How do I compress files using powershell that are over 2 GB? - powershell

I am working on a project to compress files that range anywhere from a couple mb to several gb's big and I am trying to use powershell to compress them into a .zip. The main problem I am having is that using Compress-Archive has a 2 Gb cap to individual file size, and I was wondering if there was another method to compress files.
So for this project we are looking to implement a system to take .pst files from outlook and compress them to a .zip and upload them to a server. Once they are uploaded they will be pulled down from a new device and extracted into a .pst file again.

Further updates to this function will be published to the official GitHub repo as well as to the PowerShell Gallery. The code in this answer will no longer be maintained.
Contributions are more than welcome, if you wish to contribute, fork the repo and submit a pull request with the changes.
To explain the limitation named on PowerShell Docs for Compress-Archive:
The Compress-Archive cmdlet uses the Microsoft .NET API System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive to compress files. The maximum file size is 2 GB because there's a limitation of the underlying API.
This happens because this cmdlet uses a Memory Stream to hold the bytes in memory and then write them to the file. Inspecting the InnerException produced by the cmdlet we can see:
System.IO.IOException: Stream was too long.
at System.IO.MemoryStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , Object , Int32 , Object )
We would also see a similar issue if we attempt to read all bytes from a file larger than 2Gb:
Exception calling "ReadAllBytes" with "1" argument(s): "The file is too long.
This operation is currently limited to supporting files less than 2 gigabytes in size."
Coincidentally, we see the same limitation with System.Array:
.NET Framework only: By default, the maximum size of an Array is 2 gigabytes (GB).
There is also another limitation pointed out in this question, Compress-Archive can't compress if another process has a handle on a file.
How to reproduce?
# cd to a temporary folder and
# start a Job which will write to a file
$job = Start-Job {
0..1000 | ForEach-Object {
"Iteration ${_}:" + ('A' * 1kb)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
} | Set-Content .\temp\test.txt
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# attempt to compress
Compress-Archive .\temp\test.txt -DestinationPath
# Exception:
# The process cannot access the file '..\test.txt' because it is being used by another process.
$job | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job
Remove-Item .\temp -Recurse
To overcome this issue, and also to emulate explorer's behavior when compressing files used by another process, the function posted below will default to [FileShare] 'ReadWrite, Delete' when opening a FileStream.
To get around this issue there are two workarounds:
The easy workaround is to use the ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory Method. There are 3 limitations while using this static method:
The source must be a directory, a single file cannot be compressed.
All files (recursively) on the source folder will be compressed, we can't pick / filter files to compress.
It's not possible to Update the entries of an existing Zip Archive.
Worth noting, if you need to use the ZipFile Class in Windows PowerShell (.NET Framework) there must be a reference to System.IO.Compression.FileSystem. See inline comments.
# Only needed if using Windows PowerShell (.NET Framework):
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($sourceDirectory, $destinationArchive)
The code it yourself workaround, would be using a function which does all the manual process for creating the ZipArchive and the corresponding ZipEntries.
This function should be able to handle compression same as ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory Method but also allow filtering files and folders to compress while keeping the file / folder structure untouched.
Documentation as well as usage example can be found here.
