I'm trying to build a powershell script that I can use to delete all or some of the user profiles on multiple pc's since they often cause the drives to go full.
I found the current script which I got to work for me, but I'd like to optimize it so I can input or import a list of computers where I want him to remove all the user profiles from.
Can you guys help me to input this feature?
Current Code:
$ExcludedUsers ="admin","test"
$RunOnServers = $false
[int]$MaximumProfileAge = 0 # Profiles older than this will be deleted
$osInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
if ($RunOnServers -eq $true -or $osInfo.ProductType -eq 1) {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Stone Profile Cleanup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$obj = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where {(!$_.Special -and $_.Loaded -eq $false )}
#$output = #()
foreach ($littleobj in $obj) {
if (!($ExcludedUsers -like $littleobj.LocalPath.Replace("C:\Users\",""))) {
$lastwritetime = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($littleobj.localpath)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -Force ).LastWriteTime
if ($lastwritetime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$MaximumProfileAge)) {
$littleobj | Remove-WmiObject
# $output += [PSCustomObject]#{
# 'RemovedSID' = $littleobj.SID
# 'LastUseTime' = $litteobj.LastUseTime
# 'LastWriteTime' = $lastwritetime
# 'LocalPath' = $littleobj.LocalPath
# }
#$output | Sort LocalPath | ft
#$output | Sort LocalPath | ft * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 4096 | Out-File -filepath "C:\MyOutput.TXT" -append -Encoding Unicode
Write-EventLog –LogName Application –Source "Stone Profile Cleanup" –EntryType Information –EventID 1701 -Category 2 -Message ("Profiles older than $MaximumProfileAge days have been cleaned up")
}$ExcludedUsers ="adminbholemans","testbholemans1"
$RunOnServers = $false
[int]$MaximumProfileAge = 0 # Profiles older than this will be deleted
$osInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
if ($RunOnServers -eq $true -or $osInfo.ProductType -eq 1) {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Stone Profile Cleanup" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$obj = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_UserProfile | Where {(!$_.Special -and $_.Loaded -eq $false )}
#$output = #()
foreach ($littleobj in $obj) {
if (!($ExcludedUsers -like $littleobj.LocalPath.Replace("C:\Users\",""))) {
$lastwritetime = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$($littleobj.localpath)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat" -Force ).LastWriteTime
if ($lastwritetime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$MaximumProfileAge)) {
$littleobj | Remove-WmiObject
# $output += [PSCustomObject]#{
# 'RemovedSID' = $littleobj.SID
# 'LastUseTime' = $litteobj.LastUseTime
# 'LastWriteTime' = $lastwritetime
# 'LocalPath' = $littleobj.LocalPath
# }
#$output | Sort LocalPath | ft
#$output | Sort LocalPath | ft * -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 4096 | Out-File -filepath "C:\MyOutput.TXT" -append -Encoding Unicode
Write-EventLog –LogName Application –Source "Stone Profile Cleanup" –EntryType Information –EventID 1701 -Category 2 -Message ("Profiles older than $MaximumProfileAge days have been cleaned up")
I found this piece of code for the computer input but I'm not sure how I can implement it properly.
Get-CimInstance -ComputerName SRV1,SRV2,SRV3 -Class Win32_UserProfile | Where-Object { $_.LocalPath.split('\')[-1] -eq 'UserA' } | Remove-CimInstance
Thanks for the help everyone.
Get-CimInstance -ComputerName SRV1,SRV2,SRV3 -Class Win32_UserProfile | Where-Object { $_.LocalPath.split('')[-1] -eq 'UserA' } | Remove-CimInstance
Do u test it before? Work OK?
I have this script that I need to use to retrieve the data of a particular user "ADTuser" from a list of servers the script works well, but the output file with my user add also other users' detail that is not needed for my final output how can I filter it to only the user that I need.
