In Roblox Studio, does "save-to-roblox" also create/update a local file? - roblox

I have found that after I "Save to Roblox", I no longer have an option to "Save to File". Do I still have a local save file at this point that is updated when I "Save"?

No. If your game are saved to your group, then you can't save it locally, Because you are connected to Team Create (by default)
If your game are saved to your profile, then the answer is Yes


How do I recover lost extensions, after using Settings Sync

I've built a new pc, and I'm trying to transfer all my VS Code settings from my old pc to my new one. And I came across Settings Sync within VS Code. I sign in on both machines using my GitHub account. I click Sync Now, it somewhat works in that only five of my extensions show up on my new PC, I have over 100. But then on my old pc all but those same 5 extensions
for some reason, gets removed.
For a brief moment, I was able to get all my extensions back on my old pc by clicking in the sync activity (remote) tab and restoring to a previous state. The problem is, whenever I open a new window, they're gone again. Now when I try to restore a previous state, it just loads those same 5 extensions only.
I came across this post Recover lost settings + extensions and more?
And I tried JΛYDΞV's suggestion. I can see the backup JSON files which contain info for all my extensions when I view it in Windows explorer. However, when I try to view them in VS Code under the Sync Activity (Local) panel, I get this error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')
Would anyone have any other ideas as to how I can get my extensions back on either machine?
I should also add that before I tried any of this I did actually copy the entire VS Code folder under AppData\Roaming to an external hard drive and for the heck of it overwrote that same folder on my new pc just to see if that would remedy the problem, but then however no extensions show on my new pc.
Would anyone have any more steps I could try? The last thing I would want to do is to have to add all those extensions again

How I can save my layout on Visual Studio Code

The idea behind this question, is have my document upfront, right on the sidebar, a split between files and upload to GitHub, and down below the terminal, in all projects starting now, I open every time my projects! I saw different questions on the platform, but didn't accurate answer to that, I thought.
You should take a look at documentation which explains that in VS Code there are 2 modes for saving a setup of IDE - user settings and workspace settings.
Your modifications were probably saved in current workspace so when you open a fresh instance of VS Code by default you are using global user settings.
By default, it keeps the same screen.

Why does vscode ask to save changes?

I am on version 1.30.0 , how can i fix the annoying question: do you want to save changes? I am using git so that takes care of my files already.
If you want code to autosave, you must turn it on in your settings.
You can open settings going to File/Preferences in windows or Code/Preferences in Mac.
To turn on autosave, search for the option "Auto Save" or the write "files.autoSave": "afterDelay" in you settings.json file. You should also take a look at the option "Prompt to save files before commit", or "git.promptToSaveFilesBeforeCommit": false in the file.
when another program changed something in your file, vscode has another text not like in real file that git changed it previously so it asked you to save for new

Sync vscode instances

I'm setting up a new machine and want to have as much synced between my two machines as possible. I use vscode as my main editor and would like, if possible, to have the two instances synced. I'm wanting to copy some settings folder to my iCloud drive, and then symlink it back to it's location on my local drives.
If I did this, will open files sync in real time, or only on startup? Will this likely lead to anything being corrupted? Is this even possible? Finally, what folder must I sync?
I'm doing exactly this nowadays (after using Settings Sync for a while) – syncing settings via my iCloud folder.
The content of ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User is what you are looking for.
I linked keybindings.json and settings.json and they both work fine without hickups so far. You might want to sync the folder snippets too.
workspaceStorage makes no sense to sync because they are specific to the workspaces you open on a single machine.
It works basically "out of the box". Even if a new setting gets not picked up instantly by a running VSCode instance if it syncs in the background while open, you can always cmd+shift+p Reload Window or open and close the settings (I almost never have to do this).

Unity "player preferences" file format and contents

Upon quitting my application, I use PlayerPrefs.Save() to save the player preferences.
I understand this function writes all the modified preferences to disk.
So, I clicked on Start, typed regedit and opened it, went into HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then Software and then I selected Unity.
So, now I can see the file (is this actually a file?) but I cannot figure out how to open it or see the contents...
Neither double-clicking on it works nor right-clicking on it brings up any menu with options.
How do I access the contents, or perhaps clear/flush it after a while?
You find the PlayerPrefs under:
If you had checked unity's documentation it is very well explained for each platform here
The exact storage of PlayerPrefs depends on the platform. For Windows it is stored in the registry, as you have seen.
This is not an isolated file for your Unity game. As such, there is nothing really to open. You could edit the registry if you wanted to, but that's not really the appropriate way. Just keep using it via the provided PlayerPrefs API.
If you want to clear your playerprefs, you can call PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(). This will clear all playerprefs data and would allow you to "simulate" a new user starting from scratch for example.
For Win32 and Win64 builds it is in a Registry file editable from the registry.
In OS X builds it is in a plist file in ~/Library/Preferences These are in plist compliant format and can be edited in the standard OS X plist editor, or a text editor if you follow proper syntax.
In Windows Store builds it is in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages[ProductPackageId]>\LocalState\playerprefs.dat (I don't know the format of this.)
Windows Phone builds store it in the application's local folder, again no documentation on format.
Android and Linux are in xml format, editable with a standard text editor.
The Android config files are package's shared prefs directory and the Linux config files are under ~/.config/.unity3d