using namespace System.IO
using namespace System.IO.Compression
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
function Compress-ZipArchive {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
[Alias('zip', 'ziparchive')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PathWithUpdate', Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PathWithForce', Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Path', Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $Path,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPathWithUpdate', Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPathWithForce', Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[string[]] $LiteralPath,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)]
[string] $DestinationPath,
[CompressionLevel] $CompressionLevel = [CompressionLevel]::Optimal,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PathWithUpdate', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPathWithUpdate', Mandatory)]
[switch] $Update,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PathWithForce', Mandatory)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPathWithForce', Mandatory)]
[switch] $Force,
[switch] $PassThru
begin {
$DestinationPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DestinationPath)
if([Path]::GetExtension($DestinationPath) -ne '.zip') {
$DestinationPath = $DestinationPath + '.zip'
if($Force.IsPresent) {
$fsMode = [FileMode]::Create
elseif($Update.IsPresent) {
$fsMode = [FileMode]::OpenOrCreate
else {
$fsMode = [FileMode]::CreateNew
$ExpectingInput = $null
process {
$isLiteral = $false
$targetPath = $Path
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LiteralPath')) {
$isLiteral = $true
$targetPath = $LiteralPath
if(-not $ExpectingInput) {
try {
$destfs = [File]::Open($DestinationPath, $fsMode)
$zip = [ZipArchive]::new($destfs, [ZipArchiveMode]::Update)
$ExpectingInput = $true
catch {
$zip, $destfs | ForEach-Object Dispose
$queue = [Queue[FileSystemInfo]]::new()
foreach($item in $ExecutionContext.InvokeProvider.Item.Get($targetPath, $true, $isLiteral)) {
$here = $item.Parent.FullName
if($item -is [FileInfo]) {
$here = $item.Directory.FullName
while($queue.Count) {
try {
$current = $queue.Dequeue()
if($current -is [DirectoryInfo]) {
$current = $current.EnumerateFileSystemInfos()
catch {
foreach($item in $current) {
try {
if($item.FullName -eq $DestinationPath) {
$relative = $item.FullName.Substring($here.Length + 1)
$entry = $zip.GetEntry($relative)
if($item -is [DirectoryInfo]) {
if(-not $entry) {
$entry = $zip.CreateEntry($relative + '\', $CompressionLevel)
if(-not $entry) {
$entry = $zip.CreateEntry($relative, $CompressionLevel)
$sourcefs = $item.Open([FileMode]::Open, [FileAccess]::Read, [FileShare] 'ReadWrite, Delete')
$entryfs = $entry.Open()
catch {
finally {
$entryfs, $sourcefs | ForEach-Object Dispose
end {
$zip, $destfs | ForEach-Object Dispose
if($PassThru.IsPresent) {
$DestinationPath -as [FileInfo]


Looking for docs/explainer on powershell syntax ":Label foreach ($item in $items) { }"

So hard to Google this one...
Looking for docs/explainer on the syntax :Label foreach ($item in $items) { }
I came across an interesting example in the official docs and I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts used. The example I'm referencing is at the very bottom of the about_foreach page (using Get-Help) and also online here:
The example defines an AST/parser utility for showing info about where functions are defined within a given script file (pretty cool advanced example imo). There are a few concepts in the example that I've seen before and understand the usefulness of, but haven't used personally, like do/until statements and enumerator methods like $foreach.MoveNext()
But it's the first time I've seen the :myLabel for () {} syntax which seems to only be relevant to specific expressions like loops, and I'm curious about the usage of this construct (like how/can you reference this label), does anyone here make use of this or know where to find docs/explainer on it?
Thanks in advance !
Here's the full raw example from the docs in case you like clicking links:
function Get-FunctionPosition {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory,
ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
process {
try {
$filesToProcess = if ($_ -is [System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) {
} else {
Get-Item -Path $Path
$parser = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]
foreach ($item in $filesToProcess) {
if ($item.PSIsContainer -or
$item.Extension -notin #('.ps1', '.psm1')) {
$tokens = $errors = $null
$ast = $parser::ParseFile($item.FullName, ([REF]$tokens),
if ($errors) {
$msg = "File '{0}' has {1} parser errors." -f $item.FullName,
Write-Warning $msg
:tokenLoop foreach ($token in $tokens) {
if ($token.Kind -ne 'Function') {
$position = $token.Extent.StartLineNumber
do {
if (-not $foreach.MoveNext()) {
break tokenLoop
$token = $foreach.Current
} until ($token.Kind -in #('Generic', 'Identifier'))
$functionPosition = [pscustomobject]#{
Name = $token.Text
LineNumber = $position
Path = $item.FullName
Add-Member -InputObject $functionPosition `
-TypeName FunctionPosition -PassThru
catch {
A label example from Windows Powershell in Action. Labels don't come up that often. In your example, it's breaking out of both the do loop and the token loop with the label.
