PostgreSQL: Json function - postgresql

I have a postgreSQL column that looks like this:
"table": false,
"time": {
"user": {
"type": "admin"
"end": {
"Always": null
"sent": {
"Never": 1356
"increments": 5,
"increment_type": "weeks",
"type": "days"
I would like to extract from the json file "Increments = 5 and Increment_type= weeks). result would be -- Column_a = 5 weeks

Use the dereferencing operators, -> and ->> to get what you need:
select concat(
' ',
) as column_a
from tablename;


Check if Postgres JSON multidimensional array contains specific string value

Good day,
I've found a couple solutions on S.O pertaining to finding rows with its JSON column having a specified value.
The issue I'm currently facing, is that my specific JSON column (session_data) contains a multidimensional array, with one or several values:
"lastMessages": [
"eventId": "1",
"replyDate": "2022-11-23T05:47:18.577Z",
"replyPreview": "response-text-a"
"eventId": "2",
"replyDate": "2022-11-23T05:48:14.550Z",
"replyPreview": "response-text-b"
"eventId": "3",
"replyDate": "2022-11-23T06:23:53.234Z",
"replyPreview": "response-text-c"
"eventId": "4",
"replyDate": "2022-11-23T06:24:13.555Z",
"replyPreview": "response-text-d"
"eventId": "5",
"replyDate": "2022-11-23T06:24:30.919Z",
"replyPreview": "response-text-z"
"workflows": {},
"slots": {}
How would I go about retrieving all rows from a table where the JSON column array's replyPreview property contains the value response-text-z?
I've tried the following:
SELECT * FROM dialog_sessions WHERE (session_data->'lastMessages')::jsonb ? 'response-text-z' LIMIT 100
however to no avail.
You can use a JSON path expression:
select *
from dialog_sessions
where session_data #? '$.lastMessages[*].replyReview == "response-text-z"'
If you are on an older Postgres version you can try the #> operator:
select *
from dialog_sessions
where session_data -> 'lastMessages' #> '[{"replyPreview": "response-text-z"}]'
DbFiddle using Postgres 11

parse json in db2 with IDs field without TAG

I have the following json Response and I'm trying to parse it, in DB2 v11.
The problem is that I'm not able to so.
The values 3e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad6bbb and 4e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd
are IDs and can have up to 60 in the response.
For me to do this, I would need like a kind of TAG for those IDs to be able to select them.
Then is there any ways to do this please ? Thank You -
"3e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd": {
"found": true,
"signature": "FhNzQ3N2FjNzIxMjM1NDE3MmFkNzc4MGU1Mjk2OD111111111",
"sectors": [
"4e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd": {
"found": false,
"signature": "FhNzQ3N2FjNzIxMjM1NDE3MmFkNzc4MGU1Mjk2O2222222",
"sectors": []
I tries this ...
INSERT INTO tablejson
SELECT '22222',
"3e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd": {
"found": true,
"sectors": [
"4e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd": {
"found": false,
"sectors": []
SELECT JSON_VAL(jsonfield,'*.signature','s:1000') FROM tablejson
But what yes is working is if I write directly the ID, but this is not helping a lot as the query should be generic.
SELECT JSON_VAL(jsonfield, '4e00a201d9d1b89732bf8c7a00aa7477ac7212354172ad7780e5296803ad62cd.found' ,'s:1000')
FROM tablejson
As the OUTPUT , I would like something like 3 fields
IDs found signature
3e00a201d9d1b89732bf8... true FhNzQ3N2FjNzIxMjM1ND...
4e00a201d9d1b89732bf8... flase FhNzQ3N2FjNzIxMjM1ND...
Thank You -

Postgres JSONB function to key an array of objects, by a field

Is there a pure Postgres approach to turning a JSONB array like:
[{"id": 1, "name": "Dom" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Bass" }]
{ 1: {"id": 1, "name": "Dom" }, 2: { "id": 2, "name": "Bass" } }
I.e. same as Lodash doing:
_.keyBy(arr, 'id)
Use the function:
create or replace function jsonb_key_by(jsonb, text)
returns jsonb language sql immutable as $$
select jsonb_object_agg(elem->>$2, elem)
from jsonb_array_elements($1) as arr(elem)
Test it in db<>fiddle.

