filter {Name -like "USER*"} | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName | Out-File -FilePath C:\temp.txt

Fill Variable with Name information from previous command

Having an bit of an issue with my Powershell script. I'm currently running this below -
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties * | FT Name,OperatingSystem, LastLogonDate -AutoSize
Which lists Computers and operating systems in my Active Directory.
I want to fill this variable $Computers with the Computer names discovered in my command above.
Anyone got any idea how I do this?
$computers = (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name
should do the trick. At least it seems to work with a list of file names as in:
$filenames = (ls).Name

Powershell - Unable to pass variable to commandlet

When I'm holding a variable and passing it to a commandlet I am getting inconsistent results. Maybe I am just plain using variables in powershell incorrectly? If there were a way to see exactly the line of code my Visual Studio Code was sending at runtime that would be helpful.
My code returns a $null object when executing those first two filters. I've confirmed that $username actually does contain the string "userLoginName" but it doesn't seem to pass to the Get-ADUser commandlet correctly.
PS C:\> $username = "userLoginName"
PS C:\> Get-ADUser -Filter {SAMAccountName -eq "$($username)"}
PS C:\> Get-ADUser -Filter {SAMAccountName -eq "$username"}
PS C:\> Get-ADUser -Filter {SAMAccountName -eq "userLoginName"}
Why is it that only the third -filter command runs successfully? The first two return $null, not a UserNotFound kind of exception or anything. What am I doing wrong here? Do I just have no concept of how to use variables in powershell (yes)? Sorry for being a noob, but thank you for your time.
See this post. The AD calls' -Filter parameter doesn't like taking in string variables as part of a ScriptBlock for some reason (you can read the post more for more info). But passing -Filter as a String should work.
Get-ADUser -Filter "SAMAccountName -eq '$username'"
Alternatively, if you're just wanting to lookup an AD user with the SAMAccountName, you can just do Get-ADUser -Identity $username. That's probably easier. The benefit (or sometimes the consequence) of using the -Filter parameter is that, like you discovered, it won't throw an exception if a user is not found. If you use the -Identity parameter, it WILL throw an exception if a user is not found.

Powershell ActiveDirectory module Variable with wildcard not working

Why doesn't the below get-adcomputer commandline return any results? It's really irritating when cmdlets don't accomodate powershell syntax. At least that's what it looks like is happening here. If I do a write-output, it displays exactly what I want to be inserted in the commandline. However, when I go to use it with the get-adcomputer cmdlet, no results are returned.
PS: C:\> $Variable = "88FF"
PS: C:\> write-output "*$($Variable)*"
PS: C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like "*$($Variable)*"} -Property *
PS: C:\>
PS: C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like "*88FF*"} -Property *
I've tried a bunch of different variants... including even adding literal quotes to the variable by escaping them. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out something that should take less than 10 seconds to do.
PS: C:\> $Variable = "`"*888FF*`""
PS: C:\> $Variable
PS: C:\> PS: C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like $Variable} -Property *
PS: C:\>
Edit: I've also tried below variant with same exact result:
PS: C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like '*$Variable*'} -Property *
PS: C:\>
Give this a try:
Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like '*$Variable*'" -Property *
Pretty lame, it looks like this is one of the many limitations of the Powershell Active-Directory module that comes with Windows. I wasn't doing anything wrong in my original attempts. I ended up having pipeline the output to where{ } to filter it items.
Get-ADComputer -properties Name, OperatingSystem -Filter *| ?{$_.name -like "*$($Variable)*"} |ft Name, OperatingSystem -Wrap -Auto
How about this:
get-adcomputer -filter {name -like $myvar} -property *
It's really annoying, you would expect this to work but -filter just has some weird parsing rules internally I guess
get-adcomputer -filter {name -like "*$myvar*"} -property *
Shay's solution works beautifully (at least on v4)
I also found out that LDAPFilters will work too!
get-adcomputer -LDAPFilter "(&(name=$name*)(operatingsystem=server))"

Cannot use variable with Get-User -Filter in Exchange Management Console

I cannot seem to use variable in the situation below.
[PS] C:\>Get-User -Filter {SamAccountName -eq "Test.Smith"}
Name RecipientType
---- -------------
Test Smith UserMailbox
[PS] C:\>$SamAccountName = "Test.Smith"
[PS] C:\>Get-User -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $SamAccountName}
[PS] C:\>echo $SamAccountName
[PS] C:\>
You can see the command works fine when I type out the name, but not when I use a variable. Thanks!
I don't have access to this cmdlet, are you sure it takes a scriptblock and not a string? If it takes a string try this:
Get-User -Filter "SamAccountName -eq $SamAccountName"
If it really takes a scriptblock try:
Get-User -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $SamAccountName}.GetNewClosure()
As seen in the comments, add single quotes around the variables, or your filter result has incorrect syntax.
Get-User -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$SamAccountName'"
When passing parameters directly you can just pass the variable. But in this case you are building a properly formatted query string, and the single quotes are part of that.
When you get a full answer, don't leave it as a comment... create it as a full answer.