# loop label, break out of both loops
$target = 'outer'
:outer while (1) {
while(1) {
break $target # break or continue label

PowerShell reading and writing compressed files with byte arrays

Final Update: Turns out I didn't need Binary writer. I could just copy memory streams from one archive to another.
I'm re-writing a PowerShell script which works with archives. I'm using two functions from here
Expand-Archive without Importing and Exporting files
and can successfully read and write files to the archive. I've posted the whole program just in case it makes things clearer for someone to help me.
However, there are three issues (besides the fact that I don't really know what I'm doing).
1.) Most files have this error on when trying to run
Add-ZipEntry -ZipFilePath ($OriginalArchivePath + $PartFileDirectoryName) -EntryPath $entry.FullName -Content $fileBytes}
Cannot convert value "507" to type "System.Byte". Error: "Value was either too large or too small for an unsigned byte." (replace 507 with whatever number from the byte array is there)
2.) When it reads a file and adds it to the zip archive (*.imscc) it adds a character "a" to the beginning of the file contents.
3.) The only file it doesn't error on are text files, when I really want it to handle any file
Thank you for any assistance!
Update: I've tried using System.IO.BinaryWriter, with the same errors.
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Windows.Forms'
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression'
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'
function Folder-SuffixGenerator($SplitFileCounter)
return ' ('+$usrSuffix+' '+$SplitFileCounter+')'
function Get-ZipEntryContent(#returns the bytes of the first matching entry
[string] $ZipFilePath, #optional - specify a ZipStream or path
[IO.Stream] $ZipStream = (New-Object IO.FileStream($ZipFilePath, [IO.FileMode]::Open)),
[string] $EntryPath){
$ZipArchive = New-Object IO.Compression.ZipArchive($ZipStream, [IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Read)
$buf = New-Object byte[] (0) #return an empty byte array if not found
$ZipArchive.GetEntry($EntryPath) | ?{$_} | %{ #GetEntry returns first matching entry or null if there is no match
$buf = New-Object byte[] ($_.Length)
Write-Verbose " reading: $($_.Name)"
return ,$buf
function Add-ZipEntry(#Adds an entry to the $ZipStream. Sample call: Add-ZipEntry -ZipFilePath "$PSScriptRoot\" -EntryPath Test.xml -Content ([text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("Testing"))
[string] $ZipFilePath, #optional - specify a ZipStream or path
[IO.Stream] $ZipStream = (New-Object IO.FileStream($ZipFilePath, [IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate)),
[string] $EntryPath,
[byte[]] $Content,
[switch] $OverWrite, #if specified, will not create a second copy of an existing entry
[switch] $PassThru ){#return a copy of $ZipStream
$ZipArchive = New-Object IO.Compression.ZipArchive($ZipStream, [IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Update, $true)
$ExistingEntry = $ZipArchive.GetEntry($EntryPath) | ?{$_}
If($OverWrite -and $ExistingEntry){
Write-Verbose " deleting existing $($ExistingEntry.FullName)"
$Entry = $ZipArchive.CreateEntry($EntryPath)
$WriteStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($Entry.Open())
$OutStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$ZipStream.Seek(0, 'Begin') | Out-Null
$NoDeleteFiles = #('files_meta.xml' ,'course_settings.xml', 'assignment_groups.xml', 'canvas_export.txt', 'imsmanifest.xml')
Set-Variable usrSuffix -Option ReadOnly -Value 'part' -Force
$MaxImportFileSize = 1000
$compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
$SplitFileCounter = 1
$FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$FileBrowser.filter = "Canvas Export Files (*.imscc)| *.imscc"
$FilePath = $FileBrowser.FileName
$OriginalArchivePath = $FilePath.Substring(0,$FilePath.Length-6)
$PartFileDirectoryName = $OriginalArchive + (Folder-SuffixGenerator($SplitFileCounter)) + '.imscc'
$CourseZip = [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($FilePath)
$CourseZipFiles = $CourseZip.Entries | Sort Length -Descending
$SortingTable = $CourseZip.entries | Select Fullname,
Sort Size -Descending | format-table –AutoSize
# Add mandatory files
ForEach($entry in $CourseZipFiles)
if ($NoDeleteFiles.Contains($entry.Name)){
Write-Output "Adding to Zip" + $entry.FullName
# Add to Zip
$fileBytes = Get-ZipEntryContent -ZipFilePath $FilePath -EntryPath $entry.FullName
Add-ZipEntry -ZipFilePath ($OriginalArchivePath + $PartFileDirectoryName) -EntryPath $entry.FullName -Content $fileBytes
