I am trying to install postgres 14 on redhat 8 ppc64le architecture, I'd like to install package llvmjit, but I could not find such a package in https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/14/redhat/rhel-8-ppc64le/, while for postgres 14 on redhat 8 x86_64 architecture, there are such packages postgresql14-llvmjit-* in https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/14/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/
I wonder if there any changes to llvmjit for postgres 14 on redhat 8 ppc64le architecture? why postgres does not provide
I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to setup my RHEL 8.5 VM machine.
NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux
VERSION="8.5 (Ootpa)
I'm trying to install some scripts for course, and it is giving an error that PowerTools can't be found
No matching repo to modify: powertools.
I have tried several solution in other posts as follows:
# dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
# dnf upgrade
# dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
# dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
The first three commands execute and my system is updated but the last command is still having same error:
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.
When I try to get repolist, it is not showing powertools
# dnf repolist
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
repo id repo name
BaseOS BaseOS
appstream appstream
codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMs)
epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
epel-modular Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux Modular 8 - x86_64
rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs)
rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs)
I hope someone can help.
There are no exactly "powertools" in RHEL. That's a CentOS alternative name to the trademarked "CodeReady Builder" repo from RHEL.
In RHEL, you enable it like so:
sudo subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
If codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms already shows up in "yum repolist", consider that you have "powertools" already enabled, no action is needed.
I have forked and modified a minor thing from the official mongodb repository on stable branch 3.4.
I am building in a fresh VM installed from scratch with required packages to build the source.
Build instructions impose GCC 5.3 which is not available in the stable distribution of debian 8. If I switch to unstable and compile, (it works yay but) the output executable is >600MB and does not run on a stable debian that has GCC 4.9.
Question 1: how is it possible that my build is 10 times bigger in size than the version proposed in the mongodb debian 8 repository ?
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 52M Sep 11 17:50 /usr/bin/mongod
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 664M Oct 28 11:50 /build/mongod
Question 2: moreover, my built version cannot run on debian 8 stable becauses it uses GCC 5.3 which is not available in stable. So how can I build it such that it runs on the stable debian 8 just like the package repository that mongodb provides ?
If I try to build using GCC 4.9.2, despite some errors that I can eventually fix, it still is a hell to compile. Does that mean they have some magic tricks ?
# scons core -j 3 --ssl --link-model=object --opt=on --dbg=off --disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement --disable-warnings-as-errors
src/mongo/db/repl/storage_interface_mock.h:50: error: undefined reference to 'vtable for mongo::repl::CollectionBulkLoaderMock'
/usr/bin/ld.gold: the vtable symbol may be undefined because the class is missing its key function
I can see that there is a special directory debian in the source repository, could that maybe somehow could be used to build the debian package. How should I use it ? Would that make it run on debian 8 stable ?
Answer to Question 1: The executable output contains debug symbols that can be removed from the binary using the strip linux command. This reduces the file size back to ~50MB
Answer to Question 2: In order to build for Debian 8 stable, one should not use the GCC compiler but rather use CLANG. The documented minimum verson is 3.4 and version 3.5 is in the stable debian 8 packages.
There are some minor compilation issues though and issues in the Scons compile scripts (python). But after fixing those, it produces an executable able to run on debian 8 stable.
scons core -j 3 --ssl --link-model=object --opt=on --dbg=off --disable-minimum-compiler-version-enforcement --disable-warnings-as-errors CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
EDIT: See comments.
.I am unable to launch mysql-workbench on my Fedora 22 machine. It is installed, or at least it seems so. Help is welcome.
[root#localhost /]# dnf info mysql-community-bench
Nome : mysql-community-bench
[root#localhost /]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.1.3-201.fc22.i686+PAE #1 SMP Wed Jul 29 20:36:37 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I don't see installed MySQL Workbench, what you installed is MySQL benchmark (not Workbench). You can grab your MySQL Workbench rpm package from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/
What i have done to install mysql-workbench on my Fedora 22 (64 bits),
was to install required libraries before :
sudo dnf install -y ctemplate tinyxml vsqlite++ python-paramiko
Then i downloaded the mysql-workbench .rpm here : https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/
Fedora 22 (x86, 64-bit), RPM Package 6.3.4 17.4M
and finally installed successfully the package.
So maybe you could try instaling the Fedora 20 package after installing the required libraries above.
I have tried executing yum update command but it only took me from 5.11 to 6.x. I need the server to be running CentOS 6.x for nagiosxi.
[root#nagiosxi network-scripts]# uname -a
Linux nagiosxi.inl.gov 2.6.18-371.8.1.el5 #1 SMP Thu Apr 24 18:23:07 EDT 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
As you probably know, CentOS is based on RedHat so the same rules apply for both.
In place upgrades between 4, 5, and 6 are not supported by RedHat (and thus CentOS). The only supported upgrade path is from 6 to 7. The expectation is that an upgrade path will continue in future releases.
With that said, there is a way to upgrade from 5 to 6 but it is not supported by RedHat so be careful with how you use it.
The link is: In place upgrade
I'm trying to install pgbouncer on Centos 7 but it seems to be a dependency problem.
pgbouncer requires python2-psycopg2-2.8.3-1.rhel7.1.x86_64 (pgdg12) and this one needs
postgresql12-libs which can't be found.
I've got this postgresql repos:
pgdg10/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 10 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 1.062
pgdg11/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 11 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 887
pgdg12/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 12 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 171
pgdg94/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 9.4 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 979
pgdg95/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 9.5 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 1.056
pgdg96/7/x86_64 PostgreSQL 9.6 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64 1.089
It's a repository problem or can I do something about it?
Yes, you can make bug report for repository maintainer.
To fix you can install previous version of python2-psycopg2
yum install python2-psycopg2-2.8.2 pgbouncer