Unable to modify existing properties of groups from Graph API - azure-ad-graph-api

I am trying to modify the existing Azure Ad group display name and description from Microsoft Graph API.
I am using the query below:
"displayName": "Test_Group1",
"description": "This is my test group",
"groupTypes": [
"mailEnabled": true
But I am getting the response like below:
"error": {
"code": "Request_BadRequest",
"message": "Specified HTTP method is not allowed for the request target.",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-06-15T10:32:53",
"request-id": "253a0a13-f721-4798-911f-d3ab3903da17",
"client-request-id": "8de28bb9-bafe-d186-264d-db614b05a67f"
Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? Any help will be appreciated

Please note that, you need to use PATCH method to update properties of existing Azure AD groups via Microsoft Graph API as stated in this MsDoc.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment like below:
Before updating, my group has properties like this:
To update those properties, I ran query like below:
After executing the above query, properties are updated successfully like below:


Getting "Unsupported sort property 'deletedDateTime' for 'Group'" error

I am trying to get the list of deleted Azure AD groups via Graph API by using below query:
But I got the error like below:
{ "error": { "code": "Request_UnsupportedQuery", "message":
"Unsupported sort property 'deletedDateTime' for 'Group'.",
"innerError": { "date": "2022-05-20T10:30:41", "request-id":
"2884a7a0-ee08-4484-b63a-d927310c1dde", "client-request-id":
"0ec6c500-e899-65bf-acd8-dbd786c59773" } } }
Can anyone help me with this error? I have all the required permissions,not understanding what's going wrong.
The error usually occurs if you missed adding required header while executing the query.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment without adding the header and got below error:
To resolve the error, make sure to add header as ConsistencyLevel: eventual like below:
After adding the header got the results successfully like below:
List deletedItems (directory objects) - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs

How to add Keycloak realm role to group via REST API

I want to assign the realm role "TEST_ROLE_123" to a group, I am using
PUT /admin/realms/ataccamaone/groups/{group-id}
I got group-id from /admin/realms/ataccamaone/groups/
However I get the response 204 No Content and in the Keycloak console I do not see the assignment.
I tried to reproduce your problem and find that PUT /admin/realms/ataccamaone/groups/{group-id} can only edit group name.
Inspect into "Network" tab of browser, I see it uses another URL to map roles to groups. And steps to do this via Admin REST API are:
Obtain PAT as described in https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/authorization_services/index.html#_service_protection_whatis_obtain_pat section
Following steps use this PAT as Bearer token (in "Authorization" header). I guess you've already got this.
Call GET http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/realm1/roles to get list of roles, including their name and id values.
Call GET http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/realm1/groups to get list of groups, including their ids
Call POST http://localhost:8080/auth/admin/realms/realm1/groups/{group-id}/role-mappings/realm with following body:
"id": "9083cac3-4280-497d-b973-7713a5fb12b4", // role-id
"name": "secretary" // role-name
Call DELETE with URL and body same as step 4 to remove roles from group.
I've faced same issue and corrected it with using a GROUP, Basically I've added the preferred ROLE into the User Groups ROLE LIST and used that specific user group while creating the user via REST API.
Then User creation API Request should be like below,
"firstName": "Sergey",
"lastName": "Kargopolov",
"email": "test4#test.com",
"enabled": "true",
"credentials": [
"value": "123"
"groups": [

