How to automatically-selectively backup critical files on edit? - eclipse

I have just accidentally deleted one week of coding source files, and even testdisk does not restore them. Even executable jars gone... I use ubuntu. I dont want that happen ever again. How to sufficiently and efficiently make automatic backups (clones) of selected critical files to a different location e.g. home?
I use java, and eclipse as IDE, but this could be any file i work with. E.g. i select certain file, because i can accidentally delete it, so this lightweight backup tool would automatically update it in saved backup location according to saved changes. So if it is lost in working directory, as in my case, i can just take it from backup site on local machine. Pls help. I feel devastated...
cwatch might be a solution i am looking for, but it is too complicated.
p.s. i am aware of question Script to perform a local backup of files stored in Google drive
google services not ok for me.

The simplest solution would be to use GitHub or Bitbucket and to regularly push the changes you made to the online repository. You will benefit more from the usage of a version control software then from a local backup. You can use either of them for free.


Is there an added value for a "file-to-file" Project transfer vs copying the files directly?

We have been using EA's API ProjectTransfer function to do a backup of our projects automatically (we have some projects on the filesystem as well as one project in a DBMS)
However there are some caveats to this function: We cannot run our scripts unattended(as a task running daily). Meaning the user has to be logged on for the script to run since EA cannot be run unattended.
Also, we have noticed a bug in which the Accept Windows Authentication option does not carry with a Project transfer.
This is why we decided to move our scripts to simply copying the files for backup. (And rely on the dbms team for backing up the DBMS repository)
Should we be simply copying the files for backing up the projects? Or is there something important ProjectTransfer is doing?
No, there is no added value. As long as you do a file copy. The project transfer is more meant on a RDBMS-EAP level which can not simply be done with a file copy. For RDBMS-transfers with the same database type you can/should also use database backups as transfer method.

What is the best deployment practice when using MODX?

It is convenient when you have DEVELOPMENT version of application on your local machine and you may deploy it on STAGE server for testing (it's optional) and then deploy it on PRODUCTION server. You can do this relatively easily when there is a fine discretion of code and data in the project (for example, if we store all the code and settings in project files and data in database).
MODX stores templates, snippets, etc. in database. Yes, we can move this code to static files and then we can use version control system for tracking changes of these items. But these ones have representation rows in database too. It means we must update database as before if we added or removed some items.
Looks like we can also get some troubles if we just copied files of extensions instead of making installation by package manager (because extensions often have its own tables in DB).
Another problem is that applications on DEV and PROD have different settings stored in files (configs) and database (user accounts, e.g.).
I do not still see the clear way to organize iterative DEV-STAGE-PROD development cycle. So, my questions are:
Which files and database tables should (or must) I copy when deploying?
What is the mode (replace, ignore) I should do that in?
What is the easiest and fastest way to do that?
My biggest concern here is having to deal with database.
P.S. I'm talking about "Revolution" version of MODX if it matters.
The database should not store any path information at all, previous versions did in the modx_workspaces table, but that has since disappeared [as of 2.2.4 I believe].
If you are concerned about the url changes [ / / production...] don't be - this is all in the .htaccess file [there used to be a site_url system setting, but it also seems to have disappeared.]
The only file you need to worry about is the core/config/ ~ create 3 different files with the different paths or just replace them when you migrate.
my process for moving/updating/migrating modx sites is:
clear the cache!!
tar cvfz httpdocs.tar.gz httpdocs/
mysqldump -u -p the_database > export.sql
move the files, tar xvfz & import the database.
It's a good idea to check the modx_workspaves table and if you have used an older version of gallery, check that as well, but most plugins & developers seem to be used to NOT storing path information in code & DB tables.
Of course if you have hardened your installation there are a few more steps, but nothing major. [see the "hardening Modx article on]
I think what you're looking for is this plugin (depending on your version of modx):
All Chunks, Snippets etc. are located on disk. Any changes made to the files will trigger the appropriate database changes without the need to do a complete SQL Import/Reimport. This will allow for any Version Control System / Distributed Development Environment / Automated Deployment.

