Powershell filtering one list out of another list - powershell

<updated, added Santiago Squarzon suggest information>
I have two lists, I pull them from csv but there is only one column in each of the two lists.
Here is how I pull in the lists in my script
$orginal_list = Get-Content -Path .\random-word-350k-wo-quotes.txt
$filter_words = Get-Content -Path .\no_go_words.txt
However, I will use a typed list for simplicity in the code example below.
In this example, the $original_list can have some words repeated.
I want to filter out all of the words in $original_list that are in the $filter_words list.
Then add the filtered list to the variable $filtered_list.
In this example, $filtered_list would only have "dirt","turtle" in it.
I know the line I have below where I subtract the two won't work, it's there as a placeholder as I don't know what to use to get the result.
Of note, the csv file that feeds $original_list could have 300,000 or more rows, and $filter_words could have hundreds of rows. So would want this to be as efficient as possible.
The filtering is case insensitive.
$orginal_list = "yellow","blue","yellow","dirt","blue","yellow","turtle","dirt"
$filter_words = "yellow","blue","green","harsh"
$filtered_list = $orginal_list - $filter_words

Use System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 and its .ExceptWith() method:
# Note: if possible, declare the lists as [string[]] arrays to begin with.
# Otherwise, use a [string[]] cast im the method calls below, which,
# however, creates a duplicate array on the fly.
[string[]] $orginal_list = "yellow","blue","yellow","dirt","blue","yellow","turtle","dirt"
[string[]] $filter_words = "yellow","blue","green","harsh"
# Create a hash set based on the strings in $orginal_list,
# with case-insensitive lookups.
$hsOrig = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new(
# Reduce it to those strings not present in $filter_words, in-place.
# Convert the filtered hash set to an array.
[string[]] $filtered_list = [string[]]::new($hsOrig.Count)
# Output the result
The above yields:
To also speed up reading your input files, use the following:
# Note: System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines() returns a [string[]] instance.
$orginal_list = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines((Convert-Path .\random-word-350k-wo-quotes.txt))
$filter_words = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines((Convert-Path .\no_go_words.txt))
.NET generally defaults to (BOM-less) UTF-8; pass a [System.Text.Encoding] instance as a second argument, if needed.
.NET's working dir. usually differs from PowerShell's, so the use of full paths is always advisable in .NET API calls, and that is what the Convert-Path calls ensure.

I have found that using Linq to filter one list out from another is incredibly easy and incredibly fast (especially for large lists)
# ARRAY OF 1000 STRINGS LOWERCASE (item1 - item1000)
[string[]]$ThousandItems = 1..1000 | %{"item$_"};
[string[]]$HundredItems = 901..1000 | %{"ITEM$_"};
[string[]]$NineHundred = [Linq.Enumerable]::Except($ThousandItems, $HundredItems, [System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Which returns the list of 1000 items minus Item901-Item1000
As for speed, removing 100 items from a list...
1,000 Items = 1ms
10,000 Items = 2ms
100,000 Items = 12ms
1,000,000 Items = 259ms
10,000,000 Items = 3,008ms
Note: These times are just on the [Linq.Enumerable]::Except() line. So it's just measuring the time taken to subtract one array from the other. It does not measure the time taken to fill the array.
So to apply this to the original poster's example
$original_list = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines((Convert-Path .\random-word-350k-wo-quotes.txt));
$filter_words = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines((Convert-Path .\no_go_words.txt));
[string[]]$filtered_list = [Linq.Enumerable]::Except($original_list,$filter_words,[System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase);
For this, I literally inserted 350K strings (the MD5 hash of the numbers 1 - 350K) into the original list (uppercase), inserted 10K strings (the MD5 hash of the numbers 1-10K) into the filter words list (lowercase) and ran that code.
There were 340K words in the filtered list, and it only took 260ms to read both files, filter and return the list


Running a for loop in Powershell

I am new o scripting in powershell and am from a Python background. I want to know if I'm doing this right.
I created this array and want to extract each item one by one
$M365_E3_Grps = ("O365-CHN-DomainUser,O365-Vendor-Exchange-User")
ForEach ($Indiv_Grp in $M365_E3_Grps) {
ForEach ($Indiv_Grp in $M365_E3_Grps) {
`$ADGroup = $Indiv_Grp$ADGroup = $Indiv_Grp`
I want to know if we can extract vals with a for loop like this and assign it to a variable like this.
Construct of your array
Your array is not quite correct and will be populated as a string. To create a string array you will need to quote each item in comma separated list. The parentheses are also not required.
$M365_E3_Grps = "O365-CHN-DomainUser","O365-Vendor-Exchange-User"
Your foreach keyword syntax is however correct, even if the formatting in your question was slightly off.
foreach ($Indiv_Grp in $M365_E3_Grps) {
# Assigning $Indiv_Grp to $ADGroup here is kind of redundant since
# the value is already assinged to $Indiv_Grp

