how to add days to textbox on activereports 6 and c# - activereports

i have activereport 6 and C# and i try to add 6 days to textbox1 value/text
this is what i try
string text1 = this.textbox1.Text;
i also try
string text1 = this.textbox1.Text.ToString();
or string text1 = this.textbox1.Value
convert string to time
DateTime date1 = Datime.Parse(text1);
i keep getting error "target of invocation"
how do i convert textbox data string to datetime? or how do i fix that target of invocation error?

That should be the correct way to get the text value from the textbox, as it is already a string.
string text1 = this.Textbox1.Text;
From there you should be able to use the standard .NET methods to convert it to a DateTime. The way you did it looks correct to me based on Microsoft's docs. However, that's assuming the format your string is in is one of the formats the DateTime.Parse() method understands by default. Example from their docs:
string dateInput = "Jan 1, 2009";
var parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(dateInput);
// Displays the following output on a system whose culture is en-US:
// 1/1/2009 00:00:00
If your string is in a different format from one of the handful that DateTime.Parse understands by default you may need to use a custom format, and I believe that could be the source of the error you're receiving.


DateTime parse issue using intl package dart

I have a date which is a string and looks like this:
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
I am trying to convert the above string to DateTime object and convert the 24hr time to 12hr. I am using the following code:
DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm a").parse(day);
It was working before but today the parsing is causing format exception error. The error message is shown below:
[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: FormatException: Trying to read from 30-11-2022 12:27 at position 17
Why am I getting error while parsing now? How to fix it?
There must be a simpler solution, but it works this way:
final str = "30-11-2022 12:27";
final date = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm").parse(str);
final formated = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy h:mm a").format(date);
The format for a 24-hr time is 'HH:mm'. The key is to call add_jm(). Just do this:
final day = '30-11-2022 12:27';
final dateTime = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm').parse(day);
final formatted = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyy').add_jm().format(dateTime);
The output is:
30-11-2022 12:27 PM
can try this. hope your problem solved
DateTime dateTime = DateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd h:m').parse(date);
final DateFormat formatter = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd h:m a');
final String formatted = formatter.format(dateTime);
It really doesn't matter for datetime that the input date is in am format or not, because you can parse it to what ever format you want. For both option when you parse your string, it will save it in regular form. So just try this:
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
DateTime date = normalFormat.parse(day);
and when ever you want show it as AM, just format date;
Why am I getting error while parsing now? How to fix it?
You specified a DateFormat format string that uses a, which indicates that you want to parse an AM/PM marker, but the string you try to parse is "30-11-2022 12:27", which lacks it.
If you're trying to convert a 24-hour time to a 12-hour time, those are fundamentally two different formats, so you will two different DateFormat objects. Note that the format pattern for hours is different for 12-hour times (h) than for 24-hour ones (H):
String day = "30-11-2022 12:27";
var datetime = DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm").parse(day);
// Prints: 30-11-2022 12:27 PM
print(DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm a').format(datetime));

Extract the date format from react-intl

I have a component that uses a datepicker. The datepicker needs a dateFormat property that fits the momentjs pattern, for example 'DD.MM.YYYY' or 'MM/DD/YYYY'.
The date formatting is handled by react-intl. This works fine when converting from a date to a string (via formatDate). However, I need to retrieve the pattern as described above.
My goal is to do something like
dateFormat = this.props.intl.extractDateFormat() // returns 'DD.MM.YYYY'
I have found this similar question, but the only answer relies on parsing the string, which I cannot do, because I do not know whether Day or Month will come first in the formatted date.
If it is possible to convert this string to a date and somehow retrieve the format from momentjs, that would also be a good solution.
I was able to get the date format from react-intl. To do this, I defined an example date and had it formatted by react-intl, and then parsed the format by referring to the original string.
My component which is exported as injectIntl(Component) has this method:
deriveDateFormat = () => {
const isoString = '2018-09-25' // example date!
const intlString = this.formatDate(isoString) // generate a formatted date
const dateParts = isoString.split('-') // prepare to replace with pattern parts
return intlString
.replace(dateParts[2], 'DD')
.replace(dateParts[1], 'MM')
.replace(dateParts[0], 'YYYY')
The date will e.g. be formatted to '09/25/2018', and this function would return 'MM/DD/YYYY', a format which can be used by Moment.js.
This function only works if you know that the month and day will always be displayed with two digits. It would fail if the format is something like 9/25/2018.
I have not found a way to extract the date format from react-intl directly.

How to create a datetime in apex given a datetime string?

With apex, I pass a string like:
to an apex function from javascript, however, when attempting to turn it into a datetime, it gives me invalid date/time error. I can create a date with it like
date newdate = date.valueOf(dateString);
but if I do datetime newdate = datetime.valueOf(dateString) I get the error. I don't get why it sees the string as incorrectly formatted to give invalid date/time. When I create just a date instead of datetime, I lose the time and it sets it to 00:00:00.
Thank you to anyone with some insight on how to create the datetime in apex! I have been trying to find the apex format and from what I see. I can't understand why it thinks this is invalid.
Try this.
String inpputString = '2017-02-05T01:44:00.000Z';
DateTime resultDateTime = DateTime.ValueofGmt(inpputString.replace('T', ' '));
System.Debug('resultDateTime>> '+resultDateTime);
10:10:41:011 USER_DEBUG [4]|DEBUG|resultDateTime>> 2017-02-05 01:44:00

Save date as timestamp in CQ5

I need t use the CQ5 xtype 'datefield' since I need only the date and not time tombe entered by the author.
But the issue is that 'datefield' saves the date in JCR as a String and not as a timestap [ as it does when 'datetime' is used.]
Is there a work around to save the date as a timestamp ?
I don't think it is possible to save the date as timestamp using datefield, without meddling with the default script. But as a workaround, you can use datetime and set the property hideTime to true, to hide the time part, so that the author will not be able to author it.
The json for the config is shown below.
{ "fieldLabel":"Date",
You can add defaultValue to 'now', if you want current date to be initialized as the default, if not explicitly filled in by the author, else it can be ignored.
NOTE: The defaultValue: 'now' doesnt work for me in IE (i am using IE 11 and emulating the previous versions through dev tools), but it works fine in Chrome and Mozilla.
A rough workaround for your jsp:
<%#page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.util.Date"%>
SimpleDateFormat displayDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");
String dateField = properties.get("nameofdatefield", "");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
Date formattedDate = sdf.parse(dateField);
String formattedDateStr = displayDateFormat.format(formattedDate);
out.println('Example of formated string'+formattedDateStr);
From the above, you can also convert it to a Date Object, depending on what you wish to manipulate.
Let me know if the above example helps

GWT - Date Validation

can anyone tell me how to do date validation in GWT please. im passing date as String. it should to be converted to date format and its format is to be validated.
DateTimeFormat myDateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(...);
Date date = myDateTimeFormat.parseStrict(dateString);
parseStrict() throws an IllegalArgumentException for invalid date strings.
You can use GWT Bean Validation pattern matching expression for String:
#Pattern( regexp = "some javascript regular expression" )
private String dateStr;
or this when you have date:
#DateTimeFormat(pattern = "dd.MM.yy")
private Date myStartDate;
I do not use this but you can see a complete sample in gwt-2.5.0 samples directory.
Have a nice time.