count distinct idi_counterparty PER campaignId tableau - tableau-api

it's my first time here, I have a question I can't solve.
I need a calculation that allows me to see the amount of id there is per campaignid
count distinct idi_counterparty PER campaignId.
Should take into account all activities (sent/open/click)
both columns contain numbers (because they are id)


How do I use LIMIT on the number of rows used by GROUP BY

I have a large table of inter-related entries (too large to simply query them all and group them). I would like to page through them, but I want to make sure all my groups contain all the related entries, with the total number of rows used to generate those groups limited. The groups are different sizes, so simply limiting the number of groups returned does not guarantee a set that is small enough to process.
In pseudo-code, give me all the complete groups (using GROUP BY) that can be generated using no more than N rows. Then I need to process the next "page" (using OFFSET?). My current query to process all the rows at once (takes WAY too long on a large table) looks like this:
select addressresult->'matchElements' as match,
addressresult->'foundElements'->'element0'->>'type' as type,
array_agg(id) as ids,
count(id) as items
from address
group by match, type
having count(id) >= 5;

Greatest n per group with multiple criteria for greatest

I need to select the largest, most recent or currently active term across a number of schools, with the assumption that is possible for a school to have multiple concurrent terms (ie, one term that honors students are registered in, and another for non honors). Also need to take into account the end date, as the honors term may have the same start date but may be year long instead of just a semester, and I want the semester.
Code looks something like this:
SELECT t.school_id, t.term_id, COUNT( AS size, t.start_date, t.end_date
FROM term t
INNER JOIN students s ON t.term_id = s.term_id
WHERE t.school_id = (some school id)
GROUP BY t.school_id, t.term_id
ORDER BY t.start_date DESC, t.end_date ASC, size DESC LIMIT 1;
This works perfectly to find the largest currently or most recently active term, but I want to be able to eliminate the WHERE t.school_id = (some school id) part.
A standard greatest n per group can easily choose the largest OR most recent term, but I need to select the most recent term that ends soonest with the largest number of students.
Not sure I am interpreting your question correctly. Would be easier if you had supplied table definitions including primary and foreign keys.
If you want the the most recent term that ends soonest with the largest number of students per school, this might do it:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (t.school_id)
t.school_id, t.term_id, s.size, t.start_date, t.end_date
FROM term t
SELECT term_id, COUNT( AS size
FROM students
GROUP BY term_id
) s USING (term_id)
ORDER BY t.school_id, t.start_date DESC, t.end_date, size DESC;
More explanation for DISTINCT ON in this related answer:
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

SSRS 2008 R2 - Group toggle aggregates

I'm working with a dataset where employee utilization is calculated as (Time Billed to X/Standard Billable hours). As such, to get the total billable percentage for an employee, I can just sum up the percentages billed to each client. However, I also want to be able to see the percentage of time billed by department.
I've currently got my data in a matrix with row groups Department-->Employee-->Client with 1 column group of "time sheet ending date". When I toggle the visibility of the client row group based on the employee row group, I get the correct totals at the client and the employee level. However, when I toggle the visibility of the employee row group based on the department row group, the department row group has the wrong totals. For example, if Department A has employee B with 90% utilization and employee C with 95% utilization, the toggled total at the department level is 185%....However, I am expecting to see 92.5%....any ideas????
You might just need to tweak the expression used to get the department total. I am unsure what expression exactly you used, but it should be of the form:
obviously replace the "employeePercentageColumn" with whatever field or variable or expression that represents each of the employee percentages that come under the particular department.
If your current expression isn't in that form, try and tweak it.
Hope it Helps.