How to return data in JSON hierarchy?

For the following data tables and function in pg12
create table orders
orderid integer, grandtotal numeric(10, 2)
create table odetails
orderid integer, detailid integer, description text
create function jorder() returns json as
return query select od.orderid, od.grandtotal, ds.detailid, ds.description
from orders od
join odetails ds on od.orderid = ds.orderid;
How do I get return data in a JSON hierarchy like below?
"orderid": 1,
"grandtotal": 100.00,
"details": [{
"detailid": 11,
"description": "pen"
"detailid": 12,
"description": "orange"
}, {
"orderid": 2,
"grandtotal": 200.00,
"details": [{
"detailid": 21,
"description": "book"
"detailid": 22,
"description": "coffee"
"detailid": 23,
"description": "tea"
You should look into json functions . You need json_build_object to form the objects and json_agg to aggregate them into json array:
AS $$
'orderid', od.orderid,
'grandtotal', od.grandtotal,
'details', array_agg(
'detailid', ds.detailid,
'description', ds.description
) as order
orders od
JOIN odetails ds on od.orderid = ds.orderid
od.orderid, od.grandtotal
) as orders
Example at db<>fiddle

Is there a magic function with can extract all select keys/nested keys including array from jsonb

Given a jsonb and set of keys how can I get a new jsonb with required keys.
I've tried extracting key-values and assigned to text[] and then using jsonb_object(text[]). It works well, but the problem comes when a key has a array of jsons.
create table my_jsonb_table
data_col jsonb
insert into my_jsonb_table (data_col) Values ('{
"schemaVersion": "1",
"Id": "20180601550002",
"Domains": [
"UID": "29aa2923",
"quantity": 1,
"item": "book",
"DepartmentDomain": {
"type": "paper",
"departId": "10"
"PriceDomain": {
"Price": 79.00,
"taxA": 6.500,
"discount": 0
"UID": "bbaa2923",
"quantity": 2,
"item": "pencil",
"DepartmentDomain": {
"type": "wood",
"departId": "11"
"PriceDomain": {
"Price": 7.00,
"taxA": 1.5175,
"discount": 1
"finalPrice": {
"totalTax": 13.50,
"total": 85.0
"MetaData": {
"shopId": "1405596346",
"locId": "95014",
"countryId": "USA",
"regId": "255",
"Date": "20180601"
This is what I am trying to achieve :
SELECT some_magic_fun(data_col,'Id,Domains.UID,Domains.DepartmentDomain.departId,')::jsonb FROM my_jsonb_table;
I am trying to create that magic function which extracts the given keys in a jsonb format, as of now I am able to extract scalar items and put them in text[] and use jsonb_object. but don't know how can I extract all elements of array
expected output :
"Id": "20180601550002",
"Domains": [
"UID": "29aa2923",
"DepartmentDomain": {
"departId": "10"
"UID": "bbaa2923",
"DepartmentDomain": {
"departId": "11"
"finalPrice": {
"total": 85.0
I don't know of any magic. You have to rebuild it yourself.
select jsonb_build_object(
-- Straight forward
'Id', data_col->'Id',
'Domains', (
-- Aggregate all the "rows" back together into an array.
select jsonb_agg(
-- Turn each array element into a new object
'UID', domain->'UID',
'DepartmentDomain', jsonb_build_object(
'departId', domain#>'{DepartmentDomain,departId}'
-- Turn each element of the Domains array into a row
from jsonb_array_elements( data_col->'Domains' ) d(domain)
-- Also pretty straightforward
'finalPrice', jsonb_build_object(
'total', data_col#>'{finalPrice,total}'
) from my_jsonb_table;
This probably is not a good use of a JSON column. Your data is relational and would better fit traditional relational tables.