How to remove visual gap between Positioned Widgets in Stack - flutter

Even though there is absolutely no gap between my positioned widgets there is a glitchy visual gap between them. I have my Stack in an InteractiveViewer and when I zoom in and out and move about they become randomly more or less visible.
This happens with any Positioned widgets in a Stack so I've not provided any specific code of mine.

This ui looks like there is nothing that's being stacked. If you are using positioned widget then the value given maybe a problem. For this layout you can try adding all images ina column


How to use SizeTransition with Text inside a Row without overflows

Problem summary
I'm building simple animation in which, simply, a panel expands to the right on a onTap event. The layout can be summarized as follows:
The panel has many tiles. Each tile has its own:
leading icon
title text
trailing icon
Each tile, when expanded, shows the three widgets above
Each tile, when shrinked, just shows the leading icon
The panel is scrollable to hold many icons such as these
At the end of the panel there's a simple icon which, when tapped, triggers the "expand" or "shrink" animation
The animation is built with an AnimatedContainer on the panel and a SizeTransition on the single tiles (via one single controller on the parent class)
The problem is simple: when the tiles shrink, their inner text overflows in the row.
Sample code
I just made this reproducible example on DartPad.
The obvious solution isn't helping me out
The most obvious solution is to simply wrap the Text inside a Flexible Widget: this advised by Flutter's docs and it makes sense, but unluckily it completely breaks my Layout.
Flexible introduces a flex factor that in this context is 100% unwanted.
I want my leading icons to be always at the end of the row, so my Spacer widget should "prevail" there.
I can't just play with flex factors there, as it would unintendedly hide text depending on its value.
Another code smell
Another thing I really don't like is the fact that I have to build a controller on the parent class, but I'm not actually using it on the parent class (I'm just exploiting it so I can give it to the children).
I'm new to animations in Flutter so I'm kinda confused on how I should orchestrate the whole thing here.
Any help will be appreciated / upvoted / accepted. Thank you!
As far as I understood you in a right way you just need set sizes for Row inside of SizeTransition instead of Container sizes
Here is your modified sample
I'd try an OverflowBox or a FittedBox (wrapping your text), depending on the result you want to achieve.

How to prevent widgets from being hidden behind the system status bar

So I am creating a new flutter widget and I am unable to understand how my app looks because of the space on top of the screen in my emulator,
As you can see there is a shaded area on top and my widgets are under it, is there any way to remove it?
Use Safe Area.
SafeArea is basically a glorified Padding widget. If you wrap another widget with SafeArea, it adds any necessary padding needed to keep your widget from being blocked by the system status bar, notches, holes, rounded corners, and other "creative" features by manufacturers.
Check this link for more.
Wrap your code with the SafeArea.
more info about SafeArea class

How to avoid animating movement when handling widgets out of view?

I currently have a listview which contain some widgets that I collapse when they leave the viewport, but this causes everything below to move upwards which becomes a really strange experience for the user.
Is there a way to have the widgets collapse without moving below when the collapse happens outside the viewport?
I use collapsible and visibility_detector to handle the collapse and the check for whether the widget is in view or not.

Scrollbar + any scroll widget bug on scrolling in web

I need to use Scrollbar widget for web as it enables scrollbar always on AND the ability to edit its size and width. I also have to use it with a child that is scrollable (singlechildescrollview, listview, etc), but after updating to flutter 2.2, I've seen that 2 scrollbars appear on screen and keeps buging the experience (can be seen when changing the size of the scrollbar in the parent).
I've tryed to disable the scrolling in the child, but its scrollbar still shows. I cant use the default scrollbar in the child, as its more geared towards mobile.
Fixed using rawascrollbar. It removes any padding when pressing on the side of the screen, and gives the ability to change the color of scrollbar (that way hides the child scroll). Better then the Scrollbar widget.

question on wrap column with SingleChildScrollView

I had problem when keyboards up, The error occured "bottom overflowed by xx pixels".
So I resolved the problem by Wrapping column with SingleChildScrollView, and I wonder how It can happen? I s there special trick with SingleChildScrollView?
It happens because the keyboard takes up padding space from screen estate. So wrapping the column with SingleChildScrollView() essentially handles that by making your screen scrollable.
Hope this helpsāœŒ
Also the second solution given by #EdwynZN is perfectly alright.
It just has one issue, if you have textfields that are in the region where the keyboard lies, the user won't be able to see them until they lower their keyboard. And that isn't considered a good UX practice.
So using SingleChildScrollView() is the best way to go, in regards to UI/UX.
SingleChildScrollView allows to scroll an area of the space if there is not enough to show the widget (in this case the column). When the keyboard appears the amount of space of the screen is reduced and it shows the overflow because the column cannot show the whole list of children, that's why you would need a scroll area. Another solution if you don't need to scroll is to change the parameter resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false in the scaffold