PowerShell create array failed in a loop

Thought I have read enough examples here and elsewhere. Still I fail creating arrays in Power Shell.
With that code I hoped to create slices of pair values from an array.
$values = #('hello','world','bonjour','moon','ola','mars')
function slice_array {
param (
[int16] $size = 2
$pair = [string[]]::new($size) # size is 2
$returns = [System.Collections.ArrayList]#()
[int16] $_i = 0
foreach($item in $Items){
$pair[$_i] = $Item
if($_i -gt $size - 1){
$_i = 0
return $returns
the output is
I would hope for
Is possible to slice that array to an array of arrays with length 2 ?
Any explenation why it doesn't work as expected ?
How should the code be changed ?
Thanks for any hint to properly understand Arrays in PowerShell !
Here's a PowerShell-idiomatic solution (the fix required for your code is in the bottom section):
The function is named Get-Slices to adhere to PowerShell's verb-noun naming convention (see the docs for more information).
Note: Often, the singular form of the noun is used, e.g. Get-Item rather than Get-Items, given that you situationally may get one or multiple output values; however, since the express purpose here is to slice a single object into multiple parts, I've chosen the plural.
The slice size (count of elements per slice) is passed as a parameter.
The function uses .., the range operator, to extract a single slice from an array.
It uses PowerShell's implicit output behavior (no need for return, no need to build up a list of return values explicitly; see this answer for more information).
It shows how to output an array as a whole from a function, which requires wrapping it in an auxiliary single-element array using the unary form of ,, the array constructor operator. Without this auxiliary array, the array's elements would be output individually to the pipeline (which is also used for function / script output; see this answer for more information.
# Note: For brevity, argument validation, pipeline support, error handling, ...
# have been omitted.
function Get-Slices {
param (
[String[]] $Items
[int] $Size # The slice size (element count)
$sliceCount = [Math]::Ceiling($Items.Count / $Size)
if ($sliceCount -le 1) {
# array is empty or as large as or smaller than a slice? ->
# wrap it *twice* to ensure that the output is *always* an
# *array of arrays*, in this case containing just *one* element
# containing the original array.
,, $Items
else {
foreach ($offset in 0..($sliceCount-1)) {
, $Items[($offset * $Size)..(($offset+1) * $Size - 1)] # output this slice
To slice an array into pairs and collect the output in an array of arrays (jagged array):
$arrayOfPairs =
Get-Slices -Items 'hello','world','bonjour','moon','ola','mars' -Size 2
Shell-like syntax is required when you call functions (commands in general) in PowerShell: arguments are whitespace-separated and not enclosed in (...) (see this answer for more information)
Since a function's declared parameters are positional by default, naming the arguments as I've done above (-Item ..., -Size ...) isn't strictly necessary, but helps readability.
Two sample calls:
"`n-- Get pairs (slice count 2):"
Get-Slices -Items 'hello','world','bonjour','moon','ola','mars' -Size 2 |
ForEach-Object { $_ -join ', ' }
"`n-- Get slices of 3:"
Get-Slices -Items 'hello','world','bonjour','moon','ola','mars' -Size 3 |
ForEach-Object { $_ -join ', ' }
The above yields:
-- Get pairs (slice count 2):
hello, world
bonjour, moon
ola, mars
-- Get slices of 3:
hello, world, bonjour
moon, ola, mars
As for what you tried:
The only problem with your code was that you kept reusing the very same auxiliary array for collecting a pair of elements, so that subsequent iterations replaced the elements of the previous ones, so that, in the end, your array list contained multiple references to the same pair array, reflecting the last pair only.
This behavior occurs, because arrays are instance of reference types rather than value types - see this answer for background information.
The simplest solution is to add a (shallow) clone of your $pair array to your list, which ensures that each list entry is a distinct array:
Why you got 3 equal pairs instead of different pairs:
.Net (powershell based on it) is object-oriented language and it has consept of reference types and value types. Almost all types are reference types.
What happens in your code:
You create $pair = [string[]] object. $pair variable actually stores memory address of (reference to) [string[]] object, because arrays are reference types
You fill $pair array with values
You add (!) $pair to $returns. Remember that $pair is reference to memory block. And when you add it to $returns, it adds memory address of [string[]] you wrote values to.
You repeat step2: You fill $pair array with different values, but address of this array in memory keeps the same. Doing this you actually replace values from step2 with new values in the same $pair object.
= // = step3
= // = step4
= // = step3
As a result: in $returns there are three same memory addresses: [[reference to $pair], [reference to $pair], [reference to $pair]]. And $pair values were overwritten by code with last pair values.
On output it works like this:
Powershell looks at $results which is array.
Powershell looks to $results[0] which reference to $pair
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[0]
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[1]
Powershell looks to $results[1] which reference to $pair
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[0]
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[1]
Powershell looks to $results[1] which reference to $pair
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[0]
Powershell outputs reference to $pair[1]
So you see, you triple output the object from the same memory address. You overwritten it 3 times in slice_array and now it stores only last pair values.
To fix it in your code, you should create a new $pair in memory: add $pair = [string[]]::new($size) just after $returns.Add($pair)

