I want to make my Icons Automatically go to next Row in flutter if previous row gets completrly filled with icons - flutter

I am building a quiz app using Dart flutter in that some questions will get displayed and users have to click on true or false buttons depending upon question is right or wrong. To tell users that they are right or wrong icon (✓ or ✘) will get displayed in bottom row every time they choose answer by clicking on either of the button. But in flutter if row gets completely filled i got error
value: Not in inclusive range. So i want that icon should automatically go to next row.
Heres the short code which i tried:
List scorekeeper = [];
void score(bool userpickedanswer) {
if (userpickedanswer == correctanswer) {
scorekeeper.add(Icon(Icons.check, color: Colors.green,));
else {
scorekeeper.add(Icon(Icons.close, color: Colors.red,));
Row {
childeren : scorekeeper

You can use the Wrap widget instead of the Row widget and when the line of icon fills to the end the Wrap widget makes another line automatically
Use the code like this:
children: scorekeeper,

You can use a wrap instead of a row. It prevents overflow by displaying the items depending on the available space:


How to prevent selectedItemBuilder from moving text up

Using a DropdownButton, I need the selected item to be a different color than the list of items in the dropdown menu that appears when you tap the button. According to the Flutter documentation, I should use selectedItemBuilder. As can be seen right there in the example within the documentation, using the selectedItemBuilder results with the selected text being shifted up which does not look good.
How can I get the selected item to be down in line with the drop-down icon where it is supposed to be while having separate colors for the menu items and the selected item?
I found that this is an open issue on GitHub. A work around is to wrap the widget returned by the builder (and also the hint if you have one) in a Center widget.
selectedItemBuilder: (_) {
return items.map<Widget>((String item) {
return Center(
child: Text(item),
hint: Center(child: myHintWidget),

How to tap all items of a list or a grid in a Flutter widget test?

In my Flutter widget tests I want to tap all (or first n) items in a list or grid view.
I already came up with a solution and although it seems to work, it looks overly complicated to find the tap target again by key:
for (final element in find.byType(ListTile).evaluate()) {
await tester.tap(find.byKey(element.widget.key!));
Is there a more elegant way to do it?
You can tap at a certain location on the widget:
e.g. tapping at center of the widget
for (final element in find.byType(ListTile).evaluate()) {
await tester.tapAt(tester.getCenter(find.byWidget(element.widget)));

Flutter: How to add bullets points in a TextField?

How to add bullets points in a TextField widget similar to the Notes app in IOS?
You can use Unicode code to achieve this. Add the following Unicode ( \u25EF ) to your TextField using TextEditingController. You may also need to change the position of the cursor when adding text to your TextEditingController. This depends on your requirement and you will understand when you test this.
TextEditingController _textController = new TextEditingController();
_textController.text = " \u25EF ";
Yes. of course you need a custom button or something to trigger this event like in the note of IOS.
You can create a custom keyboard with an extra button to add bullets or a floating deck with a button like the Note app. Or simply give a button on the screen.
You need to create a checkbox (or similar button) manually when user select it and add to left of textfield. You can define variable on a Row and initialize to Container. Something like that:
Widget widget = Container();
children: [
Expanded(child: TextField(...))
//this activate bullet point
void functionCheckBox(){
widget = Checkbox(value: value, onChanged: onChanged);
I dont know if it's the best solution or if exists a plugin that does something like that.

How to programmatically call multiple widget under a stack in flutter

I've a screen with several buttons and I would like to show a sliding panel for each button (passing some information to show in the panel).
I've used this widget:
I would like to understand how I can show a widget that is under a Stack passing programmatically some information once I click on a specific button.
It is possible?
Following a brief snipped of code in which we can see the Stack that contains the SlidingPanel. I would like to be able to show the Sliding panel clicking on a specific button and passing an information to it programmatically.
The only solution that I've found up to now is adding all the possible sliding panel to the Stack and then based on the click on the button showing only the one I need, but I hope there is a better way to do this.
Thank you
return Stack(
children: [
panelController: panelController,
nameTEController: nameTEPanel,
platform: 'Instagram',
Just populate your list of Widgets inside a List. If you are using a StatefullWidget, then just call setState(() => )
You could do something like this:
List<Widget> _myWidgetList = [];
return Stack(
children: _myWidgetList);
List<Widget> _buildMyWidgetList() {
final List<Widget> tmpList = [];
setState(() => _myWidgetList = tmp);
Then just call your buildWidgets functions on the Buttons.
Another way would be to use Bloc: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc

Is there a way to automatically wrap widgets within a row

Sorry if this is a dup, I see a lot of questions regarding text wrapping, but not generic widget wrapping in a row.
I have a dynamic row of buttons within a row. I'd like to wrap the buttons to create a second row if the list becomes longer than the width of the screen. Is it possible to do this automatically, or do I need to manually detect and create the correct number of rows.
If the latter, does anybody have pointers to measuring a widget's width vs screen width? Right now I'm doing something like:
return Row(
children: List.generate(count*2 + 1, (i) {
if (i %2 == 0) {
return Spacer();
return RaisedButton(child: Text((i / 2).round().toString(), onPressed: (){...});
Row is useful when you need to organize child widgets in a single line. Wrap with default direction is an alternative to Row that moves child widgets to the next line if there is no enough space