keycloak "error_description": "Missing form parameter: grant_type" error - keycloak

AM currently trying to do token exchange from google to Keycloak, Now am facing this error "error_description": "Missing form parameter: grant_type".
postman body ****
content type****
This is my configuration in postman.
Keycloak setup

You should activate Content-Length in Headers.


Hashicorp Vault: 400 Bad Request Accept header is missing

I have enabled jwt auth on my dev vault instance
vault auth enable jwt
Success! Enabled jwt auth method at: jwt/
However, when I try to configure the jwks_url for the jwt auth I get the following error
➜ vault write auth/jwt/config jwks_url="<jwks_url>"
Error writing data to auth/jwt/config: Error making API request.
Code: 400. Errors:
* error checking jwks URL: fetching keys oidc: get keys failed: 400 Bad Request Accept header is missing
Any idea what might I be doing wrong?

salesforce api integration through Alamofire?

While integrating for auth api through Alamofire, it gives error.
Optional(["Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"])
Param: client_id=3MVG9e2mBbZnmM6lFmND2Ju7xFYp.iaixYWQ7tuDZKWs4Jqs9pxjm3kenjwAqhG28yWavIReD9wkchzFaBcMO&client_secret=8967652660758155787&grant_type=password&password=qwerty%4012&
error = "unsupported_grant_type";
"error_description" = "grant type not supported";
I am getting response through POSTMAN so Is there something I am missing?
Salesforce doesn't support JSON in the access token request; the OAuth 2.0 spec mandates application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

"Access is denied due to invalid credentials" REST API error. How to solve?

I followed the documentation here: and here: Trying to integrate to a Personality Insights service via Android Java.
However, after the app runs, and using the correct username and password as mentioned in the guide... (the guide is not clear (2nd bullet point in "Before you begin") on which set of credentials to use - It says get the "service credentials" and credentials from the new service created - I tried with both and both fail with the same error below.)
12-11 01:49:56.201 29584-29632/? I/CredentialUtils: JNDI string lookups is not available. 12-11 01:49:56.269 29584-29632/? D/NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 12-11 01:49:56.723 29584-29632/? D/OkHttp: --> POST http/1.1 (1297-byte body) 12-11 01:49:56.803 29584-29632/? D/OkHttp: <-- 401 Not Authorized (78ms, unknown-length body) 12-11 01:49:56.863 29584-29632/? E/WatsonService: POST, status: 401, error: Not Authorized 12-11 01:49:56.865 29584-29632/? E/ERROR: Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials at at$2.execute( at com.upen.personalityapp.MainActivity$RetrieveFeedTask.doInBackground( at com.upen.personalityapp.MainActivity$RetrieveFeedTask.doInBackground( at android.os.AsyncTask$ at at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at 12-11 01:49:56.866 29584-29584/?
This is the code I am using; I am trying to pass a "text" input to the service.
service = new PersonalityInsights("2017-10-13");
service.setUsernameAndPassword("{myUsername}", "{myPassword}");
Profile profile = service.getProfile(text).execute();
return profile.toString();
I am using the dependency.
I tried connecting to the URL in the error ( ) via a browser. It prompts for a username/password combo. I entered my details from my IBM Cloud Lite service but it throws the HTTP Error 405. Is this how it's supposed to work on the browser?
For someone in the future;
Instead of service.setUsernameAndPassword(username, password);, I tried service.setUsernameAndPassword("username", "password"); and it worked.

Cloud foundry API - stop application

I Need API to stop the running application, after some search I've found this API
if I want to test it with postman how can I obtain token and where should I put it inside postman ?
i've tried like following with postman
Authorization : bearer <token>
I got error:
"description": "Unknown request",
"error_code": "CF-NotFound",
"code": 10000
Any idea?
To get the token you can run cf oauth-token from the CLI.
You can use that token in Postman by adding an 'Authorization' HTTP header.
Authorization: bearer token_you_got_by_running_cf_oauth-token

Getting 401 unauthorized error in /requests endpoint of Uber API

I have tried using the /requests endpoint with my Uber developer account's owner and developer accounts, but I get this error:
401 unauthorized,
"message": "This endpoint requires at least one of the following scopes: request.delegate.tos_accept, request, request.delegate", "code": "unauthorized"
My HTTP call is as follows:
Accept-Language: en_US
Content-Type: application/json
Whereas I get proper response from /requests/estimate endpoint with the same access token, for the same location parameters.
Please help with this.
The problem is you have not requested the 'request' scope during the oauth authorization process.