System.IO.StreamWriter is a text writer, and therefore not suitable for writing raw bytes. Cannot convert value "507" to type "System.Byte" indicates that an inappropriate attempt was made to convert text - a .NET string composed of [char] instances which are in effect [uint16] code points (range 0x0 - 0xffff) - to [byte] instances (0x0 - 0xff). Therefore, any Unicode character whose code point is greater than 255 (0xff) will cause this error.
The solution is to use a .NET API that allows writing raw bytes, namely System.IO.BinaryWriter:
$WriteStream = [System.IO.BinaryWriter]::new($Entry.Open())

Using Powershell to output characters (not lines) after a match in a large file

I use powershell to parse huge files and easily take a look at a small part of the file where a certain string occurs.. like this:
Select-String P120300420059211107104259.txt -Pattern "<ID>9671510841" -Context 0,300
This gives me 300 lines of the file after the occurance of that ID number.
But I've come across a file that has no carriage returns. Now I would like to do the same thing, but instead of lines being returned, I guess I need characters.
How would I do this?
I have never created scripts in powershell - just ran simple commands like the above.
I would like to see maybe 1000 characters after the matched string, within a huge file.
The problem with using Select-String or [Regex]::Matches() (or -match) to test for the presence of a substring in a single-line file is that you first need to read the whole file into memory at once.
The good news is that you don't need regular expressions to find a substring in a huge single-line text file - instead, you can read the file contents into memory in smaller chunks and then search through those - this way you don't need to store the entire file in memory at once.
Reading buffered text from a file is fairly straightforward:
Open a readable file stream
Create a StreamReader to read from the file stream
Start reading!
Then you just need to check whether:
The target substring is found in each chunk, or
The start of the target substring is partially found at the tail end of the current chunk
And then repeat until you find the substring, at which point you read the following 1000 characters.
Here's an example of how you could implement it as script function (I've tried to explain the code in more detail in inline comments):
function Find-SubstringWithPostContext {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'wp')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'lp', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'wp', Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateLength(1, 5000)]
[ValidateRange(2, 25000)]
[int]$PostContext = 1000,
begin {
# start by ensuring we'll be using a buffer that's at least 4 larger than the
# target substring to avoid too many tail searches
$bufferSize = 2000
while ($Substring.Length -gt $bufferSize / 4) {
$bufferSize *= 2
$buffer = [char[]]::new($bufferSize)
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'wp') {
# resolve input paths if necessary
$LiteralPath = $Path | Convert-Path
foreach ($lp in $LiteralPath) {
$file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $lp
# skip directories
if ($file -isnot [System.IO.FileInfo]) { continue }
try {
$fileStream = $file.OpenRead()
$scanner = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($fileStream, $true)
do {
# remember the current offset in the file, we'll need this later
$baseOffset = $fileStream.Position
# read a chunk from the file, convert to string
$readCount = $scanner.ReadBlock($buffer, 0, $bufferSize)
$string = [string]::new($buffer, 0, $readCount)
$eof = $readCount -lt $bufferSize
# test if target substring is found in the chunk we just read
$indexOfTarget = $string.IndexOf($Substring)
if ($indexOfTarget -ge 0) {
Write-Verbose "Substring found in chunk at local index ${indexOfTarget}"
# we found a match, ensure we've read enough post-context ahead of the given index
$tail = ''
if ($string.Length - $indexOfTarget -lt $PostContext -and $readCount -eq $bufferSize) {
# just like above, we read another chunk from the file and convert it to a proper string
$tailBuffer = [char[]]::new($PostContext - ($string.Length - $indexOfTarget))
$tailCount = $scanner.ReadBlock($tailBuffer, 0, $tailBuffer.Length)
$tail = [string]::new($tailBuffer, 0, $tailCount)
# construct and output the full post-context
$substringWithPostContext = $string.Substring($indexOfTarget) + $tail
if($substringWithPostContext.Length -gt $PostContext){
$substringWithPostContext = $substringWithPostContext.Remove($PostContext)
Write-Verbose "Writing output object ..."
