Flutter web app not changes in release mode - flutter

I make flutter web app and test in debug mode. That is working. Later, Run flutter build web --release this command and then copy files from build/web to the web folder and host on github pages. All is work.
later, I fix some functions and do that above steps again, but nothing changes in github pages. Always show old web, functions. But there is changes in web debug mode. I build with flutter 2.0. How to fix that problem or how should I do?

Do flutter clean. Build for web again and upload the latest build files. Probably your ide created a build from cache

I can solve now...
Clean the build file or type the command flutter clean
Build web release with flutter build web --web-renderer canvaskit --release
Copy all of files and folder inside from web folder inside build folder build/web , to the repo and push again.


How can I run flutter web app without internet connection

I created a flutter web application,
and I finished building it with the command ..
flutter build web --release ,
and then transferred it to a local server ,
The site does not work unless it is connected to the Internet ,
I want the site to work without an internet connection ,
As I work in an organization and some users do not have internet permissions .
Please, I want a solution to this problem .
The problem is, that flutter has some dependencies, that can not be resolved when you, as the client, are offline. Mostly consisting of canvaskit and certain google fonts.
There are multiple solutions for that. The easiest being to use the html web-renderer:
flutter build web --release --web-renderer html
this should work for most applications, however it has lower performance than canvaskit, especially with high widget density.
Therefore you can also use canvaskit locally as it is automatically built when you build your release. But you have to set it as base url, by adding the following lines in your index.html:
window.flutterConfiguration = {
canvasKitBaseUrl: "/canvaskit/"
This makes sure your flutter application uses the local source for canvaskit. However, another problem could be the usage of google fonts, e.g. Roboto, as those often need to be downloaded as well. But you can just add those to the pubspec.yaml explicitly to account for that, like explained here.
Some sources for more informations:
flutter web-renderers
The same issue but on github
Making Flutter offline capable
Download and set locally from asset policy for your web application
Add link to local Canvaskit as bellow :
flutter build web --web-renderer=canvaskit
To make it work for a dev build, I incorporated Spanching's answer above in the following steps.
Run: flutter clean to clean up all build cache (this is important to have canvas kit re-downloaded in step 4 below).
Run: flutter pub get to download packages per pubspec.yaml
If you're using build runner: dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
At this stage you should have a clean /build folder (I also have an ios sub-folder as I'm also developing for iOS)
Run: flutter build web
At this stage you should have a clean /build/web added with a canvaskit folder underneath it. Full path: /build/web/canvaskit/
Open index.html under /web (note - do not open the one under /build/web)
Add the script mentioned in the answer above to the body of the html file. I just added it above the existing script that's already there.
Run your project in deubg mode (with Wifi turned off).

Stuck at Syncing files to device Chrome when trying to run a web project

I'm stuck at Syncing files to device Chrome when running the project, the same result from vscode terminal and command prompt, I only get a white screen on a google window and it doesn't seem to be in progress anymore, the steps that I made to create the project are :
flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-web
flutter create webapp
cd webapp
flutter run
I tried to check the console with F12 on the browser but it is empty.
I can run the project only in the release mode with flutter run --release, but it so exhausting to test on this mode seen that the hot reload takes so much time.
It is recommended to use beta channel for web support in flutter.
flutter channel beta

How to export Flutter project for web hosting

I have developed a web app using Flutter in Android Studio IDE, and have enabled Flutter Web from the Flutter console. In Android Studio, I am able to run the app and use Chrome(web) as my target device; and the app runs well.
Can anyone advice what is the next step to export this to a web hosting service? Like PorkBun. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Run this command in the terminal:
flutter build web
It will compile your project for the web, then you should see a generated files under [your_project]/build/web
Upload the contents of the web folder to the root folder of your hosting service. The main page index.html should run your app.

Why can't I run my Flutter app in a browser? Why isn't there a web folder?

(I did a presentation last night and had this question asked. Couldn't find it on SO so I thought I'd ask and answer it myself to help others out).
When running my flutter project, it is demanding an emulator be available but I want it to run in a browser. I noticed that there's an android folder and an ios folder but no web folder. How do I get it to run on the web?
You were on the wrong channel when you created the project. Flutter has multiple channels. To fix it, you'll go to the 'master' channel and add the web components.
Run these commands in your project folder:
$ flutter channel master
$ flutter config --enable-web
$ flutter create .
Don't worry; it doesn't clobber or remove anything when you flutter create .. It just adds the web capability. Now when you run, it'll recognize a browser as a valid environment.

Web-specific resources in Flutter

I'm working on a Flutter web app and would like to add some web-specific PWA resources such as icons, manifest file, service worker,...
I've tried to put these files in the /web folder but they're not copied into build/web/ when performing a release build with flutter build web.
What is the right approach to deploy these resources?
This seems to be fixed in the latest versions of Flutter (1.20.0). Previously I had setup a script that did this copy manually, but it's not required anylonger.