Facebook's Batch Request not picking up a JSON parameter

My goal is to create a number of ads using Facebook's Batch API : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/asyncrequests/v2.9
I am sending a POST request at this URL:
I am sending 2 parameters as per the documentation:
1- access_token
2- batch
The JSON in the batch parameter looks like :
"method": "POST",
"relative_url": "v2.9\/act_158365238\/ads",
"attached_files": "test1",
"body": "creative={\"title\":\"Test title 1\",\"body\":\"Test body 1\",\"object_url\":\"https:\/\/apps.facebook.com\/testapp\/\", \"image_file\":\"test1.jpg\"}&targeting={\"countries\":[\"US\"]}&name=test1"
The Problem
When I send this request with POSTman or my PHP code, it throws the following error
"error": {
"message": "(#100) The parameter creative is required",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "Gj2sG7N8l1f"
However when I send the exact same request via Facebook's Graph API tool, it successfully creates the ads.
According to the API Documentation provided to create creatives you should be posting to the URL "v2.9/act_187687683/adcreatives"... The fragment of the batch that you are showing is used to create an Ad.
If, as you say, your intention is to create an AdCreative then you should be using something like the above, which differs in the body from what you are using:
"method": "POST",
"name": "create_creative",
"relative_url": "v2.9/act_187687683/adcreatives",
"attached_files": "test1",
"body": "title=Test title&body=Test body&link_url=http://www.test12345.com&image_file=test1.jpg"
In the other hand, if what you are creating is an add, then you should consider referencing the AdCreative by its ID as is done in the examples, hence in the case of a creative added in the same batch you could use the relative reference to the name:
or if it is a creative already created you can reference it by the creative_id:
I think the message is a red herring -- it's not seeing your body's creative field because the OAuth isn't properly set in your POSTman requests, so it isn't parsing the body or seeing the creative field.
If you don't know how to set OAuth in POSTman, here's a good tutorial:

Finding a group's ID by only knowing its alias

Let's say I know the group I'm interested in has this URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/framerjs/.
I've been looking for a way to map an URL like this (without any other source of information) to a specific group ID, using the Graph API, but there seems no way to do that.
I've experimented with the following:
Accessing /me/groups:
This endpoint gives out the groups I've subscribed to (within which the group I'm looking for is included), but there's no information in the response that lets me map framerjs to an ID, since the response will only contain the full (formatted) group name, such as Framer JS.
Using the group alias directly, e.g. /framerjs/feed:
This returns an error like (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: framerjs, supposedly because the API only allows using aliases for users and/or pages, and not groups.
You can use the Search API:
"data": [
"name": "Framer JS",
"id": "385961098197634"
"paging": {
"next": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/search?type=group&q=framerjs&icon_size=16&limit=5000&offset=5000&__after_id=enc_AewsQta1G58IkwuUNLJ8vZb35qrc0BS89MpO1ZiAVCRiwYjzWE_GkHRwxk6I1E5Sj2UprSuDxghIB4EJGEF8GxD7"

SharePoint 2013 - Associating Site Columns With Content Types Using the REST API

I'm trying to use the REST API to programatically create site columns and content types. Everything works fine until I try to associate my site columns with my content types.
By this point in my code the site columns and content types already exist...
I am sending a POST to the following URL...
Here is the information I am sending in the request body...
"__metadata": {
"type": "SP.FieldLink"
"Id": "9400d057-ba2c-4ab4-9ce0-671b858fd849",
"Name": "BusinessCategory",
"Hidden": false,
"Required": false
Here is the error I get back in response...
{"error":{"code":"-2147467261, System.ArgumentNullException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: parameters"}}}
I have tried several other options without success. For example, I have tried using "__metadata" : { "type": "SP.FieldLinkCreationInformation"} but everything I try with this __metadata type result in this error...
{"error":{"code":"-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"A type named 'SP.FieldLinkCreationInformation' could not be resolved by the model. When a model is available, each type name must resolve to a valid type."}}}
It sounds like SharePoint is telling me that this "type" is invalid. It seems like this should be possible with SharePoint 2013 since the documentation seems to imply that its possible...
If anyone has any ideas I would be greatful for the suggestions. Thanks!
Based on the documentation, I would try that:
Endpoint (note the /add at the end):
Body (wrap your properties in a parameters property):
"__metadata": {"type": "SP.FieldLink"},
"Id": "9400d057-ba2c-4ab4-9ce0-671b858fd849",
"Name": "BusinessCategory",
"Hidden": false,
"Required": false