Write-Output $([PSCustomObject]#{
FilePath = $file.FullName
Offset = $baseOffset + $indexOfTarget
Value = $substringWithPostContext
if (-not $All) {
# no need to search this file any further unless `-All` was specified
continue fileLoop
else {
# rewind to position after this match before next iteration
$rewindOffset = $indexOfTarget - $readCount
$null = $scanner.BaseStream.Seek($rewindOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current)
else {
# target was not found, but we may have "clipped" it in half,
# so figure out if target string could start at the end of current string chunk
for ($i = $string.Length - $target.Length; $i -lt $string.Length; $i++) {
# if the first character of the target substring isn't found then
# we might as well skip it immediately
if ($string[$i] -ne $target[0]) { continue }
if ($target.StartsWith($string.Substring($i))) {
# rewind file stream to this position so it'll get re-tested on
# the next iteration, then break out of tail search
$rewindOffset = $i - $string.Length
$null = $scanner.BaseStream.Seek($rewindOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current)
} until ($eof)
finally {
# remember to clean up after searching each file
$scanner, $fileStream |Where-Object { $_ -is [System.IDisposable] } |ForEach-Object Dispose
Now you can extract exactly 1000 characters after a substring is found with minimal memory allocation:
Get-ChildItem P*.txt |Find-SubstringWithPostContext -Substring '<ID>9671510841'
I haven't tested this enough to tell you if it works properly but it definitely was something fun to code. -Context here will give you the context based on characters before and after instead of lines. You can give it a try and let me know if it worked :)
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Find-String -Pattern 'mypattern'
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Find-String -Pattern 'mypattern' -Context 20, 20
Get-ChildItem *.txt | Find-String -Pattern 'mypattern' -AllMatches
using namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
using namespace System.IO
function Find-String {
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
[parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
[RegexOptions]$Options = 'IgnoreCase',
$re = [regex]::new($Pattern, $Options)
$content = [File]::ReadAllText($Path)
$match = if($AllMatches.IsPresent)
if($match.Success -notcontains $true) { return }
foreach($m in $match)
$out = [ordered]#{
Path = $path.FullName
Value = $m.Value
Index = $m.Index
Length = $m.Length
$before = $m.Index
$after = $m.Index + $m.Length
$contextBefore = $Context[0]
$contextAfter = $Context[1]
while($contextBefore-- -and $before)
while($contextAfter-- -and $after -lt $content.Length)
$out.Context = (-join $content[$before..$after]).Trim()

Stream just part of a file using PowerShell and compute hash

I need to be able to identify some large binary files which have been copied and renamed between secure servers. To do this, I would like to be able to hash the first X bytes and the last X bytes of all the files. I need to do this with only what is available on a standard Windows 10 system with no additional software installed, so PowerShell seems like the right choice.