Get unique values

We're trying to optimize some code that removes duplicates from an Array as fast as possible. Normally this can be easily done by piping the input to Group-Object and then using only the Name property. But we would like to avoid the pipeline, as it is slower.
However, we tried the following code:
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$uniqueFrom = #()
$From = #('A', 'A', 'B')
$From.Where({-not ($uniqueFrom.Contains($_))}).ForEach({
In theory, this should work. But for one reason or another the output is not the expected #('A', 'B'). Why is it not reevaluating the ArrayList in the .where clause?
In my experience reducing the 'pipe filtering' to get the unique values can be achieve by using DataView. If you are processing an array you need to convert this to a DataTable first before you get the values using the DataView.
$arr = #('val1','val1','val1','val2','val1','val3'....)
$newDatatable = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
foreach($e in $arr)
$row = $newDatatable.NewRow()
$row.Item('FetchUniqueColumn') = $e
$filterDataView = New-Object System.Data.Dataview($newDatatable)
$UniqueDT = $filterDataView.ToTable($true,'FetchUniqueColumn')
$UniqueValues_array = $UniqueDT.Rows.FetchUniqueColumn
Note this is a whole lot faster if your input is a DataTable since you don't have to convert it anymore prior to setting the DataView filter for unique values to $true in creating the $UniqueDT datatable from the dataview:
$UniqueDT = $filterDataView.ToTable($true,'FetchUniqueColumn')
Tested by querying 1 column with 3000 rows datatable from SQL.
My results are as follows:
**With 1 column Data Table as input
Select -Unique - 300 ms
Using DataView - 21 ms
**With #() array as input (converted SQL results to array prior to benchmarking)
Select Unique - 262 ms
Using DataView - 106 ms
Disclaimer: in this answer I'm just explaining why the current code isn't working, not attempting to give alternative solution. For solution check the accepted answer.
Why is it not reevaluating the ArrayList in the .where clause?
It's not supposed to do this. What it is actually doing is filtering here:
$From.Where({-not ($uniqueFrom.Contains($_))})
and then executing
for each element. As you did
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$uniqueFrom = #()
this array is empty and therefore will return $false for any $uniqueFrom.Contains($_)
To verify that what I've written above is true you can do the following:
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$uniqueFrom = #()
$From.Where({-not ($uniqueFrom.Contains($_))}).ForEach({
Output is A, B (A was added manually, two A were skipped as this entry already exists in $uniqueFrom, B was added inside ForEach) as expected.

