How do you create a .fxml file in vscode? - visual-studio-code

(I am very new to coding so let me know if any wording is too vague). I am using Visual Studio Code 1.67.2. I did not use Maven or any other similar tools, I just manually pointed the JavaFX lib folder to my project. I successfully was able to "connect" a css file to my application by creating a .css file and then using scene.getStylesheets().addAll("Main.css"). However, I do not see fxml as an option in the language drop down like I did with css (I just see xml). How can I create a .fxml file? Every tutorial I can find already has a blank .fxml file in the project folder ready to be edited.

Scene Builder
The easiest solution is to download and use Scene Builder, which is a WYSIWYG editor for FXML files. It can create new FXML files for you, and you rarely, if ever, have to deal with editing the FXML file yourself. You just create the UI that you want, and Scene Builder will write the FXML file for you.
Create & Write FXML File Manually
There may be an VS Code extension for this, but I'm not currently aware of one. Though it is not hard to "manually" create an FXML file. Just go to create a new file, type in the name of the file, and then add a .fxml extension. You'll end up with a completely blank FXML file. Then you just need to add two things to make it a minimally valid FXML file:
An XML header.
A root element (with namespaces + any needed import instructions).
<!-- XML header -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Add/remove/change import instructions as needed -->
<?import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane?>
<!-- Change root element type as needed -->
<StackPane xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
<!-- Define properties and rest of scene graph -->
Note: Keep in mind that an FXML file is syntactically just an XML file.
And then you can continue to modify the FXML file as needed. It may help to read Introduction to FXML in order to understand what you're doing.

I agree with previous answer left by Slaw. And most specifically the part about getting SceneBuilder from Gluon. It'd be recommended. There really isn't a reason why you should need to edit the FXML file yourself. However, if you do need to generate a new FXML file and do not want to do it through the tools mentioned for whatever reason then you are free to create a file with the .fxml extension and modify it manually.
Ease of Use
In addition, for persons coming here new to VSCode, something else I recommend getting is the
Scene Builder extension, which streamlines navigation from VSCode to Scene Builder.
While this doesn't provide a whole lot more functionality it makes VSCode feel more similar to other Java editors.


"Location is required." Exception FXML in Eclipse and maybe other IDEs

I want to share this little tip with you because it was a big pain in the ass for me in the beginning.
When adding a new FXMLLoader in your code that should load a new file, it doesn't work in the beginning if you've created that FXML file with an external application, like SceneBuilder for example.
The simple solution is to refresh your project directory or at least the folder/package where you stored your FXML file(s). Right-click -> Refresh or simple F5 (but you'll have to click the package/folder first).
Assuming that nothing else is responsibly for your Exception, now run it and it will load the new FXML file correctly.

Rename resource file does not change editor part title

In my plugin project, I have a project explorer view where I can rename a config file which in shown in another editor part. The file can be renamed in the explorer with the rename resource dialog but the corresponding the editor tab title does not change. The same problem is described here and also here. Is there a standard way to get the rename functionality working without the creating a custom listener?
Editors based on AbstractTextEditor (or one of its subclasses such as TextEditor) should handle renames through the FileDocumentProvider which listens for resource changes.
Other editors need to use an IResourceChangeListener to deal with this.

How to change open with options in navigator depending upon name of the resource?

I am working on eclipse RCP application which implements CommonNavigator view to display navigator. I have few LinkedResources in navigator that link to files on the file system with custom extension. These custom extension files are opened in custom editor as well as in TextEditor.
One of the file named default.ext will be common to all the projects and I want to keep it read only. Is it possible to open file in custom editor only? For ex. Default.ext should be opened in only custom editor, however Test.ext should be opened in custom editor as well as text editor.
This way I could handle save action in my editor depending upon file name and keep the file read only.
Is there any other way to keep files read only?
Short answer: not possible in the way you describe.
Long answer: if somebody really wants to modify a file then there's no way or need to stop this. What you can do is either (1) hide the file from user or (2) set Read-only flag to discourage users from modifying the file.