Some things that don't work:
I cannot read the entire file in, then extract the parts of the file I want to hash. The objective I'm trying to achieve is to minimize the amount of the file I need to read, and reading the entire file defeats that purpose.
Reading moderately large portions of a file into a PowerShell variable appears to be pretty slow, so $hash.ComputeHash($moderatelyLargeVariable) doesn't seem like a viable solution.
I'm pretty sure I need to do $hash.ComputeHash($stream) where $stream only streams part of the file.
Thus far I've tried:
function Get-FileStreamHash {
param (
$hash = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($Algorithm)
## METHOD 0: See description below
$stream = ([IO.StreamReader]"${FilePath}").BaseStream
$hashValue = $hash.ComputeHash($stream)
## END of part I need help with
# Convert to a hexadecimal string
$hexHashValue = -join ($hashValue | ForEach-Object { "{0:x2}" -f $_ })
# return
Method 0: This works, but it's streaming the whole file and thus doesn't solve my problem. For a 3GB file this takes about 7 seconds on my machine.
Method 1: $hashValue = $hash.ComputeHash((Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Stream "")). This also is streaming the whole file, and it also takes forever. For the same 3GB file it takes something longer than 5 minutes (I cancelled at that point, and don't know what the total duration would be).
Method 2: $hashValue = $hash.ComputeHash((Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding byte -TotalCount $qtyBytes -Stream "")). This is the same as Method 1, except that it limits the content to $qtyBytes. At 1000000 (1MB) it takes 18 seconds. I think that means Method 1 would have taken ~15 hours, 7700x slower than Method 0.
Is there a way to do something like Method 2 (limit what is read) but without the slow down? And if so, is there a good way to do it on just the end of the file?
You could try one (or a combination of both) of the following helper functions to read a number of bytes from the beginning of the file or taken from the end:
function Read-FirstBytes {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Alias('FullName', 'FilePath')]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf })]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)]
[ValidateSet('ByteArray', 'HexString', 'Base64')]
[string]$As = 'ByteArray'
try {
$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path)
$length = [math]::Min([math]::Abs($Bytes), $stream.Length)
$buffer = [byte[]]::new($length)
$null = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, $length)
switch ($As) {
'HexString' { ($buffer | ForEach-Object { "{0:x2}" -f $_ }) -join '' ; break }
'Base64' { [Convert]::ToBase64String($buffer) ; break }
default { ,$buffer }
catch { throw }
finally { $stream.Dispose() }
function Read-LastBytes {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]
[Alias('FullName', 'FilePath')]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf })]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)]
[ValidateSet('ByteArray', 'HexString', 'Base64')]
[string]$As = 'ByteArray'
try {
$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path)
$length = [math]::Min([math]::Abs($Bytes), $stream.Length)
$null = $stream.Seek(-$length, 'End')
$buffer = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $stream.ReadByte() }
switch ($As) {
'HexString' { ($buffer | ForEach-Object { "{0:x2}" -f $_ }) -join '' ; break }
'Base64' { [Convert]::ToBase64String($buffer) ; break }
default { ,[Byte[]]$buffer }
catch { throw }
finally { $stream.Dispose() }
Then you can compute a hash value from it and format as you like.
Combinations are possible like
$begin = Read-FirstBytes -Path 'D:\Test\somefile.dat' -Bytes 50 # take the first 50 bytes
$end = Read-LastBytes -Path 'D:\Test\somefile.dat' -Bytes 1000 # and the last 1000 bytes
$Algorithm = 'MD5'
$hash = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($Algorithm)
$hashValue = $hash.ComputeHash($begin + $end)
($hashValue | ForEach-Object { "{0:x2}" -f $_ }) -join ''
I believe this would be a more efficient way of reading the last bytes of your file using System.IO.BinaryReader. You can combine this function with the function you have, it can read all bytes, last n bytes (-Last) or first n bytes (-First).