Replace string untill its length is less than limit with PowerShell

I try to update users AD accounts properties with values imported from csv file.
The problem is that some of the properties like department allow strings of length of max length 64 that is less than provided in the file which can be up to 110.
I have found and adopted solution provided by TroyBramley in this thread - How to replace multiple strings in a file using PowerShell (thank You Troy).
It works fine but... Well. After all replaces have place the text is less meaningful than originally.
For example, original text First Department of something1 something2 something3 something4 would result in 1st Dept of sth1 sth2 sth3 sth4
I'd like to have control over the process so I can stop it when the length of the string drops just under the limit alowed by AD property.
By the way. I'd like to have a choice which replacement takes first, second and so on, too.
I put elements in a hashtable alphabetically but it seems that they are not processed this way. I can't figure out the pattern.
I can see the resolution by replacing strings one by one, controlling length after each replacement. But with almost 70 strings it leds to huge portion of code. Maybe there is simpler way?
You can iterate the replacement list until the string reaches the MaxLength defined.
## Q:\Test\2018\06\26\SO_51042611.ps1
$Original = "First Department of something1 something2 something3 something4"
$list = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
$MaxLength = 40
ForEach ($Item in $list.GetEnumerator()){
$Original = $Original -Replace $Item.Key,$Item.Value
If ($Original.Length -le $MaxLength){Break}
"{0}: {1}" -f $Original.Length,$Original
Sample output with $MaxLength set to 40
37: 1st Dept of sth1 sth2 sth3 something4

