not getting Bitpay notification url at the time of invoice create .. see below code - bitpay

// Set URL that Buyer will be redirected to after completing the payment, via GET Request
// Set URL that Buyer will be redirected to after closing the invoice or after the invoice expires, via GET Request
// Optional. Learn more at:
// This is the recommended IPN format that BitPay advises for all new implementations


Paypal - "ID token context does not have required scope" error when trying to render paypal button using saved payment info

I have been trying to save customer payment details on a site, so that if a customer is logged in they can pay with a single click, instead of having to log in to paypal. To do so I have been following the official paypal guide:
I was able to successfully save payment details. The problem is that when I try to use the saved customer_id to use those saved payment details, I get the following error: "Error: cannot get vault - ID token context does not have required scope".
What I did was the following:
Generate an id_token and access_token by sending a request to and specifying response_type=id_token
When rendering the paypal button, pass the generated id_token to the script tags data-user-id-token attribute.
I click the paypal button on the website. This sends a request to my backend server which generates an order by sending a request to When generating the order I use the generated access_token as a Bearer token in the "Authorization" header, as well as pass the following payment_source.paypal configuration:
"paypal": {
"attributes": {
"vault": {
"store_in_vault": "ON_SUCCESS",
"usage_type": "MERCHANT",
"customer_type": "CONSUMER"
I get an order id in the response. I pass this order id back to the client side, where the paypal sdk initates a payment flow using this id.
I finish the payment flow, and on success call my server's captureOrder endpoint. This calls$id/capture, where $id is the orderID used before. I also pass the Beares access_token generated in the first step. This request returns a response containing a generated user ID that looks something like this: 560837847
I send another request to, this time passing a target_customer_id parameter in the request's body. The value of the parameter is the customerId generated in the 5th step.
I render the page with the paypal button again, this time passing the new id_token to the script tags data-user-id-token attribute.
The error "Error: cannot get vault - ID token context does not have required scope" appears in the developer tools console.
I have turned on "Accept payments" on the Paypal developer console as well as Vault functionality:
The id_token generated in the 6th step has the following scopes:
I cannot find any information online about what else I should do to make this work.

MS Bot Framework Response to Facebook Payment Buy Request

When you show a buy button on Facebook the callback to your bot is an "invoke". Details here [Show the buy button and process the payment on facebook messenger with Bot Framework
It is up to the bot to respond to FB with a 200 for success or something else for a failure. No matter what response I've sent Facebook processes the request as if it were successful.
v3.0 of the bot framework with the C# Connector SDK
I've attempted:
Standard reply:
ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
Activity replyToConversation = activity.CreateReply();
replyToConversation.Recipient = activity.From;
replyToConversation.Type = "invoke";
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(...);
return null;
I've also forced the Controller to respond with an error by throwing a new exception.
There was a suggestion to rely using channelData however channelData seems to only support attachment type replies and what is needed here is a direct reply to the Payment request.
How do I correctly respond to FB to indicate the payment was NOT successful?

How to access response from Paypal Express Checkout?

I am integrating PayPal Express Checkout as shown here.
I am processing the payment successfully, when the transaction has been authorized I am using actions.payment.get(); to get the information about the transaction.
This returns an object called SyncPromise with all the data I want to use.
console screenshot here
I have tried:
var response = actions.payment.get();
But I get undefined.
Does anyone how can I access the object element?
You need to call like so:
actions.payment.get().then(function(data) {

Is amount returned to our return url by paypal?

Is amount returned by paypal to our return url ? Im trying to setup a return url for paypal to post their return parameters.May I know if amount is also returned by them?
On your return URL script you can call GetExpressCheckoutDetails to obtain the amount (PAYMENTREQUEST_n_AMT) which you would need to do anyway to get your TOKEN (unless you've set useraction=commit on your redirect URL to PayPal.)

PAYPAL RESTful API execute call occasional error

I have fully integrated my website with paypal using paypal RESTful's API PHP SDK. Now my problem is every once in a while on the payment process, once the user approves the payment and it comes back to my website for execution, the API execution request comes back with the following responses from paypal. The HTTP response code's in these scenarios are 400 and 500. Below I have listed the error name and error message which comes as a part of the JSON response I get form paypal on execute action (
400 PAYMENT_NOT_APPROVED_FOR_EXECUTION,Payer has not approved payment
500 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR,An internal service error has occurred
In terms of the code I use to make that call I have added the function which executes the payment. I should add that this is working in 98% of times. Below is the code:
public function getExecute()
// Payment is cancelled
if (!(Input::get('success') && Input::get('success') == 'true'))
return $this->runPaymentExitProcess();
// No paymentId
if (!Session::has('paymentId'))
return "No payment id to execute";
$paymentId = Session::get('paymentId');
$this->payment = Payment::get($paymentId, $this->apiContext);
// The payer_id is added to the request query parameters when the user is redirected from paypal back to your site
$response = $this->payment->execute($this->execution, $this->apiContext);
// Check for paypal errors
if (isset($response->name)) {
// When we have a paypal error
if ($this->hasPaypalError($response)) {
$error = array('name' => $response->name, 'message' => $response->message);
Session::put('error', $error);
return (MODE == 'LIVE') ? Redirect::to('/paypalerror') : Redirect::to('/paypalerror'.MODE_PARAM);
// Unset session
// execution successful
if ($this->addPaymentIdToUser($paymentId))
return (MODE == 'LIVE') ? Redirect::to('/') : Redirect::to('/'.MODE_PARAM);
The code is in laravel. Please note that the $this->apiContext is set in the constructor of the class. Also this is the function is the success url which is set in the API under redirect_urls.
Can someone please help me figure out if this issue is coming from my side or Paypal's side?
For the 400 error, this would occur if the user decided not to approve the payment. If you think the payment was actually approved in the web flow then that would be an issue to look into further.
Can you provide the debugId and approximate time (with timezone, or GMT) of a 500 internal server error response, and a 400 if you believe the payment was actually approved by user.