function Read-Bytes {
[cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Path')]
ParameterSetName = 'Path',
Position = 0
if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf)
return $true
throw 'Invalid File Path'
HelpMessage = 'Specifies the number of Bytes from the beginning of a file.',
ParameterSetName = 'FirstBytes',
Position = 1
HelpMessage = 'Specifies the number of Bytes from the end of a file.',
ParameterSetName = 'LastBytes',
Position = 1
$reader = [System.IO.BinaryReader]::new(
$stream = $reader.BaseStream
$length = (
$stream.Length, $First
)[[int]($First -lt $stream.Length -and $First)]
$stream.Position = (
0, ($length - $Last)
)[[int]($length -gt $Last -and $Last)]
$bytes = while($stream.Position -ne $length)
FilePath = $Path.FullName
Length = $length
Bytes = $bytes
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
Get-ChildItem . -File | Read-Bytes -Last 100: Reads the last 100 bytes of all files on the current folder. If the -Last argument exceeds the file length, it reads the entire file.
Get-ChildItem . -File | Read-Bytes -First 100: Reads the first 100 bytes of all files on the current folder. If the -First argument exceeds the file length, it reads the entire file.
Read-Bytes -Path path/to/file.ext: Reads all bytes of file.ext.
Returns an object with the properties FilePath, Length, Bytes.
FilePath Length Bytes
-------- ------ -----
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 14 {73, 32, 119, 111…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 0
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 0
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 0
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 116 {111, 109, 101, 95…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 17963 {50, 101, 101, 53…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 3617 {105, 32, 110, 111…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 638 {101, 109, 112, 116…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 0
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 36 {65, 99, 114, 101…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 735 {117, 112, 46, 79…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 1857 {108, 111, 115, 101…}
/home/user/Documents/test/...... 77 {79, 80, 69, 78…}

Searching many large text files in Powershell

I frequently have to search server log files in a directory that may contain 50 or more files of 200+ MB each. I've written a function in Powershell to do this searching. It finds and extracts all the values for a given query parameter. It works great on an individual large file or a collection of small files but totally bites in the above circumstance, a directory of large files.
The function takes a parameter, which consists of the query parameter to be searched.
In pseudo-code:
Take parameter (e.g. someParam or someParam=([^& ]+))
Create a regex (if one is not supplied)
Collect a directory list of *.log, pipe to Select-String
For each pipeline object, add the matchers to a hash as keys
Increment a match counter
Call GC
At the end of the pipelining:
if (hash has keys)
enumerate the hash keys,
sort and append to string array
set-content the string array to a file
print summary to console
print summary to console
Here's a stripped-down version of the file processing.
$wtmatches = #{};
gci -Filter *.log | Select-String -Pattern $searcher |
%{ $wtmatches[$_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value]++; $items++; [GC]::Collect(); }
I'm just using an old perl trick of de-duplicating found items by making them the keys of a hash. Perhaps, this is an error, but a typical output of the processing is going to be around 30,000 items at most. More normally, found items is in the low thousands range. From what I can see, the number of keys in the hash does not affect processing time, it is the size and number of the files that breaks it. I recently threw in the GC in desperation, it does have some positive effect but it is marginal.
The issue is that with the large collection of large files, the processing sucks the RAM pool dry in about 60 seconds. It doesn't actually use a lot of CPU, interestingly, but there's a lot of volatile storage going on. Once the RAM usage has gone up over 90%, I can just punch out and go watch TV. It could take hours to complete the processing to produce a file with 15,000 or 20,000 unique values.
I would like advice and/or suggestions for increasing the efficiency, even if that means using a different paradigm to accomplish the processing. I went with what I know. I use this tool on almost a daily basis.
Oh, and I'm committed to using Powershell. ;-) This function is part of a complete module I've written for my job, so, suggestions of Python, perl or other useful languages are not useful in this case.