Convert Byte Array (from legacy program data file) to Powershell object

I have a "structured" file (logical fixed-length records) from a legacy program on a legacy (non-MS) operating system. I know how the records were structured in the original program, but the original O/S handled structured data as a sequence of bytes for file I/O, so a hex dump won't show you anything more than what the record length is (there are marker bytes and other record overhead imposed by the access method API used to generate the file originally).
Once I have the sequence of bytes in a Powershell variable, with the overhead bytes "cut away", how can I convert this into a structured object? Some of the "fields" are 16-bit integers, some are strings of the form [s]data (where [s] is a byte giving the length of the "real" data in that field), some are BCD coded fixed-point numbers, some are IEEE floats.
(I haven't been specific about the structure, either on the Powershell side or on the legacy side, because I am seeking a more-or-less 'generic' solution/technique, as I actually have several different files with different record structures to process.)
Initially, I tried to do it by creating a type that could take the buffer and overwrite a struct so that all the fields were nicely filled in. However, certain issues arose (regarding struct layout, fixed buffers and mixing fixed and managed members) and I also realised that there was no guarantee that the data in the buffer would be properly (or even legally) aligned. Decided to try a more programmatic path.
"Manual" parsing is out, so how about automatic parsing? You're going to need to define the members of your PSobject at some point, why not do it in a way that can help programmatically parse the data. This method does not require the data in the buffer to be correctly aligned or even contiguous. You can also have fields overlap to separate raw unions into the individual members (though, typically, only one will contain a "correct" value).
First step, build a hash table to identify the members, the offset in the buffer, their data types and, if an array, the number of elements :
$struct = #{
field1 = 0,[int],0; # 0 means not an array
field2 = 4,[byte],16; # a C string maybe
field3 = 24,[char],32; # wchar_t[32] ? note: skipped over bytes 20-23
field4 = 56,[double],0
# the names field1/2/3/4 are arbitrary, any valid member name may be used (but not
# necessarily any valid hash key if you want a PSObject as the end result).
# also, the values could be hash tables instead of arrays. that would allow
# descriptive names for the values but doesn't affect the end result.
Next, use [BitConverter] to extract the required data. The problem here is that we need to call the correct method for all the varying types. Just use a (big) switch statement. The basic principle is the same for most values, get the type indicator and initial offset from the $struct definition then call the correct [BitConverter] method and supply the buffer and initial offset, update the offset to where the next element of an array would be and then repeat for as many array elements as are required. The only trap here is that the data in the buffer must have the same format as expected by [BitConverter], so for the [double] example, the bytes in the buffer must conform to IEEE-754 floating point format (assuming that [BitConverter]::ToDouble() is used). Thus, for example, raw data from a Paradox database will need some tweeking because it flips the high bit to simplify sorting.
$struct.keys | foreach {
# key order is undefined but that won't affect the final object's members
$hashobject = #{}
} {
$fieldoffs = $struct[$_][0]
$fieldtype = $struct[$_][1]
if (($arraysize = $struct[$_][2]) -ne 0) { # yes, I'm a C programmer from way back
$array = #()
} else {
$array = $null
:w while ($arraysize-- -ge 0) {
switch($fieldtype) {
([int]) {
$value = [bitconverter]::toint32($buffer, $fieldoffs)
$fieldoffs += 4
([byte]) {
$value = $buffer[$fieldoffs++]
([char]) {
$value = [bitconverter]::tochar($buffer, $fieldoffs)
$fieldoffs += 2
([string]) { # ANSI string, 1 byte per character
$array = new-object string (,[char[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize)])
# $arraysize has already been decremented so don't need to subtract 1
break w # "array size" was actually string length so don't loop
# description:
# first, get a slice of the buffer as a byte[] (assume single byte characters)
# next, convert each byte to a char in a char[]
# then, invoke the constructor String(Char[])
# finally, put the String into $array ready for insertion into $hashobject
# Note the convoluted syntax - New-Object expects the second argument to be
# an array of the constructor parameters but String(Char[]) requires only
# one argument that is itself an array. By itself,
# [char[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize)]
# is treated by PowerShell as an argument list of individual chars, corrupting the
# constructor call. The normal trick is to prepend a single comma to create an array
# of one element which is itself an array
# ,[char[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize)]
# but this won't work because of the way PowerShell parses the command line. The
# space before the comma is ignored so that instead of getting 2 arguments (a string
# "String" and the array of an array of char), there is only one argument, an array
# of 2 elements ("String" and array of array of char) thereby totally confusing
# New-Object. To make it work you need to ALSO isolate the single element array into
# its own expression. Hence the parentheses
# (,[char[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize)])
if ($null -ne $array) {
# must be in this order* to stop the -ne from enumerating $array to compare against
# $null. this would result in the condition being considered false if $array were
# empty ( (#() -ne $null) -> $null -> $false ) or contained only one element with
# the value 0 ( (#(0) -ne $null) -> (scalar) 0 -> $false ).
$array += $value
# $array is not $null so must be an array to which $value is appended
} else {
# $array is $null only if $arraysize -eq 0 before the loop (and is now -1)
$array = $value
# so the loop won't repeat thus leaving this one scalar in $array
$hashobject[$_] = $array
#*could have reversed it as
# if ($array -eq $null) { scalar } else { collect array }
# since the condition will only be true if $array is actually $null or contains at
# least 2 $null elements (but no valid conversion will produce $null)
At this point there is a hash table, $hashobject, with keys equal to the field names and values containing the bytes from the buffer arranged into single (or arrays of) numeric (inc. char/boolean) values or (ANSI) strings. To create a (proper) object, just invoke New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $hashobject or use [PSCustomObject]$hashobject.
Of course, if the buffer actually contained structured data then the process would be more complicated but the basic procedure would be the same. Note also that the "types" used in the $struct hash table have no direct effect on the resultant types of the object members, they are only convenient selectors for the switch statement. It would work just as well with strings or numbers. In fact, the parentheses around the case labels are because switch parses them the same as command arguments. Without the parentheses, the labels would be treated as literal strings. With them, the labels are evaluated as a type object. Both the label and the switch value are then converted to strings (that's what switch does for values other than script blocks or $null) but each type has a distinct string representation so the case labels will still match up correctly. (Not really on point but still interesting, I think.)
Several optimisations are possible but increase the complexity slightly. E.g.
([byte]) { # already have a byte[] so why collect bytes one at a time
if ($arraysize -ge 0) { # was originally -gt 0 so want a byte[]
$array = [byte[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize)]
# slicing the byte array produces an object array (of bytes) so cast it back
} else { # $arraysize was 0 so just a single byte
$array = $buffer[$fieldoffs]
break w # $array ready for insertion into $hashobject, don't need to loop
But what if my strings are actually Unicode?, you say. Easy, just use existing methods from the [Text.Encoding] class,
[string] { # Unicode string, 2 (LE) bytes per character
$array = [text.encoding]::unicode.getstring([byte[]]$buffer[$fieldoffs..($fieldoffs+$arraysize*2+1)])
# $arraysize should be the string length so, initially, $arraysize*2 is the byte
# count and $arraysize*2-1 is the end index (relative to $fieldoffs) but $arraysize
# was decremented so the end index is now $arraysize*2+1, i.e. length*2-1 = (length-1)*2+1
break w # got $array, no loop
You could also have both ANSI and Unicode by utilising a different type indicator for the ANSI string, maybe [char[]]. Remember, the type indicators do not affect the result, they just have to be distinct (and hopefully meaningful) identifiers.
I realise that this is not quite the "just dump the bytes into a union or variant record" solution mentioned in the OPs comment but PowerShell is based in .NET and uses managed objects where this sort of thing is largely prohibited (or difficult to get working, as I found). For example, assuming you could just dump raw chars (not bytes) into a String, how would the Length property get updated? This method also allows some useful preprocessing such as splitting up unions as noted above or converting raw byte or char arrays into the Strings they represent.