MS Access 03 Query Criteras

If I have a report that tracks data for several accounts for each month with rows labeled:
How would I create a query that will filter the report to just show accounts where the UNITS row has increase/decreased 25% and the AVG REV/UNIT has increased/decreased 10%, from the previous month to the current month.
An example would be for the month of June I have the numbers....
UNITS 3,271
Revenue $3,598.10
Avg R/U $1.08
So when I run the report at the end of July I only want accounts that have a 25% difference in UNITS and/or a 10% difference in AVG REV/UNIT to show on a report.
SELECT PHAR_REPORT.*, (IIf(u1 Is Null,0,u1)+IIf(u2 Is Null,0,u2)+IIf(u3 Is Null,0,u3)+IIf(u4 Is Null,0,u4)+IIf(u5 Is Null,0,u5)+IIf(u6 Is Null,0,u6)+IIf(u7 Is Null,0,u7)+IIf(u8 Is Null,0,u8)+IIf(u9 Is Null,0,u9)+IIf(u10 Is Null,0,u10)+IIf(u11 Is Null,0,u11)+IIf(u12 Is Null,0,u12)) AS USUM, (IIf(r1 Is Null,0,r1)+IIf(r2 Is Null,0,r2)+IIf(r3 Is Null,0,r3)+IIf(r4 Is Null,0,r4)+IIf(r5 Is Null,0,r5)+IIf(r6 Is Null,0,r6)+IIf(r7 Is Null,0,r7)+IIf(r8 Is Null,0,r8)+IIf(r9 Is Null,0,r9)+IIf(r10 Is Null,0,r10)+IIf(r11 Is Null,0,r11)+IIf(r12 Is Null,0,r12)) AS RSUM, RMonth.*, PG2.*, PG.pGroup
WHERE (((PHAR_REPORT.PR) Like ([PCODE] & '*')) And ((PG.pID)=PG2.PID))
You should do it with more than one query. In the first query, select the data for the first month. On a second, to the desired month to compare. Create a third query that links the two first (be care about the correct relationship). Do the grouping/calculations in these queries.
In the 3rd query, create two fields that calculates increasing/decreasing for units and rev/unit. Now, you can add a criterium on each parameter field in the query columns.
The chalenge here is to be sure about hou would you work with the primary keys on months. Eg: if a A row in the first query isn't in the second (for not having an event on second month, for example), it will not be showed. In this case, the solution would be to create the queryes linking a table or query wich has the entyre set of registers, forcing it to show all the desired records despite they have or not occurrences.

How to detect if a table has rows in crystal 2008

Is there a built in crystal method to detect whether the a table in a crystal report has any rows?
I have created a sub report which has some Title text in the header and a detail line with the table info.
I want to be able to supress the title text from printing if there is nothing to print.
Also, is there any way to pass this to the "master" report so that I can suppress printing the sub report completely if there is nothing to print?
Use Count() function.
Use it with one of your data source fields.
from Crystal Reports 2008 Help:
Count (fld)
Count (fld, condFld)
Count (fld, condFld, cond)
Count (x)
fld is any valid database or formula field that can be evaluated by the function.
condFld is a field used to group the values in fld by.
cond is a String indicating the type of grouping for condFld. You only specify this argument when condFld is a Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean field. For more information on the valid strings for this argument, see Conditions for summary functions .
x is an array of values that can be evaluated by the function being used.
Enables you to count the values that appear in your report (for a specified field). For example:
If a sales report includes all orders made and the amount of each order, you can compute the total number of orders that appear on the report (a grand total count).
If you break orders into groups (for example, orders grouped by the state that they come from), you can compute the number of orders per group (in this case, per state).
If you break orders into date or Boolean groups (for example, orders grouped by the month in which they were placed), you can compute the number of orders per group based on a particular change in the date or Boolean field (in this case, per month).
If you specify a set of individual values, you can compute the number of values in the set. For information on this kind of counting, see Array summary functions .
The following examples are applicable to both Basic and Crystal syntax:
Count({orders.AMOUNT}, {orders.CUSTOMER ID})
This formula counts the number of orders in each group of orders in the Amount field (the total orders for each customer). The orders are separated into groups whenever the value in the Customer ID field changes.
Count({orders.ORDER AMOUNT}, {orders.ORDER DATE}, "monthly")
Counts the number of orders in each group of orders in the Amount field (the total orders for each month). The orders are separated into groups whenever the value in the Date field changes to a new month.
The following examples are applicable to Crystal syntax:
If Count({orders.ORDER ID}) >= 100 Then
"Congratulations on meeting your quota!"
Prints the congratulatory message if the number of orders is 100 or more, and prints nothing if the number of orders is less than 100.
Returns 5. Counts the total number of values in the array.
Note: Using this function in a formula forces the formula to be evaluated at print time.
For more information on evaluation time considerations, see Evaluation Time.