get-content C:\servers.txt | foreach-object {
$Comp = $_
if (test-connection -computername $Comp -count 1 -quiet) {
([ADSI]"WinNT://$comp").Children | ?{$_.SchemaClassName -eq 'user' } | %{
$groups = $_.Groups() | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}
$_ | Select #{n='Computername';e={$comp}},
#{n='Memberof';e={$groups -join ';'}},
#{n='status'; e={if($groups -like "*Administrators*"){$true} else{$false}}}
} Else {Write-Warning "Server '$Comp' is Unreachable hence Could not fetch data"}
} | Out-File -FilePath C:\users.txt
This should be an easier way of doing what you're looking for, Get-CimInstance and Get-CimAssociatedInstance have been around since PowerShell 3:
Get-Content C:\servers.txt | ForEach-Object {
$computer = $_
try {
$query = Get-CimInstance Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='ADTuser'" -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction Stop
foreach($object in $query) {
$membership = Get-CimAssociatedInstance -InputObject $object -ResultClassName Win32_Group -ComputerName $_
Computername = $_
UserName = $object.Name
Memberof = $membership.Name -join ';'
Status = $membership.Name -contains 'Administrators'
catch {
Write-Warning "Server '$computer' is Unreachable hence Could not fetch data"
} | Export-Csv C:\users.csv -NoTypeInformation
If that doesn't work for you, your code would require a simple modification on your first filtering statement:
Where-Object { $_.SchemaClassName -eq 'user' -and $_.Name.Value -eq 'ADTuser' }
It's important to note that Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet is not a relevant test for this script, this command is testing for ICMP response and adsi over WinNT requires RPC connectivity as well SMB.
Putting it all together with minor improvements the script would look like this:
Get-Content C:\servers.txt | ForEach-Object {
if (-not (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet)) {
Write-Warning "Server '$_' is Unreachable hence Could not fetch data"
$computer = $_
if($_.SchemaClassName -ne 'user' -and $_.Name.Value -ne 'ADTuser') {
$groups = $_.Groups().ForEach([adsi]).Name
Computername = $computer
UserName = $_.Name.Value
Memberof = $groups -join ';'
Status = $groups -contains 'Administrators'
} | Export-Csv C:\users.csv -NoTypeInformation
I have powershell script to pull down hotfixID, installedon, lastbootuptime and freespace in C drive. (I googled around and changed couple of things I need.) when the Pc is not reachable it will
Write-Warning "$_ cannot be reached, skipping."
I also want to capture the computer name of the failed PC to my CSV. I tried
| Export-Csv C:\test\computerDetails.csv -NoTypeInformation
or append but seems like its not working. can someone please help? below is my whole script.
(Get-Content C:\test\serverlist.txt).Trim() | ForEach {
If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet)
$update = Get-CimInstance Win32_QuickFixEngineering -ComputerName $_ | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$os = Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $_
$disk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $_ -Filter "DeviceID='C:'"
$props = #{
ComputerName = $_
HotFixID = $update.HotFixID
InstalledOn = $update.InstalledOn
lastbootuptime = $os.LastBootUpTime
FreeSpace_GB = $disk.FreeSpace / 1GB
New-Object PsObject -Property $props
Else {
Write-Warning "$_ cannot be reached, skipping." | Export-Csv C:\test\computerDetails.csv -NoTypeInformation
} | Sort ComputerName |
Select ComputerName,HotFixID,InstalledOn,lastbootuptime,FreeSpace_GB |
Export-Csv C:\test\computerDetails.csv -NoTypeInformation
Main problem with adding it to the CSV is that it is a string. If you treat the erroneous machines the same as successful ones, then you can throw them in the same CSV.
I have added an ArrayList there as the storage variable and then for each computer it creates a temp PSObject to store your results in, overwriting the variable each loop but not before dumping the variable into the ArrayList for export at the end.
$Errors = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
(Get-Content C:\test\serverlist.txt).Trim() | ForEach {
$Temp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet) {
$update = Get-CimInstance Win32_QuickFixEngineering -ComputerName $_ | Sort-Object InstalledOn -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$os = Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $_
$disk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $_ -Filter "DeviceID='C:'"
$props = [ordered]#{
ComputerName = $_
HotFixID = $update.HotFixID
InstalledOn = $update.InstalledOn
lastbootuptime = $os.LastBootUpTime
FreeSpace_GB = $disk.FreeSpace / 1GB
Error = "Success"
$Temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $props -TypeName temp
} Else {
$props = [ordered]#{
ComputerName = $_
Error = "Cannot be reached"
$Temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $props -TypeName temp
Write-Warning "$_ cannot be reached, skipping."
$Errors.Add($Temp) > $null
$Errors | Export-Csv C:\temp\computerDetails.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
I will create (with PowerShell script) a table and add the result(Positive/negative) to it.
I have a text file computers.txt, in which all PCs are listed.
