Apple TV UISearchViewController, how to set more languages options - swift

I'm trying to implement the UISearchViewController on tvos.
It shows a collection of the alphabet buttons and gives the option to use the remote instead of typing and use an iphone keyboard instead of the search bar UI.
The problem is that there is no button to change language ( the one that looks like a globe ) visible when the system language is set in English.
When the system is set in Hebrew the button to change language is visible and I can change between English and Hebrew.
Is there an option to add Hebrew and even force the search bar to start with Hebrew keyboard ?
Without changing the system language.


customization of iphone key panel in xcode

I am developing a iphone app in different language and now i have to change the key panel layout.
Image is given below
I want to change the return button text in different language . This can be possible? If it is, then give me some advice for that.
The language of the keyboard is the user's choice. If he's from Germany he probably set the OS and the keyboard to German too. Try going to the Settings app and change the keyboard.

Change the language of iOS virtual keyboard "previous", "next", "done" buttons

Is there any way with jQuery-Mobile to change the language of the buttons displayed in the top bar of an iPhone/iPad virtual keyboard or to change the texts or remove them at all?
I have seen the language of the "space" and "Go" buttons inside the keyboard depend on the phone language and that is correct, but the buttons in the top bar of the keyboard are always displayed in English to me and I can not find the way to change them...
I am refering to these buttons.
I guess the answer is that if you are using Safari the answer is that it will use the system language, but if you wrap your application with i.e. PhoneGap you can set the 'CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations' to 'Yes' in your info.plist file in Xcode.
No you can not change the the language of those buttons.
They are set the system language, so if I set my device to Dutch, those button will be displayed in Dutch.

changing language programmatically

I'm developing an iphone app and want to have the option to programmatically change the language. For example the user can change the language for spell checking and auto-correction by tapping on the world icon on the iphone keyboard, but the problem is that my app has a custom keyboard so I dont have that key.
Is there a way to create a functionality similar to that world icon key so that I could offer language choices available on the device and the user could select one?
I think Milad isn't asking how to change the language per se, but how to change the keyboard type. If so, then I don't think this is possible.
Don't forget that a certain keyboard doesn't necessarily lock into a specific language, like how I can type English using Japanese keyboard. And that certain languages have several keyboard types (Chinese has 3 or 4).

How to change the language of UIkeyboard in iphone Programmatically?

Is it possible to change the language of keyboard in iphone Programmatically? In my app, I want change the appearance of key board to Dutch language, how to do this?
its depend upon your phone settings. There is no need of code. if your phone language id dutch then keyboard also shows dutch language. but make sure that don't write kay board type UIkeyboardtypealphatebic , becoz if you write this then default english keyboard appears. So remove it from your code...

Can you override the iPhone keyboard locale at runtime?

I need to create an iPhone app that supports user input in multiple languages. The user needs to be able to change his input language at runtime between English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Is there any way through the iPhone SDK to display a keyboard for a language other than the user's default language?
No, you can't change the keyboard programmatically.
BUT you can completely ignore the system keyboard and use your own custom keyboard. If you design your keyboard from scratch, you can then have complete control of it.
It's a lot of work, but since I have seen a few apps using custom keyboards I guess it's OK with Apple rules.
No, but note that if the user has turned on more than one keyboard in their Settings, there's a small button next to the spacebar that lets them switch languages.
Nope, your application cannot control the user’s preferred language (and thus the keyboard’s input method) - there is no programmatic control for this.