ObjectId as key to another collection-Migration - mongodb

I am trying to add the ObjectId as a "Foreign key" to a collection. I have the previous id to link but I am having problem with the script.
Following is the script
db.users.find().forEach(function (user) {
var cursor = db.po1.find({"owner:": user.ID});
cursor.forEach(function(property) {
property.user_id = user._id;
The script runs but I do not get the field added to the documents of the po1 collection.
I am using mongoose for the api so I need the ObjectId. I do not want to embed the documents because of the rarity of the calls and the size of the po1 per user.
user.ID and po1.owner field are of the same type.
Thanks you for your time

From comment the answer.
Although save() has also been deprecated and finally the bellow script did the trick
db.users.find().forEach(function (user) {
var cursor = db.views.find({"user": user.ID});
cursor.forEach(function(object) {
object.userId = user._id;
So through the innsert I created new collection and dropped previous.


Mongoose: Delete Item - First One always gets deleted

I am completely new to the fields of Mongoose and MongoDB.
I am currently trying trying to remove one element from my database.
This is my code so far:
My issueModel:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // loading module for mongoose
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/issuedb');
var issueSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
description: String,
priority: String,
status: String
// Constructor Function:
var issueModel = mongoose.model('issues', issueSchema); // have to give the
name of the collection where the element should be stored + Schema
// Export this Construction Function for this Module:
module.exports = issueModel; // careful: module != model !
My post method for using the delete method:
// creating the router for deleting one item:
router.post('/delete/:id', (req, res) => {
issueModel.remove({id: req.params.ObjectId})
.setOptions({ single: true }).exec(function (err, deleted) {})
.then(issues => res.render('issue', {issues: issues}));
The thing i would like to do here is using the object id - which is correctly stored in req.params.ObjectID according to my console.log, and deleting the corresponding object.
But currently , when i have got a table with about 3-4 entries, always the first one gets deleted. Why is that? I am really TOTALLY new and really tried searching a lot, but i could not find any solution until now. I am happy about any tips that would help me.
What am i doing wrong?
The ID in the URL and the Object.ID are the same! Why is the first object deleted then, not the second or the third?
I am hopeless right now.
I also read about the remove() option not being really used in todays time. But we were told at university to use this method right now.
I also tried findOneByID and delete methods i found in the mongoose database.
If you need any more code please let me know!
You can use one of the convenience methods for this: findByIdAndRemove:
issueModel.findByIdAndRemove(req.params.ObjectId, function(err) {
if (err) { ... failed }
This will remove a whole document matching the ID which I think its what you want, if you want to a remove property from a document that's a different query.
If you don't use one of the convenience methods which just take IDs (have ById in them), then you have to convert your ID from a string to an ObjectId:
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb');
issueModel.remove({ id: ObjectId(req.params.ObjectId) }).setOptions({ single: true })

Can't find user by name with Monk / Mongo

I'm working on a CRUD application with Node, Mongo & Monk.
I'd like to find a record by username, and then update it.
But I'm unable to find a record, this code isn't working:
// GET User Profile
router.get('/userprofile', function(request,response){
var db = request.db;
var userName = request.body.username;
var collection = db.get('usercollection');
"username": userName
response.render('userprofile', {
"user": user
The "findOne" method doesn't return anything, and the "user" object ends up empty.
Remove the middle empty object from the signature for the findOne() method signature for the query to work:
Note: The way you are getting the userName is for when the request method is a POST, here you are doing a GET so you need to use the request.query property. More details here
var userName = request.query.username;
collection.findOne({"username": userName}, function(e,user){
response.render('userprofile', { "user": user });
If you want to update then you can use the update() method, suppose you want to update the username field to change it to 'foo', the following stub shows how you can do the update:
var u = collection.update({ "username": userName }, { "$set": { username: 'foo' } });
u.complete(function (err, result) {
console.log(err); // should be null
console.log(result); // logs the write result
Ok, I found out the problem.
Chridam's code was correct, but I also needed to change my form from a GET to a POST. Once I did that, the form POSTed and mongo could see request.body.username (it was null before) and look up my user using Chridam's code.
After reading Chridam's revised answer, was also able to get it to work with GET.
Now working on the update code..

Updating Mongo Object Field

I'm trying to update an object stored in Mongo that gets created as part of every new users document when they register for my site. By default this object is empty.
How can I push data directly into this object which is within the subfield profile.history.
So far I have been only able to push data into the root of the document itself.
Looking at the image, as stated, I want to write to the history object in profile.
I think you're talking about the Meteor.users collection, below is some code:
let myDynamicField = 'foo'; // Or whatever you want, an input value for example...
let update = {};
update[`profile.history.${myDynamicField1}`] = 'blah';
"_id": "testing123"
$set: {
*Edited to reflect what the user was asking for in the comments.

How to find a document from mongodb using mongoose based on query and then insert some data to it and save back?

I have my Model as
var Model = {"name":String,"email":String,"notes":[{"time":Date,"title":String,"description":String}]
And I want to find document based on the email, and then add a note to the array. And then save it back.
What I tried is,
var updatedNote = {};
Model.findOne({'email':'test#test.com'},function(err, note){
for(var property in note._doc){
updatedNote[property] = note._doc[property];
note._doc = updatedNote;
else {
But it is throwing error as "Object does not have save method". I don't want to use findByIdAndUpdate() as i am leaving this responsibility of generating id on mongo.
I don't understand what most of that code is doing. If I wanted to add a note to the document (I'm assuming newNote is defined elsewhere), I'd just do:
Model.findOne({'email':'test#test.com'},function(err, note){

How to put embedded document from one document into another document using Mongoose?

What I'm trying to do should be straight forward but for some reason I'm having real difficulties figuring this out. I have the following Mongoose schemas (simplified).
var Status = new Schema({
name : { type: String, required: true },
description : { type: String }
var Category = new Schema({
statuses : [Status], // contains a list of all available statuses
// some other attributes
var Book = new Schema({
statuses : [Status], // preferably this would not be an array but a single document, but Mongoose doesn't seem to support that
// some other attributes
Now, I want to do the following:
Retrieve the Category document
Find a particular embedded Status document (based on request param)
Assign that particular embedded Status document to a particular Book document. I want to replace the existing Book status as at any given time there should only be one status set for a book.
Here is what I'm currently doing:
mongoose.model('Category').findOne({_id: id}, function(err, category){
if(err) next(err);
var status = category.statuses.id(statusId); // statusId available via closure
book.statuses[0] = status; // book available via closure; trying to replace the existing status here.
if(err) next(err);
The above seems to run fine and I don't get any errors. However, the new status is not saved to the document. Next time I output the updated Book document, it will still have the old status. I debugged this and the find() methods as well as setting the status seems to be fine.
The only thing I can think of right now is that somehow the status value I'm assigning is not in the right format to be saved with Mongoose. Although, I would expect some kind of error message then.
Or maybe there is a better way to do all of this anyway?
It could be because you are trying to copy an embedded document, which itself could have an ObjectId associated with it. Trying to save the duplicate Status within the Book would create two embedded documents with the same ObjectId. Try creating a new Status object and copying the fields.
It is hard to find docs on ObjectsIds for embedded documents, but they are mentioned here: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/embedded-documents.html.