Like this
CSNAME Hotfixinfo
PC1 is installed
PC2 is not installed
PC3 is installed
With my actual script I can only see the positive result.
Get-Content .\computers.txt | Where {
$_ -and (Test-Connection $_ -Quiet)
} | foreach {
Get-Hotfix -Id KB4012212 -ComputerName $_ |
Select CSName,HotFixID |
ConvertTo-Csv |
Out-File "C:\$_.csv"
I'd suggest parsing through and handling the positive and negative results (also faster than the pipeline ForEach-Object):
:parse ForEach ($Computer in (Get-Content C:\Path\computers.txt))
If (Test-Connection $Computer -Quiet)
$Result = Get-Hotfix -Id KB4012212 -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
If ($Result)
$Result |
Select-Object -Property CSName,HotFixID |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
Out-File "C:\$Computer.csv"
Continue :parse
"`"CSName`",`"HotFixID`"`r`n`"$Computer`",`"NUL`"" |
Out-File "C:\$Computer.csv"
} Else { Write-Host 'Unable to connect to $Computer' }
I'm using the following script and it creates the out file correctly, but it's empty. I'm not sure what it's missing exactly. This is my first attempt with using workflows.
workflow DisableIISParallel
$ScriptPath = "C:\Scripts\Server_Lists"
$OLD = "Legacy-Servers"
$OldList = Get-Content "$ScriptPath\$OLD.txt"
function DisableIIS ($appName) {
$objHostStr = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry([string]$objHost).HostName
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $objHostStr { iisreset /stop }
Set-Service -Name W3SVC -StartupType Disabled -Status Stopped -ComputerName $objHostStr
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -ComputerName $objHostStr |
where { $_.name -eq "W3SVC" } |
Format-Table -Property #{Expression={$_.PSComputerName};Label="Server";width=18},
#{Expression={$_.Status};Label="Status";width=10} |
Format-List | out-string -s | ? {$_} | Out-File C:\Scripts\Output\$appName.log -Append
Write-Output "" | Out-File C:\Scripts\Output\$appName.log -Append
foreach -parallel($objHost in $OldList)
$appName = $OLD
DisableIIS $appName
This bit is not right:
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -ComputerName $objHostStr |
where { $_.name -eq "W3SVC" } |
Format-Table -Property #{Expression={$_.PSComputerName};Label="Server";width=18},
#{Expression={$_.Status};Label="Status";width=10} |
Format-List | out-string -s | ? {$_} | Out-File C:\Scripts\Output\$appName.log -Append
You should not run the output of one format command (Format-Table) into another format command (Format-List).
Try this (assuming you want tabular format - if not, change the Format-Table to Format-List):
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -ComputerName $objHostStr |
where { $_.name -eq "W3SVC" } |
Format-Table #{Expression={$_.PSComputerName};Label="Server";width=18},
#{Expression={$_.Status};Label="Status";width=10} >> C:\Scripts\Output\$appName.log
And pass in all the variables required to the function e.g.:
function DisableIIS ($appName, $objHost) {
foreach -parallel($objHost in $OldList)
$appName = $OLD
DisableIIS $appName $objHost
I'm sure there is a simple solution, but I'm stuck. The output in the members column is like this
{domain\Domain Admins, domain\joerod...
How can I show the
value on each line?
Function Get-AdminGroups{
foreach($i in (Get-Content C:\Users\joerod\Desktop\remove_users.txt)){
#test if machine is on the network
if (-not (Test-Connection -computername $i -count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Warning "$i is Unavalible"
else {
(invoke-command {
$members = net localgroup administrators |
? {$_ -AND $_ -notmatch "command completed successfully"} |
select -skip 4
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} -computer $i -HideComputerName |
Select * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID )
Get-AdminGroups |ft
Iterate through $members and make an object for each one. This creates an empty array, loops through the computers in your text file, and in that loop it pulls a list of the local administrators, and for each one it creates a custom object just like you are doing, and it adds it to that array.
$Results = #()
foreach($i in (GC C:\Users\joerod\Desktop\remove_users.txt)){
#test if machine is on the network
if (!(Test-Connection -computername $i -count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Warning "$i is Unavalible`r"
invoke-command {
$members = net localgroup administrators |?{$_ -AND $_ -notmatch "command completed successfully"} | select -skip 4
ForEach($member in $members){
$Results += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} -computer $i -HideComputerName # | Select * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID
$Results | FT