Xcode plist file - comments vanished, file reformatted

I have just noticed, that if you have an .plist file in your Xcode project (it does not matter whether it is the Info.plist file or other - in my case it was other .plist file) and you edit the file as a source code file (right-click on file Open As->Source Code File) and then you switch back to XML property List (right-click on file Open As->XML Property List), make some changes and save, then all your formatting and comments are dropped when you open it again as a source code.
Does anyone know how to deal with such behaviour? Do I have to stick editing the file as source code ALWAYS?
Xcode seems to believe that the <comment> tag corrupts the data. It will also strip out XML-style <!-- comments --> when viewing the plist in Xcode.
It seems that a string entry, e.g.
<string>My comment</string>
is the only way to reliably persist the comments.
Interesting thing, fully reproducible even with external property list editor all XML comments disappear. Seems like you have to always open it as source file to keep your comments.
Alternatively you may put your comments within tags:
<comment>my comments</comment>
I just tried out to edit my test.plist in the Eclipse XML editor. There I can do whatever I want. Maybe you should use a different XML editor, if you want your comments preserved.
I have also observed that if you place CDATA within String elements in a PList file, XCode will automatically strip the CData and XML encode all entities.

Bypassing Lock on Generated Code in NetBeans 6.5?

In NetBeans the GUI Builder generates code that is off limits to you from the editor.
I know you can switch to Design Mode and specify custom code and then enter edit in indirectly that way, but it's a pain to not be able to edit text that's 2 lines from your cursor.
Can I allow editing within those regions... I promise I'll be careful :)
Note: I don't want to lose code generation
If you open it in an external editor, there are two possibilities:
there is no guarantee that the changes you make will work (and not break anything) in the Netbeans UI Editor
The next time you edit the file in Netbeans it will be regenerated.
Either way, probably not what you want. The best thing to do would probably be to make the whole design up in the gui editor and when you are happy with it, delete the comments and continue on.
With the drag and drop gui editor, what could you possibly want to change by hand anyway?
[/sarcasm] ;)
If you open the .java files in Notepad or WordPad, you'll find pairs of comments that say
// GEN-BEGIN: <name of section>
// GEN-END: <name of section>
Delete those comments, and two things will happen.
You'll be able to edit anywhere in the file in NetBeans.
NetBeans will not be able to regenerate the file from the GUI editor.
So it can be done, but don't do it unless you really mean it.
EDIT: "Note: I don't want to lose code generation." Ok, let's see here.
You want to change what is generated.
You don't want to lose code generation.
You don't want to use the facilities NetBeans provides for adding custom code.
It sounds like you're wishing yourself trouble. :D
I had a same problem. I extended JPanel with my own panel class and I was not able to pack it with the rest of UI. First I searched the web and I found your question. I was not able to find elegant solution to this problem.
Therefore, I decided to create another java class and copy NetBeans created code into it. It worked like a charm.
I agree, it would be nice if we can modify existing code like in .NET.
I copy the initcomponents() method, create my own method newInitComponents() paste the generated code, and override what needs to be overridden before i distribute the code. That way when a change is made in the editor, you can still copy paste the code into your new method. You keep the functionality without costing you the ability to override where necessary. Just call newInitComponents() in your constructor rather than the original. This is not the most efficient way of doing things, but it does what you want.
You can also try moving the .form file in
(project name)\src\(name of JFrame/JPanel).form
NetBeans will now see it as a .java file.
If you did not edit anything necessary for the GUI editor, you can move the .form file back into the src folder.
Can you subclass the class and redefine the method where this code is? Of course then you'll have to maintain the method over time as you make changes to the GUI.
You can maybe also look into AspectJ. It will modify the byte-code at build time and make the changes you define. Not sure if this gives you enough control over what code to change.
If you use APT you can rewrite source code at compile time. This way you can overwrite the code that's there at the moment. You could keep the new code in the same Java file along with comments to explain what is going on. This tutorial makes it pretty easy to get started. Copy that code, get it working, then tweak it to your liking. To find out where in the code the annotated method is call getPosition() on the Declaration.
Go to design page and select any one of the fields. Right click on any selected field and choose Customizer Code , In Customizer Code change all default code to custom creation . Now you can edit your design code as you like...
Very simple... the crappy UTF-8 did not let me compile one JasperReport (everything done by GUI). So, I needed to change Project to iso-8859-1. Result? The project is messed up and some of the things to correct are in the blocked parts of the code. So, I really NEED to edit those automatically generated parts. When they are regenerated, they will be fine because the project is now iso-8859-1.
Step # 1 Close the project in NetBeans
Step # 2 Delete the .form file from the source directory of your project
Reopen the project and it will be editable now!