what is the new deprecation date for azure ad graph api? - azure-ad-graph-api

I have been trying to find out the deprecation date for azure AAD Graph APIs. The below mentioned post says that the deprecation is in June 2022, but its postponed. I cannot find the new deprecation date anywhere. Is that announced already?
According to the blog post - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-active-directory-identity/update-your-applications-to-use-microsoft-authentication-library/ba-p/1257363,
It's mentioned that AAD Graph API will be deprecated by June 2022, and its postponed now. What is the new deprecation date?

A Exact date has not been announced yet when Azure AD graph Finally will be deprecated as it was supposed to deprecated by June 30th 2020 but now it's extented its date and A follow up announcement will be published before 31 December 2022 with more information on additional tools to assist you with your migration and an updated retirement date.
Referennce :Update: Azure AD Graph retirement date


Facebook Marketing API, retrieving ad hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone analytics in the past

I'm build historical database for facebook adaccount analytics.
In our query, we set breakdown to 'hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone' and aggregate insights later.
Problem is some ads in the past seem not support this breakdown and return empty so i just want to know from which time in the past this breakdown can be applied?
Since 12th of April 2016 the v2.6 of the Facebook Marketing API supports 'hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone' breakdowns
for further information

Posting comment on facebook from 30th April 2015

Hi I have application built-in c# and i am using facebook.dll for posting comment on facebook post. As facebook will going to change their api on 30th April 2015, what all changes do I need to make in my code or where I will get updated facebook.dll compatible with version publishing on 30th April 2015?

Can I still get Facebook Friends with An App Created BEFORE April 30 2014?

I know about the whole April 30 policy of big brother doom that Facebook has introduced, but I read this somewhere:
"For apps which were active before April 30th, these apps can call
either Graph API v2.0 or Graph API v1.0, but Graph API v1.0 will be
deprecated on April 30th 2015."
Does this mean that if I have an app active before April 30th 2014, that I am still able to use API v1.0 to get all the users friends until next year?
I also have read that it depends if the user logs into the app with API1.0 or API2.0 ... How do users have the ability to choose the API, and does this mean that I will have access to some user's friends if they use V1.0, but not if they use V2.0?
Apps created before April 30th 2014 can still get all friends, until April 30th 2015.
You can force older Apps to use a newer API version:
(see the "version" parameter in the init-function)
You can also add the version tag in an API call, see changelog for more information about that: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/changelog
Keep in mind that you canĀ“t force a new App to use an older version of the API.

New Facebook Pages Timeline API

Facebook released today (Feb 29) Timeline for Pages. It provides private messaging between fans and the organization.
Is there a way to access these messages?
Well, as of March 29 this API became available. It's working well. Check FB's API documentation.
Refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#conversations

OAuth 2.0 required, legacy auth no longer supported, on 10-1 or 9-1?

In the FB Developer roadmap, it seems to indicate that the deadline for upgrading apps/websites to use OAuth 2.0 is 10-1-11 (http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/) . But in a blog post, it listed the deadline as 9-1-11 (http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/497).
Does anyone know which date is correct?
A more recent blog post says October 1st, which is consistent with the roadmap which does get updated often.