Using latkin's ProcessFile function, I used the following wrapper for testing. His function is orders of magnitude faster than my original.
function Find-WtQuery {
Takes a parameter with a capture regex and a wildcard for files list.
This function is intended to be used on large collections of large files that have
the potential to take an unacceptably long time to process using other methods. It
requires that a regex capture group be passed in as the value to search for.
.Parameter Target
The parameter with capture group to find, e.g. WT.z_custom=([^ &]+).
.Parameter Files
The file wildcard to search, e.g. '*.log'
An object with an array of unique values and a count of total matched lines.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $target,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $files
$stime = Get-Date
$results = gci -Filter $files | ProcessFile -Pattern $target -Group 1;
$etime = Get-Date;
$ptime = $etime - $stime;
Write-Host ("Processing time for {0} files was {1}:{2}:{3}." -f (gci
-Filter $files).Count, $ptime.Hours,$ptime.Minutes,$ptime.Seconds);
return $results;
The output:
{powem} [4] --> Find-WtQuery -target "WT.ets=([^ &]+)" -files "*.log"
Processing time for 53 files was 0:1:35.
Thanks to all for comments and help.
Here's a function that will hopefully speed up and reduce the memory impact of the file processing part. It will return an object with 2 properties: The total count of lines matched, and a sorted array of unique strings from the match group specified. (From your description it sounds like you don't really care about the count per string, just the string values themselves)
function ProcessFile
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Pattern,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[int] $Group
$regex = new-object Regex #($pattern, 'Compiled')
$set = new-object 'System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary[string, int]'
$totalCount = 0
$reader = new-object IO.StreamReader $_.FullName
while( ($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null)
$m = $regex.Match($line)
$set[$m.Groups[$group].Value] = 1
new-object psobject -prop #{TotalCount = $totalCount; Unique = ([string[]]$set.Keys)}
You can use it like this:
$results = dir *.log | ProcessFile -Pattern 'stuff (capturegroup)' -Group 1
"Total matches: $($results.TotalCount)"
$results.Unique | Out-File .\Results.txt
IMO #latkin's approach is the way to go if you want do this within PowerShell and not use some dedicated tool. I made a few changes though to make the command play better with respect to accepting pipeline input. I also modified the regex to search for all matches on a particular line. Neither approach searches across multiple lines although that scenario would be pretty easy to handle as long as the pattern only ever spanned a few lines. Here's my take on the command (put it in a file called Search-File.ps1):
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="Path",
ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
HelpMessage="Path to ...")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="LiteralPath",
HelpMessage="Path to ...")]
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
$Group = 0
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$count = 0
$matched = #{}
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $Pattern,'Compiled'
if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Path")
# In the -Path (non-literal) case we may need to resolve a wildcarded path
$resolvedPaths = #($Path | Resolve-Path | Convert-Path)
# Must be -LiteralPath
$resolvedPaths = #($LiteralPath | Convert-Path)
foreach ($rpath in $resolvedPaths)
Write-Verbose "Processing $rpath"
$stream = new-object System.IO.FileStream $rpath,'Open','Read','Read',4096
$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $stream
while (($line = $reader.ReadLine())-ne $null)
$matchColl = $regex.Matches($line)
foreach ($match in $matchColl)
$key = $match.Groups[$Group].Value
if ($matched.ContainsKey($key))
$matched[$key] = 1;
new-object psobject -Property #{TotalCount = $count; Matched = $matched}
I ran this against my IIS log dir (8.5 GB and ~1000 files) to find all the IP addresses in all the logs e.g.:
$r = ls . -r *.log | C:\Users\hillr\Search-File.ps1 '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'
This took 27 minutes on my system and found 54356330 matches:
$r.Matched.GetEnumerator() | sort Value -Descending | select -f 20
Name Value
---- -----
xxx.140.113.47 22459654
xxx.29.24.217 13430575
xxx.29.24.216 13321196
xxx.140.113.98 4701131
xxx.40.30.254 53724