How to use results video annotation file json - annotations

I'm just learning, don't scold too much for a possibly stupid question.
I have a video annotation json file which was made on
Can you tell me how can I extract information from this json in order to start training darknet?
Thanks a lot.
File results


keep/copy XMP with libexif

I try to add a thumbnail to a JPEG picture using libexif.
For now I'm borrowing the code from exif (the command line tool that is shipped by the libexif team).
However I noticed the XMP tags get deleted from the metadata. There is an old bugreport here.
I tried to see how to achieve this anyway with libexif but I don't really understand how to get the XMP from input file and put it in the output file. I just want to copy all XMP data, I don't need to extract anything of it.
I saw there is a TAG EXIF_TAG_XML_PACKET in exif_tag.h but couldn't figure out how to read/write this tag.
A related solution is in this SO answer but it looks complicated. I'm not familiar coding in C.
Is it actually possible to keep all XMP when using only libexif API? Have things changed in recent years on that? How would you write this in code?
I believe it should be somewhat straightforward. XMP fields are described in the ISO/Adobe standard. Regular Kotlin/Java/Android file I/O and some string manipulation should be all that is required.
I would start out by becoming intimately familiar with ISO 16684-1:2019. Then, write a method for your jpeg file class that grabs all the XMP fields. Store those fields in a temp file (to prevent difficult to recover data loss in the event of your code or libexif crashing). Hand the file off to libexif. Generate the thumbnail. Finally, when that's done you can restore the XMP fields. If the thumbnail is stored in an XMP field as well (and it sounds like it is), it may be easier to concatenate that field with the other ones which were already grabbed, updating the temp file so that it contains EVERY XMP field, before adding all of the XMP fields back to the jpeg.
Unfortunately, I do not currently have the time to read a 50 page ISO standard, synthesize the information, and then write the code to implement the solution. Here's a link to the standard at least, to get you started.

How to load "file like object", instead of filename, with kivy SoundLoader?

I need to play a mp3 file from gridfs in mongodb. I will get a file-like object instead filename (to the system disk).
I cannot find anyway to use SoundLoader to play the file like object directly. I checked the code here it seems that kivy audio does not suppot it. Am I right? I mean, like wave module, you can open it with file like object. I prefer not to use wave because it may has issues in different OSs.[, mode])
If file is a string, open the file by that
name, otherwise treat it as a seekable file-like object.
Any other way to load the data to SouldLoader instead of filename? Many thanks.
This may not be a direct answer but could be an alternative for now. I can use GridFSBucket in GridFS to download the file in stream then save temp file to disk. Finally load by SoundLoader. With this way, it would solve the problem with large media file issue. This solution also works for image or video but require some disk storage of course.

TIFF annotation coordinates

I need help trying to find a utility or method to search for annotations (filled rectangles) in tiff files and determine their coordinates. I'm not a programmer, but I'm profficient with vbscript and powershell....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not very familiar with the TIFF specification as you can probably tell....i've downloaded the specs from adobe, but can't make heads or tails of what i need.
i have looked at the following related post:
Tiff annotations
it suggested looking at:
which says that annotations are referenced in tag 32932....however, i've used's tiffinfo.exe to view the tags associated with a test file (that has an annotation) does not show tag 32932.
so that's where I'm at. again thanks in advance.

How to find difference between two XML documents

I want to compare two XML documents to find and show where is the difference
like diff utility in XCode.
I can retrieve and parse xml code using NSXMLParser in basic level,
and can tell 'they are not exactly same'
but I don't know how to tell 'where and which'.
Is there any open-source based library for this?
Thanks in advance.
Try following link
XML Documents
also try this

storing & reading xml files iPhone

I am using text-editor to store xml files.
I know how to read xml files in iPhone application. But the problem which do i get is explained below.
When I store xml files through text-editors, it looks perfect.
But when iPhone - xCode debugs, xml file data is shown as below.
What kind of mistake have I Done?
{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier-Bold;}
\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0 \
Play Your ShotEvery golfer likes to hit the ball long, high and straight, but experience tells you that you can expect a certain pattern to your shots.Shots Curve From Sidehill LiesSidehill fairway lies will cause the ball to curve, slice right or hook left. Here's a tip to help make better contact.Don't Ground The DriverKeep the clubhead just off the ground to get your swing off to a consistently smooth start.Tilt Your TeeHere's a tip to "max out" into-the-wind drives.}
Above given data isn't my xml file.
I tried to save my xml file through textEditor.
But it prefix something before my xml data.
What should be done by me to avoid this problem?
my actual xml data is following.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\
<tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[1]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Play Your Shot</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Every golfer likes to hit the ball long, high and straight, but experience tells you that you can expect a certain pattern to your shots.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[2]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Shots Curve From Sidehill Lies</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Sidehill fairway lies will cause the ball to curve, slice right or hook left. Here's a tip to help make better contact.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[3]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Don't Ground The Driver</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Keep the clubhead just off the ground to get your swing off to a consistently smooth start.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips><Prop_Tips><Tip_ID><![CDATA[4]]></Tip_ID><Tip_Title>Tilt Your Tee</Tip_Title><Tip_Description>Here's a tip to "max out" into-the-wind drives.</Tip_Description></Prop_Tips></tips>
Seems like you have written your XML file in a Rich Text Editor. It is saving the file in .rtf format, instead of raw text/xml.
Maybe the editor you are using has the option to save as raw txt. That should solve it.
You could also create the file using XCode. It will surely use raw txt.
Are you editing your XML file with TextEdit or something? You've got a whole bunch of RTF data in there, which would seem to imply that you're overwriting your XML data with RTF'd XML. Try using a text editor like Property List Editor or TextWrangler instead.