Custom annotations in cypress gherkin - cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

does someone know if cypress-cucumber-preprocessor offers custom annotations?
Something like on feature or scenario level to define with which user test/s should be run i.e. #user21?


How to hide general ui elements in frappe framework / erpnext

What is the best approach to hide general ui options from certain desk users with lower permission roles? I would for example like to block the create workspace feature (and hide the button) for a certain user role:
Ideally I would like to also hide certain options from the following pane for certain user roles.
What would be the best approach for this. I am thinking of writing some javascript code to manipulate the dom here, but I am wondering what the best way would be to inject something like this and if it is possible to selectively inject that code in frappe framework via a custom app.

Create new custom rule for all languages in SonarQube 6

I need to add a new custom rule which will check if email is written anywhere in code. It should work for all languages but specially for PHP. I'm confused if I've to create a plugin for it or has to create a custom rule template. Any lead can be helpful. Thanks!
The list of languages that support custom rules is here. In general, you're not going to be able to enforce this for "all languages" but you should be able to accomplish this for PHP by creating a plugin and implementing your rule in Java.

How to make pluggable architecture ASP.NET5/MVC 6?

I want to build an web application(ASP.NET MVC 6) that can add modules/plugins without having to rewrite my source code.
Already read about MEF and Areas but are not helping much.
Someone who has overcome this problem that can help me?
Depends on which part of the web application you are targeting.
1.If it's in the request pipeline you would make a Middleware package.
2.It's it's in HTML you would make a TAG Helper package.
3.If it's an intrinsic functionality you would extend appropriate classes and throw them into a package. An example of this would be helpful extension methods or methods to add claims given a claims principal.
4.If you want to go even further you could create your own Visual Studio templates that you can use to pre-fill your options upon creation.

How to embed DSL keyword highlighting and code completion into application

I am creating custom DSL with groovy for purpose of creating rules (for rule engine). My target audience will be non-programmers.
Something like this:
when user visit page "test" within 5.days
then assign campaign 200
I would like to provide my users with at least some kind of text box where they will be able to create rules using the DSL. To make it simple and professional I am looking for a third party component to help me with the task of keywords highlighting and code completion. I read about groovy DSL descriptor but apparently thry working only inside eclipse IDE. Is there any way to incorporate required functionality into my application?
You have a bunch of code editor to put in your projects. Check the wiki
You can see a great example: Console Plugin source code

How to automate Lightswitch for metaprogramming

I really like the Ria Services approach, and I see Lightswitch as the next higher level of abstraction, but my scenario is this:
I need to be able to define a Lighswitch app without having to rely on the designer and tedious click-throughs. If I have access to the API that the designer uses, then I can automate application generation, I can parameterize it and apply custome logic for generating custom variations of the same application type, I can even wrap it within a DSL. As a programmer, I want to levarge Lightswitch for developing applications by meta-programming.
I'm a programmer. Whilest I can use the "Write Code" dropdown to insert code blocks into the Application, ApplicationDataService, EntityObject and ScreenObject classes, I would like the ability to define entites, screens, relationships and queries through code / markup / a DSL.
Obviously Lightswitch meta-programs this when I use the designer, but I would like to do it myself. What I would like to accomplish is to create a lightswitch app - without having to click through a tool or designer. In Lightswitch, the pieces are obviously there (the designer leverages them), but they are not exposed as a public API. being a plugin for visual studio, perhaps there is a VSIX API extension I can leverage for automating Lightswitch? Show me some code.
The LS team have not yet released any official API information. As you may know however, all of various data/query/screen definitions exist in the ApplicationDefinition.lsml file, located in the LS project's "Data" folder.
I would hope that API information will be made available once the RTM has been released.