Updating binary files in TFS Source Control

So I decided to add my referenced 3rd party dlls to source control in a separate folder called lib and then reference them from said directory.
This works just fine, but when I want to update the files, TFS seems completely oblivious to the fact that the files have actually changed. Even if I copy over the old files, there seems to be no way of checking in the newer ones. If I choose the Check-in pending changes from the source control explorer, I get an info box saying there are no changes. But if I run a compare to a single DLL between latest and workspace versions, TFS does tell me the files are indeed different.
So is the only solution to delete the files from source control and then re-add them back as the newer versions, or could I just somehow update them?
Team Foundation Server (through 2010, and with 2012's "Server Workspaces") use a "Checkout/Edit/Checkin" model for version control that differs from many other types of version control systems (eg, "Edit/Merge/Commit" systems).
In order to update your binaries, you need to explicitly check them out and update the contents. You can then check them in. This type of system is tuned for dealing with large repositories and large files like binaries since it need not scan your disk to determine whether files have changed or not.
If you prefer to work with an Edit/Merge/Commit type system, which will scan your disk looking for changes and you need not explicitly check files out, this is available in TFS 2012 (as "Local Workspaces").
Have you tried to check out for edit the file before replacing it? It works here...

Is it common for a developer to keep their NAnt.exe.config file in version control?

Is it common for a developer to keep their NAnt global configuration file (NAnt.exe.config) in version control?
And should or shouldn't the the rest of the files in the NAnt installation be added to the ignore file of the version control system?
One use of version control is as a backup. If the only copy of NAnt.exe.config is on a hard disk that dies, it will take some effort to reconstruct it (along with everything else that disappeared and wasn't backed up).
From the corporate perspective, having all of the work in progress backed up is a method for preserving assets. The corporate owner of the source code asset is assured that the asset will not be destroyed.
When there is another backup strategy, then sometimes the rule of thumb is not to put anything into version control that should not be shared with other developers. Such as customized data relevant only to one user and/or machine, or confidential information.
I keep a copy of the NAnt code for the version I'm using. This includes the .config file. This is so my build system is safe from "it disappeared from the internet" events (unlikely, but still).
Beyond that I see no reason to keep it around on your code repository, unless for some reason you've modified it somehow. Most everything in NAnt can be overridden in build files, like the target framework and so on.

Eclipse's local history...where are files saved?

Can someone explain how Eclipse's local history works?
I accidentally overwrote a file in a project but need to revert to an earlier version.
Is there a chance that Eclipse has the older file cached somewhere?
To complete CurtainDog's answer: from eclipse FAQ
Every time you modify a file in Eclipse, a copy of the old contents is kept in the local history. At any time, you can compare or replace a file with any older version from the history.
Although this is no replacement for a real code repository, it can help you out when you change or delete a file by accident.
Local history also has an advantage that it wasn’t really designed for: The history can also help you out when your workspace has a catastrophic problem or if you get disk errors that corrupt your workspace files.
As a last resort, you can manually browse the local history folder to find copies of the files you lost, which is a bit like using Google’s cache to browse Web pages that no longer exist.
Each file revision is stored in a separate file with a random file name inside the history folder. The path of the history folder inside your workspace is
You can use your operating system’s search tool to locate the files you are looking for.
Note, if your need to import your local history into a new workspace, you will need both:
to have a functional local history in that new workspace.
Try right-clicking on the file in eclipse, and choose Replace With->Local History.
If there's history available, it'll show up as a list of edit times.
But more importantly, as pointed out in other answers, be sure to put your files in version control! SVN is pretty easy to set up (you don't need a server; it can just use the file system); use it even if you aren't sharing with others.
A tip: whenever you hear yourself say "yes!", check in all of your code. 10 minutes later, you'll be saying "how did I mess that up?"
If you have lost a full package structure due to accidental deletion or svn/cvs override, select the project> right click> Restore from local history => select the files.
VonC's answer has all the information you need for finding the location of your code backups. I would simply add that if you are on a Mac or Linux, you can do something like this:
$ cd [WORKSPACE]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.history/
$ grep -rl "class Foo" . | xargs ls -lt
This will find all the versions of a file that contains a particular string (ie. "class Foo"), and sort them by date/time to easily find the most recent version.
You can use the link is very helpfull
Open the CVS view and you should see a filter for local history. You should then be able to right-click on the correct version and Get Contents or do a manual compare and merge. I'm not sure what the eclipse defaults are for keeping local history but there is a decent chance you'll be able to get your stuff back if you act quickly.